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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Fwd: Fw: Nuclear leak in Japan reactor causes radiation levels to rocket 1,250 times normal level 26 Mar 2011

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From: William Gladys <>
Date: Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 5:06 PM
Subject: Fw: Nuclear leak in Japan reactor causes radiation levels to rocket 1,250 times normal level 26 Mar 2011

----- Original Message -----
From: CLG_News
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 12:38 AM
Subject: Nuclear leak in Japan reactor causes radiation levels to rocket 1,250 times normal level 26 Mar 2011

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government
26 Mar 2011
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Nuclear leak in Japan quake reactor causes radiation levels to rocket 1,250 times normal level in surrounding seawater --U.S. naval barges rush freshwater towards stricken Japanese plant --Safety concerns in California as scare alert leaves West Coast at risk 26 Mar 2011 Radiation levels are soaring in seawater near the crippled Fukushima plant core, Japanese nuclear safety officials warned today. Two weeks after the nuclear power plant was hit by a massive earthquake and tsunami, tests on Friday showed radioactive iodine had spiked 1,250 times higher than normal in the seawater just offshore the plant. The latest setback in preventing further leakage was confirmed as engineers tried to pump puddles of radioactive water from the power plant 150 miles north of Tokyo.
Stricken nuclear plant's No.3 reactor 'may have cracked' as Fukushima Fifty workers are treated for radiation contamination --Exposed to 10,000 times the safe maximum --Two Japanese travellers 'seriously exceed' safe radiation levels in China --Other workers exposed to 3,000 per cent more radiation than normal 25 Mar 2011 Some of the so called 'Fukushima Fifty' have been exposed to 10,000 times the normal amount of radiation as they battle to cool and restore power to the damaged nuclear plant, according to the Japan nuclear and industrial safety agency. While the official death toll of the earthquake and resulting tsunami reached 10,000, many of the workers at Fukushima Dai-ichi, who have also been dubbed the Atomic Samurai, were taken to hospital after coming in to contact with contaminated water. Three men were scorched when knee-deep water sloshed down their boots and the contamination is believed to have come from one of the plant's six reactors - reactor 3 - which is thought to have been cracked.

Japanese treated for radiation in China 25 Mar 2011 Two Japanese travellers have been hospitalised in China with "severe" radiation levels after they arrived on a commercial airliner from Tokyo, China's safety watchdog said. The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said radiation levels that "seriously exceeded limits" were detected on the two when they arrived in the eastern city of Wuxi on Wednesday.

High radiation levels at Japanese plant raise new worry 25 Mar 2011 Highly radioactive water has been found at a second reactor at a crippled nuclear power station in Japan, the plant's operator said, as fears of contamination escalated two weeks after a huge earthquake and tsunami battered the complex. Underscoring growing international concern about nuclear power raised by the accident in northeast Japan, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in a statement it was time to reassess the international nuclear safety regime.

Residents feel isolated in movement-restricted areas near nuke plant 26 Mar 2011 While residents who live closest to the troubled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture have evacuated, those who have remained in a movement-restricted area 20 to 30 kilometers away from the plant say they are feeling increasingly "isolated." Towns were abandoned by many people apparently scared by the government's instruction to shelter indoors for fear of radiation exposure, local people said. Deliveries of daily necessities from outside the region have been made difficult as transport companies are apparently refusing to access the area.

