Saturday, October 10, 2009



Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and Time- One Hundred Twenty SEVEN

Palash Biswas

Aamar Gram, Tomar Gram, Shobar Gram: Nandigram,

My Village; Your Village; Everybody's village.
Nandigram. Nandigram

Babasaheb with his superior intellect had never fallen a prey to marxism which has killed Dalit movement in Bengal, Kerala and to some extent in AP also.
Ambedkar, B. R. 1990. Annnihilation of Caste: An Undelivered Speech. Edited by Mulk Raj Anand. New Delhi: Arnold Publishers.

The movement for liberation of the sixty-five million if not more untouchables have been initiated by this pioneer, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. Born in a low-caste family on April 14th 1891, in Mhow, Maharashtra. He left the Hindu faith and converted to Buddhism in 1956, along with more than a million of his followers. He died on December 6th, 1956.

But an increasing number of fundamentalist Hindus promote the caste system and incite many young people against reservation in seats of knowledge, jobs, equality of opportunity and other privileges given by Parliament to the underprivilege. Some Hindu chauvinist political parties have launched campaigns against the emergent Dalits, frequently using violent means.

India`s shame are the so called dalit intellectuals who honoured Buddhadev Bhattacharya and his gang of Caste Hindu anti dalit ministers! West bengal Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharjee on wednesday said reservation was not the only way for liberation of dalits, but the present policy of reservation in the fields of employment and education would not be withdrawn. "we leftists think that reservation is not the only way of liberating dalits. what we need is extensive land reforms in eliminating the evils of feudalism and consequent casteist vices," Bhattacharjee told a function here organised by dalit intellectuals to felicitate ministers and mlas of the sixth left front belonging to the backward classes. the chief minister, however, made it clear that his government had no immediate plans to do away with the present policy of reservation in the field of education and employment. the school service commission and college service commission had been instructed accordingly.

CPIM has constituted a pocket organisation Dalit samanyaya samiti, which is entrusted with the most important task to kill the Dalit movement in West Bengal. This samiti mobilises so called dalit intellectuals, the creamy layer created by quota and reservation who happen to be different departments of the state government and belong to colleges and universities.There is no doubt, a micro-minority is ruling India. The real problem is how long the majority Backwards will cuddle with it and keep cursing them. The Brahmin strength is in money, trade and media power with which they have been controlling us. Our strength is unity and our massive numbers. The message is loud and clear. If we exploit our strength and achieve unity we will soon capture Delhi. If Brahmins can run the govt. with our help, I fail to understand why it is then difficult for us to run it with Brahmin support. And Buddhadev serves best Brahminical interests!

Cpim does not allow any mass mobilisation against Brahminical system. These numbered dalit intellectuals who ensure their attendence in any Left sponsored progrramme in a hope to get promotion or intensive or just in an attempt to save the job! They celebrate Ambedkar Birth anniversary and hijack any dalit uprising in West Bengal!

While the Dalit Sahitya sanstha has joined the movement led by Kolkata Intellectuals and everyone seems to hang Buddhadev, these In Laws felicicitate Buddhadev?

Are these gentlemen and ladies have the right to be claimed as dalits? They have the job thanks to party backing and quota and reservation, while the worthy candidates are deprived. deprived candidates are also tamed as they may get any job in Bengal only after they prove to be committed to Party Interests!

There were Dalit movements during the colonial period in Maharasthra among the Mahars. There is a study of Ad-Dharm movement in the Punjab in Mark Juergensmeyer’s Religion as Social Vision: The Movement Against Untouchability in 20th Century Punjab. (Berkeley: University of California). The Illava movement of Narayana Guru in Kerala has now been covered in at least a dozen recent books. There were Dalit movements during the colonial period also in western U.P. (the Adi-Hindu movement), Bengal (Namashudras),Tamil Nadu (Adi-Drividas), coastal Andhra (Adi-Andhras), and Hyderabad (Adi-Hindus). In addition there were unorgainzed Dalit assertions in such areas as Mysore and Bihar (Omvedt 1994:10).

