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Monday, September 13, 2010

Fwd: 13/2 Pune Terror, more lies & fabrications from the ATS & Government of Maharashtra. By Feroze Mithiborwala

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From: Feroze Mithiborwala <>
Date: Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 9:31 AM
Subject: 13/2 Pune Terror, more lies & fabrications from the ATS & Government of Maharashtra. By Feroze Mithiborwala

13/2 Pune Terror, more lies & fabrications from the ATS

& Government of Maharashtra.

By Feroze Mithiborwala


This is in continuation with our struggle to expose the truth about the Pune terror attack. Once again the Government, ATS & the Corporate Media have gone berserk with their planted stories & fictitious evidence. The ATS led by Rakesh Maria, claims to have finally cracked the case & apprehended the perpetrators.


But let us begin by raising certain facts, questions & inferences.


Firstly the facts:


Ex-ATS Chief Raghuvanshi had clearly named Sarang Kulkarni & Prashant Juvekar as possible suspects in the Pune attack (TOI, March 3, 2010).

Sarang Kulkarni is also a suspect in the Goa terror attacks & is wanted by the NIA (2009). Kulkarni is a resident of Pune & was seen frequenting the Shivaji Nagar area but was never arrested as "his mobile is switched off & it is difficult to establish his location". Kulkarni was "also suspected to have transported the chemicals & ammunition for the Goa bomb". Interestingly the Court is not willing to provide copies of the Goa Charge-sheet to the media.


After this episode, Raghuvanshi was transferred & Mr. Rakesh Maria was appointed in his stead.


CCTV footage: Rakesh Maria is basing is entire case on the footage from the CCTV camera from "within the German Bakery positioned over the cash counter".


Therefore let us deal with this supposed clinching evidence.


The following statement was issued by Rashmi Shukla (Inspector General of Police, Law & Order): "The Bakery has no CCTV's. The O Hotel which has CCTV's is located opposite the bakery. The ATS is now analysing the footage"  (14/02/10).


I found this statement very astounding to say the least.


Then as per reports that were garnered by the Pune Mirror team, they said that "the investigators were handicapped as the CCTV footage was not providing any clues".


If one were to vividly recall the statements by the ATS & the Police, which was widely reported in the media, was the fact that the investigation was totally handicapped as the CCTV footage was either not available or the footage was far too grainy to provide any semblance of clarity.


After Mr. Rakesh Maria was appointed as the new Chief of the Maharashtra ATS, he made the following remarks to Mateen Hafeez of the Times of India. He stated that the CCTV footage from the Cash counter was available, though it was of a highly damaged nature. And secondly he stated that he suspected Riyaz Bhatkal as the perpetrator.


We immediately organized a delegation of Punekar's & Mumbaikar's & met Mr. Rakesh Maria. He reaffirmed that they had CCTV footage from the cash counter, "but it was highly damaged & unclear". He stated that there is a "special software" that can help with the process. Does such a software really exist?? Then I asked him as to why did he state the name of Riyaz Bhatkal without having seen the footage. To this, he retorted that he had been misquoted by the media. I called up Mateen Hafeez, who stands by his story. Thus Mr. Maria had decided as to who he was to finally "copy, cut & paste" into his special software.


The missing cache of 195 kilogram's of explosives & RDX (Ahmednagar, September 2, 2006): The ATS is supposedly flummoxed about the origin of the RDX used in the Pune blast. But the point is that since the last four years, there has been the unsolved case about the missing RDX in Maharashtra. The point is that a large cache of explosives that included RDX, were found in Shankar Shelke's scrap yard in Ahmednagar. The origin of this RDX is suspected to be the Ahmednagar Fort, which is Army Ordnance. It was the Malegaon investigations that pursued the involvement of Col. Purohit & Sadhvi Pragnya that led to Shelke, who was then interrogated by the police. He died in prison. The police say that he committed suicide, whilst his wife claims that the police murdered him.


This case is not being pursued by the ATS, NIA or IB or even by the Media for that matter. Thus yes, the RDX that was used in the Pune terror attack could have come from the Ahmednagar source.


The formula of terror used by the Abhinav Bharat & Sanatan Sanstha includes the use of a mix of Ammonium Nitrate & RDX as is being revealed now. Interestingly in all such cases, the CCTV cameras too were not functioning. This was certainly the common pattern of the terror attacks in Thane, Vashi, Panvel & Ajmer. Again in the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks the 16 CCTV cameras were malfunctional.