Singapore bans some Japan foods on radiation fears 24 Mar 2011 Singapore has banned the sale of some foods from four Japanese prefectures over concerns about radiation. The Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority said in a statement Thursday that it stopped the sale of milk, milk products, fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat from Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi and Gunma prefectures. The AVA said it was following similar measures by the U.S. and Australia after Japan's health ministry said high radioactivity levels had been detected in raw milk and vegetables from the four prefectures.
Worker denies falsifying TVA reactor data 25 Mar 2011 A Chattanooga man has been charged with falsifying documents about the electrical safety systems at TVA's Watts Bar nuclear reactor that is under construction. Matthew David Correll, of Hixson, Tenn., who has been indicted on two charges by a federal grand jury, entered a not guilty plea in court Thursday. He was released, with a trial date set for May 23 in U.S. District Court in Chattanooga, according to the Department of Justice. Correll was working as an electrician for Williams Specialty Services, a subcontractor for Bechtel Corp. [terrorists], on the Tennessee Valley Authority's reactor construction project.
A quarter of U.S. nuclear plants not reporting equipment defects, report finds 24 Mar 2011 More than a quarter of U.S. nuclear plant operators have failed to properly tell regulators about equipment defects that could imperil reactor safety, according to a report by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's inspector general. Operators of U.S. nuclear power plants are supposed to tell the NRC when pieces of equipment "contain defects that could create a substantial safety hazard," regulations say.
'Libyan rebels' seize two key oil towns 26 Mar 2011 Rebel forces taking advantage of a week of coalition bombing recaptured two key Libyan oil towns. The retaking of Ajdabiya and Brega marked the first significant victories for the rebels since a coalition of Western forces launched UN-backed air strikes one week ago to establish a no-fly zone and protect civilians from attacks by government forces. The insurgent troops had advanced 80 miles (129 kilometres) in just 24 hours. [Notice the *first thing* the quote, unquote Libyan rebels do is to seize *key Libyan oil towns?* LOL! The motives driving this farce are no different than those behind George W. Sociopath's invasion of Iraq -- but Obusha gets a pass.]

Canadian general leads NATO in Libya 26 Mar 2011 The deputy commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has taken charge of NATO's operations in Libya for enforcing a no-fly zone. Canadian Lieutenant General Charles Bouchard is also responsible for enforcing an arms embargo on Libya sanctioned by the UN Security Council two weeks ago. NATO members, on Thursday, agreed to take control of the military operation in Libya. 

Camp Lejeune Marines to Libya to Strike At Qadhafi Forces 25 Mar 2011 We've seen Camp Lejuene Marines in Iraq and Afghanistan and now they are joining the fight against Libya. About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea.  To date, the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit has conducted numerous successful airstrikes against Muammar al-Qadhafi regime forces as part of Joint Task Force Odyssey (*Puke*) Dawn.

The Queen's RAF destroys Libyan armored vehicles 25 Mar 2011 Britain's Ministry of Defense (MoD) says the Royal Air Force's Tornado GR4s have launched several guided Brimstone missiles at Libyan armored vehicles near Ajdabiya. The Tornado GR4 aircraft went on armed reconnaissance missions over Libya on Thursday night, targeting several units of Libyan army forces with guided missiles, said UK Defense Secretary Liam Fox. Brimstone is a high precision, low collateral damage weapon optimized against demanding and mobile targets. The UK military tested the missile on the Libyan targets.

MSNBC's Rachel Maddow lines up behind Obama's attack on Libya By David Walsh 24 Mar 2011 On March 21, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow offered a defense of the Obama administration and its role in launching a military assault on Libya. With tortured logic, Maddow attempted to show that the means by which President Barack Obama made public this new act of Great Power aggression revealed the chasm that separates his administration from that of his predecessor, George W. Bush. The arguments offered by the MSNBC news program host, a principal voice of the American liberal-left in the mainstream media, are absurd and unworthy, but it is unlikely anyone in and around her circle will object. This helps explain the collapse of the official anti-war movement in the US since the 2008 election.

NATO admits killing of Afghan civilians 26 Mar 2011 The US-led military alliance in Afghanistan has admitted that it killed and injured several civilians instead of Taliban militants in its latest airstrike. US-led NATO forces targeted two vehicles carrying civilians in the southern Afghan province of Helmand on Friday. The governor of Helmand Province Mohammad Gulab Manga said in a statement on Saturday that seven civilians were killed when a NATO helicopter fired on two civilian vehicles.

US-led strike kills Afghan civilians 26 Mar 2011 A number of civilians have lost their lives again in the latest spate of airstrikes by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the southern Helmand province in Afghanistan. "Afghan civilians were accidentally killed and wounded in Naw Zad district, Helmand province yesterday (Friday)," ISAF said in a statement... The statement said ISAF ordered an airstrike on two vehicles presumed to be carrying a Taliban leader and his associates, but later discovered they were transporting civilians.

Roadside bomb kills 2 Afghan children 26 Mar 2011 At least two children have been killed and another injured after a roadside bomb exploded in eastern Afghanistan amid a surge in violence in the war-torn country. The attack took place on Friday in the Behsood district of Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan, Ahmad Zia Abdulzai, spokesman for the provincial governor told a Press TV correspondent. The explosives were hidden in garbage near a main road frequently travelled by Afghan and foreign troops, said the spokesman, adding that the arrest warrant for perpetrators of the bloody attack has been issued by the provincial governor.

