Saturday, October 10, 2009

Red Faced

Red Faced

Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and Time One Hundred Twenty EIGHT

Palash Biswas

Aamar Gram, Tomar Gram, Shobar Gram: Nandigram,

My Village; Your Village; Everybody's village.
Nandigram. Nandigram

Ruling Classes in India go in accordance with their plans as Resistance in Nandigram esclates to Pasco, Orrissa. Buddha is way ahead in his Capitalist marxist way. PM, FM and Ahloowalia Worldbank Company has put India on sale. US is exposes and Iraqi Parliament explodes. Latest technology is sought for the luxurious life style imported. OBC quota stays in deep freeze! Dalits have to be persecuted in India as Post Modern manusmriti dictates the Brahminical system. Left streamlines its Gestapo with disaster management.Oil is telling the truth of war against Terrorism!

Tatas ready to produce the dream car as singur is cleared. Mamata Bannerjee also seems to be compromising. Thus, Hind Motors faces a Lockout!

Red Faced Hindu Zionist Ruling Classes pace with one step back and two step forward.

The closure of the Hindustan Motors factory in West Bengal sparked fresh violence Thursday, officials said.
Trade union activists got into a scuffle with the police when the latter tried to take out of the hospital a police officer injured earlier. The company had Wednesday suspended work at its unit at Uttarpara. The Thursday clash occurred after the Sangrami Jukto Mancha (SJM) members alleged that the official had harassed the workers during a peaceful sit-in demonstration the day before.SJM members have been on strike since March 13.

US consul general in Kolkata Henry V Jardine does not give importance to CPI(M) politburo member Brinda Karat's report on Nandigram, which said there was an American conspiracy behind the mayhem. Jardine finds it hard to understand why the CPI(M) is pulling him into a controversy that is essentially the state's own. Karat, in her fact-finding report on Nandigram, said there was an American hand behind communal tensions in Nandigram. America is in a bid to promote the fundamental forces in the Left-ruled state as the Left parties are against the Union government's strategic partnership with the US, the report said.

Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has told his cabinet colleagues that the government is definitely on a "back-foot" post Nandigram and acknowledged the need of moving "cautiously and slow" on projects, which would involve land acquisition.Bhattacharjee said this on reply to CPI's water investigation minister Nandogopal Bhattacharya’s question as to when would the Nandigram war end. "Even the World War was known to have had an end," he told the chief minister.

Bhattacharjee at the Core Committee meeting with the Front ministers. Though he admitted the need of going slow on industrialisation, especially which would involve acquisition of large areas of land, at the same time he said that it would be wrong to say that everything has come to a standstill after Nandigram.

"Its not that everything has come

With pressure mounting on it to get the Supreme Court stay on OBC quota in elite educational institutions vacated, Government today said it would take all necessary steps in that direction."Our government is committed to ensure justice for OBCs", Information and Broadcasting Minister P R Dasmunsi told reporters here.Trade talks between major trade powers must achieve a breakthrough by June 30 to meet a year-end deadline to conclude the WTO's Doha round, an Indian government source told Reuters. "If we don;t have a breakthrough by June 30 ... AN embarrassed Indian Government bowed to pressure from across the country yesterday and withdrew an official form that required millions of female public servants to provide details of their menstrual cycles and date of their last pregnancy.The form, issued by the central Government's Ministry for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions as part of a mandatory annual performance review, had caused widespread outrage.

Female public servants said they were appalled by the requirement. State of Maharashtra Environment Secretary Sharwari Gokhale said: "I am completely shocked. I have absolutely no words to describe how I feel and I have absolutely no intention of telling them anything about my personal life."

Another public servant, Seema Vyas, said: "Menstrual cycles are a natural phenomenon, they are not an aberration. One does not object to questions related to fitness levels - they are important as they can affect work.

"But there is no need for these details as this does not have any bearing on our work."
The West Bengal government admitted that three cases have been registered against unknown police personnel for alleged rape and outraging of modesty at Nandigram on March 14 but denied that the police had resorted to indiscriminate firing there.

