Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 06 June - The Global Energy Crisis Deepens ‎

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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 2:02 AM
Subject: CC News Letter, 06 June - The Global Energy Crisis Deepens ‎
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com

Dear Friend,

 If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm. You can also follow us on twitter, http://twitter.com/countercurrents and on Facebook, http://www.facebook.com/countercurrents

 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

The Global Energy Crisis Deepens
 By Michael T. Klare


Below ground, once-abundant reserves of easy-to-get "conventional" oil, natural gas, and coal are drying up; above ground, human miscalculation and geopolitics are limiting the production and availability of specific energy supplies. With troubles mounting in both arenas, our energy prospects are only growing dimmer

Corporate Profit Versus Life On Earth
 By Rand Clifford


The last year has been especially catastrophic for life on Earth, while at the same time, corporate profits have jumped a staggering 36.8%, setting all-time records. Is this a coincidence, or are the long-term implications as sinister as they might seem?

Feedback And Dis-Equilibrium In
 Human Overpopulation
 By Steven B. Kurtz


Overwhelming evidence has engendered a consensus among global scientists that the human population level and trend are unsustainable. Although we are part of nature, we may have some choice in the ongoing process of which our numbers are but one variable

US And Australia Must Stop
 Greenhouse Gas Pollution In 5 Years
 By Dr Gideon Polya


The World must take action to bring dog-in-the-manger Australia and the US to heel through Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS), sporting exclusions, International Court of Justice litigations and prosecutions of climate criminal, climate genocidal Australia and the US before the International Criminal Court

Global Temperature Rise Triggers
 Grave Dangers For Us
 By Protik Bardhan


 Global temperature is rising sharply; it has created a whole host of problems. Consequently, people living in Bangladesh and in other small island states are faced with the prospect of losing their homes, which would make them climate refugees. In the backdrop of the frequent floods, drought and natural calamities such as sidr, aila; a grave danger seems to be impending

The China Bubble: Economic Growth's Last Stand?
 By Richard Heinberg


China is no more able to sustain perpetual growth than any other nation. The only questions, really, are when its growth will stall, and by what pace and to what degree its economy will contract

Israeli Troops Murder Palestinian
 And Syrian Protesters
 By Chris Marsden


Israeli troops killed 13 protesters, after opening fire on a peaceful and unarmed demonstration at the ceasefire line in the occupied Golan Heights

Will Washington Foment War Between
 China And India?
 By Paul Craig Roberts


What is Washington's solution for the rising power of China? The answer might be to involve China in a nuclear war with India

History Is Knocking, Stop the Machine! Create A New World!
 By Kevin Zeese, Margaret Flowers,
 Tarak Kauff & Elaine Brower


If you've ever complained about what's happening, here is your opportunity to do something about it. We have the numbers. The overwhelming majority want the wars to end, the wealthy and corporations to start paying taxes, health care for all as a human right, and a living wage. The only thing that can stop us now is us

Our Tahrir Square: DC's Freedom Plaza On October 6th
 By David Swanson


Today a coalition of organizations and prominent individuals is announcing at http://october2011.org a plan to begin a people's occupation of Washington, D.C., on October 6th, to build it into something larger on the 7th, 8th, and 9th, and to not leave until we are satisfied

Australia: Trading Human Beings?(PDF)
 By George Venturini


The Australian Government is attempting to trade 800 unfortunate refugees with Malaysia, which does not have a Refugee Convention and treats the circa 90,000 refugees whom it has in the harshest possible way. Australia is trying to 'send off-shore' its obligations under the Refugee Convention of which Australia is a signatory

Secret Wars Of CIA Cost U.S Tax Payers
 Billions Of Dollars
 By Sherwood Ross


It's been estimated the Iraq war, besides making that country pretty much unlivable, will flush $3 trillion in U.S. taxpayer dollars down the Pentagon drain

Jack Kevorkian Meant Well
 By Mary Shaw


Why do we treat our dying pets with more mercy than we treat our dying people? Dr. Kevorkian saw this double standard and chose to fight it. For that I admire him. May he now rest in peace

Long Before The "Arab Spring",
 Palestinians Protest Non-Violently
 By Eva Bartlett


While the protests throughout many Arab nations are being called a Facebook revolution and are analysed as movements of the frustrated and Internet-savvy youth of oppressed countries, the protests in Palestine are extensions of protests past, the continued call for justice, the end of the Israeli occupation, and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land

Naksa Day Commemorates Decades Of
 Israeli State Terror
 By Stephen Lendman


Annually, Naksa Day (June 5) commemorates the "day of the setback" when Israel forces occupied historic Palestine, militarizing it repressively to assert control, violating fundamental human rights law by attacking a nonbelligerent state illegally

Reminiscences Of Ilays Kashmiri
 By Zafar Iqbal


A profile on the recently killed militant leader Ilays Kashmiri

Dangers Of Ramdev's Rhetorics
 By Vidya Bhushan Rawat


If Baba want to do politics, he must join it and claim it. He must clear his agenda. Every one has a right to start a campaign for himself. Dont use your Yoga classes and Vandemataram for politics. This is absolute communal agenda from backroom and again putting the brahmanical agenda on the top of our head. We must be careful

Return Of The Inquisitor
 By John Thomas


The Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC) has come out with a public statement demanding the withdrawal of the new Class 10 Social Science text book brought out by the State Council Educational Research and Training (SCERT). The author critically analyses the Church's position on the issue

Ecuador's Increase In Social Spending
 Has Lifted Many Out Of Poverty
 By Brian McAfee


Ecuador's social spending for the past four years, since President Rafael Correa took office, has almost tripled compared to the amount spent by his predecessors. An important aspect of President Correa's policies has been a noticeable and ongoing reduction in poverty

A Grave In Montparnasse Cemetery, Paris
 By Karthick RM


We need to remember Sartre today. We need to remember him to remind intellectuals of their role in a world where there is such rampant oppression and few credible solutions

Pick Your Poison
 By Joel S. Hirschhorn


While you may be fighting your paranoia about being victimized by foul weather the other ugly reality already devastating the lives of so many people is a dismal set of economic conditions. Contrary to all the usual lies by politicians about the economic recovery, a mountain of data shows non-delusional people that only the wealthy have escaped economic pain

Bahrain And An Interview With
 Finian Cunningham
 By Timothy V. Gatto


The pro-democracy movement in Bahrain that was met with beatings and outright murder by the Bahraini monarchy has been declared "over, with a return to normalcy" by the government. Continuing with its autocratic ways, they continue to "disappear" people that led to the pro-democracy movement

Countering Iran The Major Factor Behind
 US Support For Bahrain: Deepak Tripathi
 By Kourosh Ziabari


An interview with Deepak Tripathi, the British historian, journalist and researcher

Continuing Bahraini State Terror
 By Stephen Lendman


Washington turned a blind eye to Bahraini state terror

Former Political Prisoner Geronimo Pratt Dies
 By Stephen Lendman


A tribute

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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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