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Saturday, May 15, 2010


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From: mikal haley <>
Date: Sat, May 15, 2010 at 12:54 PM
Cc: MControl research Forum <>

psychic vampires?

you think it's a JOKE, right,

some kind of a joke?

call it naive but the so called Rainbow Family of Living Light are a real organization.
Including nudists and marijuana smokers and self-called "hippies" they meet at a publicly announced location each fourth of july and party for a week or so.  Often federal officers show up and there are arrests and beatings.
The Rainbow Family began with Vietnam veterans who came home disgusted -- Vets who renounced militarism and who wanted to preach a peaceful way of coexisting.

A Native American prophecy that is legend was co-opted to give the young people and veterans who gathered in 1972 a justification for their coming together.

They were infiltrated quickly and easily by agents, and their group slowly degraded in meaning.  They continued to meet, and the Fed continued to send cops, overt and secret undercover agents who infiltrated and reported ("wow, how did all this heat find us, man?") on the activities of the "Rainbows" as they are also called.
Among other things.  As time progressed the Rainbow Family would attract elements that would win them unpopular statuses near the areas where they camped -- as random burglaries as well as despoilation of the local environment that would shame any ACTUAL Native Americans were the damage they left behind. After a while it became so obvious that those predominantly White campers were so divorced from any idea of Native American relation that the joke became to call them "The Drainbow Family Of Living Lice" because of the unwashed and unrepentant lifestyle that they seemed to have chosen.

This tragedy of human optimism twisted against itself is discussed in a notorious internet brief entitled "How COINTELPRO Destroyed The Movements of the 1960s." In that paper, the Rainbow Family themselves are not mentioned.  But things connected to that time of hippie rejection of mainstream values and attempts at counterculture creation ARE mentioned.

1: COINTELPRO vs. The Summer Of Love

There was great paranoia before the summer of love. Cold War anxiety and fear of Soviet takeover gripped the planners
and architects of foriegn and domestic policy in Washington, DC.  That was BEFORE, well before the appearance of radicals like Abby Hoffman and Timothy Leary -- and before their call for a different version of "freedom" than was the mainstream American version.

Since Leary was one of the prominent speakers and social critics calling for a radical transformation in the way that young Americans viewed their place in the world, and also encouraged the application of shamanic compounds ("entheogens") as a method of exploration, he immediately became a hated figure in backrooms in Washington DC, as well as did those who associated with him. The solution was named COINTELPRO.

The problem was that COINTELPRO -- the Counter Intelligence Program -- was FOUND OUT ABOUT several years after its application.  The program trained agents to imitate the speech patterns and manner of dress of the young American new radicals, it trained those agents to mimic their way of expression and to infiltrate their hangout areas and to sabotage whatever was going on.  African Americans determined to secure an equal status in American society, as well as the Native Americans - harshly treated since the beginning of the United States were those who were targetted by the COINTELPRO as they sought to radically express their displeasure with their shared heritages as ethnically persecuted groups.

The details are extensive. But once COINTELPRO was exposed for the set-up that it was -- that is the program that created the term "narc" as someone who would tell the authorities about the use of controlled substances -- or anything that they cared about

History: In Nazi Germany as things were heating up, often Hitler Youth would inform the "authorities" if their parents displayed hostility towards Hitler or harbored Jewish friends or sentiments.  This was like the "narcs" who appeared in the civil-rights era 'scenes' only to inform police about goings on.  Some of those 'narcs' acted on independent impulse, some of them were trained agents who aped the outer appearance of the so-called "Hippies."  It was a time of almost unavoidable paranoia -- but the progressive counterculture was effectively sabotaged.

During Vietnam, Rumsfeld Criticized Administration For "Credibility Gap"

It wasn't all that long ago when a young conservative congressman from Illinois named Donald Rumsfeld spoke eloquently on the floor of the House of Representatives during the Vietnam War about the need for the Johnson administration to speak more truthfully about that conflict.

A 1966 article in the Chicago Tribune quoted Rumsfeld as saying the following: "The administration should clarify its intent in Viet Nam,' he said. 'People lack confidence in the credibility of our government.' Even our allies are beginning to suspect what we say, he charged. 'It's a difficult thing today to be informed about our government even without all the secrecy,' he said. 'With the secrecy, it's impossible. The American people will do what's right when they have the information they need." [Chicago Tribune, 4/13/66]

Rusmfeld entered into the Congressional Record an article from the Chicago Sun-Times entitled "Why U.S. Viet Policy Lacks Friends–Our Credibility Destroyed" Rumsfeld stated: "I do, however, believe it is important to the future of our Nation to recognize that there is a problem of credibility today." [Congressional Record, 89th Cong. Pg. A1454, 3/15/66; Chicago Sun-Times, 12/5/65]

