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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fwd: [bangla-vision] Egypt to turn in Civil war if Mubarak doesnot quit now!!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Labbayk YaMahdi <>
Date: Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 7:43 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] Egypt to turn in Civil war if Mubarak doesnot quit now!!!!
To: Al Mahdi Unite Muslims <>


2 February 2011 Last updated at 08:43 ET
Israel is pushing Egypt to Civil War! Mubarak's supporter throw stones on peaceful anti-regime protestors!!!!
As the report comes Israel has already supplied sophisticated weapons to their puppets. Israel is playing a dirty policy. Arab leaders must stop Mubarak to be in the office before Egypt turns in to hell of all Arab countries.

Omar Afifi~Al-Jazeera:"My message to the Egyptian people and on my
personal responsibility ~ we got information about the existence of
telescopic weapons coming from Israel to hunt leaders of the
demonstrations of young people and not political figures,these weapons
...arrived Cairo yesterday, types of weapons are Telescopic Sniper and
Lazer Shock Sniper, and this explains the re-deployment of security
See More
La Chaine Al-Jazeera vient de donner la parole successivement à deux personnalités égyptiennes M. Omar AFIFI, ancien colonel de la police et M. (...)

Pressure mounts on Egypt's Mubarak

Clashes in Cairo's Tahrir Square

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The BBC's Jeremy Bowen: 'There is a lot of violence, I've seen people with some really ugly wounds'

Clashes have erupted in Cairo between supporters of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and demonstrators calling on him to step down immediately.

Thousands of pro-Mubarak activists had surged into Cairo's Tahrir Square, dismantling barricades set up by opposition protesters.

The move followed a call by the army for people to return home after nine days of anti-government demonstrations.

Israel allows their freind in crisis Egypt troops in Sinai for first time since 1979 peace treaty Due to street protests threatening Mubarak's regime, Israel agrees to let about 800 Egyptian soldiers into Sharm el-Sheikh area in Sinai.
By The Associated Press Tags: Israel news Egypt protest

Israeli officials say they have agreed to allo...w Egypt to move several hundred troops into the Sinai Peninsula for the first time since the countries signed a peace treaty three decades ago.

As the unrest in Egypt has spread, Israeli officials have grown increasingly concerned about the stability of their southern neighbor. They are especially worried that Palestinian militants could take advantage of the unrest to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip through tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border.
egypt - AP - January 28 2011
See More

We're in the middle of a very fluid situation - this is entirely dangerous, entirely provocative. Thousands of pro-Mubarak forces are now surging into Tahrir Square.

There was a cordon set up by the anti-Mubarak protesters to try and hold them back. The army were in the middle. They didn't take sides.

And basically there were too many of them. So they are now surging forward.

We've just seen one man being attacked - being kicked and punched and hit with a stick. And we've also seen protesters pulling down signs that are against President Mubarak.

There's a lot of anger on the streets at the moment, a lot of argument, fists are flying. And who knows where this will end.

Television footage showed opposing groups facing off chanting slogans, and later fighting with fists and sticks. Some government supporters rode horses and camels and wielded whips.

BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen, who is in Tahrir Square, said the clashes were becoming increasingly violent and he had seen people with nasty wounds.

The anti-Mubarak protesters have been accusing the army of moving aside to let in their pro-government rivals.

Clashes between the rival groups were also reported in Egypt's second city, Alexandria.

'Die on its soil'

In its earlier statement, the army - which is widely seen as an arbiter in the crisis - called for demonstrators to return to their homes.

"Your message has arrived, your demands became known... you are capable of bringing normal life to Egypt," said a spokesman in a message broadcast on state television.

In Tuesday night's speech, Mr Mubarak had promised to leave at the next polls, and pledged constitutional reform, saying he would devote his remaining time in power to ensuring a peaceful transition to his successor.

"This is my country. This is where I lived, I fought and defended its land, sovereignty and interests, and I will die on its soil," he said.

US President Barack Obama responded by saying an orderly transition "must begin now", while Turkey's PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Mr Mubarak should take a "different step".

Meanwhile, internet service was reportedly returning to the country, having been cut off for days by the government.

Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei dismissed Mr Mubarak's move as "a trick" to stay in power, and Tahrir Square protesters have vowed to continue their demonstrations until Mr Mubarak quits.

Abdelhalim Kandil, leader of Egypt's Kifaya (Enough) opposition movement, said Mr Mubarak's offer not to serve a sixth term was not enough.
The English translation of the July 3rd headline in the respected Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm (Today's Egyptian) was long and cumbersome, yet unmistakable: 'Ministry of Interior Calls Scholars to Train State Security Investigation Officers on Combating the Shiite Ideology' (1). The translation
Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.


Palash Biswas
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