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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Interesting Feedback on post re: Huma Abedin (and Congressman Weiner)

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Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 10:47 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Interesting Feedback on post re: Huma Abedin (and Congressman Weiner)


11006 Veirs Mill Rd, STE L-15, PMB 298
Silver Spring, MD. 20902
RAJAB 1432 A.H.
(June 9, 2011)
Assalaamu Alaikum (Greetings of Peace):
What follows are some representative e-mail responses to my commentary on Huma Abedin and Congressman Weiner. Those that came through online groups have the names attached to them; those that were sent privately to me, do not. At the end of this post I've made a final statement on this issue.
May ALLAH accept this effort at self-criticism and clarity. Ameen.

Dear Br. Mauri: As-salaamu `alaikum!

As always, your measured observations and in this case the interesting biographical material are welcomed and valued. To the highly secular media, the mere act of fasting in Ramadan is sufficient to classify a professing Muslim as a practicing Muslim. Weiner's betrayal of a wife of less than twelve months makes him an unworthy mate for a decent woman. regardless of the degree of her observancy of Islam or any Abrahamic faith.  His subsequent lying to both her and the public demonstrates  that he is unfit for any position of public trust. Weiner's brutal Zionism should have been a warning to Huma, but "how many Signs in the heavens and the earth do they pass by? Yet they turn (their faces) away from them!" (12:105).

Jazaakum Allah al-khair!

(A Brother in Maryland)

Please take me off your mailing list. This email is absolutely shameful.  You claim to not wish her ill, but your scorn is evident. Pathetic.
(Following a brief, inquiring response from me, the sister elaborated further)
I agree that opinions are essential, even ones that I might disagree with, but the tone of your email was judgmental and harsh.  People do things, mistakes are made and we should not laugh at them from our seemingly high altar.  We are all capable of falling.  Then what?  Are you so secure that you know that no disgrace shall ever befall you?  That no decision you make will be laughed at by others? Maybe it's my job, but I dont' ever feel the urge or, rather, I don't feel that I'm in a position to judge others.  Especially when it's not the end of days.  There is a difference between teaching a lesson, and showing scorn.
As for the follow up emails on the topic, I can't respond. There is a point at which a dialogue is a fool's folly.  I am not a good muslim, not by a long shot.  But, knowing a few people who consider themselves 'good' or 'better' I'm greatful that the only one I have to prove anything to is Allah.  He seems far more forgiving.
(A Sister in Maryland)
while in general  share some of your questions, I dont know that it is necessary to say anything about Abedin at this stressful time, esp about her religious practice. From speaking to Congressman Weiner in a couple of events/meetings in NY, it sounds like she is indeed quite serious and does her prayers, fasts etc, has faith etc. She may even be committed to social justice -- the problem of elites you seem to be referring to is not limited to the USA and in fact is a very old issue in our community.
Weiner is a zionist but I do believe that he would be "one we can do business with" ie that he is in no ways a supporter of the settlers and that he would be the sort of person who could actually effect some reform--even though the Jews of Israel (and the US) have been moved far rightward from where they used to be. Someone with his views potentially would have the credibility and power to make some compromises and along with his wife they may still be able to do that. Compromise is the only way here but it needs to be a good deal.
Too bad he is not more mature-- he has some growing up to do. Weiner may be a naughty boy and one who somehow has a hunger that wont be satisfied... but his colleagues on the hill, while perhaps less colorful, are errand boys for the rich and sinister interests that roam the halls of power.... call me liberal but I find that more troubling.
Anyway hope you are well!
(A Brother in NYC)
As salaamu 'alaykum

You know I debated whether or not is was worthwhile to even respond to this note, but there are just a couple of things I wanted to say.

First of all, none of us knows this sister personally, I am guessing, so we are in no position to make judgment calls about her life.  We don't know how "religious" she is or isn't.  Period.  We can pretend like there are certain litmus tests for what makes a person a "practicing" Muslim but let's keep it real--most of those indicators are external factors and they really aren't always reliable indicators of a person's station with Allah.  I've known plenty of hijabbed, thowbed, in the masjid, miswak-chewing, Ramadan-fasting Muslims who lie, cheat on their spouses, are stingy, rude, wife-beaters, alcoholics, who skip out on child support, whatever, you name it.  But 9 times out of 10, they'll be accepted into the club of "practicing" simply because they look the part.

Does that mean following the outward rules of Islam is not important?   Absolutely not.  But Allah tests EVERYONE (we are in fact told that He tests those whom He loves quite a bit), so it's really problematic for me to see a message that sounds almost gleeful about the fact that this particular sister (and yes, regardless of what any of us may think of her life choices, as long as she believes in the shahada and identifies herself as Muslim, then she IS our sister) is suffering public humiliation because her husband doesn't seem to have a whole lot of self control.  I know sisters who haven't made similar choices, but who still have been humiliated and hurt by the pain of unfaithful (Muslim!) spouses--what would you say about them?  I guess they weren't "religious" enough so that's why it happened to them too?  What a crock.

Fact of the matter is that I seriously doubt that she asked to be thrust into the spotlight like this, and as a Muslim she is still entitled to the same rights as any Muslim with regard to her reputation and honor.  NONE of us holier-than-thou, more-Muslim-than-the-whole-ummah gatekeepers has any right to take that away from her.  Let's remember:  backbiting and slander are major sins.  Even if the one doing it wears a hijab or kufi.

