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Friday, September 17, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] FW: Quran Burning: Burn A Koran & Burn Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Mary and ....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: A. Moussa <>
Date: 2010/9/12
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: Quran Burning: Burn A Koran & Burn Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Mary and ....
To: "A. Moussa" <>




From: Erooth Mohamed
Sent: 17 سبتمبر, 2010 06:06 ص
Subject: Quran Burning: Burn A Koran & Burn Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Mary and ....



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: raja chemayel 
Date: Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 12:02 AM
Subject: Inside a Koran

Do not burn a Koran
Moses inside!
Jesus inside!
Abraham inside!
Virgin Mary, Joseph, Isaak
and Salomon
also inside.!!






Koran burner Derek Fenton booted from his job at NJ Transit

Derek Fenton was fired for burning pages of the Koran near Ground Zero on 9/11.

Daily News: Derek Fenton was fired for burning pages of the Koran near Ground Zero on 9/11.

The protester who burned pages from the Koran outside a planned mosque near Ground Zero has been fired from NJTransit, sources and authorities said Tuesday.

Derek Fenton's 11-year career at the agency came to an abrupt halt Monday after photographs of him ripping pages from the Muslim holy book and setting them ablaze appeared in newspapers.

Fenton, 39, of BloomingdaleN.J., burned the book during a protest on the ninth anniversary of Sept. 11 outside Park51, the controversial mosque slated to be built near Ground Zero.

He was apparently inspired by Pastor Terry Jones, the Florida clergyman who threatened to burn the Koran that day but later changed his mind.

NJ Transit said Fenton was fired but wouldn't give specifics.

"Mr. Fenton's public actions violated New Jersey Transit's code of ethics," an agency statement said.

"NJ Transit concluded that Mr. Fenton violated his trust as a state employee and therefore [he] was dismissed."

Fenton was ushered from the protests by police on Saturday and questioned, but he was released without charges.

"He said, 'This is America,' and he wanted to stand up for it, in a Tea Party kind of way," a police source said.

Another police source said Fenton described himself as a "loyal American" exercising his "right to protest."

But the source said Fenton looked like he was having second thoughts as he was released.

"He looked nervous, like he was starting to think it wasn't such a good idea," the police source said.

Described by neighbors as a likable family guy with two children, Fenton was an assistant train-consist coordinator, sources said - a job that entails ensuring there are enough train cars positioned to be put into service. He previously worked as an NJ Transit conductor.

Several neighbors in Fenton's town stood up for his right to express himself with flames.

"Good for him for burning the Koran," neighbor Jacqui Marquez, 40, said.

"Everybody's entitled to their opinion ... by firing him, they're sending a message that there's no freedom of speech. They're completely wrong for doing this."

"He's a family man," neighbor Randy McConnell, 43, said.

"He loves his kids and he loves trains. I don't agree with what he did, but he shouldn't lose his job over it. That's his right."

If Fenton was fired for burning the Koran while off-duty, his First Amendment rights probably were violated, Chris Dunn of the New York Civil Liberties Union said.

"The Supreme Court has recognized a constitutional right to burn the flag. As reprehensible as it may be, burning the Koran would be protected as well."


NJ governor: State was right to fire Koran burner

NJ governor: State was right to fire Koran burner

Gov. Chris Christie supports NJ Transit's termination of Koran-burning protester.

NJ Transit was right to can Koran-burning creep Derek Fenton, says Gov. Chris Christie

BY PETE DONOHUE  - DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER - Thursday, September 16th 2010

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Wednesday backed the controversial firing of a transit worker who burned pages of the Koran outside a planned mosque near Ground Zero.

NJTransit fired assistant train coordinator Derek Fenton Monday, just two days after he ripped pages from the Koran and torched them with a lighter on the ninth anniversary of 9/11.

"We're supportive of the action taken by NJTransit," Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak told the Daily News.

But one New Jersey state senator defended Fenton's constitutional right to free speech and criticized his firing.

Fenton was not in uniform and apparently not on the clock when he staged his protest in front of news photographers and reporters covering demonstrations marking the anniversary of the World Trade Center attack.

