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Monday, August 1, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Indigenous; Green; N.A.; Elders Actions

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: thevolutionaries <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 6:15 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Indigenous; Green; N.A.; Elders Actions


These actions on Disabled Greens News and discussion:

Indigenous; Green; N.A.; Elders Actions:

This petition on Green; N.A.; Elders; Acts:

Detox Campaign, Fabulous news!
Puma, the third largest sportswear company in the world, has leaped ahead of rivals Nike and Adidas this morning by publicly committing[1] to the elimination of all releases of hazardous chemicals from its entire product life cycle, and across its global supply chain, by the year 2020. The move comes less than two weeks into our Detox campaign, and shows the power of thousands of people challenging the industry online and in cities around the world.

The question is, who will take the Detox Challenge to the next level -- Nike or Adidas. Please sign our our petition if you haven't yet or forward this email to your friends. As much as 70 percent of China's rivers, lakes and reservoirs are affected by water pollution, and the clothing industry is making it worse by pouring hazardous chemicals into the mix.

Our brand choices give industry leaders like Nike and Adidas power. Now, we need them to use that power for good and help champion a toxic-free future. By working with their suppliers to eliminate the use and release of all hazardous chemicals in their supply chains and products, these brands can detox our sportswear, detox our water, and detox our future.

Click here to visit our site and sign the petition

Round one of the Detox challenge belongs to Puma who has sent a clear message to its competitors that allowing suppliers to use and discharge toxics is simply not acceptable. But Nike and Adidas could still steal the lead by matching Puma, and then going further by coming clean about the hazardous chemicals released during the production of their products.

It's working - please spread the word today!

The Greenpeace Detox Team

P.S. Please forward this email to friends if you have already signed the petition, and help spread the word about this urgent issue by making sure everyone you know is "all in" for a toxic-free future!


[1] Read more about Puma's leap forward on our blog

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Or send a postal mail to: Ottho Heldringstraat 5, 1066 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Changes Proposed to Violence Against Women Act, Grants for Tribal Energy, and Appropriations News:

Native American Legislative Update- July 2011

Changes Proposed to Violence Against Women Act, Grants for Tribal Energy, and Appropriations News

In this update:

* Hearing Discusses Changes to Violence Against Women Act [ #1 ]

* Legislative News: Education, Self-Governance and Emergency Preparedness [ #2 ]

* Department of Energy Awards $6 Million to Tribal Energy Projects [ #3 ]

* House Appropriations Committee Approves Interior Appropriations Bill [ #4 ]

* Oversight Hearing on Tribal Emergency Preparedness [ #5 ]

* White House Launches New Native American Website
[ #6 ]

[ #6 ] Hearing Discusses Changes to Violence Against Women Act

On July 14, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs [ ]
(SCIA) held a hearing on "Native Women: Protecting, Shielding, and Safeguarding
Our Sisters, Mothers, and Daughters." In historic testimony, the Department of
Justice's Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli testified [ ]
that the Department of Justice supports legislative changes to the Violence
Against Women Act (VAWA) that would strengthen protections for Native American
women, including in cases of domestic and dating violence perpetrated by a
non-Indian boyfriend or husband. Perrelli expressed support for new legislation
which would amend the VAWA in three specific ways:

* Recognize the authority of certain tribes to exercise concurrent criminal
jurisdiction (along with state or federal jurisdiction, depending on the
tribe) over domestic violence cases, regardless of whether the defendant is
an Indian or non-Indian,

* Clarify the full civil jurisdiction of tribal courts to issue and enforce
certain protection orders against Indians and non-Indians, and

* Amend the federal assault statute to increase the maximum sentences from six
months to one to ten years for three types of assault frequently committed
against Indian women if such assault is committed by a non-Indian against an
Indian woman in Indian Country.