(New York)
Asalaam Alaikum Brothers and Sisters:
What has happened to Ms. Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner is truly unfortunate and can happen to anyone regardless of faith or tradition.  There are certainly lessons for all of us who are public figures and community members that we can draw on from the media alone.  There is no need to publicly shame or judge someone for his/her personal choices in life that only impact him/her, Allah subhanih wataala is the superior judge of all of us.
I find the assertion made in the statement below,  specifically in this line to be offensive to Muslim women.
"As regards the wife of Mr. Weiner, Ms. Huma Abedin, the pain and public embarrassment that she now confronts should serve as a lesson for all Muslims - especially Muslim women - residing in the West."

I ask that our leaders not further perpetuate the marginalization of Muslim women and to keep in mind that in the eyes of Allah (SWT) the sinner is not judged more or less based on their gender, but on the sin they have committed. 
May Allah protect us all from public shame and humiliation.
Debbie Almontaser
(New York)
Excellent piece and commentary, as usual.
(An imam out of NYC)
I am glad someone brought this up. I know people who know this person. Let me state from the outset. Under no circumstances a woman who tick marks "Islam" on her religious affiliation is allowed by the commands set down by Allah to "marry" a non-muslim. I put the quotation marks purposefully because this is not a marriage. This is in fact fornication, and the hudood of Allah is to punish her for the crime of fornication. She can call it whatever she wants to call it. Some scholars have stated that a woman going through such a process should be declared murtad, and I am in agreement with that. Such a person:

1. misguides the ignorant muslim
2. discourages the practicing muslim
3. invariably does make statements saying that "it's okay"
4. resulting in her making allowed for herself and others what is absolutely forbidden
5. submits her will to the will of her KAFIR partner

Huma Abedin might be so confused or so enamored by her dream fantasy of having a white guy in the corridors of power that she might not even know that there is a lesson to be learned from this. Given that he said "have no intention of splitting up over this," she probably doesn't understand that she herself even made a mistake.

Brother Mauri you might not wish her ill will, but I would understand it completely and be sympathetic to those who do. These kind of people I would refer to as house slaves. I alhamdulillah, am not a slave except to Allah (inshallah). However these kind of "Muslim" women will serve as a honey trap as to how some weak Muslim men might want their wives to be. And I have no sympathy for anyone with that frame of mind.

Yes he is a Zionist, and a very ardent one. I don't think she has many Palestinians that want to be her friend. If you take the example of the Muslims who are oppressed and fighting for justice, they would be Nat Turner, and she would be the backstabbers that caused his fight for freedom to be doomed to disaster. There is no way I could ever trust a person like that. To be honest, I don't feel sorry for her at all. May Allah give her guidance, but in the meantime may she suffer.

Real Muslims need to be loud and strong that these people do not represent us, and this underscores my long held position that we have to treat the political class as adversaries. We do not give them a vote, we do not let them influence our doings, but we act as pressure groups against them. Those Muslims who are so enamored as she is need to be exposed as backstabbers, and then excommunicated. We don't need house slaves like this in our midst. We need to promote more Mauri Saalakhan's, Siraj Wahhaj's, more Harun Yahya's, etc, and we need to get out of this sick mentality (the same mentality that makes a whole bunch of Muslims to believe that 911 was done by Arabs). You seem to be in the forefront, it must be frustrating for you brother.

Z T Minhas

(A Brother who frequently contributes to )
My own concluding perspective:
There was another response from a committed Muslim sister out of DC (who I happen to know personally), that was even more strident in tone, than that of Br. Minhas - but it included some speculative opinion about something that was going around when Huma Abedin first emerged as a "public figure" associated with Hillary Clinton; and because the point of speculation can be placed under the category of rumor mongering (and thus, "gheeba" or back-biting), I won't share that particular response that was directed to me only.
(And again knowing the sister, I'm certain that her intentions were good, even if her approach wasn't the best.)
The point that I wanted to make by presenting these divergent views, is that this issue has struck a chord in the Muslim community that cannot be ignored. (And shouldn't be ignored!) They aren't just about Huma Abedin and her non-Muslim/Zionist husband. It also has to do with how we, as Muslims, view ourselves, and how we conduct ourselves as the representatives of Islam in the public square! It is also about the lessons and examples that we are passing on to those who are coming behind us!
The philosophical kneejerk reaction that some of us have about "not being judgmental" of other Muslims who find themselves in the wrong (especially when it comes to prominent Muslims) is foolish, counter-productive and dangerous. ALLAH Ta'ala has given us The Criterion (between right and wrong); we as individuals, and as a collective, must struggle to live up to that criterion as best we can -fully aware of the fact that None of us are perfect!
We must help each other strive to live up to our individual and collective potential through encouragement and criticism! (Constructive, well-intentioned, brotherly and sisterly criticism!)
When we fail to do this, we are failing in our responsibility to ourselves, to each other, and to the rest of creation; because ALLAH has favored us (as the recipients of the final revelation) to be the exemplars for the rest of humanity. Even though we are failing miserably to measure up, we have that obligation nevertheless, according to The Book of ALLAH (SWT) and the Sunnah of our Prophet (upon him be peace).  
With that said, I conclude with the following.
I meant what I said, when I noted earlier that I don't wish Huma Abedin any ill. For those of you who felt that the tone of my commentary was overly judgmental, or overly harsh, or that I seemed to be gloating over the sister's misfortune - I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE...that was not my intent.
I sincerely wish my sister-in-Islam well. I pray that she acquires a valuable faith-based lesson from this unfortunate experience, and that she is able to come out on the other side a much stronger, far more confident Muslim than she was before. I also pray that we, as a community - and especially those of us who crave the political arena, and who love to rub shoulders with the so-called political elite (despite the corrupting taint that many, if not most, of them exude) - learn a lesson from this as well.
The things that glitter, are not always gold!
May ALLAH continue to guide, strengthen and fortify the sincere among us. Ameen.
El-Hajj Mauri' Saalakhan

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