Canadian government toppled, elections in May 26 Mar 2011 The Canadian opposition narrowly toppled the conservative government of Prime Minister [nutjob] Stephen Harper accusing it of abuse of power, and triggering the fourth elections in seven years. A motion, brought by the main opposition Liberal Party and backed by two other opposition parties, declared the government was in contempt of parliament and had lost its confidence in a row centered on Harper's budget plans. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff had accused the government of having "stonewalled" parliament for four months on details of its core spending priorities, as well as breaking election laws.

Appeal to keep Twitter data from WikiLeaks probe 25 Mar 2011 Internet rights attorneys appealed a US judge's order that Twitter must hand over data of three users in contact with the controversial website WikiLeaks. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged the March 3 ruling on behalf of Icelandic parliamentarian Birgitta Jonsdottir, one of the Twitter users targeted by the decision.

Amidst Growing World Doubts About 9/11, Career Army Officer Takes Bush Administration Officials to Court --Represented by Center for 9/11 Justice 23 Mar 2011 A December 2010 poll conducted by the prestigious Emnid Institute, and reported in the German magazine "Welt der Wunder," revealed that 89.5% of German respondents do not believe the official story of 9/11. The issue... will soon be heard in court [05 April]. Top Secret Military Specialist April Gallop saw disturbing things up close that have not been reported in the media... Gallop now believes that officials within the Bush Administration conspired to destroy the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and WTC 7 - the third building brought down at 5:20 p.m. that day - with pre-placed explosives detonated after the planes hit.

American Scraps 188 Miami Flights After Fuel Farm Fire 25 Mar 2011 AMR Corp.'s American Airlines scrubbed 188 Miami flights today, almost a third of its daily schedule there, after a fire destroyed the main pumping system at the airport's fuel farm. The March 23 blaze at Miami International Airport forced American to use 10 tanker trucks to haul fuel to the tarmac, so refueling now takes as long as five hours on wide-body planes such as Boeing Co. 777s, said Andrea Huguely, an airline spokesman.

Threats kill plans for Iowa anti-terror exercise --'The Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Department is now actively investigating the threats.' 26 Mar 2011 An anti-terrorism drill based on a fictional scenario involving white supremacists angry over an influx of minorities and illegal immigrants was canceled Friday after officials of the school that was hosting the training exercise said they received threatening phone calls and emails. "During the last 24 hours, the Treynor school system has received threats to their employees and buildings due to the planned 'active shooter' exercise," county officials said in a statement.

Iowa terror drill: White supremacists shoot dozens of people amid rising tensions --About 42 agencies are scheduled to participate in the exercise. 24 Mar 2011 Foes of illegal immigration are up in arms over plans for a weekend disaster exercise in western Iowa with a fictitious scenario in which young white supremacists shoot dozens of people amid rising tensions involving racial minorities and illegal immigrants. The exercise is planned for Saturday at Treynor High School in Pottawattamie County and will involve more than 300 people, confirmed Doug Reed, the lead exercise planner for the county's emergency management agency. Some 30 to 40 "victims" will be transported to area hospitals. He said a terrorism scenario is required by federal officials for the exercise to be eligible for funding.

Steven Seagal, Sheriff Raid Valley Home In Tank 22 Mar 2011 (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio rolled out the tanks to take down a man suspected of cockfighting. West Valley residents in the neighborhood are crying foul after armored vehicles, including a tank, rolled into their neighborhood to make the bust. Neighbor Debra Ross was so worried she called 911 and went outside where a nearby home had its windows blown out, was crawling with dozens of SWAT members in full gear, armored vehicles and a bomb robot. "When the tank came in and pushed the wall over and you see what's in there, and all it is, is a bunch of chickens," Ross said.

'Half a million' activists join anti-cuts march 26 Mar 2011 Hundreds of thousands of protesters from across the UK staged a mass demonstration in London today against cuts in public spending. TUC sources estimated up to half a million activists had taken to the streets in the biggest protest for years. Dave Prentis, general secretary of Unison, said the turnout was "absolutely enormous and showed the anger of ordinary working people at the Government's cuts".