"So long as his actions, however misguided, took place on his own time, and he was not acting in his capacity as a representative of NJTransit but as an American exercising his constitutional rights, then the agency is clearly in the wrong," Sen. Raymond Lesniak (D-Union) said in a statement.

Some Fenton backers created a "Help Derek Fenton" Facebook page, devoted to finding a new job for the father of two.





Thank you Pastor Terry Jones

For your service to Islam!

1.       Thanks for making Quran a bestsellerMore copies Qurans and  were sold on Amazon, local and online Islamic stores, thus providing humanity an opportunity to read and ponder over God's guidance for  humanity.


2.       Thanks for the business.  More people bought Islamic literature, along with the Quran, generating extra revenue for the Islamic stores. 


3.       More individuals visited the mosques to attend Muslim open houses and Islam presentations, thus receiving the  wonderful message of Islam.


4.       More individuals called on the GainPeace's outreach hotline 800-662-ISLAM and inquired about the faith of Islam, giving Muslims an opportunity to explain Islam to our fellow citizens.  You generated more publicity for Islam, then all our past outreach campaigns combined. 


5.       More people Googled the words 'Islam' and 'Quran'.The more that you spoke about Islam and the Quran, more people came to Muslim websites to learn about the truth of Islam.


6.       Libraries were busy loaning out copies of the Quran. Yes, libraries across the USA, Canada and Europe were busy lend out copies of the Quran to its patrons.   


7.       Thanks for saving the Muslims advertisement dollars.  The free publicity to the words 'Quran' and 'Islam', that you gave, Muslims could have spent millions of dollars but couldn't have generated the same publicity and attention of the media, and thanks to you, the word of God (the Quran) became a household word.


8.       Thanks for waking up the Muslims.  Muslim all across the world are now more passionate about the wonderful and peaceful faith of Islam and are eager to share it with their neighbors, colleagues, friends and humanity.


9.       Thanks for encouraging more people to embrace Islam.  We had more people calling, learning and embracing Islam in the past few weeks, then we ever had since the last 40 years.   


10.   Thanks for uniting the people of consciencethe Muslim, the Jews, the Christians, the Hindus, and the atheist, on the common platform of goodness, love and tolerance and against hatred, bias and bigotry.


Pastor Terry Jones, we pray that you actually read the Quran with an open mind and heart and ponder over its message of the oneness of God. If you love Jesus, follow the religion of Jesus, the religion of Jesus was Islam, submission to the The Creator. May God, enlighten you to the truth of Islam and that you start worshiping the One Creator as was preached and practiced by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them.  Welcome to Islam.

Dr. Sabeel Ahmed


The GainPeace Project, USA



About us: is an outreach project of Islamic Circle of North America, ICNA, whose goal is to share the authentic message of Islam with humanity.



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12 September, 2010


Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Muslim Bigotry





On the ninth anniversary of September 11, thousands of people marched against racism in a diverse show of solidarity that far outnumbered the Tea Party-led hate rallies.


For more information and reports see:

To donate to continue this critical mobilization against racismgo to

Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Muslim Bigotry
c/o Solidarity Center 55 W 17th St #5C NYC 212-633-6646






Interview with Pastor Jones' Daughter

'Papa, Don't Do It'


September 10, 2010

 PastorTerryJones; HeSeemsLikeAStrangeToMe_Says Daughter.jpg

It remains unclear whether Pastor Terry Jones will go ahead with his plan to burn Korans in Florida on Saturday. His daughter Emma has begged him not to go through with it. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, she describes a man who became a victim of his own delusions.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Ms. Jones, your father wants to burn hundreds of Korans at his church in Florida on Saturday. What do you think of the plan?

Emma Jones: I am shocked and condemn it. When I hear what he is currently saying in interviews about his motivations, he seems like a stranger to me.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Have you asked him not to go through with it?

Jones: Yes. I sent him an e-mail. I wrote: Papa, don't do it. I actually haven't had any contact with him since he left Cologne in 2008. But because I think his plan is so awful, I implored him to consider the consequences -- not just for him but for the whole world.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Has he answered?

