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Fwd: [bangla-vision] SIKH SEPARATISTS OUT OF TOUCH WITH HOMELAND, Tuesday, April 27, 2010, Page A-19. "Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon Responds"

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Date: Sat, May 1, 2010 at 9:45 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] SIKH SEPARATISTS OUT OF TOUCH WITH HOMELAND, Tuesday, April 27, 2010, Page A-19. "Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon Responds"


Mr Martin Regg Cohn

Editor – Opinion Page

Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon Responds


Mr Martin Rigg Cohn

The Toronto Star

Toronto, ON

30th April, 2010

Dear Mr Cohn,


Whether the Canadian Sikhs, Sikh Diaspora or the Sikhs of their Holy and Historic Homeland, PUNJAB, the Sikh Raj, Sarkar-e-Khalsa or Khalistan (under the occupation of the devious, divisive, deceitful, apartheid practicing 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy, since 15th August, 1947) are out of touch with homeland, or you have the least knowledge of the Sikh Affairs and has started writing 'sensational' opinion column in a leading newspaper of Toronto, Canada, only the time will tell. I would, however, like to say that you are virtually 'devoid' of the Sikh affairs. Whose interests your writings satisfy the interests, no one else except you know the purpose of writing in the area in which you have the least knowledge of the subject, as discerned by you calling the Sikhs 'separatists, extremist, etc.'

I would like you know the following and should you disagree with me on the 'subject of your opinion', I would look forward, with pleasure, to hear from you.

First, please correct me if you know that the 'Brahmins-Hindus (neither a religion nor a culture)' have been 'subservient' to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3,500 years and they became an independent nation only by default on 15th August, 1947, when the British India Empire made them a nation, called India, the largest democracy of our world, so to speak. You are totally ignorant that the 'First Sovereign and Secular nation' of South Asia was the 'Sikh Raj, Sarkar-e-Khalsa, or Punjab of a Sikh monarch Ranjit Singh, 1799 to 14th March, 1849. You must know that:

1.    The Sikhs struggle to regain their surrendered Sovereignty, Independence and Political power began on 14th March, 1849, the very day when the Sikhs lost their sovereignty to the forces of British Empire, by peaceful means. Would you mind to dig up the information in the archives of The London Times, 29th December 1929? On this day, The London Times carried the coverage of a procession of more than 500,000 citizens of the 'annexed' Punjab, from all walks of life, under the leadership of an 'uncrowned' Sikh, Baba Kharak Singh, demanding the return of their Sikh Nation from the British Empire. The Punjab of Sikhs was 'annexed' by the British Empire on 29th March, 1849. The Sikhs' Punjab was 'annexed' but not 'amalgamated' to the British Empire, for the administration purpose only. Let me tell you that the people like JL Nehru, MK Gandhi, or other Hindu could not attract more than 30,000 people in any rally of their so-called freedom struggle for India. What struggle for India what the word 'India' was known to the world until 29th March, 1849?


2.    During this 'annexation' of their Holy and Historic Homeland, PUNJANB or Sikh Raj, the Sikhs fought to preserve peace in Europe. The Sikhs of the British army lost more than 89,000 men and had more than 109,000 injured in the World War I & II. The people in Europe, Ieper, Belgium still remember the Sikhs of the British Army on every 'Remembrance Day' in November of each year.


3 The Sikhs fought in the WW I & II were from the Punjab 'annexed' by the British forces. They were not from 'India' what you call the largest democracy of our world. Until 29th March, 1849, there was no word 'India' in any dictionary and/or encyclopedia of the English language. Since there had been no nation in the World map or the Globe known as India, India's 'Freedom for Independence' was out of question. It was all to distort the 'Facts of Sikh History from the Sikh point of view and to 'distort' the history of South Asia by the deceitful 'Brahmins-Hindus', later proved to the anti-Sikh forces.

