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Monday, June 7, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] 80% of Cocaine Contaminated With Flesh-Rotting Additive - Group Confirms Spirit at Historic Colorado Location

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From: Raven <>
Date: Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:52 AM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] 80% of Cocaine Contaminated With Flesh-Rotting Additive - Group Confirms Spirit at Historic Colorado Location
To: "1 Health_and_Healing@yahoogroups" <>, "1 MedicalConspiracies@googlegrou" <>, "1 Paranormal_Research@yahoogroup" <>

Phantoms and Monsters

Group Confirms Spirit at Historic Colorado Location

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 10:37 AM PDT

coloradoan - Some visitors to Loveland's historic Feed & Grain building recently encountered a bit of paranormal activity.

Last year, a volunteer for Novo Restoration, a group trying to preserve the building, saw power surges on his iPod while he was inside the building. Because of the surges, he said he was sure a ghost was causing the power spikes, said Ashley Kasprzak, a Novo Restoration board member.

To investigate this claim, a Loveland paranormal group recently visited the building and confirmed the volunteer's feelings.

After conducting research at the historic building, Third Eye Paranormal co-leader Karen Richards and other members of her group used equipment and scientific data to determine a little girl was killed by a family member at the historic Feed & Grain building, Richards said.

Richards said the little girl may have been murdered at the 115-year-old Feed & Grain building, 130 W. Third St. However, no report was ever filed regarding a missing child to correspond with this theory, Richards said.

"We have nothing to verify it as far as official," she said. "We have a lot of evidence that indeed we were having an encounter."

During a tour of the building, the paranormal group made recordings of the little girl communicating with the team through walkie talkies. Richards said an eerie voice responded to them by saying, "Hello, hello."

"It's definitely a little girls' voice," Richards said. "It sounds different than the type of voice you have come through from a walkie talkie."

Richards and Sonia Marken led the investigation at the Feed & Grain building. At one point, the group also picked up the sounds of a girl humming, Richards said.

When the spirit was nearby, an ambient thermometer the team used in the investigation dropped 20 degrees, Richards said.

Members of the group could sense the girl was hiding from somebody, and the girl told the investigators that she was hiding from a male relative, Richards said.

"We just asked for some protection around her and then we crossed her over," Richards said.

Richards said she has been psychic all her life. However, the Third Eye Paranormal group does not use its psychic abilities during its investigations.

Instead, members sense things and corroborate feelings with scientific evidence, Richards said.

Third Eye Paranormal is unlike many paranormal groups in that once it confirms a ghost's presence it helps cross the spirit to the other side, Richards said.

This free service is available to community members who are concerned a ghost is haunting them or terrorizing their children, Richards said.

"Some children (are) being frightened in their own homes," she said. "We really respond quickly when there's children involved. … "We try to give our client scientific evidence."

Group Confirms Spirit at Historic Colorado Location

Unknown Fish Attacks Child in Indiana Lake

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 10:07 AM PDT

Scottsburg, Indiana (WHAS11) – A 5-year-old girl was attacked by some type of unknown fish on Monday while swimming in a roped-off area at Hardy Lake in southern Indiana.

Some people in the area say this isn't an isolated incident.

WHAS11's Adam Walser was at Hardy Lake with more on this story.

5-year-old Loralye Daubaugh was doing okay on Tuesday.

On Monday, she was swimming in an area marked off by buoys in Hardy Lake when something bit her thigh.

"It felt like someone was pinching me," said Loralye.

She wasn't the only one who was bit.

Loralye and her grandmother ran to the concession stand for help, where they learned she wasn't the first child attacked over the weekend.

They were told that a smaller child had also gotten bitten and her leg was also severely bruised.

The incidents now have people in the area wondering exactly what lies just below the water's surface. People have speculated that it could be several different species of fish.

Fishermen speculated that it could be anything from a big carp, to a bowfin to a bass.

The staff believes it may have been a catfish guarding her nest.

And they expect the fish to head back out to deeper water once it's young have hatched.

The park's director says he expects the offending fish will most likely move on within the next few days.

NOTE: well, those marks on her legs look like a bowfin bite (bowfin skull above). I have caught a few in Pennsylvania lakes over the years...can be very aggressive, especially near a nest. Some catfish can be very aggressive, though I don't know what species of catfish are in this particular lake...Lon

Unknown Fish Attacks Child in Indiana Lake

80% of Cocaine Contaminated With Flesh-Rotting Additive

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 09:44 AM PDT

yahoo - Cocaine abusers -- already at risk for an abnormal heartbeat, blood pressure problems, hallucinations, convulsions and stroke -- can add another potential health complication to the list: rotting flesh.

