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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fwd: Americans are embracing Vedic Hindu Science - New age, Vegetarianism, reincarnation - not Hindus converting to Christianity, Islam.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: culturalbridgesact2002 <>
Date: Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 10:47 AM
Subject: Americans are embracing Vedic Hindu Science - New age, Vegetarianism, reincarnation - not Hindus converting to Christianity, Islam.

Ashok T. Jaisinghani wrote: "Why are Millions of Hindus becoming Christians, Muslims and Marxists?" Also read first Ignoramuses' vicious statement against the very basic foundation for the sustenance of humanity before starting on our reply. He is attacking Aryuved, attacking Vedas, the entire Vedic concept.

OUR SUBJECT: Hindus are not converting. It is the Americans and Europeans who are accepting the NEW AGE MOVEMENT seeping in very fast to save their souls. Today's USA POL SHOWS: 80% Americans believe in reincarnation and giving up Christianity.  


Ashok T. Jaisinghani:

SAMAJ MAY BHOOL HUI HAE (you got wrong notion): Most are embracing Vedic Hindu Science - America is heading towards New age, vegetarianism, reincarnation - not the Hindus converting to Christianity, Islam. Where are you getting different ideas?

Every national USA television has been showing repeatedly the world most famous reincarnation movie "AUDREY ROSE" ever since the year 1977 starring: British Actor Anthony Hopkins, Martha Mason. It is the total science of reincarnation (cycle of birth and death) provided in detail in this greatest movie for body, mind and soul and cycle of birth and death – Must see by all means if truly do not want to be misled by the Thumpers of the Bible and Islamic Mullahs – naturally all Marxists will be the thing of the past.

Over 60 million Americans are vegetarians and Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Ex President Clinton and Secretary of State Mrs. Hillary Clinton had strictly vegetarian wedding – no meat dish were allowed.

In the absence of Church enrollments, many Bible Thumpers are escaping from the USA and finding refuge in third world countries. Many churches are either on sale and or burned by Americans.

1,507 churches were burned in the United States from 1990 to 2000.

In Church Fires, a Pattern but No Conspiracy


60 Churches Burned in Post-Election Nigeria Violence

America out beat every nation on earth in burning Churches! Why are they burning? What are their motives?  Any logical human mind will say that they are not happy showing their desperation for many multiple reasons. They need perfect answers. In the absence, they are unsatisfied.   

SO IT WILL BE INTERESTING TO QUOTE THE WORDS OF FAMOUS AUTHOR AND PHILOSOPHER MR. RUPERT HUGHES: "I quit going to Church because I came to believe that what is preached in the Churches is mainly untrue and , unimportant, tiresome, hostile to genuine progress, and in general not worthwhile."

"I do not believe in telling lies for the glory of God… The Bible itself destroys the claim, of God's Omnipotence. (Why I quit going to Church)

LORD BYRON (THE FAMOUS POET OF ENGLAND) WROTE: "The basis of you (Christian) religion is injustice. The son of god, the pure, the immaculate, the innocent is sacrificed for, the guilty. This proves his heroism, but no more does away with man's sin than a school boys' volunteering to be flogged for another would exculpate a dunce from negligence."

Bertrand Russel (A Noble prize winner and distinguished Philosopher): "It seems to me that the people who have held to the idea that we should all be wicked if we did not hold to the Christian religion have been for the most part extremely wicked. You find the curious fact, that the more intense has been the religion of any period and the more profound has been the dogmatic belief, the greater has been the cruelty and the worse has been the state affairs, in the so-called ages of faith, when men really did believe in Christian religion in all completeness, there was the Inquisition, with its tortures, there were millions of unfortunate women burnt as witches, and there was every kind of cruelty practiced upon all sorts of people in the name of religion."


"You find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress in human feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step towards the diminution of war, every step towards better treatment of the coloured races, or every mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organised Churches of the world. I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion as organised in its Churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world." …Why I am not a Christian by Bertrand Russel, published by George Allen & Unwin, London in 1958 –2nd Impression page 14-15.

Europe has made a compulsory law that each restaurant must offer a vegetarian dish opposing the very basic Bible idea of consuming animals. The progress is going towards Hinduism away from animals' violence and eventually they will be lesser prone to the violence against humans.


Read for your safety and benefit, for the safety of your loved ones, you community, and your nation. These ancient studies will always remain everlasting modern than the most modern material science, never dying since time immemorial. Mahakal ends every 311 trillion and 40 billion earth years but from the viewpoint of eternity it is as brief as a lightning flash – rising like the bubbles in the Atlantic Ocean.