On 15th August, 1947, the British Empire handed over political power to the 'unelected' Brahmins-Hindus leadership. On this day, the real crafting of anti-Sikh policies of JL Nehru and gang became known. On this day the citizens of the Sikh Nation, Punjab, were 'robbed' in a wide daylight and made a 'Nation of Landless People'. The first present from the 'Brahmins-Hindus' masters was made within 7-week post-India's independence. The Sikhs were declared 'a lawless people' dangerous to the law-abiding Hindus (who had been 'subservient' for 3500 years). The first victim of the 'law-abiding Brahmins-Hindus' was Sardar Kapur Singh, Indian Civil Service, and a graduate of the Cambridge University, UK; because a 'confidential' state circular signed by a trio (JL Nehru, CL Trivedi and VB Patel) was revealed to the Sikhs of the Sikh Nation, Punjab. Subsequently, the Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation' were deprived of their 'constitutional rights', the 'Brahmins-Hindus' constitution in the drafts and final form were made the 'long haired Hindus'. To say it more precisely, the Sikh religion, world's 5th largest religion and culture, was 'swallowed' by the 'Brahmins-Hindus', along with the Sikh Marriage or the Anand Marriage Act. To-date, none of the Sikhs elected representatives has signed/accepted/endorsed the Indian Constitution 1950, which made the 'Brahmins-Hindus' the Republic of India. Since 15th August, 1950, the deceitful 'Brahmins-Hindus (only 3 and 10% of the total population of 1.2 billion hungry mouths of India)' administrations massacred the Sikhs in 1978 in Amritsar, created a 'law and order problem' in Punjab, the Landless Nation of Sikhs in the decades of 1980s and 1990s despite demanding the restoration of law in their Landless Nation Punjab repeatedly, by the Sikhs' religious and political leader, Shaheed-bilas Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and his staunch supporters and followers, throughout the Landless Nation Punjab, the Punjab of a Sikh monarch Ranjit Singh. In return, these 'Brahmins-Hindus' of India branded the Sikhs 'separatists, extremists, terrorists, anti-nationals, anti-socials, anti-India, a lawless people, etc. Their deceitful policies were bought by the international news media and their democratic administrations at the face value. This gave the impression that the Sikhs are the troublemakers in India and all the 'Brahmins-Hindus' are 'saints, peace-doves and angels', according to the international news media, their democratic administrations and notorious 'Brahmins-Hindus administration(s) of India, since they (the Sikhs) were 'robbed and made a Landless Nation PUNJAB', since 15th August, 1947. What hypocrisy of these so-called peace-doves!

Following the failure of the 'Law and Order', other plans had to be made to take care of the 'Landless Nation of Sikhs of PUNJAB', as they were unbearable pain in the necks of the 'Brahmins-Hindus', because the latter (3+9% of the total population of the alleged Indian democracy) have been dreaming of the 'Hindu Rashtra and/or the Brahaminstan alias the Hindu, Hindi, Hindutav and Hindustan alias Bharat. All non-"Brahmins-Hindus" were the Hindus (neither a religion nor a culture), regardless they were the Sikhs of the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib' (1.9% of the total population), followers of Islam or Muslims (13-14% of the population), Christians (3% of population), Dalits (nearly 70% of the total population), Buddhists (wiped out by the 'Brahmins' since Ashoka laid his arms down), and other minorities.

Following the division of the 'Landless Nation PUNJAB, into Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh (all the land of the Landless Nation PUNJAB of Sikhs) in 1966 by Indira Gandhi and her New Delhi administration (NDA), against the wishes of the Sikhs, a plan was hatched, and this was an 'undeclared' war on the Sikhs' Holy and Historic Homeland Punjab. The Indian armed forces started moving and taking their positions all over Punjab. Suspending all means of communication, transportation, imposition of the curfew round the clock, an 'undeclared' war began Punjab in the name of a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984 (see 25 Years After Assault on Durbar Sahib, Laying Foundation of Khalistan (ed) Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon, June 2009, ISBN 0-9548929-4-1, a publication of the London Institute of South Asia <>. This 'undeclared' war took a toll of more than 260,000 innocent Sikhs between 1st and 7th June, 1984, including the Sikhs' political and religious leader of the 20th century, Shaheed-Bilas Saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa, his staunch supporters and followers from all walks of life of the Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB. The 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab' was made a 'Concentration Camp' in the days of "Operation Bluestar", June, 1984. All Sikhs were/are criminals and all Hindus-Brahmins were/are saints. This has been the animosity of the 'Brahmins-Hindus and the NDA' against the Sikhs of the Sikh Homeland (Landless Sikh Nations). All Sikhs' religious institutions, the religious and political, including the Darbar Sahib Complex mistakenly known as the Golden Temple Complex, including the Supreme Seat of Sikh Polity, The Akal Takht Sahib, are under the 'Tight Control' of the NDA, NDA'S stooges in the Punjab administration, since the 'Brahmins-Hindus devious, divisive, apartheid practicing alleged Indian democracy waged an 'undeclared' war on the Sikhs of the Landless Nation of the Sikhs, Punjab, since the days of "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984. In my opinion, the Sikhs are the 'slaves' of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' since these people 'robbed' them on 15th August, 1984.

