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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fwd: [MedicalConspiracies] Constitutional Amendment - Health Freedoms

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Fri, May 14, 2010 at 7:18 PM
Subject: [MedicalConspiracies] Constitutional Amendment - Health Freedoms

End this CONCON lunacy, now. For over 30 years, the American
Patriotic movement has known that a CONCON can NOT be confined
to ratifying one Amendment. The entire Constitution can be replaced.
The "New States Constitution" was conspired by the Rockefeller and
Carnegie Foundations to do just this, to put in place, a tyranical,
Communist, "constitution. Delegates were then appointed. Deceased
and resigned Delegates have been replaced with the likeminded. The
expected process is believed to take less than one day.

Bruce Chesley
Truth is a terrible cross to bear.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered. - Thomas Paine
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws - Tacitus
Treason for $$$$. ALL "pro 2A" orgs.

From: Janette Warren
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 18:17:20 -0700

Natural Solutions Foundation
The Voice of Global Health Freedom

Open Letter to:
Patriots, Libertarians, Progressives, Liberals, Conservatives, Tea Party
Members, Coffee Party Members, Republicans, Democrats, Health Freedom
Advocates and All Other Lovers of Freedom:

The Natural Solutions Foundation, the largest health freedom organization
in the world, invites you, and everyone within your circle of influence,
to join in promulgating and promoting an urgently needed Amendment to the
Constitution of These United States to ensure and protect, now and for
the duration of the Republic, the right of each individual to make
his/her own health choices unencumbered or circumscribed by corporate or
state interference.

We are facing a suppression of our sovereignty over our own bodies. We
are subject to mandated vaccinations when vaccination has never been
rigorously tested or shown to prevent to to cure a single disease, but is
well documented to induce massive multi system damage.

We are facing mandatory drugging with untested, unproven and demonstrably
toxic psychiatric, cancer chemotherapy and other drugs for ourselves and
children despite the lack of safety, science or onstitutionality of such
assaults. Such drugs are, in fact, one of the leading causes of death in
the US.

We are facing invasive and repressive governmental agencies who, instead
of regulating dangerous industries, derive the income from them and
oppress the economically challenging options which we, the People, seek
for our own health maintenance and recover, turning safe, effective
therapies into illegal substances and devices.

We are facing oppressive and punitive government assaults and abuses of
power in which safe and effective devices are seized, and their purveyors
jailed, healing modalities and products are arbitrarily deemed "untested
drugs and devices" when use for personal health strategies that do not
profits into the pockets of the multinational drug and industrial food

We are consuming intentionally degraded food whose toxic and dangerous
nature, both chemically and genetically, is kept hidden from us as an
industrial secret so that we, as consumers, cannot make health conscious
choices about our food and that of our children.

We are facing an abusive and corrupt regulatory system through which,
natural substances, although un-patentable, can be withdrawn from the
market if a drug company expresses interest in future exploitation of
that nutrient as a possible drug.

We are encountering extra-legal and absurdly arbitrary and capricious
re-definitions of nutrients as unlicensed, and therefore illegal, drugs
if so much as a single scientific study has ever looked at the substance
for any purpose or if no scientific study has ever looked at the
substance for
any purpose.

We are looking at the "HARMonization" of US regulatory standards and
guidelines with those of international bodies
in direct violation of US law and regulatory practice.

We are experiencing the selective enforcement of gag rules on truthful
scientific speech to limit access to health benefits consumers might
reasonably expect from natural substances and helpful devices.

The Natural Solutions Foundation knows that our time is short before we
face the complete criminalization and elimination of all meaningful
autonomy over our own bodies and those of our children since the process
of domination of
our health choices by the State is accelerating rapidly. We believe that
we have a last opportunity to reclaim our sovereignty and dominion over
our bodies by a Constitutional Amendment which reads:

The Freedom of Health Speech and Conscience Amendment

1. No individual (including a minor through his or her parents) may be
denied, by any person or agency acting under color of law:

Access to any desired health care services, including those known as
standard, conventional, alternative, advanced or complementary health
care services, with fully informed consent;

Access to all health care information for which there is at least a
scintilla of evidence;

Access to food, food components, contents or substances, including
vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs, pro-biotics, pre-biotics, their
precursors and metabolites; such components, content and/or substances
may be offered with, or associated with, claims for their health
benefits, without prior government approval and without limit as to mode
of application.