Why do you want to suffer through unlimited cycles of birth and death when our master has shown the path of deliverance to go back to the real home where your souls can be restored back into the spiritual planets upon giving up this present material dress – so surrender with respect and humbleness and drop your egocentric – puffed-up evil mentalities now and pay heed to the following words. Save yourself and your family from the onslaught of the Bible thumpers and Islamic Impositions.


Words of Wisdom from our Master

Acharya Sri Charan Das Ji Maharaj


We had shown your twisted inconsistent information about Swami Ram Dev; you calling Hinduism the primitive religion and also writing lies and deceitful twisted ideas such as 'So Ayurveda, which is part of the Vedas, advocates a form of cannibalism.


Based upon your very confusing and twisted ideas, our Acharya ji has firmly stated about you (Ashok T. Jaisinghani): "Your path to hell is 100% certain and there is no deliverance to your soul. You are guaranteed to be heading towards the hellish planets such as Atala, Patala, and Satala after giving up your material gross body consisting of mucus, saliva, and stool. Depending upon the status of mind and criminal indulgence at the time of giving up this gross material body (ashes to ashes); you could be heading into much deeper hellish planets. Remember in these hellish planets, suffering becomes more intensified according to the action performed but never lesser than the utmost suffering observed and seen right here on this present death planet earth (Bhulok) that you (means your soul embodied in 9 gates material gross body) are travelling.


Yes, our Master says: "Ashok T. Jaisinghani can be saved if Ashok T. Jaisinghani understands the Science of Dharma i.e. Dharm and apply in daily life."


Here our Master explains the Science of Dharm:


"The universal science of Dharm is everlasting, always modern, never dying, never primitive, always enlightening, always taking souls from darkness to light, more modern than the most modern material sciences, never primitive, immutable, indestructible, eternal, unbreakable, unchangeable, perfectly the same without deviation from time immemorial. It will not change and will remain perfectly the same for the body, mind and soul based upon the reflections of Man (mind), Vachan (words) and Karm (Action). Karmic cycle makes the destiny and with your action either you are bound i.e. materially contaminated conditioned soul accepting various material dresses (4-legged, 2 legged, snakes, mice, rats, doges, wolves, etc.) OR you are liberated soul – heading towards spiritual planets – this is the journey of your souls and you have mapped it at your own Free-Will.


The Foundation of the Vedic Science is based upon the main four pillars:


"Truthfulness"   (from your writings, nothing is found to be truthful)

"Mercifulness"  (the Bible and the Koran advise to kill animals and eat them too; also both books have subscribed to mass butchering of humans and natives were decimated from the face of this planet earth in millions – Are these any signs of mercifulness? What sort of merciful attitude do you find in their falsified religious orders?

"Cleanliness" (Both Internal and External – Look at your confused twisted mind which is dirty and totally polluted – no internal cleanliness is found in you. Simply filled with cheating propensities! In fact, you are supporting the most nonsensical agenda of those robbing and bleeding our Mother India.)


"Austerity" (Your kinds can be austere unless you give up: Violence, lies, hate, disrespect, deceitful activities, harsh nature, arrogance, ignorance, twisted and confused interpretations, fault finding habits, greed, hunger for money making schemes, selfish behavior, conceit ideas, freedom from envy and must adhere to the strict principles of "TRUTHFULNESS" "MERCIFULNESS" AND "CLEANLINESS (both internal and external).


After knowing these basic understanding, it proves beyond reasonable doubt that you are intentionally misleading, twisting and confusing by calling Hinduism the primitive religion and also writing lies 'So Ayurveda, which is part of the Vedas, advocates a form of cannibalism.  This makes the difference between boys and the man.


You have proved to be an ignorant kid walking on the dirty street under the influence of drunkard friends and consuming dead bodies of animals making your stomach as the graveyard of the murdered animals: CHALTA FIRTA PUTLA – MURDA GHAT


In the absence of Gyan (the Universal Knowledge), you are attacking the inconceivable Dharm science. If you surrender to the Great Hindu Masters with respect and humbleness (not argumentative), this inconceivable science becomes tangible and comprehensible to devotees – the Ultimate God's servants.


Everyday same sun rises from the east and set in the West – did it change its course to this date ever since time immemorial? This ancient science what you have labeled to be primitive is in fact always green, shining like the sun. To remove the darkness of your mind and ugly nature contaminated with all sorts of infectious diseases, germs, unlimited dirty mindful ideas, it is time that you surrender submissively under the total guidance of great Hindu Masters who have seen the Absolute Truth.


