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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Oh the Brave American Nation!-Dr.M.K.Sherwani

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sherwani Mustafa <>
Date: Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 3:51 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Oh the Brave American Nation!-Dr.M.K.Sherwani


Oh the Brave American Nation!

             (June,28,2010 )

************ ********* ******

My prescient vision has  made me sure,

You  seem zealous to bring your doom;

Your sins have polluted the entire world,

All are the omens for ending your bloom.

Your conceit makes you deaf and blind,

Your name has become the sign of hate;

Invasion and oppression  are your traits,

To spill the blood has  become your fate.

Chaos, turmoil, carnage, vices and wiles,

All stand as the attributes of your name;

You   think : Power has made you great,

Bereft of virtue, it is nothing but shame.

I know in the veil of fight against terror,

You want to spread  terror of your make;

Now I see palpable   terror on your face,

You may   hide it  for your  honour sake.

Believe me! still it is not too late for you,

To  judge the scale  of right and wrong;

To drop your arrogant and ignorant view,

To  give this harried world a  hearty song.

Get rid of Israel - your  illegitimate child,

Or it will  bring a terrible havoc for you;

Withdraw your army from Muslim lands,

It  will give you an image, fresh and new.

Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.

Lucknow,U.P. India


Palash Biswas
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