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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 02, Feb - Tunisia, Egypt, And The Protracted Collapse Of The American Empire

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 12:16 AM
Subject: CC Issue 02, Feb - Tunisia, Egypt, And The Protracted Collapse Of The American Empire

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Defiant Mubarak Vows To Finish Term
By Al Jazeera

Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president, has announced in a televised address that he will not run for re-election but refused to step down from office - the central demand of millions of protesters who have demonstrated across Egypt over the past week

Hosni Mubarak's Speech To Egypt on February 1
By Hosni Mubarak

Full text of the speech

The Great Unraveling: Tunisia, Egypt,  And The Protracted Collapse Of The American Empire
By Nafeez Ahmed

The American Empire, and the global political economy it has spawned, is unravelling — not because of some far-flung external danger, but under the weight of its own internal contradictions. It is unsustainable — already in overshoot of the earth's natural systems, exhausting its own resource base, alienating the vast majority of the human and planetary population

A Worms Eye View Of Revolution
By Hussein Al-alak

The worms of the earth are finally turning across the Middle East and while the outcome of events within Tunisia, Jordan and Egypt have yet to be determined, the roots of these protests and revolutions lie in one common factor, which is the shared experiences of millions of people in an already turbulent region

Unraveling The Illusion: The Democracy That Never Was
By William A. Cook

The Egyptian peoples' revolution against their government forces to the fore the unfortunate reality that America's friendship is an illusion created for its own benefit, a strategy, if you will, that creates a mirage of trust, compassion, and good will for the people while it disfranchises them from power

At The Rendez-vous Of Victory: Prosecuting
A Gangster, His Concubine, And Their Regime
By Mustapha Marrouchi

The Jasmine Revolution is home-made; it is local and global, worldly and exquisite, seductive and sensuous; is fine, good, real guud!

Should Arabs Copy The Tunisian Revolution?
By Salim Nazzal

I am not quite sure if the copying the Tunisian method of change could apply to other Arab countries, but iam sure that the Tunis example has become a major inspiration for the young Arab generation that it is possible to change even without the leaderships of political parties

David House Visits Bradley Manning In Prison
By Jane Hamsher

Bradley Manning's punitive psychiatric status remains, but hopeful about youth uprising in Tunisia and Egypt

Open Letter To The Australian Prime Minister
Julia Gillard Re Julian Assange
By Peter Kemp

Dear Prime Minister, The world notes again your comments on Julian Assange reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, February 2nd 2011. It is pleasing that you would welcome him back to Australia but your statement that the government cannot do anything to assist him in that regard is not strictly correct and springs from a factual error

Why Is BDS A Moral Duty Today?
A Response To Bernard-Henri Levy
By Omar Barghouti

A boycott of Israel today is a moral duty for all those who care about the rule of law and universal rights for all humans, equally

How The US Became A Police State
By Andrew Kolin

What is the future of the American police state? If history tells us anything about police states, it is that they all eventually crumble, in large part, because over time, they become dysfunctional

Pakistan: "Diplomats" - American Style
By Mir Adnan Aziz

"Technical Adviser" Raymond David (an alias - real name unknown), the Mozang Rambo who murdered two people in Lahore portrays the mindset and modus operandi of "diplomats" - American style. Armed with an unlicensed 9mm Glock and driving a car with a fake number plate was reason enough to detain him; that he murdered two people is shocking and gruesome

An Inside Story On Plight Of Tamil Fishermen
By Iqbal Selvan

From early 1980s to 2009, until the Civil war in Sri Lanka came to an end, Sri Lankan Navy killed nearly 500 fishermen. For most of the killings, Sri Lankan Navy denied the allegations, or simply turned down the accusations. None of the governments across the sea did any investigations and not punished any one

TamilNadu Fishermen : Blood In Sea Waters
By Pa. Thirumavelan

When SriLankan Navy attack TamilNadu's Fishermen doesn't Indian Navy has the responsibility to safeguard the fishermen? The Indian Governments have never answered these questions of Fishermen. When a Pakistani comes inside Kashmir territory and fire, it is claimed as an attack on India. It is unacceptable when SriLankan Navy entering Rameswaram kills 600 Indians and we being silent about it

Social Media Spreading The Plight Of
TN fisherman, But Not Enough Though
By Ankitha Varma

Social Media act as a successful tool in recent uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. Now, Tamils turned out to social media such as Twitter and Facebook to spread the message of Tamil Fishermen plight. Supporters have been using the hash tag #tnfisherman to spread the news. Fisherman continuously killed by Sri Lankan Navy. Around 515 fishermen killed by Sri Lankan Navy in the coast of Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean

Save Tamilnadu Fishermen
Petition Campaign

Please sign the petition

Swami Asimananda's Judicial Confession And Its Implications For Indian Fascism
By Niloufer Bhagwat

In this complex political situation , where the struggle is for a more genuine democracy, with people at different levels of economic , social and cultural development , attempts by fascist parties to destroy the diversity in unity which Indian civilization is all about , is an attempt to destroy Indian society and the Indian State. The national flag represents the hopes and aspirations of the diverse people of India , whereas the Sangh Parivar accepted the flag and the Constitution of India when they faced a political ban

Speaking Out Against Hindutva Terrorism
By Yoginder Sikand

In the wake of startling media revelations about the role of Hindutva forces in acts of terror across the country, several well-known human rights groups, including ANHAD, Foundation for Civil Liberties, INSAF, and the Jamia Teacher's Solidarity Association, held a one-day national-level meeting meet in New Delhi last week under the banner 'Tracing Sangh Terror Links and Stories of Innocent Muslim Boys'

The Comet Of Social Revolution:
Bihar Lenin - Martyr Jagdeo Prasad
By Ashok Yadav

With every passing year the martyrdom of Jagdeo Prasad is becoming more and more solidified on the stone of time. His legacy of blending culture with politics and of uncompromising struggle against caste-based exploitation and oppression will continue to shine like lode star for the millions and millions of marginalized people of this country

Floods Australia's 'Katrina' Moment
By John Pilger

Flooding also struck in Brazil and Sri Lanka in December, but the disaster in Australia is far more revealing; for Australia is a "first world" country with advanced technology and communications; and yet tens of thousands of people received no emergency warning

Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial Commemoration Hoopla
By Stephen Lendman

On March 17, 2010, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and GE announced their partnership in supporting a two-year centennial commemoration of his birth on February 6, 1911

The Moneystream Media: No Incentive To Tell The Whole Truth
By Paul Buchheit

Our society allows one man to make as much money in a year as 80,000 entry-level police officers or teachers. A socialist-fearing free market system in which one's worth is based on earning power has declared a single hedge fund manager more valuable than all the public school teachers in New York City. And gives him a lower tax rate than his secretary

In Memory Of Szeto Wah
By Jens Galschiot & Lasse Galschiot Markus

Recently a number of huge public commemorations have taken place in Hong Kong. Thousands of Chinese have participated to honor and commemorate the poet, the Member of Parliament and the democracy activist Szeto Wah who died on January 2, 2011. A large number of Chinese dissidents have been trying to go to Hong Kong to attend the commemoration. But sadly, many have been rejected in the airport, as a direct consequence of Chinas growing influence in Hong Kong, despite of China's promise of regional autonomy

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