There is clearly an influential & well protected terror network that is amassing large quantities of detonators, gelatine sticks, Ammonium Nitrate & RDX. The recent story from Madhya Pradesh, of more than 163 trucks carrying explosives having simply vanished is extremely dangerous & poses a grave threat to national security.( The report also mentions "hundreds more", but this does not seem to attract the sustained coverage or investigation by the agencies or by the media.


A conspiracy of silence exists!!


To add to this outlandish story, the CM Mr. Ashok Chavan immediately announced an award of Rs 500,000/- to the ATS for having successfully nabbed the terrorists & thereby bringing an end to the investigations. With the highly notorious record that the Maharashtra ATS & Police have earned for themselves, could not the Mr. Chavan waited for the Court verdict??


More interestingly, this time the Home Minister Mr. Chidambaram seems to have learnt his lessons since the last time & has decided to keep quiet. As one would recall, Mr. Chidambaram went ballistic & had congratulated the ATS on having caught Abdus Samad the "prime suspect & master-mind" of the Pune attack. Chidambaram as we all know, fell flat on his face, as he does most of the time these days. His latest missive on Saffron terror was highly embarrassing.


Thus going by the facts as above, it clearly goes to prove that the investigation is "pre-determined & fixed" to ensure the outcome.


As we have always consistently maintained, there were three major reasons for the Pune terror attack: 


1) To cover up the murder of Advocate Shahid Amzi on 11 February 2010, just two days prior to the terror attack on the German Bakery.

2) To sabotage the Indo-Pakistan talks scheduled for the 25th of February '10.

3) To increase the strategic advantage for Israel by linking the Chabad House factor.



All of the above clearly point to elements of the right-wing RSS, Abhinav Bharat & Sanatan Sanstha to having perpetrated the terror attack. They clearly do have support within the present government of Maharashtra, both within the ruling political elite, bureaucracy, the ATS, State IB & the Police.


Post Nanded & Malegaon, we are fully aware of the fact that the government of Maharashtra at all levels has been trying to shield the true perpetrators. Even though the CM Ashok Chavan is an MLA from Nanded, he has never pushed for the Nanded investigation & has very good relations with the RSS. Even RR Patil (Home Minister, Maharashtra) tried his best to delay the investigations into the Nanded blasts, as was also the case with the Malegaon investigation. If it was not for Hemank Karkare's role, we would have never known the truth. And undoubtedly Hemank Karkare was sacrificed as pawn in this entire sordid affair. (


It is this very government & it's ATS that is covering up the very murder of Hemank Karkare. They are trying to bury the case of the missing bullet proof jacket, as well as the true nature of the bullets that led to his death.  ( (


It is the same duo of RR Patil & Rakesh Maria, who stands thoroughly discredited in their role during the 26/11 terror attack, the Fahim Ansari case, where the supposed prime local mastermind of 26/11 was let off by the Court for fabrication of evidence ( Again recently in the case of the Mulund blasts, Rakesh Maria even failed to file the charge-sheet's against the accused, leave alone the case even reaching the Courts (


Such is their dismal & dishonest track record.


Now for the prime suspect & latest mastermind Mirza Baig who is also the chief of the Maharashtra LeT (how many times have we heard that before?? I've run out of count!!). As is always the case with supposed IM operatives, he has a criminal record & that is what has made it very easy to entrap him. In the various cases of entrapment or false terror cases, it is Muslim's with a criminal background, who are then entrapped as terrorists. Mirza Baig clearly fits the pattern.  He has been linked to criminal cases in Pune ('07) & Bombay ('08), for supplying weapons to criminal gangs. 

He is also sort to be linked to the Aurangabad arms haul case of 2006. Interestingly, "Though Baig knew about the arms haul, he was neither questioned nor arrested in the case," said an ATS officer. Which basically means that the ATS had decided to use Mirza Baig in some other terror case & thus Pune . . .


Though the entire media refers to the Aurangabad Arms Haul Case (2006), not a single writer mentions the fact that even the trial for the same has not yet started after 4 years, leave alone any convictions. Here the ATS has entrapped a number of innocent Muslim youth & that will be proved by the Courts in good time.


It was after this false case that the year 2006 witnessed a series of terror attacks in Bombay, Malegaon, Beed, Jalna, Parbhani & the rest that followed, which are now being exposed & traced to the Abhinav Bharat & Sanatan Sanstha.