The Department of Justice formally submitted a legislative proposal [ ]
to accomplish these goals on July 21 to President of the Senate and Vice
President Biden, and to House Speaker Boehner. Tribal advocates are lobbying
Congress to support these proposals to amend and reauthorize the Violence Against
Women Act this year. See FCNL's Indian Report [ ]
on domestic violence in Indian Country.

[ ] Legislative
News: Education, Self-Governance and Emergency Preparedness

On June 23, SCIA Chairman Daniel Akaka (HI) introduced the Native Culture,
Language and Access to Success in Schools Act (or Native CLASS). The bill (S.
1262) [ ] would amend a
handful of laws such as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to improve many aspects of Indian
education. Among its many provisions, the bill would do the following:

* Direct the incorporation of Native language and culture in educational

* Increase culturally appropriate curricula for at-risk children,

* Provide for alternative licensure of Native language instructors and
authorize the use of a Native language as the language of instruction,

* Increase funding for teacher recruitment and retention,

* Authorize new programs, including an Indian school turnaround program for
poorly-performing schools, programs for at-risk youth, alternatives to
detention, and Native language instruction training, and,

* Increase consultation requirements for state and local education agencies
with tribes.

The SCIA held a hearing [ ]
on Native CLASS on June 30. Among the committee members, federal agency
representatives, tribal organization witnesses, and tribal education witnesses,
there was little debate surrounding the importance of education grounded in
Native language, tradition, and culture; and the need for strategies to improve
education in Indian Country. Witnesses raised some additional issues including
teacher training and retention, limited research on culture-based education,
cultural bias in testing, and coordination with states.

On July 7, Rep. Dan Boren (OK) and others introduced legislation called the
Department of the Interior Tribal Self-Governance Act of 2011 ( H.R. 2444 [ ] ),
which would amend the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. The
amendment would guarantee greater legal authority to tribes which wish to pursue
the transfer of authority from the federal government's Department of the
Interior to tribal program administration.

On June 24, Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ) and others introduced legislation ( H.R. 2380 [ ] )
that would define procedures for effective consultation and coordination by
federal agencies with federally recognized Indian tribes. It would ensure that
meaningful tribal input would be an integral part of federal decision-making
processes that affect Indian country. The bill was referred to the House
Committee on Natural Resources.

[ ] Department of Energy
Awards $6 Million to Tribal Energy Projects

On July 21, the Department of Energy awarded a total of $6.3 million over two
years in grants to 31 tribal energy projects to promote energy development in
Indian Country. The funds were approved last year as authorized under Title V of
the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The awards will go towards feasibility studies,
first steps planning, and installation projects. See the DOE press release [ ]
and find out more [ ]
about the projects.

[ ] House
Appropriations Committee Approves Interior Appropriations Bill

The House of Representatives has been debating funding levels for the Department
of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Bureau of Indian Education, and
many other Native American programs. The bill for fiscal year 2012 was approved
by the House appropriations committees in mid-July , and includes an increase of
$392 million over the 2011 level for the Indian Health Service. The full House
must pass the bill and it could do so this week, but imminent passage seems
unlikely due to the pressure on Congress to address the debt ceiling.

See press releases and bill text [ ]
related to 2012 funding for Native American programs.

[ ] Oversight
Hearing on Tribal Emergency Preparedness

On July 21, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs (SCIA) held an oversight
hearing [ ]
entitled, "Facing Floods and Fires - Emergency Preparedness for Natural Disasters
in Native Communities," to hear witnesses discuss this year's fires and floods in
the Southwest and the Great Plains areas. The committee asked representatives
from several federal agencies to explain their roles and programs related to
emergency preparedness and disaster response in tribal communities. The committee
also heard testimony from Santa Clara Pueblo Governor Dasheno, whose community in
New Mexico has been affected by the Las Conchas fire and the upcoming monsoon

Senator Tim Johnson (SD), in his opening statement, touched on a topic that
received quite a bit of discussion during the hearing: the need for Congress to
amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (H.R.
1953), introduced on May 24 by Rep. Nick Rahall (WV) and others and discussed in
last month's update [ ] .
[ ] White
House Launches New Native American Website

The White House Office of Public Engagement recently announced the launch of a
new website which is intended to provide Indian Country with an additional tool
to help navigate federal agencies and their services to tribal communities, and
to learn about how President Obama's agenda will impact Native Americans. The new website [ ] is called "Winning the
Future: President Obama and the Native American Community."