2. No individual (including a minor through his or her parents) shall be
exposed to genetically modified or degraded food without his or her
consent. Such protection shall take the form of mandatory detailed
labeling declaring significant alterations in the nature and composition
of the food including, but not limited to, genetic modification of any
sort, introduction of foreign DNA of any sort, irradiation in any amount,
all pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and similar chemicals used at
any stage in the production of such food.

3. No individual (including a minor through his or her parents) shall be
subject to involuntary medication (including vaccination) or any other
involuntary medical treatment. Any individual, if exposed to a public
hazard which poses a bona fide contagious public threat has the right to
self-shield at home with appropriate material support to make such
self-shielding effective. Such self-shielding shall be carried out for
the minimum period of time necessary to control the public health hazard

We invite you, individually and collectively, to join together with us to
forge a strategic and tactical forward motion to achieve our goal: a
durable and comprehensive Constitutional Amendment which, like the
Amendment which ended the right of one human being to own another, ends
the right of the State to make our health determinations and set our
personal health courses for us since we, and our children, are slaves to
no man or corporate person!

We appreciate greatly the fact that so many of the smaller organizations
follow our lead and present the issues that we define to their members
for reification and amplification. That approach enhances the
effectiveness of the net roots, in whose strength our collective
political impact lies.

Now, however, is the time for conjoined action. Please take all four of
these Action Steps:

1. Please make sure that you or a representative, joins our initial
Strategic 45 minute Introductory Conference Call Sunday 9 PM Eastern Time
at 219--509-8322, Pin 937848#.

2. Record your suggestions and thoughts on the draft text of the proposed
Health Freedom Amendment by sending an email to Ralph Fucetola, JD,
Foundation Counsel and Trustee, at using
"AMENDMENT" for your subject

3. In that email or a subsequent one, please let the Natural Solutions
Foundation know your thoughts on the role that you or your organization
can play in promoting the Health Freedom Speech and Conscience Amendment
to the Constitution of These United States.

4. It is imperative that the legislation currently before Congress which
supports our Health Freedom Speech and Action Rights be supported
enthusiastically. The best way to do that is to take the Action Step at
This important Action Step notifies your legislators that you support
Health Speech, Health Freedom, the pro-health freedom bills pending in
Congress and a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing our fundamental
health freedoms.

Take this Action Step once for every member of your family and then
disseminate it to every person you can reach asking them to do the same:
A. Take the Action Step for every member of your contact's family and
B. Disseminate it to every person in their circle of influence, asking
their contacts to repeat the cycle.

Gaining the support necessary for a Constitutional Amendment is no small
task. But we, together, are no small force. The time has come for
varied groups of transparent, and beyond-partisan leanings, and diverse
individuals who have a multitude of reasons for treasuring their health
freedom to come together and ensure it.

Health Freedom IS Our First Freedom.

The Natural Solutions Foundation believes the time is ripe to enshrine
and memorialize that freedom in a lasting and indissoluble manner.

We look forward to your partnership in this undertaking for ourselves and
the future generations of free men and woman who will honor our efforts
with their own health freedom.

Yours in health and freedom,

The Trustees of the Natural Solutions Foundation
Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.) President
Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director
Ralph Fucetola, JD Counsel and Trustee

"I do not sing because I am happy, I am happy because I sing!"

Janette Warren, LMP
cell 503-409-0686

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To subscribe:
Information here in is for educational purpose only; it may be news related, purely
speculation or SOMEONE'S OPINION. Consult with a qualified MD before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.
By becoming a member of this group you AGREE to hold this group its members, list owners, moderators and affiliates harmless of any liability for any direct, or indirect consequential, incidental, damage incurred.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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