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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fwd: Fact vs religion, science, big bang and Einstien (part 2) for global understanding

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <>
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:38 AM
Subject: Fact vs religion, science, big bang and Einstien (part 2) for global understanding
To: P0liticalF0rum <>

Fact vs religion, science, big bang and Einstien (part 2) for global

From the top.

what is my claim.

My claim is that energy is factually proven to exist (the exertion of
force), matter is factually proven to exist (what makes up mass) and
time is factually proven to exist (the endless duration in which it
takes for all changes to occur) as well the non contestable fact that
it takes energy matter and time to recreate energy and matter.

Not one person here or on the globe disproved the non contestable fact
that time exists.

Not one person here or on the globe disproved the non contestable fact
that energy exists.

Not one person here or on the globe disproved the non contestable fact
that matter exists.

Not one person here or on the globe disproved the non contestable fact
that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

Not one person here or on the globe contested the non contestable fact
which proves that energy matter and time always is, was and always
will be is that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy
and matter because again not anything goes poof into existence out of
nothingness, and not anything that exists goes poof into nothingness.

Not one person here or on the globe shared one factual example of
anything going poof into existence out of nothingness, and not one
person shared one factual example proving that anything that exists
goes poof into nothingness.

Because quite simply the fact remains that it takes energy matter and
time to re create energy and matter.

Not one person here or on the globe contested any of the non
contestable fact which back any of my claims which beyond any shadow
of doubt prove that every religion is based upon a fundamental of
lies / that there is no such thing as a god or gods.

Instead, I see people scrambling to make anything else the issue while
completely avoiding the fundamentals of this very issue.

You want to discuss things that obviously have nothing to do with the
foundation of this issue like science, Einstein and theories etc. I'll
come back and likely blow you away with that when I get the chance but
I have a job to do and that job is sticking with the fundamentals of
the issues I address for the well being of the future of the life on
this planet. When I get a chance I will respond to your
misunderstandings of science I see here. Just remember I have a job to
do and I'll not allow myself to be a puppet used to open peoples eyes
from their misunderstanding of science or anything else not having to
do with the very fundamentals of the issues I address..

Then I came right back and posted this:

 You claim to not believe in anything, not even your ability to
recognize fact or to share information or to make games or play them
successfully? lmfao yeah you contradict yourself quite obviously.
Don't think your fooling me for one second El Flesh lol if you didn't
believe in your ability to recognize fact you would be experimenting
now would you   I'm going to enjoy this because I am guessing not to
many people have the ability to shoot you down so easily.

 If one of your family members whom you claim not to love is passed
out on the street and you are walking by as they are getting mugged
and beaten you would just smile and walk away or would you do
something to help your relative I mean after all that is your flesh
and blood like them or not. I get the feeling you just don't like to
be proven wrong and then again who does

 Facts verify or falsify belief. Where did I ever claim belief is
based upon fact? Right it never happened.

 the fundamental of every religion is based upon a story (factually
proven lie) about how we / everything came into existence. The
fundamental of many religions is that there be a god / gods. I didn't
think I would have to spell this out but for the millionth time
atheists are made out to be religious by the religious through the
claims of the religious that it is a religion based upon the non
belief in the fundamental of religion. there is that better

 Funny thing, I draw my own conclusions for the most.

when a science experiment proves the out come be fact or false, the
end result is the conclusion thus is verification. Mimicking the
science to verify the end result is only consolidating the finding of
what the process of science has already proven. Thus in short you are
learning about science by mimicking science instead of practicing
science because again once the science has produced verification of
the end result be fact or false, it is no longer a science, it is a
practice in learning about the science that lead to the conclusion.
The science has already be done the formula is there, you using the
formula to verify for yourself has already been done. trying a new
formula to draw fresh conclusion is a science. Science is the process
of what determines fact, once it is fact it is obviously no longer a
science. Lets take a look at the computer, once it was created it was
no longer a science to prove computers exist, it became a fact. The
science from there was to improve the computer and to this day that
science continues