Ashok, you must never forget that the end of Islam and the religious orders based upon the Bible are coming to an end and only the Science of Dharm will prevail on this planet earth. Either you revert back and catch the righteous train with total understanding so your soul can be restored back to the spiritual planets or continue to remain in the company of dogs, evil wolves, criminals, drunkards, murderers of animals and consumers, liars, greedy heading towards accepting the bodies of mice and rats.


Did you know that the stomach and intestinal tract of animals such as: cows, goats, pigs, giraffes, horses are grounded to get you hamburger patties that is your famous Western Modern Burgers that you relish with your children and then complain about cancer. Your kinds relish under the instructions of your confused religious orders - meaning literally eating feces (shit) of the animals grounded with the stomach and intestinal tracts that your kinds cherish and call the feast of the Bible and the Koran.




Jai Sri Krishn,

All glories to god, goddesses and devotees

Professor Joe Martin (Swami Gopal Das)

Under the guidance of our Master Acharya Charan Das Ji Maharaj



--- On Fri, 4/22/11, bhagavaandaas tyaagi <> wrote:
From: bhagavaandaas tyaagi <>
Subject: Re: Why are Millions of Hindus becoming Christians, Muslims and Marxists?
To: "N Hirani" <>
Date: Friday, April 22, 2011, 12:20 PM


Ashok T. Jaisinghani---- go to a shrink and get your head checked ---- you congi payed  ''BHAADE KAA TATTUU'' भाड़े का टट्टू'' ---- or ZEBRA with black and white strips --- you are WHITE BRITISH [ white strips ] with BLACK HEART [ black strips ] means with  WHITE EVIL HEART  LIKE SONIAA GAANDHII to destroy HINDUSTHAAN ---- YOU TRAITORS LEAVE INDIA AND GO TO ANY CHRISTIAN COUNTRY TO LIVE THERE ----   

From: N Hirani <>
To: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <>; Aniruddh Dave. <>; B. Gandhi. <>; Bharat Darji. <>; Bharat Karani. <>; Bhimji. <>; Dr Madhukar Ambekar. <>; Hindu Voice. <>; Jayant Madhapariya. <>; NaranBhai (Bhuj). <>; News- Aajkaal (Mandvi) <>; News- Aajkaal (Mandvi) <>; News- Asian Voice <>; News- <>; News- Hindu Voice Mumbai <>; News- Hindustan Times <>; News- INDIA TODAY <>; News- Indian Express <>; News- Kanchan Gupta - Associate Editor (Pioneer). <>; News- Kashmir Herald <>; News- Kutchmitra <>; News- Kutchmitra1 <>; News- Organiser Weekly <>; "News- Panchjanya, Tarun Vijay." <>; News- The Hindu <>; News- The Indian Post. <>; News- The Statesman <>; News- The Statesman Calcutta <>; News- The Times of India <>; Sadhana weekly. <>; Savarkar Vinayak. <>; T.V. AAJTAK <>; T.V. aajtak. <>; T.V. NDTV. <>; T.V. NDTV. <>; T.V. Star News <>; T.V. Sudarshan <>; VHP (New Delhi). <>
Cc: sandesh <>; Palash Biswas <>; Dinesh Agrawal <>; DAVE MAKKAR <>; Dr Rajiv Arora MD - Sanatan Dharma <>; Bhailal Patel <>; Dr Ram Kripal Sinha (Editor - BJP Today) <>; Francois Gautier <>; Arvind Pradhan. <>; B- D Patel. <>; B- Himanshu Kikani. <>; B- Jagdish Trivedi. <>; B- Jeet. <>; B- Kana. <>; B- Madhu Thaker. <>; B- Nirmish. <>; B- Prakash Biyani. <>; B- Prashant Bhimani. <>; B- Prerakayu. <>; B-14 V Animal ahimsa. <>; Babu Suseelan. <>; Bhagavaandaas Tyaagi. <>; Bhargavi Gohil. <>; Bimal Krsna Das. <>; D. Vekeria. <>; Daily News & Analysis (Mumbai). <>; Devraj Halai. <>; Dhiraj Premji. <>; Dinesh Gami. <>; Dr Arun Vaidyanathan. <>; Girish Gajjar. <>; Gupta Shukla. <>; Hari Bhudia. <>; Haribhai Halai. <>; Harish Gami. <>; Harshad Pophali. <>; Hindu Council UK. <>; Hindu Today. <>; Jayantibhai. <>; Jig. <>; Joginder singh (Organiser). <>; Kanji Halai. <>; Kapil Dudakia. <>; Kataria N. <>; Kishor Ruparelia. <>; Krishna Tours. <>; Lal Gehi. <>; M Sevani. <>; Media Watch. <>; Mike Ghouse. <>; Mitesh Gami. <>; Navin Prasad. <>; Piplana. <>; Poonam Abbi. <>; Prashwa Shah. <>; Pravakta hindu Jagruti. <>; Pravin Bhate. <>; Purshottam Walji. <>; Pushpa Rajguru. <>; R. Halai. <>; Radhasyam. <>; Radhika B. <>; Rajeev Gupta. <>; Rajesh Patil. <>; Ramesh Dattani. <>; Ramesh Hangloo. <>; Ramesh Kallidai. <>; Reena Singh. <>; Sanghsandesh. <>; Shibir Karyawaha. <>; Shivlal. <>; SKLPC e-Project. <>; SKLPC Youth. <>; Soni Dipak J. <>; Sri Venkat. <>; Sudhir-Architect. <>; Swami Satchidananda Puri. <>; Vasant Sardesai. <>; Vatsalya Gram. <>; VHP Kolkata. <>; VHP Media. <>; Viji. <>; Vikas Pota. <>
Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 1:43:05 PM
Subject: Re: Why are Millions of Hindus becoming Christians, Muslims and Marxists?