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Join Us At Our National Meeting and GreenFest!:
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Give to the Green Party

Join us for New York Green Fest and Green Party Annual National Meeting, August 5-7, 2011 on the campus of Alfred University, Alfred, NY

For all the details, check out the New York Green Fest's website here.

It is not enough to oppose toxic drilling and injustice, we need alternatives. The most difficult questions of sustainability are not about technology; they are about implementing our values. At the New York Green Fest and Green Party Annual National Meeting we will explore the politics that enable us to live in a sustainable world.

For NY Green Fest 2011, Greens will return to the beautiful campus of Alfred University in Alfred, NY. Join Greens from across the country and Canada coming to the 2011 Green Party Annual National Meeting, which is being held in conjunction with Green Fest this year.

The program features more than 30 great workshops on politics, energy, media and ecology, four forums and great music on our solar stage. Presenters include Elizabeth May, Canada's first elected Green Party member of Parliament, David Korten, author of Corporations Will Rule the World and co-founder of YES! Magazine, Tina Clarke from the Transition Towns Movement, David Cobb, 2004 Green nominee for President, and many others! Several Green Party candidates and officeholders from New York and other states will attend. And we want you to attend as well!

For a full schedule of events, click here.

Dorm rooms, camping and the Saxon Inn are available for lodging on campus at reasonable cost. Swimming is available at the Foster Lake campground this year from 11 am to 7 pm. Meals prepared from locally-grown food will be served at the Alfred University dining hall. You may register and reserve a camping space, dorm room or meals online at the New York Green Fest website.

July 28th is the deadline for reserving meals and lodging, so register today

If you need a ride, or can offer a ride, visit our ride board here. Public transportation is available to Alfred by bus and to Rochester and Buffalo by train. Bus service between New York City and Alfred is available three times a day. For more details on anything, check out the New York Green Fest website.

We look forward to seeing you in two weeks in lovely Alfred, NY!

Support the Green Party!

Contribute today. A Greener future is within our reach. Your donation today can help us bring the vision we share a little closer to reality.

You can sustain the Green Party by making a monthly contribution here.

Spread our message by joining us on Facebook and Twitter. Thank you!

July 2011 E-newsletter: Celebrating Native American Language Revitalization in Film:
Honduras Campaign Update: Global Response Travels to Honduras
Cultural Survival's Global Response Program was invited to attend a conference held by campaign partners MASTA (Moskitia Asia Takanka) in Ahuas, Gracias a Dios, Honduras. MASTA is a local governance body of the Miskitu Indigenous people, who live in the tropical lowlands in eastern Honduras. They have united with three other Indigenous groups in the region to protest the construction of the Patuca III hydroelectric dam. Read more.

Endangered Languages Program Update: Celebrating Native American Language Revitalization in Film
Last month's Endangered Languages Program event at the Library of Congress, "Celebrating Native American Language Revitalization in Film," drew nearly 100 participants throughout the course of the day who enthusiastically participated in post-film panel discussions with Native American language apprentices, teachers, and film production professionals from a half-dozen tribal communities across the U.S. Read more.

Watch the films here:
Kimachipena: Let's Come Together from the Sauk Language Department
WE ARE STILL HERE from This Land Press
First Speakers: Revitalizing the Ojibwe Language from Twin Cities Public Television. The Young Ancestors from producers Laura Kay Jagles and Aimee Barry Broustra

Mexico Campaign Update: UN Human Rights Chief visits Oaxaca
United Nations Human Rights chief Navi Pillay reported recently on the state of human rights in Mexico, after a visit to the mostly Indigenous state of Oaxaca. She noted that among all of the issues facing Indigenous Peoples in Mexico today, one of the main underlying problems regards land, territories, and natural resources. Cultural Survival's February Global Response Campaign in Mexico highlighted a specific example of this problem: the Huichol people's fight to maintain control of their land and resources in the Real de Catorce mountain range, in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Read more.