There has been a continuous growth and change of Ambedkar’s movement. There were new developments and publications in the field of Buddhist conversion; the Dalit Panthers arose as a new force; the movement began to produce literature of such quantity and quality that Dalit Sahitya became a prominent part of the Marathi literary scene, and spread to the neighbouring states of Gujarat and Karnataka. (1992:introduction)

There was a group of movements among the Untouchables of Madras, although neither this movement nor others among the Ilavas of the Malabar coast, the Chamars of Chhatisgarh area, the Depressed Classes, chiefly Chamars and Churas, of the Punjab or the Namashudras of Bengal, were as sustained and all-encompassing as that among the Mahars of Maharashtra, the largest Untouchable caste in the area now called Maharasthra where this group constitute about ten percent of the population (1992:33 and 155). The political movement which the Mahars have dominated has never been confined exclusively to their caste and from 1936 has included non-Marathi speaking groups. Since 1956, a majority of Mahars have converted to Buddhism and no longer use the caste name (:118).

These dalit intellectuals betray the dalits as the leftists do always. They have no libality and refuse the return due to the legacy of Babasahib for the reservation and quota, on basis of which they enjoy envible status amongst the underclasses! The caste hindu intellectuals never recognise them! They are often used as tools.Ambedkar fought for the dignity of Dalits. The Hindu Varnavyavastha snatched the dignity from Dalits. It degraded labour. The person who works hard to earn his bred was considered lowest while the Brahmins with their narrow minded tainted vision became 'Bhoodevatas', gods on the earth. The bloodsucking Gods had inherently anti Dalit bias. So angry was Ambedkar with the Hindu law book, which he considered as the source of caste system and discrimination against Daltis in India that he launched a movement against it.

Mosty shameful is this dire incidence, not less serious than Nandigram and Marich Jahapi massacres, taht these intellectuals mostly belong to the militant dalit community NAMOSHUDRA, which opened the window for Ambed kar to get a seat in the constitution Assembely. It is for the Namoshudras only , that SC, ST, OBC reservation was possible despite violent opposition from all caste hindu quarters. Ambedkar had been never supported by Communists in the history and now they encash Abedkar only due to these Creamy Layer Namoshudras!

Dalit movement has a rich history of rationalism and humanism. In fact, the historical evolution took place with Buddha's revolt against Varnashram dharma. Buddha not only rejected supremacy of Brahmins but also of the Shastras. Sanskrit was the language of the Brahmins and knowledge their sole domain and Buddha not only demolished their knowledge base of Brahmins but also popularized among the masses by sermonizing in Prakrit. Namoshudras were originally Buddhist who had to be converted with resurgence of Hindutva and import of Brahmins from Kannoj by Sen dynasty. Thus, the DOMs as Namoshudras were originally knwn were outcasted and condemned to be the lowest caste in Bengal. They were once again punished for their successful support to Ambedkar. The base of dalit movement was destroyed systemetically as the militant Namoshudra Community was evicted from their land in west Bengal under the cover of partition and they were further scattered all over india, depriving them minimum human and civil rights.

But this tradition of revolt continued at the later stage also. All the indigenous reform movement and religions in India had inherently revolted against the Brahmanical value system, which gave divine sanction to untouchability and caste system. After Buddha, Mahavir Swami rejected the notion of caste and violence in the brahmanical structure. Even the birth of Sikhism is related to the caste prejudices rampant in varnashram dharma system. In the 15th century Kabir talked of rejection of caste system and talked of one God. He attacked rituals and Shastras and talked of a society based on equality.Dalit groups. The worst fact is the Ambedkar is mainly known among the working class Dalits and enlightened and numerically powerful communities like Mahars in Maharastra, Chamars and Jatavs in the North India, Namshudras in West Bengal, Malas in Andhra and a few others in Tamilnadu. While Mahars hold sway in Maharastra and the Jatavs and Chamars outnumber any other community in the north contributed fairly to Ambedkarisation process. That helped people under the banner ofBahujan Political Party which used it as a vehicle to spread its wing.