Jones: No. But I didn't think he would.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Why do you think your father sees Islam in such a hostile way?

Jones: It is relatively new. For years he led a church in Cologne that was, at first, merely Bible oriented, but later it began to have sect-like elements. Just before he left Cologne in 2008 and returned to the US, he began saying that Islam is getting the upper hand and that we can't allow it. But I didn't grow up with this radicalism.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: How did you grow up?

Jones: We were raised in a very Christian household, and it was very strict. But also very social. We received visits from people from all over the world and were open to everything.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Former members of his church have spoken of psychological cruelty, forced work, financial irregularities and calls to beat ones own children.

Jones: My mother, Lisa Jones, died in 1996 of a heart attack. Shortly thereafter, my father remarried and I left the church at age 17. In 2005, he offered me a job as a bookkeeper in a company belonging to the church, which sold donated furniture on eBay. I gained a new insight, and realized that my father preached things and did things that I didn't find to be in accordance with the Bible at all. He demanded that people completely obey him and his second wife, Sylvia. Both are extremely obsessed with power. I saw genuine religious delusion. A typical indication of a sect. Both of them wanted to control everything.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Did you confront your father at the time?

Jones: Yes. I didn't agree with those things which I saw as exploitation and psychological abuse. I repeatedly brought those things up. In the end, he called me into his office and said he received a message from God for me: God would take my children and then kill me. I stood up and left. Then I contacted members of the church and tried to open their eyes. And I was successful.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: It is true, then, that the church in Cologne ousted your father itself?

Jones: Yes.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Did he leave Cologne willingly?

Jones: It was a mixture. We confronted him and demanded that he correct his errors. But he didn't give in. When we brought up the church finances, he disappeared the next day.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Are you still involved with the church that he left behind?

Jones: No.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Do you believe your father is serious about burning the Korans?

Jones: I do. My father is not one to give up. As his daughter, I can see the good-natured core deep inside him. But I think he needs help.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Is your father a megalomaniac?

Jones: I'm afraid he is. As his daughter, it is difficult for me to say that.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: There are apparently a number of your father's German followers with him in Gainesville. Did he take some of the Cologne church members with him?

Jones: Yes. Some of his followers went with him.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Your father recently said he would consider cancelling the plans if the White House were to contact him personally.

Jones: I don't know what's going through his head. I think he has gone crazy. But I am convinced that he thinks his plan is both correct and good.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: He has indicated that the final decision will be imparted to him by God. Does he see himself as someone who is in constant contact with God?

Jones: Yes. He was constantly comparing himself with Moses.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: If you knew that your father would read this interview, what would you say to him?

Jones: That he needs help. That he is on the wrong path. But that there are people who love him anyway. I sincerely hope that he comes to his senses.

Interview conducted by Yassin Musharbash. Translated from the German.




---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: raja chemayel <>
Date: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 1:15 PM
Subject: How to burn a light-tower....

What IQ can this creature ever have??
why do people watch what he does??
or care what he says??

Should we not lock him up
with some Catholic-paedophile-monks ??

for 2 week.....








Mike Ghouse

Mike Ghouse

Mike Ghouse is a speaker on Islam and offers pluralistic solutions on issues of the day





September 8, 2010


The world will watch Terry Jones, senior pastor at Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, burn the Quran on his church grounds on September 11, 2010. Obviously this incendiary act is intended to provoke a reaction from Muslims.

The actions of a few Muslims would be as representative of Islam as the actions of Pastor Jones are of Christianity. There will be some among Muslims who will mirror Pastor Jones, but the majority of Muslims would act the same way as the Christian or other majorities in other faiths: they will do nothing.

However, "silent no more, speak up" is the new paradigm among Muslims. They have had enough of the blame for 9/11 placed on them while the true criminal is at large. Muslims want Osama Bin Laden caught and punished as much as, if not more than, the families of the victims of the 9/11 do. While bigotry is emanating from only a minuscule percentage of Americans against fellow Americans, the majority of Americans have not felt the need to stop others from treating fellow Americans with suspicion and blame for things they have no part in it.

