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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Revolutionary Communist Manifesto Group, UK (RCMG UK) leaflet on 2010 UK Elections

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: robert borba <>
Date: Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 7:44 PM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Revolutionary Communist Manifesto Group, UK (RCMG UK) leaflet on 2010 UK Elections
To: Borba Robert <>




By the Revolutionary Communist Manifesto Group, UK

Are you one of the millions sickened and angered at the stench of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – while all three main parties have supported the ongoing occupation of those two countries, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives? Do you rage at Labour's cynical hypocrisy in entitling its Election Manifesto "A fairer future for all", knowing that inequality has intensified under 13 years of Labour, with London now the most unequal city in the developed world? Does your blood boil at the sight of hundreds of thousands of older workers tossed off their jobs like scrap, with the "golden years" a mocking phrase in their ears? Do you hate that pornography, rape and violence against women continue unabated – yet all the politicians justify the war on "Islamic terrorism" with claims to be "liberating women"? Are you angry at seeing immigrants who do the hardest, worst-paying, most thankless jobs treated like an army of invaders and made scapegoats for the tide of unemployment, when in reality most of them have been driven out of their own countries because imperialism screws the Third World up even worse than it does the imperial heartlands?

The British political elite have clearly heard deep rumblings of discontent – "change" is the brand for 2010. Yet the cold truth is that none of the three main parties, nor any alliance or coalition among them, is going to make any fundamental change to the way British society is run or what it does in the world. Not the Etonian Cameron, who led the Tories to leave the main conservative alliance in the European Parliament and ally with the homophobic, nationalistic, misogynist hard-right parties of the European Conservatives & Reformists. Not Clegg, whose LibDems boast that at least they have the courage to tell the truth that they are going to make major budget cuts, meaning slashing public services – and how serious is their commitment to civil liberties anyway, when they have supported the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan – a violation of one of the most fundamental liberties of all, to be free of foreign occupation? And what change can be expected of Labour, who have led government for 13 years marked by war, ripping inequality, rising numbers in prison, the MP expenses scandal, and now over 2.5 million in the jobless queues, and much more.

Whoever wins, most of the things that you want ended are not going to end – and many will get worse. In a recent survey by the Financial Times, 9 out of the 10 fund managers consulted said they didn't mind which party won the election, because massive cuts in spending on public services would take place regardless. In capitalist society, divided into classes, where a relative handful, the bourgeoisie, own and control the means of production and dominate the political, educational and media institutions that shape public opinion, elections are far from a level playing field, where our votes equalise the unequal distribution of power and wealth. As Bob Avakian, leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, concisely put it: "elections are controlled by the bourgeoisie; are not the means through which basic decisions are made in any case; and are really for the primary purpose of legitimising the system and the policies and actions of the ruling class, giving them the mantle of a 'popular mandate', and of channelling, confining and controlling the political activity of the masses of people."

So when Clegg stared into the camera during the 2nd leaders' debate and told the public, "You are the boss", he was not just promoting an illusion, he was helping to perpetuate a trap: whatever party wins, the raft of reactionary policies that follow will all be draped in the cloak of "the popular will". You're against the continuing occupation of Afghanistan – "too bad, the people have spoken". You're against slashing the NHS – "too bad, the people have spoken". And on and on. This basic point escapes the reformist Left: they criticise the "unfair" character of elections, but their democratic illusions blind them to how elections are a means of legitimating the rule of the class of multimillionaire owners, the bourgeoisie, and concealing that the British state is ultimately a dictatorship of that class.

Another world is possible – but it won't come about through elections, nor by any action from on high. Fundamental change requires proletarian revolution, from below, relying on and involving masses of people in action that breaks through the boundaries of the established political system. If you are hungry for real change and willing to think outside the box, check out Bob Avakian's re-envisaging of the communist revolution. Avakian, leader of the RCP,USA and a prominent figure in the international communist movement, has taken the core understanding of the first wave of communist revolution, from Marx to Mao, from the Paris Commune to China's Cultural Revolution, stripped away the errors and shortcomings in its theory and practice, and synthesised that into an exciting vision of how to make revolution and establish a radically new kind of state power based on the understanding needed to go all the way in emancipating humanity – to achieve a communist world, without classes and exploitation, where the world's people consciously and voluntarily transform themselves and nature.

For more go to: or to contact us in the UK write:


Palash Biswas
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