Fundamentalists are one thing, I am a factual fundamentalist here as
religious fundamentalist base their fundamentals on using lies to mask
older lies. such as a bunch of people standing around a wall humming
brings down a wall then these so called fundamentalists you make
mention of then claim "that is proof that there is a god" when really
it only proves that sound effects even solid objects. those kind of so
called fundamentalists are nothing more than twisted liars. Put your
mouth over your hand and humm do you not feel the vibration? ... get a
group of people humming over your hand and you will feel it even more
etc. oh but to them this means anything they learn is attributed to a
factually proven fundamental of lies to aid these selfish and the
greedy in taking advantage of the unaware from a time of weakness for
power and control over the many. Oh but people back then to were to
stupid to realize that humming creates vibration and the only way they
could have learned that was from an outside source lmfao (sarcasm)! Oh
and if you go into the mountains where there is snow and you yell,
avalanches can easily occur but that never once happened a couple of
thousand years ago lmfao (sarcasm)! Such is the sickness in the
disease known as religion they will say and do anything because it's
all about their greed and selfishness devising new schemes to deceive
for maintaining power and control over the many by fabricating lies as
truth and belief.

No matter how fast an object flies lets say approx 20 minutes from
England to Ontario and you are on the phone as it departs looking at
your watch you notice 8:20pm, and the object lands at 8:40 before your
very eyes no matter what the human made gadgets show on that object,
that object landed exactly 20 minutes at exactly 8:40 after it
departed. It didn't land at 18 minutes and just appears out of thin
air 20 minutes later so don't try and hand me that load of crap by
trying to pass off the theory as proven fact.

I notice how it was avoided any attempt to explain how light finds the
time to travel is by this so called theory of yours and yeah it is a
theory because by that theory time stops at the speed of light.

 If two people are in the river washing clothes and one of those
people uses soap, it takes less time for the person using soap to get
the clothes clean than the person not using soap. It didn't speed up
time, it just took less time to accomplish the same thing.

Just like a crumpled wet towel in the garbage vs. an open wet towel on
the counter, the one on the counter will take less time to dry, it
doesn't speed up time.

A person is trapped in a fire while another person next to them is
trapped in a block of ice. That person burning is not experiencing
time going any faster but is experiencing their skin burn up in a
short period of time where as the person in the block of ice is not
experiencing time going any slower, they are experiencing their bodies
metabolic rates slowing down or stopping in the period of time that
they are in that ice.

Lets say someone travels at light speed all over the universe for two
weeks, every hour is still an hour, every second is still a second,
every minute is still a minute, time does not speed up and when that
someone lands it is still two weeks later no matter what devices on
board that vessel would say.

I would say the Einstien or whoever was disillusioned with the whole
time dialation concept likely took one to many hits of lsd.

 Again if time stops at the speed of light, then light wouldn't find
the time to travel.

Well thats it for now. I got me other things to do!

El FDlesh keeps posting

"Neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed."

which backs up my statement because it means the exact same thing and
that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter
wich is proof it always was is and always will be because again not
anything goes poof into existence out of nothingness and not anything
that exists goes poof into nothingness.

You also use the word transform, which basically means re create, Yeah
if you look back I did not use the word create I used the word "re"

Now this certainly rules out your black hole garbage because as you
mention energy and matter can neither be created or destroyed (fact)
and being energy and matter always existed, there is always
tranformation and for things to transorm it takes time.

You claim that there was no time before this theory of a big bang and
yet here you are sharing example which proves that theory a delusion.

 again for any bang to first occur it takes energy matter and time to
re create energy and matter.

(This is all a follow up to the article "Is Prime Minister S. Harper
and P. MacKay really this ignorant or really this stupid?!") and you
can find this particluar discussion by typing Vandhaal in google, go
to the forum on the general board.

Sorry gang, really pressed for time.

David jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

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Palash Biswas
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