In entering a New York Times editorial into the Congressional Record, Rumsfeld said, "I believe the following significant and timely editorial which appeared in today's issue of the New York Times and which discusses our involvement in Vietnam merits wide attention. I concur in the conclusion expressed therein that the people of the United States must know not only how their country became involved but where we are heading." [Congressional Record, 89th Cong. Pg. 21081, 8/19/65; New York Times, 8/19/65]

Rumsfeld said the following in a speech on the House floor: "Accurate judgment is predicated on accurate information. Government has an obligation to present information to the public promptly and accurately so that the public's evaluation of Government activities is not distorted. Political pundits speak of the 'credibility gap' in the present administration. Indeed, this appellation is so widespread that it has become a household word." [Congressional Record, 90th Cong. pg A792, 2/21/67]

Don't look now Rumsfeld, but "credibility gap" is becoming a household word again, and it's directly related to your actions.

Gen. Barry McCaffrey (Ret.), U.S. Army: "People are skeptical of what they're hearing out of the Pentagon. I think Secretary Rumsfeld's credibility has been damaged by serious misjudgments." [MSNBC, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, 6/23/05]

"Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., said it was obvious why public opinion polls were down. 'We have a credibility gap here with the American people,' he said." [AP, 6/24/05]

Headline: "Bush's Credibility Takes a Direct Hit From Friendly Fire" [LAT, 6/26/05]

Headline: "Bush's Credibility on Iraq Undercut by Violence, Slow Progress" [Bloomberg, 6/27/05]

It's time for Rumsfeld to follow his own advice.


THE CIA: Mind-Bending Disclosures

Monday, Aug. 15, 1977

Read more:,9171,915244,00.html#ixzz0nynaE31D

The agency's search for the secret of brainwashing

The apartments in New York City and San Francisco were tarted up with red draperies, dressing tables trimmed in black velveteen and Toulouse-Lautrec posters. At night, women lured men to the hideaways and fed them LSD or marijuana, while other men watched the action through two-way mirrors and tape-recorded the sounds.

Scenes from seamy bordellos? Havens for desperate voyeurs? No, these were taxpayer-financed operations of the CIA, which was experimenting with drugs during the 1950s and '60s in a project with the sophomoric code name Midnight Climax. The women, apparently moonlighting prostitutes, were paid $100 for each assignment by the CIA. The operation, conducted by CIA alchemists from 1954 until 1963, was part of a quarter-century hunt for a psychogenic philosophers' stone. The purpose was to discover the secret of brainwashing, to protect U.S. agents and gain control over enemy spies.

Operation Midnight Climax was disclosed last week at a Senate hearing, adding bizarre details to the story of CIA drug research exposed in 1975 and 1976 by Government investigations. Further revelations were provided by a cache of 8,000 heavily censored documents sifted by Senate aides and New York Times reporters.

The research began after CIA officials were horrified by Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty's vacant stare and mechanical voice at his 1949 treason trial in Budapest. Drugs and mind-control techniques had long been used by intelligence services, but the CIA feared that the Communists had made some breakthrough. By 1953, the CIA concluded that its worries were unfounded; still the research continued, despite some official misgivings.

Drugs were sought to incapacitate entire buildings full of people, poison food to create "confusion-anxiety-fear," cause headaches and earaches, and produce amnesia in foreign spies after interrogations or CIA agents who were about to retire. To administer the drugs surreptitiously, CIA experimenters developed pencil-like injectors and small spray guns.

Much of the research was devoted to LSD and other hallucinogenic drugs, which the CIA wrongly thought could be used to squeeze information from enemy agents and discredit them by disturbing their memories or changing their sex drives, making them either extremely over-or undersexed.

CIA-paid researchers conducted LSD experiments on prisoners at the federal penitentiary in Atlanta, the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital in Lexington, Ky., the New Jersey reformatory in Bordentown and Michigan's Ionia State Hospital.

Experimenters used tranquilizers and alcohol on mental patients and staff members at the Butler Memorial Hospital in Providence. Other scientists tried out brainwashing techniques—including isolation and sensory deprivation—on patients at McGill University's Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry in Montreal.

In the early 1950s, the CIA tried to put some of its new findings to use, sending special interrogation teams to Europe and Asia. One team gave intravenous injections of an unidentified drug to three European agents of dubious loyalty and questioned them for eleven days before deciding that they were not turncoats.