"If you are a user of cocaine, you should be aware that some of the cocaine is not clean and can have other agents that can cause you to have a low white-cell count or skin tissue death," said Dr. Ghinwa Dumyati, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Rochester and an epidemiologist for the Monroe County Health Department in New York.

In a report in the June 1 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, Dumyati and doctors from the University of Rochester Medical Center discuss two cases involving women with a history of cocaine use who came to the hospital for help when they noticed purplish plaques on their cheeks, earlobes, legs, thighs and buttocks.

Their profiles were typical of toxicity with levamisole, the doctors reported. The medication is a veterinary anti-worming agent, approved for use in cattle, sheep and pigs. It was once used to treat cancer, autoimmune diseases and kidney problems in humans, Dumyati said. It's no longer approved for use in people in the United States, she said, because of adverse side effects.

But it's often used to cut cocaine, before distribution to the user, she said. "Almost 80 percent of the cocaine coming into this country has levamisole mixed in," Dumyati said.

Exactly why is not known, she said. Some say it might enhance the effects of the drug, which include a euphoric mood or ''high" and a boost in energy. It also might be used to stretch the drug and increase profits.

"The person using cocaine would not know this [levamisole] is in it," Dumyati said.

In the new report, the doctors concluded, based on the women's symptoms, that cocaine laced with levamisole cannot only cause problems with white blood cells -- a problem previously reported -- but also death of the skin's outer layer. They said that physicians should suspect cocaine abuse when they see patients with skin lesions caused by tissue death.

"The drug may induce an immunological reaction producing inflammation or vasculitis, an inflammation inside the small blood vessels," Dumyati said in explaining the link to tissue death. "The result can be the death of the epidermis or outer layer of skin."

But that's not all that's bad about levamisole. "It has other side effects," she said. "It has effects on bone marrow function. There can be a drop in the white blood cell count."

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in late 2009 on a cluster of cases of problems with white blood cell counts linked to cocaine use. Called agranulocytosis, the condition occurs when bone marrow fails to make enough white blood cells.

The report noted that levamisole was found in some of the people with agranulocytosis and cocaine exposure.

But the reports of tissue death associated with contaminated cocaine are newer, said Dr. Kurt Nolte, a pathology professor at the University of New Mexico and one of the authors of the CDC report. "Tissue death has been associated with levamisole in a clinical context," when the drug was used therapeutically, he said. "I've not seen any cocaine users with this."

But it's not a surprise, given the amount of cocaine that has been laced with the medication, said Dr. Juliet VanEenwyk, an epidemiologist with the Washington State Department of Health, who also contributed information to the CDC report.

"The increase [in cocaine containing levamisole] has been really rapid," she said. Until a few years ago, she said, probably less than 10 percent of cocaine supplies had it. Now, experts suspect that 80 percent do.

Dumyati said that the skin problem is treatable, but "if you stop using cocaine, most of the cases would get better."

Agranulocytosis, on the other hand, is a serious illness that requires hospitalization for treatment, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

80% of Cocaine Contaminated With Flesh-Rotting Additive

MUFON: Recent Triangle Shaped UFO Reports

Posted: 02 Jun 2010 08:58 AM PDT

MUFON witness statement - undisclosed location in Ohio - 5-29-2010 - unedited: Driving my kids home from a school function Friday afternoon approx. 3:30 pm. Driving on a side street going home I looked up and right above the trees I saw a black triangle shaped object kind of floating above the trees. At first I thought it to be a kite or balloon but it was odd in movement and in shape, as I continued to drive the object was going in our direction. I said what is that do you see that?? My kids were kind of freaked out by it. At the corner of my street is a factory with a 4-5 story high chimney, this object went around the chimney and kinda started hovering by the tree line. I had my camera with us for the school event and so I started snapping pictures. It started to move away from where we were parked, so we got in the car and started chasing it. We followed it down a street of industrial factories, and I pulled into a lot with a clear view of where this thing was "hovering" I got out the car and snapped a few more pics and tried to take video of it. I called a few of the workers over who were looking at me like I was crazy and wondering what I was doing there, until I showed them the object in the sky. They were all looking at the object and wondering exactly what it was we were looking at fly slowly across the sky. It stopped and seemed to be hovering over a shopping plaza, and I got my kids back in the car and tried to chase it down by time I got to the shopping plaza, (which is only a five minute drive from where we were at) It was long gone. Very weird, my daughter and I both though we saw it slightly change shape and it was very odd. Never ever saw anything like this before ever!!!

