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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fwd: Swejsantokotha

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: namaswej hindu <>
Date: Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: Swejsantokotha

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 6:10 PM, namaswej hindu <> wrote:

Dear Palashbiswas,

                                             We  have noticed  The Page Swejsantokotha  for the first time in Wikipedia .It contains authentic gist of several  Smritokothas of the seven santos .We thank The persons involved with this .Here it is to be clearly stated that we are against bashing of any community or varna or caste but swejsantokotha does not acknowledge any one of them as Identity  either of any person  or of any population group .Only CLAN name or Divine Revealed Identity is acknowledged and it should  not  speak of any profession , or profile  or gradation .
                                                                                                                         Thanks ,namaswejhinu


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Swejsantokotha or Ssejsantokotha is a holy discourse and a new Revelation among one Hindu community.It consists of Smritokotha of seven-santos . The creator God is Brahmaparameswar and everything is heard by the santos in meditation or in dreams or in trance.The creation and philosophy is being pronounced by the messenger-in-dream of Parameswar , Verhudtbrahma.They are one and the same and together is the Divine One.

The name and the whole discourse are revelations to the santos .The names and complete discourse is revealed to the santos over hundreds of years and have been edited.There is a folk-version( matua ) of this discourse but it has adopted many different rituals in course of time and has a strong organisation.They have a math which is launching different social-service pro-grammes for past fifty years at their present address in Thakurnagar,West Bengal,India but it started more than hundred years before in Orhakandi( now in Bangladesh)

The first part or the Smritokotha of 1st Swejsanto is already available on-line.It is revealed in simple language and through prophesies.There is no allegory or stories.Everything is being pronounced by Verhudt in simple and straight-forward speech to the santos in trance.It is revealed that , since it is heard directly from the Creator God or His Messenger-in-Dream ,it should not be preached by any name.It does not acknowledge any avatar or idol or any gurutantra and also does not acknowledge any by-birth-system of classification or possession of profession or past life-achievements like those in traditional and practical Hinduism, although ,ideologicalyy it appears to be having some similarity with Upanishad. It declares that Verhudt , the messenger-in-dream of creator God Brahmaparameswar always remains with His creations , always appearing in everyone's dream , always pronouncing his philosophy of love and care, always giving clues to their problems ; but we can't remember and suffer from wrong realizations of Him .But he never give up, He is always with us.

Revelation to each santo is known as Smritokotha. There are seven Smritokothas but seventh one does not contain any new Revelation.The first preached revelation is Twelve Commandments of Adi-Santo-Guru.The Upasanalay or worshiping place is BIVAS. There is one folk organisation though.Those who are working for the spreading of the messages of Verhudt and conducting organisations of social service are known as Adi-santo-grus.

It describes that man is above any profession.Every new born is completely free from any thing.He does not bear the burden of past life nor does he reap the fruits of earlier births.It completely rejects the fatalism of traditional religions and accepts the divine clan name as the only true identity. The clans may from community but that must also be divine or a revelation not related to any one's profession in any way.

Everyone's deeds will be judged by the Brahmaparameswar in the existent life time not in future and he will also be rewarded accordingly.


[edit]Smritokotha of 1st Swejsanto

It explains the creation and also the messenger-in-dream,Verhudtbrahma.Every being has six traits ,three good ones and three bad ones.The conflict ,as a result, inherent within every being, helps the blossoming of the Being towards perfection.It reveals also of one divine identity for every population group,provided they meditate for it.However they are free to adopt any one ,either the social one or the revealed one but it does not entertain the acceptance of any name related to profession.

It reveals a divine symbol of Two Lightning criss-crossing each other and being held on a support where from the Sun is being seen and just a little above there is a Silvery Star : The symbol is called BRINHA.

Namassej symbol brinha.jpg

It also describes a Upasanalay or worshiping place , Named as BIVAS.

[edit]Smritokotha of 2nd Swejsanto

It describes some rituals.It declares that a new born child is completely free.And at the age of twelve he will determine what will he obey.And also at any stage of his life he is free to change his path.

It says that the path of God ,Brahmaparameswar , is the path of love and care.That's how we have been and that's how we should live this life.

