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Friday, September 17, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Cancer Myths

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From: Grannie's <>
Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 2:22 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Cancer Myths
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1" <>

Cancer Myths

admin | Apr 02, 2010 | Comments 6

Don't Believe THE LIES!

-Note: Taken from Dr. Leonard Coldwell's Book, The Only Answer to Cancer

The pharmaceutical industry is in search of a cure for cancer.

Conventional medicine is a mega trillion-dollar industry. It employs millions of people and produces astronomical profits for hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry. The trillion-dollar cancer industry is NOT interested in cancer cures, especially those that are fast, easy and natural (not patentable!) Their publicized goal today is to turn cancer into a manageable disease. Meaning, they make money off of the suffering of cancer patients. Any alternative that is safe, natural and effective is a threat to the entire system. It cuts into their bottom line. The medical agenda and motive is clear. They don't know what cures people, but they are willing to risk lives in order to make money and stay in business. Just go into the cancer division of a hospital and watch how healthy and normal most cancer patients look when they first arrive and then see how they look after just two or three treatments of chemotherapy. They usually look 10 or 15 years older within a few weeks. In fact, they almost look mummified. It is not in the best interest of the medical industry, including the pharmaceutical companies, to find a real cure for cancer or for any other chronic illnesses, because this would make the treatment of disease symptoms obsolete.

A solution to cancer would mean the end of many parts of the pharmaceutical and medical industry that "treat" and "research" cancer because cancer creates money and power for so many. Therefore, the criminals in these fields believe: Natural therapies must be disbelieved, denied, discouraged and disallowed at all costs, and all practitioners who are using these safe and effective procedures need to be destroyed or eliminated in any possible way.

Doctors know everything about their specialty.

Doctors are also usually completely ignorant about nutrition, vitamins and energy. Most M.D.s do not have any formal education in diet and nutrition. Medical professionals are not even trained to cure anyone, nor have they studied health. They've studied pathology, illness, death and chemical intervention to suppress the symptoms in hopes that in the meantime your own body cures itself on its own.

My doctor will cure me.

The doctor should not be viewed as the healer, but rather as a partner in a joint effort to bring the afflicted individual's body and soul, which are out of sync, back into a state of natural balance. Only a sick person can cure himself. Even the best doctors can only prescribe a therapy or medication which might help to suppress the symptoms, but they cannot and will not heal you. The healing process lies within the individual's body, his immune system and his self-healing power. By now you should understand that idleness, crying and self-pity will not make you healthy. Education and self-help is the only way.

This is your body and your life! Nobody should make decisions for you. But you must make an educated decision. Use common sense and, most of all, your instincts.

Cancer kills.

Most cancer victims die from the side effects of treatment, rather than the disease itself. Cancer is the final attempt of the body to live, and not, as most people assume, to die. It's been ingrained into your belief system that if you have cancer you have to die. That's absolutely not true!

If you receive no treatment you will most likely die.

-Even if you deny all treatment you have a 27% chance that your cancer will go into remission.

-With the help of alternative medicine, you have a 50% chance of recovery.

-The medical profession has a cancer recovery rate of 3%. (The medical profession states far different survival statistics, but this is because they manipulate studies and results. If a cancer patient is still alive five years after they've first been diagnosed, they are considered "cured"—even if they die one day or one hour later, and even if they have suffered horribly from the effects of the "cut, burn and poison" therapy).

-As a natural health care practitioner, I have a 92.3% cancer recovery rate with patients who had no prior medical treatment. Dr Crone's medical journal #187: The institute for medical statistics concluded and published, "Our research shows that Dr. Leonard Coldwell worked with over 35,000 patients with cancer and other terminal diseases, and it is our conclusion that he has the highest cancer cure rate of all researched therapists in the World—His success rate with cancer patients, that had no orthodox medical treatment before using Dr. Coldwell's system is 92.3%.

Modern cancer treatment is rooted in the false assumption that the body sometimes tries to destroy itself.

While illness appears to be something destructive and harmful for the body, it is actually an attempt by the body to cleanse and heal itself, or at least prolong its life. For example, when you sweat, have a fever, throw up or get diarrhea when you have a cold or the flu, it is the body's way of getting rid of the toxins and microbes, so it can cure itself.

Cancer cells cause death.

Cancer cells do not cause, but prevent death, at least for a while, until the wasting away of an organ leads to the demise of the entire organism. A tumor is often highly toxic on the inside as it accumulates all the toxins in your body so that the poisons cannot spread into the entire body and kill you. That is the reason why biopsies and surgery, anything that cuts, opens, or hurts the protective shell of the tumor-usually leads to a very fast death. When that happens they just call it a fast growing or fast spreading form of cancer. Not that they spread the toxins into the patient's body and that's what killed the patient. If the causes for the cancer are properly taken care of, such an outcome can be completely avoided.

Cancer cells are normal, healthy cells that have mutated genetically, so that they can live in an environment where oxygen is not available. When cells are deprived of vital oxygen (their primary source of energy), some of them will die, but others will manage to alter their genetic software program and mutate in a most ingenious way so that they can live without oxygen.