Ecuador Campaign Update: Indigenous People Take State to Inter-American Court
In 2003, Global Response launched a campaign to protect the Sarayaku people from oil companies CGC of Argentina and Chevron-Texaco from exploration and development in their territory. Since then, the community has tenaciously continued the fight to defend their rights and protect their land and now are taking Ecuador to the Inter-American Court for violating their right to life, freedom of movement and consultation. Read more.

Peru Officially Recognizes Indigenous Languages
On July 5, 2011, the Peruvian Congress officially recognized Indigenous languages by passing Law 29735, the Law for the Use, Preservation, Development, Revitalization and Use of Indigneous Languages, proposed by Congresswoman Maria Sumire. Part of implementation of international and domestic human rights law such as the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples is respecting, protecting, and fulfilling the individual and collective right to speak one's native language. Read more.

U.S. Establishes Commission to Evaluate Indian Trust Administration
The U.S. Department of Interior announced on July 7, 2011 the establishment of a new Commission on Indian Trust Administration and Reform that will evaluate in depth the Interior's trust management of Native American assets. Secretary Ken Salazar is asking for nominations from the public on candidates for the new commission, as well as feedback on the commission's proposed charter. Read more.

Guatemala Radio Project Updates
Seeking Approval for Community Media Law in Guatemala
Preparations are well underway in Guatemala City to host a conference and day of action on August 8 and 9, marking the International Day for Indigenous Peoples. The Cultural Survival Guatemala staff is working closely with the National Council for Mayan Organizations, (COMG) the National Council for the Implementation of the Peace Accords (CNAP) and the movement of community radio stations to realize this event. Read more.

Workshop on Indigenous Rights
July got off to a busy start for the Cultural Survival Community Radio Project, with two workshops held in the Mujb'abl' Yol training center in San Mateo, Quetzaltenango. The first workshop was focused on preparations for the upcoming International Day of Indigenous Peoples, on August 9th. Read more.

"Behind the Lens" Launches in Guatemala
Next door to Cultural Survival's Community Radio Project monthly training and production session, a week-long workshop on video production was also getting underway with the help of two documentary filmmakers, Hanna Adock and Karin Stowe, from the University of Winchester, England. Behind the Lens is a citizen journalism project that teaches storytelling and documentary film-making skills to empower a group of community radio volunteers to make news and tell their stories via short films on the web. Read more.

Cultural Survival Bazaars: Summer 2011

The Cultural Survival Bazaars are a series of cultural festivals that provide Indigenous artists, their representatives, and fair trade companies from around the world the chance to sell their work directly to the American public. More information.

July 23 - 24 -- Falmouth, MA

July 30- 31 -- Tiverton Four Corners, RI

Cultural Survival Quarterly: Summer 2011
• •
Safe Harbor
By Will Meadows A portrait of a Rama environmentalist who is working to protect his community off the coast of Nicaragua.

The New Urban Jungle By Bartholomew Dean, Joshua Homan, Matthew Reamer, and Sydney Silverstein
For many Indigenous people in Peru, the best way to keep their land is to move to the city and keep a foothold in both worlds. It's homesteading in reverse, giving Indigenous people new options and creating a new kind of city, one built on their terms.

If you're not currently getting our magazine, Become a member or subscribe today!

Thank you for standing with Indigenous Peoples and for your ongoing support.

Agnes Portalewska

Cultural Survival partners with Indigenous Peoples around the world to defend their lands, languages, and cultures.
Learn More

To read about Cultural Survival's work around the world, click here. To explore 40 years of information on Indigenous issues use our Search function.