Hare Krishna
Ashok T. Jaisinghani
With all due respect to you, Hindu leader you are calling are all Congi, they are not Hindus, they are Bhadawaa, British Raj crooks, left by British, if you ask them, they will say, they are more British then they are Indian because they are British left over, that British don't want, British knowing they were traitor to their own Indian people so they can be traitor to British as well, you can never trust people like that.
When I come to this country Britten about thirty five years ago, one good English man told me, if you want to be respected be what you are and then try to imitate others, otherwise no one will respect you here.
And these Congis are like that, they don't want to be what they are and want to imitate British, that is why they are all bogus.
They will leek your boots as well, if you can make them leader or rich, old habits die hard. they are traitor. they will traitor Sonia Gandhi as well, when time come, she can not make them leader or money, like that Amar Singh is going around like prostitute doing anything any body wants hoping someone will make him leader or money and will protect him from his past corruption, like women looking for protection and getting exploited by anyone.
But last thing you have not mention anything about BJP and Nitish in Bihar to whom united Hindu front is more likely to resort to. but you are basing at wrong tree, thinking that tree is Hindu which is not.
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Ashok T. Jaisinghani <> wrote:
Ramdev Practises a Form of Cannibalism
    If you claim to admire and follow Ramdev, and if you accept him as your Guru, you should also accept his beliefs as your own. So like the crank called Ramdev, you should also logically believe in drinking cow's urine and in eating cow-dung. How can you be admiring and following Ramdev without accepting the beliefs and practices of that quack?
    You should just find out what Ramdev puts in his Ayurvedic medicines. Besides the use of cow's urine and dung in many of his preparations, some of Ramdev's medicines contain powdered skulls and bones of humans.
    Let me repeat that some of Ramdev's medicines contain powdered skulls and bones of humans. The consumption of such parts of the human bodies may be considered as a form of cannibalism.
    So Ayurveda, which is part of the Vedas, advocates a form of cannibalism. Why should a quack like Ramdev, who practises a form of cannibalism, claim to believe in vegetarianism? How can anyone like Ramdev, who practises a form of cannibalism, be fit to lead modern India in any manner?
    A hypocrite like Ramdev can never remove corruption from India because he is himself a dishonest person.
    Instead of understanding the tragic consequences of the reasons why millions of Hindus are becoming Christians, Muslims, Marxists and Buddhists, lunatics like you want to continue laughing. Is it a laughing matter for you to know that the Hindus have become a minority of the total population of India? Lunatics like you who laugh at such serious matters should be in a Mental Hospital.
    How can anyone prove that the Buddhists and Sikhs do not belong to separate communities, when they do NOT worship the Hindu Gods and Goddesses?
    The cranks like you should read the online version of DALIT VOICE,, edited by V T Rajshekar, according to whom the higher caste Hindus form only 15 per cent of the total population of India. Why don't you read the articles of DALIT VOICE to find out what the Dalit writers think about the dogmatic Hindus like you? 
    The Dalit leaders are working all the time for aligning the people of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Castes with the Muslims, Christians and Communists to make the higher caste Hindus become a hopeless minority in India.
    Why does your discussion group, the United Hindu Front, keep sending unwanted emails to me? The cranks like you, who belong to the United Hindu Front, certainly lack the courage to accept the facts for what they are. You are completely blind to reality. Why don't you accept the fact that the Hindus have already become a minority of the total population of India, due to which an Italian called Sonia Gandhi is ruling our country?
        Hindu Politicians are Most Corrupt Leaders