The communists of Bengal , led by Buddha and biman helped Brahmin Pranab Mukherjee and NDA Hindu rashtra government to pass the citizenship act to declare the Namoshudra Refugees from east Bengal illegal immigrants. Thirteen Lac names were deleted from Voters` List in West Bengal only! A national Drive is on to deport the Namoshudras out of bengal.The Ambedkarite movement rarely talk of violence and violation of human rights. Their obsession with Manu Smriti and Hindu Gods to joke at took a perverted turn as one of the major problem that the Dalits face is to get acknowledgement from the caste Hindus. That a majority of Dalits despite all the facts, go the temples of the Brahmins and follow the same rituals. But these issues are seldom addressed in true sense. They are used as a rhetoric to lumpen the brahmanical system. The system will not go unless we want to get rid of it. The reason for not raising the issue of violence of Dalits is that many 'intellectual' feel 'uncomfortable' on this issue as they used their identity to get the entry into the media and would talk of 'philosophy'. Today, the same intellectuals have left all the work of the brahmanical system and now target the backward communities. Why has the Dalit movement changed its track from anti brahmanical campaign to anti backward campaign?

And Now The Namoshudra Intellectuals stand by the muderer of nandigram!

Under the census of 1901 there were 47,048,581 Muslims in northern India (Punjab, Kashmir, UP, Bihar, Bengal and Orissa) out of which 8,628, 566 were shown as Arjal (inferior) Muslims; Shri V. R. Shinde thinks that they were probably original Antyaj or untouchables. A good number of Dalits were converted to Christianity, especially in Kerala. Under the census of 1931, among the Pariah untouchables, 70,684 were Hindus, whereas 71,680 were Christians. Among the Pulayas 207,337 were Hindus, whereas 15777,813 were Christians. The Dalit leaders like Pampady John Joseph (Kerala), Rev. John Rathnam (TN) and Gurram Jashua (AP) were prominent among the converts. Iyakanu Pulawar (Karnataka) and M. Y. Murugesan (Karnataka) took the initiative in reviving Buddhism. Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism along with millions of followers at Nagpur in 1956 (:412).

Social Dialecticism: Due to untouchability the whole Hindu society was divided into touchables and the untouchables. The touchables were to enjoy all the civil rights, whereas the untouchables were not to enjoy any right. The untouchables were to fulfil the duties imposed by the touchables. Their interests were diametrically opposed to each other (:413).

However, with the advent of British in India, the whole legal system was changed. The dialectic was not limited to civil rights only. It was in vogue in the field of economic uplift (:413). Dalit leaders like Ayyan Kali had to fight against serfdom in Kerala (:414).

The Communist movement was invariably in the hands of the high caste people and they could not realize the crucial role of caste in the Indian social structure. Neither had they any plan to exterminate untouchability nor had they any grasp of that problem (:414).

In order to fight against the socio-economic problems, Dr. Ambedkar formed the Independent Labour Party in 1936. He was of the view that all the key industries, including agriculture should be nationalized in the interest of the nation as a whole (:414).


Dr. Ambedkar said: "the problem of the Depressed classes will never be solved unless they get political power in their own hands. If this is true, and I do not think that the contrary can be maintaind, then the problem of the Depressed classes is, I submit eminently, a political problem and must be treated as such." (Bhagwandas., ed. 1963. Thus Spoke Ambedkar. Vol. I. Jullundur: Bheem Patrika Publications. p. 24.) (:415)

Mohan, P.E. 1993. Scheduled Castes: History of Elevation, Tamil Nadu, 1900-1955. Madras: New Era Publications.

According to the 1981 census, they numbered 18.35 percent of the population.

Murugkar, Lata. 1991. Dalit Panther Movement in Maharashtra: A Sociological Appraisal. Bombay: Popular Prakashan.

