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Friday, November 4, 2011

US drone raids kill over 120 in 2 days 04 Nov 2011

*Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government*
04 Nov 2011
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*US drone raids kill over 120 in 2
Nov 2011 At least 127 people have been killed in separate US
assassination drone strikes in Somalia and Pakistan's northwestern tribal
region bordering Afghanistan over the past two days. On Thursday, 41 people
were killed and 33 others were injured when the US military launched a
assassination drone attack on the outskirts of Hoomboy town, which is
situated in Somalia's southern region of the Middle Juba. The aerial attack
followed a US assassination strike against Jamame town in Somalia's
southern Jubbada Hoose region. At least 28 people were killed and dozens
more were wounded.

*IDF gears for 'Freedom Waves'
* --US issued official warning to American citizens advising them against
taking part in sail* 04 Nov 2011 The Gaza-bound "Freedom
flotilla, which left Turkey's shores on Wednesday is expected to arrive at
its destination on Friday, and the Israeli Navy (INF) is set to stop it
from violating the Gaza blockade - should it decided to actually breach it.
Freedom Waves is believed to include some 30 activists. The INF said that
barring any other choice, it will stop the vessels at sea. *"US citizens
attempting to break Israel's naval blockade of Gaza could face action for
violating Israeli and American law,"* Washington cautioned.

*IAF holds distant-strike
Front Command to hold rocket attack simulation Thursday
* 02 Nov 2011 IAF fighter jets have recently concluded a lengthy exercise
in Sardinia, Italy, Ynet learned on Wednesday. The maneuvers included
several scenarios, including long-distance missions and midair fueling.
Earlier, the IDF successfully completed a ballistic missile test. Previous
similar missile tests included Hetz ("Arrow") missile tests.

*Iraqi cleric: US seeking to 'occupy'
* --Al-Sadr noted the Pentagon's recent reminders that it will keep an
estimated 40,000 troops across the region*. 03 Nov 2011 U.S. plans to
station troops across the Mideast after withdrawing from Iraq amount to
occupying other Islamic countries, Iraq's prominent cleric said in an
interview broadcast Thursday. Muqtada al-Sadr said he's not satisfied with
President Barack Obama's pledge to pull all U.S. troops from Iraq by the
end of the year, calling it a partial withdrawal because of the thousands
of diplomats and security guards mercenaries who will remain. *"The
American occupation will stay in Iraq under different names,"* al-Sadr told
Al-Arabiya TV. "America is not only occupying Iraq but also other Islamic
countries," he said. "Occupying Iraq means occupying what is around Iraq,
and then to control the Middle East."

*'US spent $1trillion on arms since
9/11'*<>03 Nov 2011
The US has spent roughly USD 1 trillion on new weapons since
the 9/11 attacks, using the money that was supposed to be spent on US
troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. "The services capitalized on funding to
modernize their forces, especially the major weapons programs that
constitute the heart of the services' capabilities," a new report by
Stimson Center said on Thursday. Twenty two percent of the roughly USD 1
trillion spent on weapons since 9/11 comes from "supplemental" war funding,
which are voted on separately from the regular defense budget.

*New Report: Military Losing the Battle Against
Nov 2011 Between 2005 to 2010, a U.S. service member took his or her
life every 36 hours, according to a new
the Center
for a New American Security <> (CNAS).
"Although only 1 percent of Americans have served in the military, former
service members represent 20 percent of suicides in the United States," the
report stated. Military suicide has risen over the past 10 years, with an
estimated 18 veteran suicides a day. However, the report's authors say the
true number is unknown.

*NORAD, Quantico training exercises could create
* --NORAD also conducting calibration flights with Department of Homeland
Security from 12:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m.* 03 Nov 2011 (VA) The North American
Aerospace Defense Command is conducting another exercise starting late
tonight and continuing through Sunday involving jets and low-flying planes.
The training flights, coupled with explosives munitions training at
Quantico Marine Corps base between now and Sunday at midnight, could rattle
some residents. The NORAD training flights are scheduled between 11:30 p.m.
and 1:30 a.m., and then again from 2:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m.

*Hotel guests recruited in terrorism fight with Homeland Security TV
* 02 Nov 2011 The Department of Homeland Security is recruiting hotel
guests to join the fight against terrorism. Starting today, the welcome
screens on 1.2 million hotel television sets in Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton,
Holiday Inn and other hotels in the USA will show a short public service
announcement from DHS. The 15-second spot encourages viewers to be vigilant
and call law enforcement if they witness something suspicious during their

*Protesters block Port of Oakland
* --Police arrested more than 60 people after late-night confrontation* 03
Nov 2011 A small group of Occupy protesters has blocked the entrance to the
Port of Oakland at 3rd and Adeline. They've erected a chain link fence and
placed dumpsters at the entrance to the port. Some drivers are turning
their big-rigs around and leaving, while others are trying to get through.
The action follows a late night confrontation between some protestors and
police after a splinter group broke into a building in downtown Oakland.

