Friday, April 1, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Nuke Coded 329211 a Real Threat

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From: Captain May <>
Date: Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 3:50 AM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Nuke Coded 329211 a Real Threat
To: The Lone Star Iconoclast <>


Nuke Coded 329211 a Real Threat

(Originally published by Veterans Today)

By Captain Eric H. May

HOUSTON, 3/31/11 -- Alarmed military intelligence contacts alerted me yesterday to this disturbing story out of Chicago's CBS affiliate: Threats Claim Nuclear Bombs Hidden All Over U.S.

It's a haunting echo of what Charles Krauthammer, the Neocon Dr. Strangelove, wrote in his July 9, 2004 column, Blixful Amnesia. He denounced America for being led astray by an emerging 9/11 Truth movement. We had forgotten the "existential threat" of Muslim terror, he admonished, and he prophesied firey retribution for our transgression:

"There is no gradualness and there are no countermeasures to a dozen nuclear warheads detonating simultaneously in U.S. cities. ... A serious, coordinated attack on the United States using weapons of mass destruction could so shatter America as a functioning, advanced society that it would take generations to rebuild."

On September 24, 2004, he pushed the same message with In Defense of Democratic Realism:

"Imagine what just a handful of the world's loose nukes, detonated simultaneously in New York, Washington, Chicago and just a few other cities, would do to the United States. ... If that is not an existential threat, nothing is."

The same kind of thinking motivated Stu Bykofski, Krauthammer's fellow Neocon, to write his zealous August 9, 2007 column, To save America, we need another 9/11:

"One month from The Anniversary, I'm thinking another 9/11 would help America. What kind of a sick bastard would write such a thing? A bastard so sick of how we ... have forgotten who the enemy is: global terrorists who use Islam to justify their hideous sins, including blowing up women and children."

On February 26, 2009, another notorious Neocon, Bushman John Bolton, joined the crazed chorus advocating atomic annihilation as a cure-all for war-weariness. It was documented by a Mother Jones article, John Bolton at CPAC: The Benefits of Nuking Chicago:

"Appearing at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the nation's largest annual conference of conservative activists, Bolton, one of the hardest hardliners of the George W. Bush administration, cracked a joke about the nuking of Obama's hometown."

All of this brings us back to the present peril of being multi-nuked by an increasingly isolated and desperate Israel, aided by its fifth columnists, doing what it does best: back-stabbing an allied nation, then blaming it on Muslims. With Mossad Mayor Rahm Emanuel newly installed in control of Chicago, is it really surprising that this predictive programming story originated there?

It's Jewish terror, not Islamic terror, that worries this former Army intelligence officer. Since the beginning of the Iraq war, it has been my duty and honor to lead hundreds of veterans and activists comprising Ghost Troop, a Constitutional cyber militia that observes and reports the uncovered or covered up realities of the post-9/11 world. Our counter-false-flag experiences led us to create three state subgroups in the last year:

These are among the five states listed as threatened in Tuesday's CBS story, along with Oregon, where we have had a subgroup since 2007.

+ + +

Cryptanalysis Challenge: Perhaps the most alarming thing about the CBS Nuclear 9/11 story is the date on which it appeared, 3/29/2011 (329211). What is it about this date code that makes it double trouble?

Recommend Resources

Enumerated Endnotes

  1. Nuclear Bombs Hidden All Over U.S.,
  2. Blixful Amnesia,
  3. In Defense of Democratic Realism,
  4. To save America, we need another 9/11,
  5. John Bolton at CPAC: The Benefits of Nuking Chicago,
  6. MOSSAD MAYOR: Chicago's Rahm Emanuel,
  7. Predictive Programming of Mind Control by Media,
  8. America First Books, Capt. Eric H. May Index,
  9. False Flag Prospects, 2008 -- Top Three US Target Cities,
  10. 9/11 Missing Links,
  11. Fox News: 9/11, The Israeli Connection,
  12. 9/11 Was Good For Us! -- The Case Against Israel,


Palash Biswas
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