    The treacherous Hindu leaders in the Congress Party are licking the boots of Sonia Gandhi because they are mainly interested in making money through any means. Such Hindu politicians are the most corrupt fellows in the world who can sell even their country for the sake of money.

    The corrupt Hindu politicians are there in the Congress Party because Sonia Gandhi allows them to remain corrupt and make massive amounts of money by taking big bribes. If she were ever to prevent them from making money, they would immediately turn against her.

    For the corrupt Hindu leaders, there is nothing more important than getting Money by any means. So Lakshmi is truly the greatest Goddess who is worshipped by the corrupt Hindu politicians.

    Can the Hindu leaders, or even the other common Hindus, be prevented from worshipping Goddess Lakshmi? It is not surprising that such Hindu religious beliefs have made many Hindu leaders to become the most dangerous traitors who are many times worse than even Sonia Gandhi.
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
    Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist  
----- Original Message -----
From: sandesh
Sent: 22 Apr 2011 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: Why are Millions of Hindus becoming Christians, Muslims and Marxists?

you are asking "Why are Millions of Hindus becoming

Christians, Muslims & Marxists"?


for this, you have given irrelevnt answers, i just pity your thinking, and of course, can't help laughing. please study all religions and then make wayward statements.


You further say "    It is well-known that the whole world is laughing at the Hindus because of the cranks and quacks who advocate that the Hindus should drink the stinking urine and eat the dirty dung of cows. Because of extremely smart cranks like you, millions of Hindus are giving up their religion every year to become Christians, Muslims, Marxists and Buddhists. The fellows like you just cannot get such facts in your smart heads". Again, can't help laughing. When did I say about drinking cow urine and dung? Or you are smart at making your own statements and saling the same on others' names? If this is your habit, then again, I can't help. To your such meaningless sentences, I would only say that you just live in your own world of making accusations without seeing whether the person you respond really said something or not. All the best to you for your paradise.


Next, your more rubbish sentences: "The Hindus of modern times prefer to eat meat, fish, chicken and eggs rather than drink cow's urine and eat cow-dung. So millions of Hindus are becoming Christians, Muslims, Marxists and Buddhists every year". Are these really reasons? Or here also, you are expert in creating your own causes and selling them on others' names?


You further say "The majority of Dalits of the lower castes do not wish to call themselves as Hindus". Wrong again, in fact, I've seen many such so-called Dalit and SC proudly stating that "they are Hindus". Please stop making stupid statements.


Going next, you assume "If we consider the Buddhists and Sikhs as separate communities, the Hindus are already in a minority in the total population of India. Why do fellows like you don't care to accept such facts"? Hindus in Bharat and in minority? Please check with yourself.


I'm really not interested in furthering such discussions without any doubt. What objectionable statements did I make? In fact, it's you who is vomiting like anything. I just gave the true information to the group, you started writing to me without even asking my permission.


Let me repeat I'm not interested in furthering this discussion, but after seeing your dirty mails, the reason is now different. And that is it's my insult to correspond with people having uncivilized way of everything and imposing that on others.


Finally, I won't reply even if you write now with more abusive words since I understood what kind of mental makeup you possess. So, you are free to say anything against me at your will.


Love and Regards


Jay Hind



----- Original Message -----
To: sandesh
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 3:49 PM
Subject: Why are Millions of Hindus becoming Christians, Muslims and Marxists?