The Chidambaram led NIA has been covering & protecting Indresh Kumar (RSS National Executive Committee member), Pravin Togadia (VHP) & Col. Purohit (Abhinav Bharat) for their links to the Samhjauta blast. The NIA conveniently & shamelessly uses HEADLEY to counter the charge-sheet filed by Hemant Karkare. Sadhvi Pragnya walks around free in a hospital. Whilst Muslim youth continue to be tortured & languish in jails for the Ajmer, Malegaon & Hyderabad blasts now being traced to the RSS, Abhinav Bharat & Sanatan Sanstha. And David Headley who was also used by Chidambaram's NIA to target Ishrat Jehan to safeguard Modi's killers, is as we all know – a CIA agent.


Within a few days after R. Maria took over, he basically said that the CCTV footage was of extremely poor quality & yet mentioned Riyaz Bhatkal. So he clearly had set up his prey. He now needed to create & fix the evidence as per the political direction that was given to him by P. Chidambaram, Ashok Chavan & RR Patil. He needs to, if he wants the coveted job of Mumbai's next Police Commissioner.


The point is that since the first day after the Pune 13/2 terror attack, the ATS had clearly stated that there was no CCTV footage whatsoever, or even if available, was highly damaged & grainy. That is why both the ATS & the government at times alluded to the possible hand of right-wing Hindutva terror organizations as a distinct possibility. But yet only Muslim youth were detained & interrogated, even though Pune is the capital of the Abhinav Bharat. Thus there was never any clinching CCTV footage. The evidence is a total fabrication.


Again, even though Bilal Sheikh is supposed to have supplied the RDX, he has not been booked for the terror attack, but has been booked under another case. He too has a criminal record in Nasik. Moshin Chawdhary needs to be further investigated, as he has been missing for over 5 years. As for Yaseen or Riyaz, or which ever of the Bhatkal's who are always the fall guys, we wonder if they are even alive. Their parents (who are under constant surveillance) have not been in contact with them for over 10 years & have expressed their fears & doubts in this matter.


According to Mr. Maria, Mirza Baig was on the run. But it is clear that Baig was employed in an internet cafe & regularly met his parents on a monthly basis. Maria also states that there is a large module active across Maharashtra, but yet these cells were not active during 26/11!! And for all these hundreds if not thousands of terror operatives on the loose, he could only entrap the innocent Fahim Ansari.


Also according to ATS Chief Maria, now there is a confluence of SIMI & IM activists. He is trying to create a scary scenario. But the reality is that there is a more devious game at play. (


After the Supreme Court appointed Special Tribunal gave the SIMI a clean chit as it could not find evidence against SIMI to sustain the ban, the security apparatus was in a state of deep crisis, as they had built up the entire terror bogey on SIMI cells.( work of the Special Tribunal was stalled. Then a few days ago the Special Tribunal received 5 threatening emails from the IM. This, they said proved the link between SIMI & IM & then extended the ban on SIMI. So where the entire investigation agencies & the Special Tribunal failed, the emails of the IM succeeded!! How very convenient & banal.


We have time & again proved that the Indian Mujahedeen (IM) is a covert operation of the IB & ATS, whereby they entrap Muslim youth, mainly criminals & informers & use them as fodder during encounter killings & to "conclude" their investigations.


As for the utter lack of forensic evidence, do note that the Fire Brigade had sprayed the entire German Bakery Area with water & they say that they never had any forensic evidence as all the clues were washed away. How very convenient!! Mr. Satyapal Singh the then Police Commissioner of Pune, must be held responsible for this wilful criminal act of destruction of the evidence.


Thus now the ATS says that they have caught the perpetrators by using "human intelligence" (another name for khabris or informers & false-witnesses) & on the basis of a "tip-off" by "some people" & lastly the (non-existent) "highly damaged" CCTV footage for cracking the case.


Baig is supposed to have revealed all "under sustained interrogation" - we all know that that means. And for those that do not - it means 3rd degree torture!! But one would have thought that the alleged LeT Chief of Maharashtra would have withstood the torture for more than the 24 hours, during which he was singing like a canary.


Thus the investigation is not even bothering to summon the victims & witnesses who could play a vital role in identifying the terrorists.


As for the evidence that they found at one of Baig's houses, that included 1200 mg of RDX, soldering iron, 2 mobile sets, SIM cards & fake identities - our ATS is amongst the best at creating & planting false evidence & staging false encounters. There is none better than the Maharashtra ATS & their record is only second to that of Gujarat.


Another point that is common to supposed LeT commanders on the record of the ATS, they always have families that are very poor, survive on their daily earnings & none of these LeT operatives seem to care for their families in terms of providing them the lucre that is showered upon them. In that, our cricketers are far better.

And lastly, since we have last heard, the Pune Bar Association has threatened to boycott any lawyer who will defend the accussed.

Palash Biswas
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