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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] BP playing with us-dr patty doyle + where are the spiritual/pol leaders?

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Date: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 8:20 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] BP playing with us-dr patty doyle + where are the spiritual/pol leaders?

In a message dated 6/5/2010 8:17:17 A.M. Central Daylight Time, Dr Patty Doyle  writes:
We are being treated to the "biggest" movie of the 21st century.  BP aka Big Profit is playing with us.  The live feed is nothing more than "massaging" the brains of the future jury pool. 

It was so obvious when the director of Avatar, James Cameron, offered his robots, submersibles etc.  BP was trying to show us that they are dead serious about stopping the leak.  Well, I believe that BP KNEW from the get go that the leak would not be stopped.  They are playing us, as usual.  They cannot stop it and it won't stop until that well runs dry and BP KNEW, KNOWS it.  It is all a big show for us.  The last installment was the cutting of the pipe and placing of the cap.  They knew it wouldn't work but arranged a show for the public anyway.  I am starting to think that the pipe cutting and moving of the cap down to the pipe, was all bogus.  ..

One thing that they were considering is to nuke the pipe.  I would not doubt it.  It won't work but, hell, it will get top ratings.


Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: Also my new web site: Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health
this is a global threat and crime
Yet  - look -  now we have the annual distracting dead beach blond resurrected in the news with a new arrest, the inconsequential Gore marriage issue wasting news time, and the insane violence at the Gaza blockade all  diverting the morning news and cable talking point twit shows...
This one event will effect the food chain, tens of thousands of jobs , seriously impact the economy, food prices will rise as fish meal will be replaced by GMA corn meal in feed  = yet another toxic gift from the petro chemical fiends, and the oxygen and carbon sink aspect of that once beautiful and  bountiful gulf is being destroyed
With all the shady aspects and secrecy and lack of urgent response it is hard NOT to assume some dark aspect, cause, cover up .. or ulterior motive
This will reduce the oil supply , and if the off shore rigs are shut they will resurrect the horror of more nuclear plants. and of course they can perpetuate the myth of oil shortage to keep fuel expensive
It really does seem that with all the corporate and bankster shields and liability limitations - while the middle and 'working' class continues to endure more body blows and low blows .. that one has to wonder ...
The American middle class after WW2 with its awakened greatest generation of war wisened 'simple' men, flush with new jobs and higher wages  - and FREE time and then their kids having the luxury as did their GI Bill daddies to read and question and debate issues - that new phenomenon of a population of FREE independent thinkers and voters was a threat to the PTB who funded both Lenin and Hitler and profiteered from WW1 and 2 and the subsequent wars in Korea and Viet Nam and the Central American United Fruit mercenary endeavors -
Twenty years of a faux 'two party' political crime syndicate running this nation - using NAFTA. outsourcing, tax breaks, corporate and govt shield laws, union busting, an illegal black market in desperate and illegal immigrants to weaken and then plunder the middle class and redistribute the wealth to the highest levels - with a growing dependent class on the  bottom and a pampered and protected pool of government workers and corporate elite and their banksters at the top - has left this country devoid of any leadership and any accountability
BP and all the participants are in fact currently profiting during this disaster and the aftermath will further enrich the same military industrial congressional complex that Eisenhower and JFK warned about and one died fighting ...
It has been frustrating getting the information distributed and the key issues before the American and world public
This is a global impacting event - while it is being treated as a simple 'leak'
For example = No one has discussed where all the clean up debris - covered not just in crude oil but a toxic soup of several poisonous dispersants  = where is that gong to be discarded - what landfill with that leach out of to further poison yet another aquiver ?  Little kids in Florida were playing with toxic tar balls on the beach .. full of mutates and poisons
And the lasting impact on the North Atlantic fishing too = has been largely ignored -  the Caribbean is a common spawning ground for fish across and up the eastern sea board
And the permanent damage to the essential coral reefs and sea grasses and the entire marine eco system is staggering
Plus - there is the looming hurricane threat   - and this powerful geyser is shifting the fragile crust and sea floor equilibrium and seriously can trigger plate movement and earthquakes = theoretically triggering a tsunami
None of this is far fetched
There are experts = Sylvia Earl , Philippe Cousteau, and even historian and La resident Douglas Brinkley and others who should be empanelled in a full court press of international experts to take over this event and solve this as the threat it is = not merely a glitch in their oil production ...
But like so much today - most are  either too busy or too over medicated or too undereducated to care or understand ... and the media , totally owned today by corporate conglomerates - who are all tied to the profits of such events does little to present information or honest assessments = and as you know investigative journalism is a freelance business at best now = and there is no fund for researchers  = even university researchers rely on govt and corporate grants for survival and are thus muzzled or inhibited from speaking out or challenging false news
Reporters have all been painted as left wing or liberal wing nuts or anti American for any frank or serious questions or reports
Fighting govt malfeasance and cronyism is dangerous and is rewarded often with harassment or targeting or being shut out or black balled ... - hell one moron has again recently proposed licensing of the press
We just have to encourage real scientists and journalists and leaders to step forward and all citizens to shake off their lethargy and haze and encourage debate and questions and activism
Hey, and  where are the spiritual leaders - have you heard one speak out ? Where is the indignation as god's creation is despoiled for profits and greed ? Are they all tied up with fund raising, hiding pedophilia , and their unethical paid talking point sermons....?? Are they all rooting for the rapture or Armageddon ?


         Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda

"...I got the feeling that something ain't right,..
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,...."
(Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle Again)

"awaken and shaken the sheople" ...crg 

In a message dated 6/5/2010 8:17:17 A.M. Central Daylight Time, Dr Pat Doyle writes:

We are being treated to the "biggest" movie of the 21st century.  BP aka Big Profit is playing with us.  The live feed is nothing more than "massaging" the brains of the future jury pool. 

It was so obvious when the director of Avatar, James Cameron, offered his robots, submersibles etc.  BP was trying to show us that they are dead serious about stopping the leak.  Well, I believe that BP KNEW from the get go that the leak would not be stopped.  They are playing us, as usual.  They cannot stop it and it won't stop until that well runs dry and BP KNEW, KNOWS it.  It is all a big show for us.  The last installment was the cutting of the pipe and placing of the cap.  They knew it wouldn't work but arranged a show for the public anyway.  I am starting to think that the pipe cutting and moving of the cap down to the pipe, was all bogus.  Talk about the moon landing?  BP may not have done any of what we saw on our TV and/or computer screens.  It is all a big SHOW.  A movie, just make believe.

One thing that they were considering is to nuke the pipe.  I would not doubt it.  It won't work but, hell, it will get top ratings.


Patricia A. Doyle DVM, PhD Bus Admin, Tropical Agricultural Economics Univ of West Indies Please visit my "Emerging Diseases" message board at: Also my new website: Zhan le Devlesa tai sastimasa Go with God and in Good Health

Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2010 08:42:59 -0400
Subject: Halliburton Snaps Up The major oil rig disaster firm BEFORE the Horizon fire

Mmmm.....the plot thickens as the oil sludge laps and slaps up against irreplaceable wetlands, spawning areas, rookeries, and estuaries of the once bountiful and beautiful gulf -
We already have odd mergers, pre-fire Wallstreet banksters sell off's and selling short on gulf oil , mysterious boardroom changes and execs jumping ship at Transocean PRIOR to the fire, a rig insured for almost double its value = Transocean's move to Switzerland to avoid taxes and record keeping, a third world country flagged submersible rig, a $1 Billion record dividend announced by Transocean AFTER the fire, BP is spending less the 1 % of its daily revenue on the emergency and clean up; hidden data and video records of the fire and after math of multiple explosion events as yet unreleased - a second platform collapse NOT being reported... the use of an extremely toxic dispersant produced/controlled by BP itself - the Navy refusal to show the sonar and video images of the massive oil blobs shifting at 2-3000 feet churning and rolling along like a toxic bulldozer - at least three massive blobs - one headed for La one toward Mexico and one toward and around Florida - an unannounced inspection and HSD drill on the rig immediately prior to the fire; the seclusion of the rig survivors ...
and now, we see Halliburton had just recently bought the premier industry disaster specialists  - thus eliminating any outside scrutiny or options ...
something smells like rotten fish down below the bayou......

           Peace, Hugs, and Purrs,
Carolyn Rose Goyda

Halliburton Snaps Up Boots & Coots

By TOM TAULLI Posted 10:30 AM 04/12/10
Comments: 31Print Text Size A A A
Boots & Coots has agreed to sell out to Halliburton for $240.4 million.
In 1978, Edward "Coots" Matthews and Asger "Boots" Hansen founded Boots & Coots (WEL). Both were veteran oil-well firefighters. In fact, they provided inspiration for a 1968 film called Hellfighters, starring John Wayne.

But the days of independence have come to an end for Boots & Coots as the company has agreed to sell out to Halliburton (HAL) for $240.4 million. Shareholders will get $1.73 in cash and $1.27 in Halliburton stock for every share of Boots & Coots.

The company certainly has a distinguished history. It has been critical in dealing with many well fires, including those from Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. But given its relatively small size, Boots & Coots has been at a disadvantage. As a result, the stock price has been mostly lackluster over the years.

A Perilous Business

Boots & Coots has two core businesses. First, there is Pressure Control, which involves prevention and risk-control services for oil- and gas-well fires and blowouts. A key to this area was the acquisition of John Wright, which developed sophisticated technologies to measure well integrity.

Next, Boots & Coots has a Well Intervention division, which helps enhance production for oil and gas operators. This business is likely to benefit nicely from the trend toward unconventional resource plays (such as extracting energy from shale). Boots & Coots greatly expanded this division with the acquisitions of Oil States International and StassCo.

Despite all this, the company is still at the whim of volatile energy markets, as well as unpredictable government-owned oil companies. For example, last year Boots & Coots saw a 7% fall in revenues to $195.1 million, with net income down from $21.8 million to $6 million. Keep in mind that during this period, there was nearly a 50% drop in domestic rig counts.

But as part of Halliburton, Boots & Coots will have more leverage to expand its platform, especially in areas like Africa and even Southeast Asia, which should provide significant growth opportunities.

Feeling Left Out?

According to its latest earnings report, Halliburton is upbeat about the prospects for 2010. Actually, it looks like there will be a rebound in North America because of increased demand and rig counts. At the same time, it appears that Halliburton is gaining more market share from its struggling rivals.

But when it comes to M&A, Halliburton has been timid. Just look at Schlumberger (SLB), which recently agreed to shell out $11 billion for Smith International (SII) and $1.07 billion for Geoservices. Of course, there is also the $5.5 billion merger of Baker Hughes (BHI) and BJ Services (BJ).

So, will Halliburton try for a major deal, too? Perhaps. The company has $3.4 billion in the bank and easy access to financing. Yet, the oil services industry has undergone lots of consolidation, and few major targets are left. And a deal could ultimately suffer from antitrust pressure.

In other words, Halliburton may focus its dealmaking on small companies that fill out niches, like Boots & Coots.

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