Why are Millions of Hindus becoming
Christians, Muslims & Marxists?
    It is well-known that the whole world is laughing at the Hindus because of the cranks and quacks who advocate that the Hindus should drink the stinking urine and eat the dirty dung of cows. Because of extremely smart cranks like you, millions of Hindus are giving up their religion every year to become Christians, Muslims, Marxists and Buddhists. The fellows like you just cannot get such facts in your smart heads.
    The young well-informed Hindus of the modern world don't want to be told daily by quacks like Ramdev that they should drink cow's urine and eat cow-dung. The Hindus of modern times prefer to eat meat, fish, chicken and eggs rather than drink cow's urine and eat cow-dung. So millions of Hindus are becoming Christians, Muslims, Marxists and Buddhists every year.
    The majority of Dalits of the lower castes do not wish to call themselves as Hindus. If we consider the Buddhists and Sikhs as separate communities, the Hindus are already in a minority in the total population of India. Why do fellows like you don't care to accept such facts?
    You have stated that you were not interested in furthering this discussion, then why have you been sending your emails containing objectionable remarks?
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
----- Original Message -----
From: sandesh <>
Sent: 13 Apr 2011 11:24 PM
Subject: re: You are Free to Follow Ramdev

very nasty play of words.
you have lost the sense over what you say/write. anyway, i can't help laughing after reading your mail. you have taken the thread to unnecessary length and irrelevant topic. my point only was his broadcast was stopped on Astha on advise of information and broadcasting ministry. you can certainly check the newspapers of that period for yourself.
now, let me tell you i've not been official member of Bharat Swabhiman and i'm not interested in furthering this discussion, (this is not the discussion in first place at all). talking with people like you on any subject is waste of my precious time and i don't want to loos it. i was never intending to convince you neither i wanted you to support Baba Ramdeo.
----- Original Message -----
To: sandesh
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 6:15 AM
Subject: You are Free to Follow Ramdev

You are Free to Follow Ramdev
    Who is stopping you from following Swami Ramdev? As advised by him, you too can drink cow's urine and eat cow-dung like his other followers.
    You can also live in a cave or a hut like the ancient people of India 5000 years back. You need not live in a flat. You can travel by bullock-carts. People like you can avoid using mobile phones, TVs, Internet, cars, buses, trains, aeroplanes, etc. You are free to live like the backward people of ancient times. 
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
    Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist  
----- Original Message -----
From: sandesh
Sent: 11 Apr 2011 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: Doordarshan telecasts Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM

Namaskar once again,
sorry for the delay in responding.
actually, there was technical and health (right ear) problem at my end, which prevented me from writing.
anyway, his live astha broadcast is restarted.
you say Swami Ramdeo will take this country 5000 yaears back? you mean it was the era of Shri Krishna and Pandavas, and of course, india of time was much much advanced in all fields (including technology) than what it is today.
now, what is primetive?
----- Original Message -----
To: sandesh
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: Doordarshan telecasts Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM

Winking Quack Ramdev shall NEVER
Get Power to Select any PM of India!
Sandesh Narayane Jee, 
    Let me repeat my words from my last email, "As a person who boastfully claims that he can cure all diseases, including AIDS, Asthma and Cancer, with Yoga exercises, Swami Ramdev should be considered as a most dangerous QUACK and a big FRAUD. No QUACK like Swami Ramdev can solve the problems of India. Such QUACKS are only known to increase the problems of India due to their primitive thinking."
    Why cannot Swami Ramdev use his own medicine "Dhristi Eye Drops" to cure the defect in one of his own eyes? According to his claim, "Dhristi Eye Drop helps in controlling the cataract, improves vision, and its prolonged use helps keeping away all eyes problem." Instead of curing the defect in his vision, he is always seen constantly winking with one of his eyes at the TV viewers. Obviously, the claims he makes about his medicines are bogus. Therefore, Swami Ramdev can be considered a dishonest person.
    No dishonest person like Swami Ramdev can remove corruption from India. The people of modern India shall never give power to a QUACK like Swami Ramdev to select any future Prime Minister of our country. Such primitive thinkers shall never be given the right to make India become a backward country like it was 5000 years ago.
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
    Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist  
----- Original Message -----
From: sandesh <>
Sent: 30 Mar 2011 12:01 AM
Subject: re: Doordarshan telecasts Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM

Namaskar mitra,
actually, the program of doordarshan "Yog Vigyan" has nothing to do with Astha program. try to understand what i actually have stated. in fact, Yog program of DD is shown only as a Yog program but on Astha channel, where he speaks against corruption along with Yoga has problems for government. so, try differenting between DD recorded and edited Yog program and the live telecast of Astha where he speaks about Bharat Swabhiman Andolan. another thing is who are we to judge whether Baba Ramdeo does possess political and economic knowledge or not? on what basis, can we make such claim?
we Bhartiya do have the mindset of calling something wishful if it doesn't suit our liking. it's not a problem with you alone.
lastly, we are going to the wrong direction, what he prescribes is not question here, we have to admit that he increased the awareness about Yog and Bhartiy medicine among the common people. it's plain fact, whether you like or not doesn't make any difference. and why are we making unnecessary comments? just wait and watch.
if he has truth with him, nobody can prevent him from removing corruption out of this country. and i think, you would also love that if that becomes reality.
with regards,
----- Original Message -----
To: sandesh
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Doordarshan telecasts Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM

Ramdev is a Most Dangerous Quack!
    There are many wise fellows like you who do not know the implications of what they are saying. In your email of March 21,  you have clearly asked, "there won't be live program of Shri Ramdeo on Astha channel. government has put restriction on his live telecast in morning. information and broadcasting ministry has put restrictions, why?"
    How can you blame the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for working against Swami Ramdev when it is actually promoting Swami Ramdev through the Yog Vigyan Program that is telecast every day on the National Channel of Doordarshan, which has the largest number of TV viewers in India? Swami Ramdev is deliberately being promoted as a big leader by the UPA Government to cause a massive rift in the Hindu community.
    In your email of March 26, you have asked, "why should we say anything about his political and economic knowledge?" Can anyone remove corruption from India if he does not have the knowledge about the political and economic matters of the country? 
    You have described Swami Ramdev as "the person who wants to remove the corruption from the country along with his health-conscious nature has to be admired by all."
    How can any person like Swami Ramdev remove corruption from India without having any power like that of the Prime Minister of India? It is only wishful thinking to imagine that Swami Ramdev can have the capability of banishing corruption from India without having any power. Even the Prime Minister with all his powers does not have the ability to remove corruption that has become deep-rooted in India.  With his primitive ideas, a person like Swami Ramdev can never bring about a revolution that can remove corruption from India.
    Lastly, why should Swami Ramdev be admired for his so-called health-conscious nature? As a person who boastfully claims that he can cure all diseases, including AIDS, Asthma and Cancer, with Yoga exercises, Swami Ramdev should be considered as a most dangerous QUACK and a big FRAUD.
    No QUACK like Swami Ramdev can solve the problems of India. Such QUACKS are only known to increase the problems of India due to their primitive thinking.
Ramdev Prescribes Onion Juice for Eyes
    Ramdev prescribes his product "Drishti Eye Drops" containing Onion, Ginger and Lemon Juice, mixed in Honey, for ailments of the eyes. He claims, "Drishti Eye Drop is a powerful antiseptic solution which gives a cooling and soothing effects on eyes without any harmful effect on eye tissue. It helps controlling the cataract, improves vision, and its prolonged use helps keeping away all eyes problem. It balances the doshas and thus keeps the eyes healthy."   
    The above-mentioned claim of Swami Ramdev is false. If the Dhristi Eye Drops could help in case of all eye problems, why cannot Swami Ramdev use his medicine for curing the defect that he has in his own eye?
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
    Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist  
----- Original Message -----
From: sandesh
Sent: 26 Mar 2011 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Doordarshan telecasts Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM

This is to inform you that i talked only about his live broadcasts on Astha channel. Even Astha do give his programs but they are not live ones now.
i didn't talk about his being future prime minister. even he is not interested in such a post. Yes, Shri Rajiv Dixit was a deserving candidate but he is no more now. so what Swami Ramdev is saying now that he wants to see the political power in the right hands. just see the names you are taking have the capacity to run the country? the only name which strikes is Shri Narendra Modi, yes he is capable leader.
why should we say anything about his political and economic knowledge? those seeming to possess that (including names you wrote in the mail except for Shri Narendra Modi) were given the opportunity. what they did for Hindus and all bharatiya? everybody knows very well. so, the person who wants to remove the corruption from the country along with his health-conscious nature has to be admired by all.
Jay Hind
----- Original Message -----
To: sandesh
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2011 5:31 AM
Subject: Doordarshan telecasts Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM

Doordarshan telecasts Swami Ramdev's
 Yog Vigyan Program daily at 5-30 AM
    Swami Ramdev's Yog Vigyan Program is still being telecast at 5-30 AM every day on Doordarshan's National Channel, which is under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. By giving massive publicity to Ramdev, and by boosting his image through the program of Yog Vigyan, the ruling UPA Government has been trying to cause more divisions in the people believing in Hindutva. It is just another Congress conspiracy to Divide and Rule by splitting the votes of Hindus and making the UPA win in the future elections. The Hindus should understand the political tricks that the Congress Party has been playing for many years to remain in power.
    Some persons wrongly believe that Swami Ramdev can become so great that he can lead India in the political field. As a political leader, he can never be as important as Narendra Modi, Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Mohan Bhagwat and other top leaders of the BJP and RSS. Swami Ramdev does not deserve to be projected by the Hindus as a future Prime Minister of India like Narendra Modi, Sushma Swaraj or Arun Jaitley.
    Swami Ramdev has got neither the training nor the experience, which can make him suitable for the post of Prime Minister of India. He has a very limited knowledge about Politics and Economics.
   Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
    Editor & Publisher:    Top Nutritionist   