For all their posturing about the underprivileged, Congress and Marxist policies merely serve to perpetuate poverty.Paradoxically, one of the states that did not have a quota system is West Bengal which even today is not very enthusiastic about it. The cost, in terms of having a fractured society among students and also faculty in central institutions because of the quota system, is too high.There is only one exception: In West Bengal the proportion of upper castes has increased in the state assembly after 1977, after the Left Front came to power. A coincidence? Not if you calculate the caste composition of successive Left Front ministries: About two thirds of the ministers come from the top three jatis (Brahman, Boddis, Kayasthas). Perhaps you did not notice that West Bengal was the last major state to come out with an OBC list to implement Mandal. You might say, the CPM believes in class, not caste. Fair enough, but then why is the CPM in Delhi so aggressive about championing Mandal? Why does it present itself as more Mandalite than thou?

Or read the data supplied by the West Bengal government to the Sachar Committee. With 25.2 per cent of Muslim population, the state government has provided just 2.1 per cent of the government jobs to Muslims. West Bengal has the worst record of all Indian states in this respect. Gujarat has just 9.1 per cent Muslims and has 5.4 per cent Muslims among government employees. The irony, of course, is that the CPM was the first party to come out with a statement demanding implementation of the Sachar Report!

Decades of Marxist rule in West Bengal has left the most vulnerable groups, rural SC/ST and OBC women, worse off than before! This is truly disturbing. Can we say 'Marxist casteism and anti-feminism'?This year, V S Achuthanandan, another Ezhava CM aspirant, was told not to contest, although after an uproar he is indeed contesting. But VS has been defeated -- some say with malice aforethought -- before in a 'safe' Marxist seat.Incidentally, the Marxists have taken great care not to have OBC or SC/ST or women become chief ministers. In Kerala, this is a very sore point for Ezhavas, who form the bulk of Marxist support. Ezhava women leaders who were positioned before elections as CM-designate, K R Gowri and Sushila Gopalan, were denied it on flimsy grounds after elections, and the post given to 'forward-caste' men.

Agriculture vs Industry: Is rehabilitation the answer? The West Bengal Human Rights Commission on Friday issued a suo motu direction to the DGP and IGP to investigate allegations of rape and torture of women by police and CPI(M) cadres at Nandigram.Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee today reiterated that the West Bengal Government must return land to the unwilling farmers in Singur for restoration of peace in the area.
'In West Bengal? and Kerala the Left-led land reform movements have not only reinforced female seclusion and dowry among upper castes, but extended them to scheduled castes as well. That has led to land alienation and eroded land reform. Dalits are known to muster resources for payment of dowry by selling off land they won through reform.'

The article quotes research by Praveena Kodoth in Economic and Political Weekly. (June 18-24, 2005) which, it says, 'reveals that land reform movements in Bengal and Kerala have failed to address the gendered modes of power and social relations. It shows how participation of women in rural (farm) work across social groups in Bengal and Kerala has, in the long term, declined due to land reform.'

Some Unanswered Questions From The Frontline Reports

By Vidya Bhushan Rawat

28 September, 2006

Gandhi and scavenging

Frontline magazine’s September 22nd, 2006 issue gave wide coverage to the issue of scavengers in India including one famous quote of Gandhi’. ‘I may not be born again, but if it happens, I will like to be born into a family of scavengers, so that I may relieve, them if the inhuman, unhealthy and hateful practice of carrying nightsoil.’ It is rather strange that Gandhi is often quoted by the upper caste to justify their stand and prove a certain point because in their own wisdom, there was no one else except Gandhi who fought against the cause of untouchability. It is another matter that none of them ever questioned Gandhi and his various act of idiocies. Above quote clearly means that Gandhi fully believed that untouchability is not going to finish and he would have to take another birth to get rid of it.