British workers protest in Southampton 25 Mar 2011 Hundreds of British public sector workers have demonstrated in Southampton against the Conservative-controlled council's plan to cut salaries by up to 24 percent. The protest march was held Thursday from Hoglands Park to the Civic Center after the council decided to dismiss 4,300 employees and re-engage them on massively reduced terms. "Despite massive pressure, huge numbers of Unite members are resisting attempts by Southampton city council to undermine collective bargaining and secure individual acceptance of the council's changes," said Unite union convener Mark Wood.
Wisc. collective bargaining law published despite restraining order 25 Mar 2011 In a stunning twist, Gov. Scott Walker's legislation limiting collective bargaining for public workers was published Friday despite a judge's hold on the measure, prompting a dispute over whether it takes effect Saturday. The measure was published to the Legislature's website with a footnote that acknowledges the restraining order by a Dane County judge... The measure sparked protests at the Capitol and lawsuits by opponents because it would eliminate the ability of most public workers to bargain over anything but wages. [Yes, and it should be sparking a *whole lot more,* since the protests and lawsuits, apparently, are not enough. Even a judge's order isn't enough to stop a GOPredator on the Koch payroll. --LRP]
Official resigns over email idea to stage assault --Indiana deputy prosecutor's proposal aimed to discredit unions in Wisconsin 25 Mar 2011 For the second time, an Indiana public official has lost his job because of provocative -- some would say foolish -- comments false flag suggestion made about the political brouhaha uprising in Wisconsin. Carlos F. Lam, a Johnson County deputy prosecutor, resigned Thursday after acknowledging he sent an email last month urging the Wisconsin governor to discredit labor union protests in his state by orchestrating a fake assault on the governor. Possibly, Lam suggested, the pretend assailant might even use a firearm.
UAW protest forces bank branch to close temporarily 24 Mar 2011 At the end of the UAW's three-day bargaining convention in Detroit, union president Bob King led more than 100 members into the Bank of America branch in downtown Detroit today and temporarily shut down its operations for about 30 minutes. Afterwards, the group joined hundreds more UAW members at the corner of Griswold and Congress streets in downtown Detroit and continued the protest.
Vt. House passes single-payer health care bill 25 Mar 2011 Every Vermonter could sign up for state-financed health insurance under a bill passed by the House on Thursday that would put the state on a path to a single-payer health care system by the middle of this decade. "This bill takes our state one step closer to a system that ensures that all Vermonters have access to the care they deserve and contains costs," House Speaker Shap Smith said shortly after the House passed the bill 92-49. [Too bad Obusha surrendered to his GOP overlords/the insurance cartel and worked to defeat any single-payer plans for the US.]
First female VP candidate Ferraro dies at 75 26 Mar 2011 Geraldine Ferraro, who in 1984 became the first woman to run for vice president on a major U.S. party ticket, died Saturday. She was 75. Ferraro died at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was being treated for blood cancer. An obscure Queens congresswoman, Ferraro catapulted to national prominence at the 1984 Democratic convention when she was chosen by presidential nominee Walter Mondale to join his ticket against incumbents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.
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Previous lead stories: Japan fears reactor core breach --Japan's government says the reactor core at one unit of Fukushima nuclear plant may have fissured. 25 Mar 2011 Japanese officials have expressed alarm over a possible fracture of a reactor core at one unit [Unit 3] of the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Japanese nuclear safety officials raised the possibility of more severe environmental contamination on Friday with their latest announcement on the country's nuclear crisis. "It is possible that somewhere at the reactor may have been damaged," AP quoted Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for the nuclear safety agency, as saying.

Japan expands nuclear plant's evacuation zone --Residents within 18 miles of the hobbled Fukushima plant are urged to leave; the previous limit had been 12 miles. 25 Mar 2011 Japan's government Friday urged residents living within 18 miles of the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant to voluntarily evacuate to avoid further hardship and suggested that officials could order the zone cleared. Residents living within 12 miles of the plant have been evacuated, yet those living between 12 and 18 miles of the facility have been told it is safe to remain as long as they stay indoors.

Rights Are Curtailed for Terror Suspects 24 Mar 2011 New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades. The move is one of the Obama administration's most significant revisions to rules governing the investigation of terror suspects in the U.S. And it potentially opens a new political tussle over national security policy, as the administration marks another step back from pre-election criticism of unorthodox counterterror methods. [Once again, Obama has out-Bushed Bush.]

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