The CIA began winding down the experiments in 1964 and ended them altogether in 1973.(No, they did NOT end the experiments altogether.  They SAID that they did, and Time dutifully told the world that.  The Counter Intelligence Program continues this way -- if you've ever wondered how a stuttering and unintelligent person like George W. Bush could attain the highest level of officialdom on Earth, well...maybe lots of other people's intelligence had been countered by some program that THEY said they were no longer doing?) At a Senate hearing last week, CIA Director Stansfield Turner gave a final accounting: 149 projects for an undisclosed amount of money at 80 U.S. and Canadian universities, research foundations, hospitals and prisons. At least 39 projects involved human subjects, often without their knowledge. No one knows where they are now or what effects they may have suffered. Said Turner: "It is abhorrent to me to think of using humans as guinea pigs. I assure you that the CIA is in no way engaged in either witting or unwitting testing of drugs today."

(Turner simply DENIED it all.  does anyone intelligent think that those 80 Canadian and U. S. universities had all those programs revoked?  That officials went in and made sure that all the people who might have been disfigured psychologically were okay, doctored back to health?  The government simply issued a denial and went on with the program. that is what really happened -- and while the same officials - older but still greedy for power -- might deny that fact today -- well, denial is only denial.)

Turner had more on his mind last week than those mind-bending experiments. Soon after he became CIA director, he began lobbying to consolidate all Government intelligence agencies under his aegis. The Pentagon, threatened with loss of control over the National Security Agency and the individual service agencies, objected strenuously. President Carter has resolved the dispute with a compromise rejecting the notion of an overall intelligence czar. He gave Turner authority over all intelligence budgets (estimated total: $7 billion). But he gave individual agency chiefs the right to appeal Turner's decisions and left them operationally independent.

Operation Midnight Climax

Written by Shad Larsen on 26 September 2005

CIA LSD Use UncoveredThe US CIA and military is filled with a history of bad decisions, deceit, and in some cases what I would classify as pure evil. One such misguided and unethical program was an appendage of Project MKULTRA under the name of Operation Midnight Climax.

Before we go into detail we must first explore the nature of Project MKULTRA. MKULTRA was started in 1953 under the direction of CIA director Allen Dulles. The program was allowed to use up to 6% of the total CIA budget and required no budget oversight or reporting. The premise of MKULTRA was to explore the use of "mind-control" drugs after alleged uses of such drugs by Communist Leadership (Soviets, Chinese and North Koreans) on U.S. POWs. The drugs included the use of LSD, Heroin, and Sodium Pentothal (Truth Serum).

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb oversaw many experiments exploring the use of LSD on often times unknowing U.S. citizens. The experiments often took a sadistic turn. Gottlieb was known to torture victims by locking them in sensory deprivation chambers while dosed on LSD, or to make recordings of psychiatric patients' therapy sessions, and then play a tape loop of the patient's most self-degrading statement over and over through headphones after the patient had been restrained in a straitjacket and dosed with LSD. Gottlieb himself took LSD frequently, locking himself in his office and taking copious notes.

MKULTRA LSD DocAfter recruitment efforts became increasingly difficult to find volunteers of these programs the CIA sought out other means of conducting their "studies". Operation Midnight Climax was an illegal operation initially established by Dr. George Hunter White under the alias of Morgan Hall for the CIA. The direction of this operation employed the use of prostitutes from the San Francisco area to lure men and then serve them alcohol containing large doses of LSD. These women would then fulfill their financial obligations to the drugged men under observation of CIA personnel through a two-way mirror and taped for later observation. The selection of the men focused on candidates that would be too embarrassed to present the circumstances to the public for fear of exposure themselves.

Some subjects' participation was consensual, and in these cases, the subjects appeared to be singled out for even more horrific experiments. In one case, a selection of volunteers was given LSD for 77 days straight.

LSD was eventually dismissed by the researchers as too unpredictable in its effects. Although useful information was sometimes obtained through questioning subjects on LSD, not uncommonly the most marked effect would be the subject's absolute and utter certainty that they were able to withstand any form of interrogation attempt, even physical torture.

In 1964 Project MKULTRA was renamed MKTRUTH and continued to operate well into the 1970s. In 1972 all documentation related to MKULTRA was ordered to be destroyed by CIA director Richard Helms, no doubt seeing public pressure weighing on the situation. This action hid the details of more than 150 individually funded programs.

In 1974 the New York Times blew the lid off of things and soon after the Church Committee and Rockafeller Commission was created to explore and put an end to these programs.

In the summer of 1975, congressional hearings and the Rockefeller Commission report revealed to the public for the first time that the CIA and the DOD had conducted experiments on both cognizant and unwitting human subjects as part of an extensive program to influence and control human behavior through the use of psychoactive drugs such as LSD and other chemical, biological, and psychological means. They also revealed that at least one subject had died after administration of LSD.

MKULTRA – Wikipedia
Operation Midnight Climax – Wikipedia
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control
MKULTRA: CIA Mind Control

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