Ofcourse, Gandhi was right that such heinous practice would not end but untouchables or Dalits perhaps do not need Gandhi’s sage advice to end scavenging. They are powerful enough to lead the movements as the story of frontline clearly reflect. In fact, Frontline would have researched a bit more and look Gandhi’s writing in the various issues of Harijan, on the issue of untouchability, whether he really was interested in the eradication of untouchability or supported the caste system. Dr Bhagwan Das, eminent Ambedkarite and scholar has time and again said that Gandhi was least interested in the emancipation of the Dalits in general and scavengers in particular. He quotes on many occasions how Gandhi justified the caste-based profession of the Dalits. Said Gandhi :

“ I do not advice untouchables to give up their trades and professions. One born a scavenger must earn his livelihood by being a scavenger and then do whatever else he likes. For a scavenger is as worthy of his hire as a lawyer or your president. That according to me is Hinduism. ( Harijan 6th March, 1937)

Further, Gandhi might have said that he would like to be born in the untouchable family yet he was no revolutionary to condemn the caste system. Even in Africa, he was not at all fighting for the rights of the black Africans but the caste Hindus who feel offended at clubbing together with the black community in Africa or elsewhere. Says Gandhi :

“My Opinion against sweepers strike dates back to about 1897 when I was in Durban. A general strike was mooted there and the question arose as to whether scavengers should join it. My vote was registered against the strike proposal.,,,, In spite of my close attachments to sweepers, better cause of it, I must denounce the coercive method they are said to have employed. They will thereby be losers in the long run. City folks will not always be cowed down. A bhangi may not give up his work even for a day. ( Harijan 21st April 1946)”

Mr Bhagwan Das has referred this narrative many times how Gandhi was against the strike of the sweeper and every time he gave them moral lessons of Varna Ashram Dharma. That way, Gandhi damaged the cause of the emancipation of Dalits with his brutal immoral morality.

Small Video of Hugo Chavez talking about the capitalist coup of 2002 to overthrow him from power and install a reign of terrorist capitalist fascism. Like the anti-Clinton and anti-democratic coup de etat of the Republican Fascist Party:

http://aporrea. org/actualidad/ n93152.html

Tirupati takes deity to Dalits
(http://www.telegrap /1070412/ asp/nation/ story_7637222. asp)

Tirupati takes deity to Dalits
Chennai, April 11: Lord Venkateshwara, said to draw devotees from all over the world to India’s richest temple near Tirupati, is reaching out to the lowest of the lowly.

In an experiment aimed at social integration, the Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanam, which manages the temple, for the first time brought the Utsava Murthy (processional deity) from the hill shrine to the predominantly Dalit village of Vemuru, 13 km from Tirupati in Chittoor district.
Under the initiative named Dalitha Govindam, Lord Venkateshwara — popularly known in the north as Lord Balaji — and his consort, goddess Padmavathigaru, were brought to the remote village where the Srinivasa Kalyanam (celestial marriage of the Lord) was performed in front of hundreds of villagers.

Men, women and children lined up with flowers and lighted camphor to receive the deities as priests took them around the main streets and placed them in a pandal for the symbolic marriage ceremony.

The Pentagon report released recently proves it: there was no
connection between 9/11, Iraq or al-Quaeda. That makes Bush & Cheney
guilty of war crimes under the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal:

'Crimes against peace:
Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression'

Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950
No. 82
Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the
Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal. Adopted by
the International Law Commission of the United Nations, 1950.
Introductory note: Under General Assembly Resolution 177 (II),
paragraph (a), the International Law Commission was directed
to "formulate the principles of international law recognized in the
Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the judgment of the
Tribunal." In the course of the consideration of this subject, the
question arose as to whether or not the Commission should ascertain
to what extent the principles contained in the Charter and judgment
constituted principles of international law. The conclusion was that
since the Nuremberg Principles had been affirmed by the General
Assembly, the task entrusted to the Commission was not to express any
appreciation of these principles as principles of international law
but merely to formulate them. The text below was adopted by the
Commission at its second session. The Report of the Commission also
contains commentaries on the principles (see Yearbook of the
Intemational Law Commission, 1950, Vol. II, pp. 374-378).
Authentic text: English Text published in Report of the International
Law Commission Covering its Second Session, 5 June-29 Duly 1950,
Document A/1316, pp. 11-14.
WWW URL: http://deoxy. org/wc-nurem. htm

George Bush and Dick Cheney have lied the nation into a war of
aggression, are spying in open violation of the law, and have
sanctioned the use of torture. These are high crimes and misdemeanors
and demand accountability. Since Congress doesn't seem to get it, on
April 28 tens of thousands of Americans will spell it out for them.