NOTE: Honestly, it was most likely a balloon...though, some of the characteristics were unusual. Ground thermals can make floating objects do all kinds of weird maneuvers...Lon

Here are a few other 'triangle' UFO reports posted with MUFON the past 2 days. All are unedited:

*2010-05-22 - Colorado - Black Triangular/Rectagular UFO - I was in the passengers seat driving with my stepfather picking up some food. It was around 7:30 pm May 22, 2010 Saturday. It was still bright outside. I always look up at the sky when we go for a drive, that's when I saw the UFO. At first I thought it was a square, but it seems it was more triangular/rectangular. I only saw it for 10-20 seconds. The shape was a black triangular/rectangular it stood still and it was small. I tried to keep looking at it when houses and trees got in my view, then it disappeared. I kept on searching for it but it was definitely gone. I was shocked and surprised to see it and when it was gone. My stepfather couldn't see anything since it wasn't in his view.


*2010-05-28 - Tennessee - Diamond and Triangle UFOs seen crossing paths: On the night of Friday, May 28, I was scheduled to play in a friend's band in Chattanooga, TN. The show was scheduled for about 10 pm, so we decided to get together for a practice beforehand. We met, practiced, and as we were leaving I looked at my watch, which said 10:08 (we were late). There were a total of 5 of us, but we traveled in two cars to carry the equipment. Three in one car, two in another. I was in the car of three, and as were were driving south down North Market St. in Chattanooga, I looked out the left passenger window to see if it might look like rain and noticed something unusual.

There were three lights in a perfectly triangular arrangement. The rear two were bright white with hints of yellow, and the front light was red. It seemed to be at about the altitude of a normal plane, but seemed to be altering its course somewhat, making unusual turns. As it passed over our car, I called attention to it and told my friends to look at out the other window (right side) it as it passed over. We all then looked out the other side, and saw another strange object, this one diamond shaped. It consisted of 4 very bright lights in a diamond formation and was flying quite low--about the level of a search helicopter.

My friend immediately pulled over, and we all got out of the car to watch these two objects. Upon first reaction, I thought the object resembled some sort of lantern on fire or an unusual type of fireworks display, but it became clear in seconds that is was neither. The diamond kept gliding and the triangle passed over it, though much higher in th sky. Both objects were completely silent, which was the most chilling aspect, as the diamond was so low to the ground, perhaps just over the treetops. It is difficult to say how large it was, or how to compare it, but I'd say it may have been about like a car turned vertically, floating in the air. As they kept moving, their orientation must have changed or certain lights must have gone out, because the diamond at one point suddenly became two very bright lights side-by-side and began rising in altitude. Though it was dark, I knew the general direction it was heading and it appeared to be going toward Signal Mountain, about 10-15 miles away.

The triangle continued to travel as well, and as it continued, the two whitish back lights disappeared and only the front red light remained visible as it traveled away from us. I suppose it is possible that it could have been a red tail light of some sort? Both objects eventually disappeared, the diamond rising constantly in elevation until they were out of sight. The three of us stood there in disbelief, and for the remainder of the evening, none of us could shake the images. We told numerous people once we reached the club and their reactions have prompted me to make this report (the first I have ever made). This was certainly the most unusual thing I have ever seen and never seen anything that even resembled either object.


6-20-2002 - Utah: I was visiting a friends home in Pleasant Grove, Utah. We were just off Main street around 300 south.(Downtown) I don't really know the exact date.

I was outside on the front lawn talking to two friends. It was a beautiful clear night and we were looking at the stars and I noticed this shape. I tried to point it out to my friends but they could never find the shape. I looked away several times and was able to find it again fairly easily. Both my friends had complained about their poor eyesight but I had been tested previously and found to have extremely good sight. My first thought was that it was some type of aircraft. I don't know what it was so I will try to be factual from here on.

A triangular shape crossed the clear night sky to the east, toward and possibly over, Mount Timpanogos. It had no marking lights and no noise. It blocked out the stars behind it and was only visible because it was slightly lighter than the night sky. It moved at a constant and steady rate of speed and moved in a straight line from south to north until it finally faded from view. Now it is difficult to tell the distance of things at night and when they are dark also. My impression was that it was at a cruising altitude similar to that of an airliner. Mount Timpanogos reaches about 12,000 feet (over a mile high off the valley floor) and I would say this had to be quite a bit higher. Now if this assumption is close to accurate I would say the size of this shape was maybe four times the size of an airliner at that same distance and was moving about three times faster, based on a casual comparison to the planes seen during the daytime.

MUFON: Recent Triangle Shaped UFO Reports

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