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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Nandikar Natyaotsava

WED  16 DEC 2009  6-30PM
Name of the Play         : DHABOMAN (Bengali)
Play Wright            : Selim Al Deen
Production Adviser        : Nasiruddin Yousuff
Music & Direction        : Shimul Yousuff

Dhaboman is a story of the bull, Shorab, who lives with his own and his human family. Nohboth, his owner, treats his like his own son and Shorab, too, loves him like his father. Trained to be a fighter bull, Shorab becomes the best in the region. Because he loves Shorab so much, Nohboth teaches him dancing and swimming and also takes him to mosques and schools so that he can acquire adequate knowledge. However, due to certain circumstances, Nohboth has to choose between Shorab's life and the possibility of his human son's recovery from paralysis. He decides to kill Shorab, and even through Shorab escapes before the sacrifice, he returns to the house the next morning, to die in the place where he was born, fed, loved and betrayed.before the sacrifice, he returns to the house the next morning, to die in the place where he was born, fed, loved and betrayed.

THU   17 DEC   2009  6-30PM
Name of the Play         : KAMDEO KA APNA BASANT RITU KA SAPNA (Hindi)
                    (Based on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights' Dream)
Adaptation, Music
& Direction            : Habib Tanvir

Oberon, the Jungle King of spirits, loves to possess an adopted child, but Titania, his Queen, won't let the boy go out of her sight. A quarrel ensues between Oberon and Titania over the child. In the process Oberon casts a spell upon Titania through the spirit Puck, according to which Titania, when she wakes up, would fall in love with the object her eyes meet first – be it a beast or a demon. Meanwhile, some village artisans are preparing a play in the Jungle, which they would like to present at the wedding of Theseus, the Duke of Athens, with Hypolita. Puck, out of sheer mischief, turns one of the folk actors into an ass. Now Titania on waking up notices Bottom the Ass first and promptly falls in love with him. Later Oberon removes his spell from Titania and Puck undoes the prank he had played with Bottom. Finally the rustic players present at the Duke's wedding their play, Pyramus and Thisby, much to the merriment of the court and of the audience in general.

FRI   18   DEC 2009  6-30PM
Name of the Play         : JIS LAHORE NAHI DEKHYA WO JANMAYA HI NAHI (Hindi)
Music and Direction    : Habib Tanvir

The plot of the play develops around the different attitudes to religion. On the one hand religion teaches us to be humane, accommodative and tolerant, while on the other hand, we find that it is often harnessed to a political purpose. The play highlights the ideal relationship that should exist between religion, the intellectuals and the common man.
SAT  19  DEC 2009   3-00PM & 6-30PM
Name of the Play             : CHARANDAS CHOR (Hindi)
Story, Playwright & Direction    : Late Habib Tanvir

Charandas Chor is an adaptation of a Rajasthani folk tale. It charts the tumultuous life of a petty thief. Charandas is made to make five vows to his Guru, who then sets him out on his life's journey. This leads him to a kingdom, where the turn of events makes him famous, and eventually he is offered the seat of political power which he has to refuse.

Later, the local princess gets enchanted by him and proposes to marry him. This is when his refusal costs him his life. As he is put to death, he illustrates the inherent paradox in human existence, where truthful existence becomes an impossibility, for the innately truthful and the accidentally truthful alike.

SUN  20 DEC 2009  3-00PM
Name of the Play         : MOMPAK (Mattress) (Clown play) (Manipuri)
Playwright & Direction     : Y Rajendra Singh         
A traditional Manipuri clown play, Mompak is the story of a beautiful girl and her short-tempered father. During a temporary absence of the father from home, three local young men visit the girl and offer her their love on father another. When the father returns, the girl asks the three men to lie down on the floor and covers them with a cloth like a mattress, a series of hilarious events follows.

SUN  20  DEC  2009  6-30PM
Name of the Play        : ZIKR-E-NASHUNIDA - Discussing the unheeded (Urdu)
Playwright            : Prasanna Ramaswamy
Direction             :  Sheema Kermani and Anwer Jafri

Basically an anti-war play, Zikr-E-Nashunida highlights the effects of war, especially on women.

The opening scene of the play is the second day of a Seminar on Peace. At the seminar there is an art Exhibition and the participants of the seminar are looking at the exhibits. A day earlier there had been a Theatre performance as a presentation at the seminar. Now on the second day of the seminar, the actors, appearing as seminar participants, relive what they had witnessed at the theatre performance and relate it to their own experiences. The play unfolds narratives of incidents repeated throughout history and leads the audience into the much spoken – but not often listened to – narratives of war.

MON   21  DEC  6-30PM    
Name of the Play         : ACHEEKPAGI KHONJEL (Sound of a Voice) (Manipuri)
Playwright             : Henry David Hwang
Adaptation & Direction     : L Kishworjit        

The Man and Woman are the two essential components of our society.  Their conflict to maintain a family is the basic problem in every community.  In the very beginning they were strangers and it takes time to understand the inner feeling of each other.

The varied quality of a woman has tremendous effect to a man and sometimes it draws a man tremendously crazy. The search by a man to understand the reality of a woman is never ending. In a traditional society, a woman is taught to be loyal to her husband and she always tries to fulfill the desire of the man in every aspect.

The play is an attempt to explore all these dimensions of creating a close relationship between man and woman ……… still in quest.