From giant "human murals" to skywriting over the New Orleans Jazzfest
to guerrilla light shows to banner drops inside the California
Democratic Convention, we will literally spell out the word "IMPEACH!"
We invite you to join us in kicking off Impeachment Summer and turning
up the heat on Congress to impeach.

The A28 campaign has been launched by dozens of groups, including the
Green Party, Progressive Democrats of America, Code Pink, the National
Lawyers Guild, Gold Star Families for Peace, and more. Actions are
being organized nationwide, and new ones are being added daily. Some
highlights include:

* Cleveland: Presidential candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich will speak at
an impeachment concert and party.

* Miami: A massive rally for impeaching Bush, who is delivering the
commencement address at Miami Dade College that day.

* San Francisco: 2,000 people will form a "human mural" at Ocean Beach
to spell out "IMPEACH!" with their bodies, followed by a march to
Nancy Pelosi's house for an impeachment rally.

* San Diego: Introduction of an impeachment resolution at the
California Democratic Convention. Additional protests both inside and
outside the convention. A human mural on the beach.

* New York: A human mural and other festivities at Coney Island. A
former paratrooper will fly a banner saying "IMPEACH!" around the
city. Guerrilla art actions in undisclosed locations involving lasers
and giant projectors.

* Washington, D.C.: A human mural impeachment potluck picnic at the
foot of the Washington monument.

* Boston: A rally at Faneuil Hall with a town crier reading out
articles of impeachment.

For complete information, including how to start your own action or
find one near you, please visit http://www.a28. org.

The Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal

Dear friends,

We at visual search work on a wide range of social issues using film as a medium of communication. We believe that films can inspire, inform and unite people across the world and reaffirm the struggles of the marginalized and dispossessed. We produce issue-based films and actively try to reach out to people in order to create space for social action.
We are enclosing a list of new batch of films distributed by us along with synopsis. We request you to buy the new batch and make use of them in your work, workshops, meetings and get-togethers. If you have not received the earlier batch we would highly appreciate your initiative to acquire them. While such an effort can generate support for various campaigns and movements in the country, it can also help in supporting our on-going work.