You say, Mr Cohn, the "Sikh separatists (what separatists) out of touch with homeland." I do not find a remote ground to accept your 'headline of Opinion' published in Toronto Star, Tuesday, April 27, 2010. The headlines of your 'opinion' are misleading and the serve the interests of the anti-Sikh forces in Canada and around the world, as you are, with all due respect to you and your readership, completely 'devoid' of the 'Facts of the History of Sikhs from the Sikh point of view'. Let me assure you the Canadian Sikhs are the Canadian Sikhs first and the dreams of the Right Honourable Pierre Elliot Trudeau, his predecessors and successors are at their hearts at large. There are criminals in every society and the Canadian Sikhs in particular and the Sikh Diaspora in general are not any exception to this rule. The Canadian law is well capable to look after any criminal element. I would like to add that the two dates have given never-ending scars and memories in the hearts and minds of the Canadian Sikhs. These are (i) the 'undeclared' war on the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, Khalistan and (ii) the Explosion of Air India Flight 182 of 24th June, 1984, exploded in midair off the western coast of Ireland. About two-third of the ill-fated craft were the Sikhs, let us not forget. No one but the intelligence agencies and foreign mission personnel of the 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy', in my opinion, committed both these anti-human, criminal acts. Let me quote the teachings of the founder of Sikh religion, Baba Guru Nanak Sahib, in the Sikhs Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib: "Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasaii," means the 'Brahmins are the Butchers of the Humanity'.

There has been no 'free speech, expression' in the 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged Indian democracy'. This 'democracy' is for the international news media and their administration. In fact, e-mails originating from Indian servers and received by them are opened and read by the Indian intelligence. I would appreciate it, if you could prove me wrong or correct me. In fact, I remember a song of the Western music industry, "This is the strange, strange world, Master Jack," of 1960s.

I would like to ask you, Mr Cohn, as you have been to the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab', as appears from your article that you had discussions with Manjit Singh Calcutta, Vedanti Joginder Singh Saran, etc., did you have to take Visa to visit the Landless Sikh Nation from the Toronto mission of the alleged Indian democracy, or any authority of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab' of the Sikhs? For you, it may not matter at all to take 'Brahmins-Hindus' Visa to visit the Sikh nation Punjab. However, it means a lot to the Sikhs like the writer. Why I should make my Canadian passport to the deceitful and apartheid practicing 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy, when the Landless Sikh Nation, Sikhs Holy and Historic Homeland, Punjab of Sikhs, is under the 'Occupation and Tight Control' of the enemies of the Sikhs and the 'Butchers of Humanity'? Would you dare to ask this question to the occupants of the Landless Sikh nation, Punjab, since 15th August, 1947. Sikhs are Sikhs, none else but the Sikhs, according to the Sikhs' Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. Your contacts like Manjit Calcutta, Vedanti Joginder Singh Saran (deposed by a Reseach and Analysis Wing's person, Prakash Sinh Badal, the traitor of the 'House of Guru Nanak Sahib alias Punjab of Sikhs) are the stooges of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the NDA, to hang on to his political power. How would they speak against their 'Brahmins-Hindus' masters of the NDA? Further, if you know it or not, but me tell you the princely States of Faridkot in Punjab, Bikaner in Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh (formerly Hyderabad) have not signed the 'Document of Accession' to the 'Brahmins-Hindus alleged India state'.

According to the Honourable Dana Rohrabaker, Congessman of the United States, as for as the Sikhs, Muslims and other minorities are concerned, India is a 'Nazi Germany' for them. India is a 'Police State', according to a Congressman of the Congress of the United States of America.

As Guru Baba Nanak Sahib said, "Sikhs are Sikhs, none else but the Sikhs," why should we, the Sikhs have any relations with the 'Brahmins-Hindus of the deceitful and apartheid practicing alleged Indian democracy? The Sikhs have to take guidance from the teachings of their Gurus, inscribed in Guru Granth Sahib, and not from any Tom, Dick or Harry like the 'Brahmins-Hindus of the alleged Indian democracy. The Indian intelligence personnel and their hired-hands have penetrated our Gurdwaras, Mr Cohn, since 1980s. If you do not see that, it is your problem, Mr Cohn.

Best wishes and warmest regards.


Awatar Singh Sekhon, Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)

Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology and Immunology

Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases CANADA

Managing Editor and Editor in Chief

International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435



Palash Biswas
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