Sunday, December 20, 2009

Re: 'Mumbai 26/11 Truth': View from an Indian American

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 11:40 AM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:
Mr. Dave Makkar is an Indian who lives in the US & is courageously taking on the Zionists Lobby & their RSS-Congress allies.
Read On.

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Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: Did America keep mum on 26/11?
Cc: Feroze Mithiborwala <>

Israeli's who owns America have no interest in Peace between India and Pakistan. America is nothing but an Israeli colony after Palestine. They control Judiciary, big law firms besides Media, Hollywood , Banking, Real Estate, Universities, Schools and Politics of America. US Congress can trash their own President on the dictates & bribes from a racist & murderous organization AIPAC (American Israel Political Action Committee). Recently in May 2009 AIPAC to make sure President Obama dare not oppose or put any pressure on criminal PM Netanyahu of Israel , drafted a letter warning Obama to "work closely and privately" with Israel .

AIPAC got 329 signatures in the House and 76 signatures in the Senate.

During the August 2009 recess, 56 members of US Congress visited Israel at the expanse of AIPAC or their sister organization and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters that it was a mistake to make settlement construction the key issue and that there was a "significant difference" between settlements in the West Bank and those in East Jerusalem!"

US Congress members trashing their own President under the directions (possible bribery) of a Foreign Organization like AIPAC in most of the countries it will treated as treason and crimes against the country and punishable with death sentence.


26/11 terrorist attacks were part planned in Bombay Chabad House so the Israelis knows what they are doing in India. Till 1991 India had no diplomatic, trade and cultural relations with Israel even Indian citizens were not allowed to travel to Israel. It was PM Rao on the directives of Christian Vatican agent Madam Sonia Gandhi entered into a secret pact with Israeli's. BJP, VHP, RSS, Shiv Sena etc. rather than using common sense also got into the trap with their messed up philosophy of enemy's enemy is our friend for their hate for Indian Muslims and today consider Israelis to be their most trusted allies.


Since Israeli's entry into India in 1991 on the invitation of Madam Gandhi the ethnic violence in India has increased multifold mainly due to the demolition of disputed structure of Babri Masjid & Ram Janam Bhumi in 1992 at Ayodhya.


Then it is the Israelis who have made China a very serious threat to India by selling them advanced Satellite & Missiles technology after stealing it from America. For India they have substandard military hardware but no technology at highly inflated prices with 30-40% kick back for Indian politicians in Congress as well as BJP. That is the reason a tiny country of 5.5 mil people has become the biggest military hardware supplier to India with 1.2 billion people; not because of technology edge but because of their ability to pay 30-40% kick back in all arms deal to Congress & BJP governments. That is the reason Rs 1,150 crores Barack Missiles with Rs.450 crores kickback scandal of BJP government was not investigated by the Sonia & Manmohan government of Congress. Israeli's have put all defense research in India on the back burner by corrupting the Indian politicians. They were behind all the bribes to get the Nuclear Deal passed in the Parliament which is not at all good for India .


After 26/11 terrorist attacks in Bombay overnight Israeli's sold portable satellites & other military hardware worth hundreds of millions of dollars to India. Congress government of Sonia never bothered to call for international bids for a simple reason it is only Israeli's who can give 30-40% kickbacks; no other country will ever do it.


After 26/11 terrorist attacks in Bombay mega million dollars celebrations with chartered flights from USA, Europe & Israel were arranged for Hanukkah rather Israeli's success in scaring the 3RD largest Army of the world. Not to be left behind Indian Consulate in New York also celebrated Hanukah in Dec 2008 when they have never celebrated Budha Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti, Gurupurab and Eid which represent the religions of over 350 millions of Indians.  (after my blog in Dec. 2008 this year in 2009 Indian Consulate celebrated Eid in NY)


As far as Rosh Hashanah & Hanukkah celebrations are concerned all over India that is another joke. For under 1,500 official Indian Jew population of India such elaborate and multi million dollars expansive celebrations raises some serious questions and doubts. May be Israeli's wants to increase the Jewish population and land holding for Jews in India?


Israeli are also manipulating the Tribals in North East region of India by declaring them one of the 10 lost Jew Tribes of Biblical Time. Openly Israelis are promoting religious conversions in India with the tacit support of Indian Christians especially prominent Christians like Sonia Gandhi. Israelis are also promoting India tourism in big way for drug addicts and sexual perverts from Jewish community in Israel, Europe, America etc. to exploit the poor and innocent people.


Indians must decide can they trust Israelis who have brought a super power America on its knees; financially, economically, ethically, morally and militarily?


Dave Makkar



Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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