The issue can be framed in two questions.

1) What is God going to do as Pastor Jones burns the Quran?

The simple answer is "Nothing!"

Muslims do not own the Quran; it is a book of guidance for those who choose to be guided. Indeed, the Quran starts with the words, "All praise is due to God alone, the Sustainer of all the worlds" (1:2), and ends with addressing humanity as a whole again: "I seek refuge with the Sustainer of men" (114:1).

It is understood that God, the cause behind creation of life and matter, belongs to all of us. No one owns him, and no group has exclusive favors with him over the other.

God knows everything we do, and neither Osama Bin Laden nor Pastor Jones will go scot-free; every one of us has to account for ourselves in our solitude and again on the day of reckoning.

Quran 14:4 states:

And never have we sent forth any apostle otherwise than [with a message] in his own people's tongue (language), so that he might make [the truth] clear unto them; but God lets go astray him that wills [to go astray], and guides him that wills [to be guided] -- for He alone is almighty, truly wise.

God is not going to do a thing; he has blessed us with free will and encourages and guides us to do good and holds us responsible when we fail.

2) What are Muslims going to do about it?

They will pray for the well-being of the pastor.

That is what Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did when the miscreants pelted rocks at him: instead of getting even with them, he asked his associates to join him and pray for their well-being. The Angel Gabriel offered to help go after those rascals, but the Prophet said no to him and instead prayed for their goodwill. He believed that there is goodness in every human soul and that we have to appeal to it. He chose the nonviolent way of goodwill and nurturing.

Most Muslims will follow the beautiful example of the Prophet; it is one of the peace models he presented for the world to follow, just as most Christians would follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and not burn the Quran. There will be fringe elements among Muslims who will mirror Pastor Jones, but you can count them to be no more than 1/100th of 1 percent of the population.

Quran 14:12 reads, "And how could we not place our trust in God, seeing that it is he who has shown us the path which we are to follow? Hence, we shall certainly bear with patience whatever hurt you may do us: for, all who have trust [in His existence] must place their trust in God."

Let Pastor Jones burn the Quran if he so chooses. However, we request that he read the right translations and understand the verses in their right context. There are at least 18 decent translations against the two he may have read and bases his judgment upon. We will be happy to sit with him and clarify anything he may have misunderstood.

What does it take to build orderly societies? What does it take for you, me and others to feel safe and live in peace? Can we follow Jesus and remove the fears and bring peace to all?

The Quran says: "O mankind! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. The noblest of you, in sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Allah Knows and is Aware" (49:13).

We have to consciously create institutions and systems that will become a catalyst to a positive change and bring about cohesive functioning of the society. It is our duty to keep law and order and faithfully guard the safety of every citizen. As an individual, I cannot be safe if the people around me aren't; it is in my interest to seek peace for all of us.

We have a monumental task to repair the world, and we will do our part in working towards a world of coexistence, one person at a time. We are committed, and now help us God. Amen.

This post was co-written with Imam Zia Shaikh, the resident scholar of the Islamic Center of Irving, Texas and a Hafiz-e- Quraan. Mike Ghouse is a speaker on Islam and religious pluralism, offering pluralistic solutions to the media and the public on the issues of the day. His work is expressed in 22 blogs and tree websites listed at

WTC911a.jpg WTC911.jpg


Burning the Quran and the Satanic Verses: Is there a difference? By Yamin Zakaria -  Sept. 10, 2010

Whilst some Muslims around the world demonstrate with rage, others find this cheap media stunt by the US Pastor, Terry Jones, rather amusing; he appears like the typical ignorant rugged hillbilly with a tiny band of followers. From his interviews, he fits the profile of those ignorant Americans raised on a diet of Zionist Fox News and baseball, who would struggle to comment on the US history and geography, let alone the rest of the world.  

