Sunday, December 20, 2009

Re: Another Colombian Military Base on Venezuelan Border

On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:10 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

US Troops' Stay in Colombia For The past 50 Years has Proven Ineffective Against Drug Operations

 Dec. 20, 09 (Hamsayeh.Net) - Colombian government announced it plans to build another military base very close to Venezuelan border in a move that could raise an already tens relations with the government of Hugo Chavez to newer highs.


The proposed military base is going to be located on the Guajira peninsula near the city of Nazaret close to Venezuelan border, said Colombia's Defense Minister Gabriel Silva. The base will have 1,000 troops and two air battalions in a very strategic point from a defense point of view, he added.


On October 30, US and Colombia signed a 10-year military agreement in which over 800 soldiers and 600 civilian contractors from US military could be stationed in several Colombian bases for a 5 billion US dollars in aid to Alvaro Uribe's government from Washington. The military agreement supposedly aims at curbing a chronic cocaine trafficking network in the region.


At this time over a quarter of Colombian territory on eastern parts are effectively under anti-government guerrilla control. Two of the main anti-government movements the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the National Liberation Army (ELN) had just announced they are joining forces against the pro-US government of Alvaro Uribe.


Also, in Venezuela, President Hugo Chavez already informed the whole nation to be ready in case a war breaks out with the pro-US government in Colombia. Chavez said the bases were 'a threat' to his country and Colombia was conducting 'a war policy', adding that the planned agreement 'could generate a war in South America'.


Other Latin American countries also criticized the planned US military deployment in the region. President Rafael Correa of Ecuador denounced the planned agreement saying it was an issue that concerns all of Latin America as it threatens to destabilize the region.   


Bolivian President Evo Morales, a staunch opponent of the US interventionist policies in the region, said he strongly condemns US troops deployment in Colombian bases.

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez did too express her concern for what she termed 'untold and unacceptable state of belligerence' in the region.

Brazilian President Lula told Uribe US troops had been in Colombia for over 50 years and their presence had not solved the issue for drug trafficking, then the efficiency of the planned deployment must seriously be questioned.


Other Latin American leaders also voiced concerns over the proposed military deal between Washington and Bogota.

Palash Biswas
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