BAA (The Creative Breeze), ASSAM
TUE  22  DEC 2009  6-30PM
Name of the Play        : MIRI ZEEYOREE (Assamese)
Playwright & Director    :  Anup Hazarika

Young Panei and Jonki, belonging to a village on the banks of the river Subansiri keep a watch on the paddy field. They grow up & fall in love with each other. But Panei's parents decide to marry her off to Kamud, son of the village chief. Jonki, an orphan, who was so long living in the village chief's family, is chased away. A helpless Jonki takes shelter in his maternal aunt's house in the nearby Ghunasuti village. Dalimi, daughter of the village chief of Ghunasuti, gets attracted towards Jonki. One night he takes a boat belonging to Dalimi's father, takes Panei on board and takes shelter inside a forest. The villagers found them and bring them back to a community trial. Panoi runs away again even without the knowledge of Jonki. Jonki tries to locate Panei. Some Hill Miris accosted him in the jungle and took him away to make him a slave. One day, while working as a slave in the fields, he saw his Panei among some captive girls. He managed to speak to her, and they drew up a plan to run away. Eventually they were caught & taken to a community trial and convicted for theft. The two were put to death for their crime

WED  23  DEC 2009 6-30PM    
Name of the Play         : GHASIRAM KOTWAL (Hindi)    
Playwright             : Vijay Tendulkar                   
Hindi Translation         : Vasant Dev
Direction             : Rajinder Nath        

The play begins with an invocation to lord Ganesha. Then the Brahmins of Pune introduce themselves and we can see the morally corrupt state of affairs in Pune. Nana Phadnavis who is the Diwan(Chief Secretary) of  Pune is also corrupt and visits the lavani dancer. Ghashiram is working with the lavani dancer. Ghashiram being a Brahmin goes to collect alms at the Peshwa's festival the next day. However he is ill-treated there and is charged with pick-pocketing and imprisoned for the offence. He then decides to take revenge.

Ghashiram barters his own daughter to get the post of Kotwal (Police Chief) of Pune from Nana. Having got the post he begins to enforce strict rules in the city. He starts asking for permits for everything and starts throwing people in jail for the smallest offences. In the mean time, Ghashiram's daughter is impregnated by Nana, and dies during childbirth. The situation goes out of hand when a few people in the jail die out of suffocation. The Brahmins then complain to the Peshwa. The Peshwa summons Nana who orders Ghashiram to be killed in the most derogatory way possible.

THU  24  DEC 2009   6-30PM
Name of the Play         : JAAT HI POOCHHO SADHU KI  (Hindi)
Playwright             : Vijay Tendulkar                   
Hindi Translation         : Vasant Dev
Direction             : Rajinder Nath        

The play opens with a long narrative by Mahipat, who gives a hilarious biographical sketch of his life. His only aim is to become an M.A. before bidding goodbye to this world. He encounters countless rejections, spends some time classifying the he beloveds rejection slips, indulges in an analysis spree and ultimately starts his study of Sifarishim (Nepotism), which he believe is the best weapon available today. He becomes a lecturer with Swargia Matajee Gaya Bai Sootram Kala Vigyan Nahavidyalay, without any use of influence simply because he is the only candidate and the institution is located in a remote area. By the end of the play he is back in his old position, that of an educated unemployed young man, but not before his feathers have been plucked by Nalini, her uncle and the staff of the college as well as the errant students whom he had subdued and befriended in the beginning.

NANDIKAR (Children's Section), KOLKATA
FRI   25  DEC 2009    10-00AM
Name of the Play         : JAI EKTIBAAR (A Musical Collage of Tagore Poetry) (Bengali)
Script & Direction     : Jhulan Sarkar
A child – a wonderful urge to run away to some far away lonely land – along the gurgling streams – the rustle of leaves – the call of the unknown drives him around……….

Name of the Play         : HARIYE JETE NEI MANA (Bengali)
Playwright            : Deblina Tripathi
Chief Advisor        : Rudraprasad Sengupta
Direction             : Rimi Majumdar

NANDIKAR (Children's Section), KOLKATA
FRI   25  DEC  2009  3-00PM
Name of the Play         : DULIA (Bengali)
Story                 : Leela Mazumdar
Directorial Advisor    : Rudraprasad Sengupta
Direction             : Swatilekha Sengupta & Goutam Halder

The story by the celebrated litterateur, Leela Mazumder, is almost a fable. A very elderly milkmaid is travelling from Doiwallah Station to Dulia Station. She is carrying on her head three shining brass-coated pitchers – one large, one small and one of middle size – all filled with fresh milk. She is taking these for her grandfather, her father, her husband and in-laws, her sons and her grandchildren. During the travel, when she meets a group of children, hungry yet endearing, she meets them all!

It's a fabulous story about relatedness – an unadorned story about an udaarcharit who finds whole vasudha as her kutumbas!

NANDIKAR (Children's Section), KOLKATA
Name of the Play         : INDIAN IDOL (Bengali)
Playwright & Direction     : Debsankar Halder
"A statue or picture of a god worshipped or a person greatly admired" - that's how Mouli's grandpa defines an 'idol'. The play shows how Mouli becomes the 'Indian Idol' -- after, of course, a lot of exciting adventures.

FRI   25  DEC  2009  6-30PM    
Name of the Play     : AJNATOBAAS (Bengali)    
Playwright         : Sukanta Gangopadhyay        
Chief Advisor    : Rudraprasad Sengupta
Direction         : Sumanta Gangopadhyay    
How do men and women traverse the land called LIFE?  Where do they come from and where do they go?

That is the big question!

Enters the scene a lady well past her middle-age, looking for a place to sit.

Enters the scene Payel, a newly married woman, with a glass of water for the old lady and also looking for someone to talk to.  Payel is, after all, lonely.

Apprehensions and fears dominate the lives of Payel and husband Soumik, faced with peculiar situations involving the old lady. How does one handle a lady who remembers nothing of her past, yet is so alive, so fascinating. Or does she remember her past after all? Where will she go from here? Will Payel follow in her footsteps when she reaches the lady's age? Will all the Payels and the Soumiks do so?

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