Let us leave aside the religious dimension, most of us live in a secular society; thus, let us examine the secular arguments of free speech which underpins this issue. This has resurfaced the old debate of the right of freedom of speech against 'selective' curbing of it, to prevent incitement to hate and violence. In defence of Terry Jones, the issue of freedom of expression is pointed out, along with the example of the Muslims burning the Satanic Verses of Salman Rushdie, in the past. The obliging media selectively pushes the arguments of incitement to hate and violence to the back, and the argument of the right of free speech for Terry Jones is brought to the front. It works in reverse for the Muslim action and reaction, as it is always measured against the principle of incitement to hate and violence, rather than a right to express their viewpoint.


Both, the Satanic Verses and the actions of Terry Jones are provocation, and not a reaction; one can also include the Danish Cartoon in this category. Rather, the Muslims will point out, if the media opposed the book burning of Satanic Verses, why did they not demonstrate the same level of opposition to the burning of the Quran. Moreover, the 'Satanic Verses' is not a sacred scripture with millions of followers around the world. Thus, if anything, the response to curtail free speech of Terry Jones should have been greater. This merely confirms that media consistency is the exception, and media-hypocrisy is the norm.


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: raja chemayel <>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 3:34 PM
Subject: Flooding over the Truth
If it is no true,,,,,,,,,,they make it true

if there is a flood........they make invisible.

The CIA´s spending-budget for the Pakistan
shall not be increased due to the flooding.

The CIA is of the opinion that
a flooding is purely a national-internal-matter
and therefore the CIA shall not intervene
because it concentrates on the support only
for the Talibans and al Qua´eeda recruitment's,
training and strategic plannings.

Unless a Taliban or a  Al Quaeeda member
gets the flood.

Eng. Moustafa  Roosenblom


Islamophobia Speech

By Rev. Deborah C. Lindsay


Please consider circulating it; it is a must  for people to hear; we pray that everyone Jewish; Christian and Muslim Hear her sermon; so everyone will realize that the world is full of good people on ALL sides; and all Phobias-whether  towards Judaism; Christianity; Islam or anything else - can be known for what it truly is; a fear by the few; that the majority good will and common ground ties of compassion ; humanity; good will and friendship- God Willing- can defeat.



Islamophobia Speech 

Preaching: Rev. Deborah C. Lindsay

Sermon from Sunday, August 29; 11 am service

RevDeborahLindsay on Islamphobia1.JPG

Across America today, we are seeing an increase in fear and suspicion of people of Muslim faith. Rev. Deborah Lindsay reflects on the urgent need for understanding and peace-making, and she says a true Christian message is one of respect and understanding for all people of all faiths and traditions. After all, we are ALL created in the image of God.

Click the player below to start the stream and view this sermon.



A Message From an Arab Catholic Priest to Pastor Jones Who Wants to Burn The Quran Monday, August 30, 2010

Respected Pastor Terry Jones,

I have read your worldwide call for the burning of the Quran on this coming 11th of September. Your message stated that you are a pastor of one of the churches in Florida in the United States of America.

As an Arab Catholic priest from Damascus (Syria), I wondered what would be your objective, as an American pastor, for such a call?

I wondered, and I ask you: What are your responsibilities as a pastor?
Are you really a Christian pastor serving God in a church in America?
Or are you merely a layperson from America who is pretending to be in the service of Christ?



Video: Jesus of Islam

Name of Jesus was mentioned in Quran 154 times by name while Muhammad was mentioned lesser.


"And the pains of childbirth drover her to the trunk of a palm-tree: She cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!"

But (a voice) cried toher from beneath her "Grieve not! for thy Lord Hath provided a rivulet beneath thee.. And shake towards the thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee.  '

So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye'.

And if thou dost see any man, say, 'I have vowed a fast to (God) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human being'"

At length she brough the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms).

They said: "O Mary! truly an amazing thing hast thou brought!".. "O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman unchaste!"

But she pointed to the bebe. They said: "How can we talk to one who is child in the cradel?"

He (the child) said: "Iam indeed a servant of God: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live..

"(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable; So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)!"

Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (veinly) dispute"

It is not befitting to (the majesty of) God that He should beget a son, Glory be to HIM! when he determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is.."

Verily God is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight.

[Holy Quran]


رسالة الأب الياس زحلاوي إلى القس الأمريكي الذي دعا لحرق القرآن الكريم 







Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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