Thanking you,

List and synopsis of our films:
America, America (Anti War Music Video)
The 4-minute anti-war music video is a satirical but severe indictment of America's role in escalating world conflict. Originally written following the post-9/11 bombing of Afghanistan by the USA, and developed to address the occupation of Iraq, the song comments on various aspects of the American empire - its stockpile of nuclear bombs, its cozy relation with fanatical and dictatorial regimes, and in fact, the very notion of American peace and liberty.
The Time After the Tsunami
Testimonials of the survivors of the deadly tsunami that struck the coast of southern India at 9:30 am on the 26th of december 2004.
Redefining Peace - Women lead the way (56 Min.)
A film that captures the work of some among a thousand women from allover the world who were nominated by networks of women's groups for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005. .
Ilayum Mullum (Leaves and Thorns) (87 Min.)
A feature film on the social and psychological violence on women in Kerala.
5. The Wings of Kokkrebellur (31 Min.)
A film on the conservation values of the villagers of Kokkrebellur, Karnataka, who protect painted storks and grey pelicans as a part of their ongoing culture and life.
6. A Valley Refuses to Die (41 Min)
A documentary on the social and environmental issues caused by the Narmada dams and the subsequent people's movement of the adivasis and farmers in the Narmada valley.
7. The Source of Life for Sale (70 Min.)
A documentary on the impact of privatisation of water bodies in India and the subsequent struggles of the local people against the sale of rivers in Periyar, Malampuzha, Attappadi, Sheonath, Kelo, Ganga Canal and the River Linking Project and the protest of the local people against the impact of Coca - Cola production in Plachimada, Shivgangaand Mehdiganj.
8. Development at Gunpoint (34 Min.)
A documentary film on the social and environmental impact of bauxite mining in Kashipur, Orissa, and the subsequent struggle of the adivasis in the region.
9. In the Name of Medicine (26 Min.)
A documentary film on the problem of banned and bannable pharmaceautical drugs in India. The film brings out the anti-people practices of pharmaceutical production and its implication on health in India.
10. Voices from a Disaster (35 Min.)
A documentary on the testimonies of the local villages who expressed their concerns through the Indian Peoples' Tribunal (IPT) organised in different areas of the affected population after the Gujarat Earthquake.
11. Living in Fear (36 Min.)
A documentary on the radiation hazards caused by the Indian Rare Earths Ltd., Alwaye, an undertaking of the Department of Atomic Energy, in its efforts to produce thorium, a fuel for the fast breeder technology in India.
12. Ek Alag Mausam (120 Min.)
`Ek Alag Mausam' is a feature film on the human rights violations of HIV/AIDS survivors. The film argues very strongly to recognise HIV/AIDS survivors as human beings. While the story is revolving around a human rights theme, `Ek Alag Mausam' is also a visual material for HIV/AIDS awareness campaign. Scripted by Mahesh Dattani after a series of meetings with HIV/AIDS survivors, `Ek Alag Mausam' is presented by Actionaid India. The main cast include: Nandita Das, Rajit Kapoor, Anupam Kher and Renuka Shahane.
13. If It Rains Again
`If it rains again' is a documentary bringing out the agony of the life in shelters in Tamil Nadu. Two years after tsunami, most of the tsunami survivors still remain in temporary shelters. A large population still continue to live without the basic amenities with constant threat of fire and rain.
14. Ek Chingari Ki Khoj Mein (25 Min.)
THIS film is an attempt to question values associated with dowry. The film traces the experiences of two women - one who submits to the pressures of the system and the other, who attempts to overcome them.
Our films are available at the following rates:
For individuals - Rs 250/- per VCD or Rs 3,200/- for the full set of 14films. For organizations and institutions - Rs 500/- per VCD or Rs 6,500/- for the full set of 14 films. Please add Rs 65/- for packing and postage plus Rs 20/- for outstation (outside Bangalore) cheques.
Visual Search
103, Mayflower Laxmi Apartments
63, Sultanpalya Main Road
R T Nagar Bangalore- 32
Ph: (0)9945282056, (0)9880990616
Dear Palash Biswas:

It your word enslavement that caught my attention to your email about what's going on in Orissa. It's not just Orrisa, but it's all of India has been enslaved by crushing our secular democratic constitution by our Mafia polity of the last sixty years. For 21,900 days, our Mafia have done nothing but steal our nation on each and every day.

Besides the robbery of our wealth, there were the genocide in 1984 on innocent Sikh community delivered by Congress party. Then there was the Genocide on innocent Muslim Community in Gujarat 2992. Now you write about the genocide going on and Nandigram bleeds. Indians has lost their rights and freedom as the wheels of justice remain blocked.

In the first sentence of your email you have mentioned the freedom fighter for the poor Arundhati Roy. There is also Medha Patkar too. These two ladies practice nonviolence in the cause they support. To me nonviolence is more powerful then the nukes. Nukes destroy people by the millions and also a very large land mass too. I wrote this because you mentioned Maoists. I have no problem with this grouping, for the people in it the HARRIDANS and schedule cast has suffered a lot at the hands of government and people.

Well, my cause is to free India from corrupt Mafia polity. I am pasting my brief I released on August 01, 2006. I request you and the Maoists to give up violence of any kind, for my mission to free India is purely bloodless and totally nonviolent.

You, Maoists and myself can achieve our dreams of freedom, hunger and the poor children will receive the best education along with all other children of India without quotas. My aim is the bring all poor children the main stream of India.

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