Do More
For ways to take action to help Indigenous communities, click here.

We take on governments and multinational corporations-and they always have more resources than we do-but with the help of people like you, we do win. Your contribution is crucial to that effort. Click here to do your part.


Cultural Survival | 215 Prospect St | Cambridge | MA | 02139

Contact Amnesty International for Leonard Peltier:
Forwarded on behalf of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
on 29 Jully 2011:
While less than a week ago, the current heat index in Lewisburg,
Pennsylvania, is 100 degrees F. The prisoners in solitary confinement
at the federal penitentiary are not sheltered from the heat. The
prisoners have to sleep on the floor at night to get some semblance
of relief.

We received word today that Leonard now has to share his very small
isolation cell with another prisoner. We're told that the cell next
to Leonard's cell is currently occupied by three prisoners!

Recently, a prisoner in solitary at USP-Lewisburg attempted suicide.

The situation at USP-Lewisburg is critical. Please take action.

Amnesty International designated Leonard Peltier as a political
prisoner a long while ago. Amnesty International's Secretariat, based
in the UK, is responsible for the majority of the organization's
research and leads AI's campaigning work. Please contact AI and urge
that organization to immediately take an active hand in this crisis:

Telephone: +44-20-74135500
Fax number: +44-20-79561157 Address:
1 Easton Street
Web Form:


Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Friends of Peltier

Call to Action on Behalf of Leonard Peltier:
Forwarded on behalf of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee, 27 July 2011:
The Attorney General of the United States manages the Department
of Justice, of which the Bureau of Prisons is a part. For the
next two days, we ask supporters to contact Attorney General Eric
Holder. Whether for a week, a month, a year, or 10 years... Solitary
Confinement is Torture! Solitary is cruel and unusual and was
recognized as such by the U.S. Supreme Court a century ago. Express
your concern about the impact of solitary on the health of Leonard
Peltier, a 66-year-old man in poor health. Demand that Leonard
Peltier be immediately released from solitary and returned to the
general population at USP-Lewisburg.

By Mail

Correspondence to the Department, including the Attorney General,
may be sent to:

U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

By Phone

Office of the Attorney General Public Comment Line - 202-353-1555

By E-Mail

E-mails to the Department of Justice, including the Attorney General,
may be sent to IMPORTANT: Address your e-mail to
Attorney General Eric Holder so that your e-mail will be forwarded
to his office.

August 6 and 7: End Solitary, Free Leonard Peltier:
Solitary Confinement is Torture!
Free Prisoners from Solitary! Free Leonard Peltier!

What: Candlelight Vigil and Rally
When: Saturday, August 6 and Sunday, August 7, 2011
Where: Corner of Route 15 (N. Derr Drive) and William Penn Drive,
Lewisburg, PA

* Please Circulate Widely *

Join us at 7:00 p.m. on August 6th for a candlelight vigil
to protest the use of solitary confinement in the U.S., and in
solidarity with prisoners at the federal penitentiary at Lewisburg
-- in support of Leonard Peltier, in particular. Gather at 10:00
a.m. on August 7th for a Free Peltier Rally. Native American
activist and political prisoner Leonard Peltier is currently
being held in solitary confinement at USP-Lewisburg. Rally for
his freedom -- from solitary, from prison. Demand clemency for
Leonard Peltier! Bring posters and banners, drums, candles, water,
food-snacks, etc. For updates and information on lodgings, visit Donations welcome.
Send a check or money order to the LPDOC, PO Box 7488, Fargo, ND
58106 or donate electronically. Click on the "Donate" button on
our home page at

* Please Circulate Widely *

Liberate Leonard Peltier:
On June 27, the 66-year-old Leonard Peltier was thrown in "The
Hole" at USP-Lewisburg where he purportedly will stay for the
next six months. According to what is currently known, Leonard's
cell was searched that day. A guard allegedly was shocked by a
wire attached to an overhead light socket, a wire placed there a
long while ago by one of Leonard's former cellmates. The guard
claimed "assault" (apparently he didn't know better than to touch
an electrical wire). Leonard wasn't present during the search,
having already been removed to "The Hole".

