Monday, June 6, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 03 June - Record Emissions Of Carbon Dioxide : The Bells Are Ringing For Humanity ‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 12:57 AM
Subject: CC News Letter, 03 June - Record Emissions Of Carbon Dioxide : The Bells Are Ringing For Humanity ‎

Dear Friend,

 If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

Record Emissions Of Carbon Dioxide: The Bells Are Ringing For Humanity
 By Dr. Peter Custers

The alarm bells this time are not being rang by climate scientists or by environmental activists. They are rang by none other than the International Energy Agency (I.E.A.), the institution set up in the 1970s to defend the interests of Western oil consuming nations. On May 30 last, the I.E.A. issued a press release that sent shock waves through the Western world. According to the release, global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have reached their highest level ever in 2010

The Peak Oil Crisis: An Announcement
 By Tom Whipple

The British government and the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security (ITPOES) will collaborate on a joint examination of concerns that global oil supply will begin to fall behind demand within as little as five years

Nuclear Fusion: The Elusive Genie
 By Ugo Bardi

So, what is that we are seeking for, exactly? What miracle do we expect to receive from fusion power? It looks like we are looking for some magical lamp buried in the sand, out of which a magic genie will come out and save us from ourselves. We started looking in the 1950s and it seems that we haven't grown up, yet

In The World After Abundance
 By John Michael Greer

It is crucial for individuals, families, and community groups to start shifting over to the habits of energy use that will make sense in the world after abundance, to work through the learning curve and develop the skills and technologies that will be there to pick up the pieces when the legacy technologies of our fading age of excess finally grind to a halt

Spiritual Environmentalism: Healing Ourselves
 By Replenishing The Earth
 By Wangari Maathai

While a certain tree, forest, or mountain itself may not be holy, the life-sustaining services it provides—the oxygen we breathe, the water we drink—are what make existence possible, and so deserve our respect and veneration. From this point of view, the environment becomes sacred, because to destroy what is essential to life is to destroy life itself

God Bless America. And Its Bombs
 By William Blum

The United States is an equal-opportunity bomber. The only qualifications for a country to become a target are: (A) It poses an obstacle — could be anything — to the desires of the American Empire; (B) It is virtually defenseless against aerial attack

I Have Zero Respect For The Mainstream Media:
 Gilad Atzmon
 Interview By Silvia Cattori

Jazz saxophonist Gilad Atzmon has a blog where he denounces the policy of his country of origin, Israel. He is not afraid to bluntly tell what he regards to be the truth. He is impervious to the concept of self-censorship. He tells here how little respect he has for the Western press

Forty-Four Years Of Occupation
 By Stephen Lendman

Palestine has been under criminal occupation for 44 years. During that time, (Israel) committed the worst crimes against humanity, violating every international instrument. The occupier has killed tens of thousands of our struggling people, most of them defenseless civilians. There have been over 800,000 instances of imprisonment. Tens of thousands of people have been injured, 30% left with permanent disabilities

Spain: Public Outrage Or Political Consciousness?
 By Agustín Velloso

For the good of democracy, justice, liberty, and socialism, let us hope that this is the indignados' hour to shine. But it won't be so by their indignation alone, or by their youth, or even their mere unemployment, but by an increased awareness of their lot and by working to change it in their favor, alongside all of those who suffer under the heel of the political-corporate democratic alliance

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Palash Biswas
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