Since Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg has scientifically proven that cancer cells cannot grow or exist in an oxygen rich environment or an alkaline environment, as proved by Nobel Prize winner Max Plank, it is very simple and easy to understand that by creating an oxygen-rich and slightly alkaline body environment, the cancer cells have to disappear!

Stress does not affect your health.

Stress truly does affect our health and well-being. Studies have shown that 86% of all illnesses are caused by stress, while a Stanford University study concluded that 95% of all illnesses are stress related! Even if we use the modest 86% figure, this means that only 14% of all illnesses are caused by other factors not related to stress.

Stress is one of the major elements that can erode energy to such a large and permanent extent that the immune system loses all possibility of functioning at an optimum level These vary from person to person, but some examples include living in unbearable relationships and marriages, doing jobs you hate or hating your boss, or experiencing problems with family, all of which lead to you compromising your sense of self. Emotional and mental stress comes from living with feelings of constant fear, doubt, hopelessness, lack of self-esteem, worry, and, most of all, always compromising your inner feelings, instincts, and personal needs.

Cancer is caused by diet, environmental, genetics, lifestyle and so on.

Cancer is simply a lack of energy, a lack of energy that's caused mainly by mental and emotional stress. Once you're at this low energy level, it allows the damaged and dead cells to stay in the body and accumulate. They then start to replace new cells with their own damaged form and that accumulation becomes tumors which is called cancer. However, yes, there's a small 14% that's caused by 3 other factors; accumulation of toxins in our system (which mostly comes from our diet), acidosis and toxemia caused by a lack of hydration, and cell damage from electromagnetic chaos or electromagnetic frequencies.

You should go to the doctor for early detection screenings.

The early detection methods are more dangerous and cancer-causing than most people would ever believe. This is simply a way to recruit new customers. The treatments of cut, poison and burn do more harm than good and today people do not die of cancer, they die from the effects of the treatment. Burning or poisoning or cutting out the tumor does not cure the cancer. There is no scientific proof that a mammography or other dangerous early detection methods have ever prevented anybody from getting cancer or from dying of it!

Cancer is genetic.

Cancer is in the entire existence of a person and not just in the body, and the root cause of this disease is mental and emotional stress. Yes, the root cause of all cancer is this destructive lack of energy. If you don't get rid of the root cause you cannot get rid of the cancer! It is self-neglect, self-denial, self-hatred or subconscious suicide that leads to cancer. It's you! Whether you want to believe it or not, you gave yourself this health challenge and you can reverse it anytime you want to.

Please do not believe in the lie that your health or illness is predetermined by your genes. It is not. Studies in Russia showed that adopted children, who did not know they were adopted, developed "inherited diseases" from the adopted parents and their families without having any genetic connection. That is evidence that our belief system and our learned behavior makes us sick and gives us a specific form of illness!

Strangely enough, the medical profession still insists that cancer is inherited, yet it is a statistical fact that people in the so-called "high risk" groups have the lowest occurrence of cancer. It is simply another scare tactic to trick you into unnecessary, useless, and often dangerous, diagnostic techniques so they can make money from you and your fears as long as possible. By using common sense and listening to your instincts you will find that there is no such thing as an inherited disease. If you are born fully functional and healthy you can always stay healthy or get back to that state if you really want to and are willing to do whatever it takes.

Once you are detected with cancer you should begin chemotherapy and/or radiation immediately.

Cancer takes years to grow!!!

There is no cure for cancer.

Cancer is the easiest condition to cure! There are over 300 proven ways to cure cancer naturally.

Mammograms allow early detection of breast cancer and will save your breasts.

Mammograms have never been proven to prevent or cure cancer or to save or prolong the life of cancer patients. It's all a marketing scheme to make money on the diagnostics and to create customers.

Professor Michael Baum of the University College Hospital in London states:"Thousands of women are being deceived by the national cancer program. Half of the women with "early" breast cancer are having mastectomies that might be later proven unnecessary. It is definitely a false promise that if due to some kind of screening the cancer is detected early and the woman's breast can be saved!"

Every compression during a mammogram leads to microscopic ruptures of tissue, including the tumor tissue. This spreads the cancer and can lead to early death. When the doctor manhandles a woman's breasts with hard pressure it can spread the cancer! The technician squeezes the woman's breast between the photographic plates with maximum compression that equals the weight of a 50 pound sandbag. Or better said, they squeeze the life out of the women. It it hurts, it's wrong!

Fast facts about Mammograms:

-They have never been proven to prevent cancer or death
-Each X-ray you have done increases your risk of abnormal cell growth
-The National Cancer Institute (NCI) reports that among women under 35, mammograms could cause far more cases of breast cancer than it identifies
-A Canadian study found a 52% increase in breast cancer mortality in young women who had received annual mammograms

-Note: Taken from Dr. Leonard Coldwell's Book, The Only Answer to Cancer.

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