*Workers, students join Occupy rally in
Nov 2011 Thousands of anti-Wall Street protesters marched in the
of Oakland on Wednesday as they geared up with labor unions to picket
banks, take over foreclosed homes and vacant buildings and disrupt
operations at the nation's fifth-busiest port. Demonstrators as well as
city and business leaders expressed optimism that the widely anticipated
"general strike" would be a peaceful event for a city that became a
rallying point last week after an Iraq War veteran was injured in clashes
between protesters and police.

*Arrests follow Occupy Oakland
David Brown 04 Nov 2011 A one-day protest in Oakland, California on
Wednesday that involved more than ten thousand people was followed by
police action in the early morning hours of Thursday, including the use of
tear gas and rubber bullets, followed by dozens of arrests. The
demonstrations on Wednesday involved the participation of many workers and
youth outraged over earlier police actions that led to the near-fatal
injury of one protester, Iraq war veteran Scott Olsen, who was struck in
the head by a projectile.

*9 Arrested as Occupy Philly Converges on Comcast
marched to the headquarters of Comcast from their base camp at
City Hall* 02 Nov 2011 Dozens of protesters with the Occupy Philadelphia
movement have converged on the downtown headquarters of cable giant
Comcast. According to<>,
"Police have arrested seven men and two women. Some of the protesters
reportedly got into the lobby of the tower at 17th Street and JFK
Boulevard. About 20 others linked arms on the sidewalk outside, chanting
slogans and singing a song about solidarity to the tune of *La Marseillaise*

*Occupying Reedsport*<>
* --Protesters want to see numbers grow* 02 Nov 2011 (OR) It drizzled rain
all afternoon Sunday, but when 3 p.m. rolled around, it was time to get out
her signs and head for Triangle Park. One sign reads "Equality, not
poverty," another declares that "We are the 99%," and another begs Congress
to "End endless war."

*Big profits, zero taxes for large U.S.
* --Tax rate for 280 profitable firms ranges from 41% to negative 58%: study
* 03 Nov 2011 The official federal corporate income tax rate in the U.S. is
35%, but plenty of the nation's largest publicly traded companies are
paying no taxes -- even getting money back from the government in some
cases -- in years when they reap big profits, according to a new report.
Thirty of the 280 Fortune 500 companies studied paid zero in federal income
taxes or enjoyed tax rebates in 2008, 2009 and 2010, according to the study
by the left-leaning Citizens for Tax Justice, a Washington-based nonprofit
research and advocacy group, and the Institute on Taxation and Economic
Policy, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research group.

*U.S. census income data shows 1 in 15 Americans rank among the nation's
rate in 35 years shows depth and reach of the recession
* 03 Nov 2011 One in every 15 Americans now ranks among the nation's
poorest of the poor, eking by on $11,000 a year or less. According to new
census data, about 20.5 million Americans are now in the bottom half of
people living below the poverty line as the gap between the haves and the
have-nots widens. By the numbers, the nation's poorest include a single
person earning less than $5,570 annually or a family of four living on

*White House to face subpoenas on
* --White House: The 'unprecedented' subpoenas are part of a 'partisan'
effort* 03 Nov 2011 A House panel voted Thursday to subpoena the White
House for documents related to the solar energy company Solyndra. The House
Energy and Commerce Committee's subcommittee on oversight and
investigations voted along party lines, 14 to 9, in favor of issuing the
subpoenas for internal documents regarding the decision to issue more than
half a billion dollars in federal loan guarantees in 2010 to Solyndra,
which later filed for bankruptcy.

*Herman Cain accuser got $45,000
Nov 2011 POLITICO has learned that one of the women who accused
Herman Cain of sexual
harassment<>at the
National Restaurant Association in the 1990s received a payout of
about $45,000 as part of her settlement -- significantly more than the two
or three months' salary Cain initially recalled the woman obtained. The
woman who received the approximately $45,000 is the staffer who Cain has
acknowledged formally
<>lodged a
complaint about his behavior.

*Cain Accuser Got a Year's Salary in Severance
Nov 2011 The National Restaurant Association gave $35,000 -- a year's
salary -- in severance pay to a female staff member in the late 1990s after
an encounter with Herman Cain, its chief executive at the time, made her
uncomfortable working there, three people with direct knowledge of the
payment said on Tuesday. The woman was one of two whose accusations of
sexual harassment by Mr. Cain, now a Republican candidate for president,
led to paid severance agreements during his 1996-99 tenure at the

*Updated: **Abbreviated CLG Newsletters and Updates Due to Power
Lori Price, 04 Nov 2011 -- Still no electricity -- day seven!
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CLG Editor-in-Chief: Lori Price. CLG Chair: Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D.
Copyright 2011, Citizens for Legitimate Government All rights reserved.

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