The BOP's disciplinary procedures do not allow for legal
representation for an accused prisoner. A prisoner is tried,
convicted, and sentenced without due process. Prison authorities
claim that thorough, professional investigations are conducted in
such instances, but the cards are stacked against a prisoner when a
guard is involved because the statement of a guard is always given
more weight.

Further, the culture inside is one of collective or group punishment.
Every prisoner, that is, is deemed responsible for the actions of
another prisoner.

Leonard is no stranger to "The Hole." In the 1980s, at USP-Marion,
Leonard and others protested their ill treatment by prison
authorities, including infringement of Native prisoners' religious
rights. This led to the infamous lock down of the prison that
persists to this day. Sadly, Marion has become a model within
the federal prison system despite these conditions being widely
considered inhumane: life in a six by eight foot cell for 23 to
24 hours a day and no human contact allowed. Leonard served 18
months in "The Hole" at Marion and was often severely beaten.
The isolation alone was torture. Leonard wrote his name on the
cell floor during those dark days so that when the cell door was
opened and a shaft of light filled the cell, he could read what he
had written and remember who he was.

Leonard was imprisoned at USP-Leavenworth when a riot occurred
there on July 5, 1992. A race-related incident, Leonard and other
Indigenous prisoners were trapped in the auditorium where the
riot occurred. At Leonard's direction, the Indigenous prisoners
gathered together away from the melee and didn't participate in the
resulting violence. He was thrown in "The Hole," then too--falsely
accused of having participated in and perhaps instigating the riot.

Ironically, on this day in 1789, Parisians liberated an infamous
French prison known as the Bastille. The fortress-prison often
held people jailed on the basis of arbitrary royal indictments and
had been known for holding political prisoners whose writings had
displeased the royal government.

Friends and supporters, in the spirit of Bastille Day and the
promise of justice for all, we must liberate Leonard Peltier.
Call the BOP to protest the prison's actions against Peltier.
Please send e-mails, write letters and call BOP every single day.
Solitary confinement is torture. Tell the BOP that the world is
watching and we're horrified by its inhumane treatment of prisoners,
in general, and Leonard Peltier, in particular.

Make reference to Leonard Peltier #89637-132 and contact:

Thomas Kane, Acting Director (Dr. Kane is also the Assistant
Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP)


(202) 307-3250 (Director)
(202) 307-3123 (Assistant Director)
(202) 307-3198 (Switchboard)
Fax: (202) 514-6620
Mailing Address:
320 1st Street, NW Washington, DC 20534

Mass Call-In for Leonard Peltier:
Take action now:


Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Alert: Step Up for Leonard Peltier:
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness... justice for all.
These are the lofty ideals celebrated each year on the 4th of
July. The government often confuses the saying with the doing,
however... like in the case of Leonard Peltier.

On June 27, Leonard Peltier was removed from the general population
at USP-Lewisburg and placed in solitary confinement. We know this
was not done for Leonard's protection. We also are certain that
Leonard has done nothing wrong. He should immediately be returned
to the prison's general population.

Our concern is two-fold. First and foremost, Leonard must not
be railroaded by prison authorities as has happened in the past.
Second, Leonard's age and health status are a concern. Leonard
suffers from diabetes and other health conditions. He must have
the means by which to monitor his blood sugar. He must receive
the proper diet. Leonard otherwise must continue to receive his
prescribed medications. He must immediately be returned to the
prison's general population.

For more information on how you can help, please visit

This Independence Day, exercise your rights. Raise your voices.
Cry Freedom!

PO Box 7488
Fargo, ND 58106


Time to set him free... Because it is the RIGHT thing to do.

Friends of Peltier


Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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