----- Original Message -----
From: sandesh
Sent: 21 Mar 2011 2:40 PM
Subject: {UnitedHinduFront} Swami Ramdeo's broadcast is stopped from today

Namaskar to all,
i came to know that today Swami Ramdeo said some things which do disturb:
 1. there won't be live program of Shri Ramdeo on Astha channel.
government has put restriction on his live telecast in morning. information and broadcasting ministry has put restrictions, why? nobody knows.
2. to defame Swami's name, one lady is told to disclose in front of media that she has Baba Ramdeo's child with her.
3. to trap Ramdeo in charge of murders, attempts of giving money to various saints have shamelessly been carried out.
4. all cable operators are encouraged to stop Astha channel broadcasts.
5. there is no Astha live on Astha website. this is done so that NRIs could not watch swami Ramdeo.
what to say about this no. 1 curropt government of Bharat?
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----- Original Message -----
From: N Hirani <>
Sent: 23 Mar 2011 3:12 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: INDIAN DICTATORSHIP - Emergency is back

Hare Krishna
Savarkar Vinayak
There is nothing new in this, this is going on all the time, Big, Big Industrialist like Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani etc can give you lecture on immorality for hours and hours but they have got no guts to say, root of all immorality is Sonia Gandhi and her corruption, even they know that, these is Indian democracy, that you all cheer is and glorify, and same thing not any television channel will say that, no matter how much proof they have, if they don't want to lose their television licence.
She (Sonia Gandhi) is fourth class woman that supplies Congi with all her fourth classiness no wounder they cheeries her and guard her with all the protection, you can only criticize her if you get her convicted in court, that you can only do if you have got nothing to lose or nothing to fear of being found to be corrupt in totally corrupt Raj where there is impossible to be free of corruption, that way they can only not get you and you can get them. For which there are very few like Ramdev Babaji, Subharamaniyam Swami, Modi etc. no wounder they (Congi) are after them like their (Congis) bollocks on fire. to get them, to stop them from exposing her what fourth class woman she is, because that is their (Congi) licence (corrupt) to their livelihood. As far as they are concern during Congi Raj She (Sonia Gandhi) should be beyond criticism, why? because no body should get to her to expose her what fourth class woman she is. That is how much they are protecting her.

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 5:01 PM, savarkar vinayak <> wrote:

Dear Friends,

In yesterday's program in Hydrabad Baba Ramdev mentioned few things which are very disturbing, looks like emergency is back. he mentioned:

1. So far all Babaji's morning Yoga programs (5 -7:30AM) were being telecast live on Astha, but now the  Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has stopped the live telecast of his programs.

2. The cable providers are being forced not to provide Astha channel otherwise they will be punished.

3. Now we are not getting any more the live broadcast of Babaji's morning programs (which I had been regularly watching for the last 2 months and enjoying tremendously), today they had to repeat an earlier program.

4. To defame Baba Ramdevji and discredit his revolutionary movement, Babaji mentioned that the government tried to buy out a woman if she telsl the media that she was carrying Babaji's child. Of course the woman refused to comply even if she was given corers of rupees.

5. Few days ago some police officials went to the house of his parents and dug up the ground inside to find out if there was any money buried under ground. What a shame!

6. There are similar other conspiracies being hatched by the modern day's Duryodhans to stop Baba Ramdev in campaigning against the political corruption.


This corrupt UPA government is getting panicky due to the unprecendated support Baba Ramdevji  is receiving all across India and abroad. In fact during his North-East tour he had lakhs of people joining in all his programs, and now he is touring South India starting with Andhra Pradesh where every morning at 5 AM thousands of people come to listen to him. Government is extremely nervous because he is not only teaching Yoga but also educating the public about the corruption, economics, swadeshi and patriotism.

I am surprised that so far no one in BJP/RSS or any one in the media has raised the voice against this anti-democratic and emergency type censureship on public information and education.

Dinesh Agrawal

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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