[edit]Smritokotha of 3rd Swejsanto

It insists on learning.It says that learning to read and write is the path of God.Knowledge is God.We should know everything; Arts,Science,Religion; every branch of knowledge is His Revelation. The creation is like endless Blossoming and Everyone should be a direct and active participant. There is no Hidden Discourse or Knowledge.It is preached in the revelation::

Let the sensual feelings be overcome, Let the mind be occupied with Thoughts: Without Thoughts there cant be Knowledge , Without Knowledge there can't be peace, Without peace how someone can be happy?

[edit]Smritokotha of 4th Swejsanto

It reveals that every relation is Relation with the Parameswar.It does not distinguish on the basis of colour ,gender or appearance. Libido is not unholy but it reveals that it should not be entertained; it is a natural and divine mode of Existence. It preaches the Construction of Upasanalay , BIVAS and asks everyone for Confession to Brahmaparameswar or Verhudtbrahma either pronouncing his deeds in A Yanja ( Fire ritual ) or submitting all his deeds written on a paper or sakhua-leaves to the Fire.In every house and BIVAS there will be a Yanjasthal ( A bowl to perform the fire ritual).It does not promote idolatry but does not speak of strong prohibiting of traditional practice of worshiping of Metaphor-idols in a social gathering but describing it as having wrong messages.

It delares that judgement in respect of the deeds of the women is the privilege of The Parameswar Himself For He maintains His creation as originated through her.His messenger-in-dream Verhudt reveals that He himself will deliver the judgement to her and advises her to maintain and protect the serenity and holiness of being. It preaches to everyone to hear and learn from everyone but to know the Brahmaparameswar themselves ,

" Hear and Learn from Everyone but Know Him Thyself."]

[edit]Smritokotha of 5th Swejsanto

It reveals that One can overcome his sufferings and sorrows through his deeds and through Confession to Verhudtbrahma but there will always be a Melancholy within every Being .This can't be overcome nor can one remove this from the Depth of his Heart .This reminds everyone always of the Brahmaparameswar.It preaches everyone to Keep an Icon of 'Brinha' with themselves and to touch it whenever their Mind Detracts and that they would be saved .

It describes the Fire-Rituals or Yanja , The Poush-Utsav ( on 7th of Poush ) and worshiping of Sun .It describes the Ritual of Confession to Parameswar and accepts all other Hindu Traditional Rituals to be observed as joint socio-communal Rituals.

[edit]Smritokotha of 6th Swejsanto

It is a Revelation of Becoming.It advises the Community, among which the Revelation occurred , to obey it , otherwise they may lose their path in the wilderness.It ends with the Prayers of 23 Days preceding the Poush Utsav.The Prayers ,some think, have a touch of Upanishadic Thought .It starts with the Following Prayer :

" Hail Thee O! Parameswar/ You are the Progenitor / You are the Protector/ My friend and my company in the journey of this life/ You give us knowledge /And you are the essence of this creation/You can provide words to the speechless/You can give power to the lame to cross the mountains/ And In the Flames of Yanja Fire I offer everything to You."

[edit]Smritokotha of 7th Swejsanto

There is no new Revelation in this part.It describes the relation with practical traditional rituals.It is revealed that the Twelve Commandments of Sri Sri Harichand ,preached two hundred years before, is the part of Swejsantokotha and acknowledge the Matua- Math and The place as a Holy place .It is revealed through him that the Space-Time Metaphor Lord Krishna is the only idol that they can entertain but warns not to Exaggerate It More than That .It is revealed that they should maintain The Book Of Birth ,Of Marriage and Of Death .These should be carried out by senior members of each population group or clan.

[edit]Preachings of the Adi-Santo-Guru

Twelve Commandments 1) Always speak the Truth. 2) Respect your Parents. 3) Respect the woman as Mother-being. 4) Love the World. 5) Be impartial to All religions . 6) Don't discriminate on the basis of race , color,gender or birth. 7) Establish Upasanalay ( worshiping place) 8) Pray to God ( give confessions). 9) Sacrifice your everything to Parameswar. 10)Don't practice asceticism with pride. 11)Hold Six Passions in Control. 12)Utter His Name while you work.

He preached that there is no gurutantra or avatar and he never dikshitized any one but told that they can entertain the space-time metaphor Lord Krishna only.

Two hundred years before The Adi-Santo-Guru preached them for to be prepared for the Revelation.He inspired them to establish five thousand Schools and organisations for Service to Mankind and foretold of the Revelation and of the Exodus of suppressed Humanity.


Palash Biswas
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