In an affidavit before the Calcutta High Court in connection with a PIL filed by lawyer Anwar Ali, the government said a case of rape was registered against unknown police officers by a woman from Kalicharanpur.

Two other residents of Nandigram also registered cases at Nandigram Police Station. While one woman alleged rape, the other stated that her modesty was outraged.

The affidavit stated that all the three cases were under investigation under the supervision of senior police officers, but at present the investigation officers were unable to go to the affected areas.

The affidavit, signed by a Joint Secretary of the Home Department, sought to deny the petitioner's claim that the "purported rape victims out of fear and shyness could not approach the police station."

It questioned, "How such shy women could freely speak to the deponent about their purported plight."

It also claimed that the question of a CBI investigation into the allegations of rape, as prayed by Ali, did not and could not arise.

The state also questioned the maintainability of the writ as a PIL claiming that the petitioner had not filed it on behalf of either the public or a section of the community for violation of a fundamental right.

Gail India today said it has entered into a joint venture agreement with Indian Oil Corporation for city gas distribution projects in West Bengal. The new company will have 22.5 per cent equity holding each by Gail and IndianOil, five per cent by the West Bengal government and a major 50 per cent by strategic investors or financial institutions.
The scope of work includes distribution and marketing of CNG for vehicles, and Piped Natural Gas for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. The company will also take up supply of auto LPG as fuel for transport vehicles through greenfield auto LPG dispensing stations.

The West Bengal government will raise a 93,000-strong disaster management force within the next one year, to respond to emergencies.

"Within the next one year, there will be a disaster management force of 93,000. They will be drawn from the NCC and are being trained in disaster management operations," Civil Defence Minister Sreekumar Mukherjee said today. Noting that not enough NCC cadets were joining the Defence Forces, Mukherjee said his department would launch an awareness campaign to encourage them to join the Armed Forces. "My department will utilise facilities at the Behala Flying Club, which belongs to the Airports Authority Of India, to train the NCC Air Wing cadets," he told newspersons. "There are two micro-light aircrafts belonging to NCC. They will also be utilised," he said during a function at the Behala Flying Club to felicitate NCC cadet Chandan Kumar Yadav, the first solo glider in the NCC's West Bengal and Sikkim directorate. After the function, the Minister was given an aerial view of the flying club and its vicinity, in an NCC glider. Yadav, a BSc. 3rd-year student from Naihati in North 24-Paraganas district, had completed 100 launches over the past one year, before being selected for the solo gliding. His trainer, Commanding Officer of NCC 22 Air Squadron, said that such training went a long way in preparing cadets for a career as pilots either with the Air Force or with commercial airlines. Bureau Report

Time's moved on and subsequent generations of New Delhi politicians were avowedly pro-nuclear. Successful atom-bomb tests were carried out, and the Agni missile programme moved forward. The first trial for Agni-III took place in July last year, but was unsuccessful. Now it appears that India will soon be able to menace its most powerful neighbours, though in fact relations with both Pakistan and China have grown significantly chummier in recent times.
Some analysts would suggest that in the absence of a standoff with any regional power, the primary usefulness of the Agni-III might be to enhance India's global status. Many in India feel that their nation should have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, like the UK, US, France, China, and Russia. Today's announcement may strengthen this lobby somewhat.

Under US pressure, New Delhi actually announced it was cancelling Agni in 1995. At that time India was unwilling to publicly admit that it had aspirations toward nuclear weapons, and the Agni rockets made little sense without atomic warheads.

The Indian government claims it has significantly increased its nuclear delivery capability, with a successful test today of the uprated Agni-III ballistic missile. it's FREE and...I have been refused credit I am applying for a mortgageI want to improve my credit rating I have just moved houseI want to check it's up to date I want to check my credit scoreI have not seen it before I'm concerned about identity fraud. According to the India Daily, defence officials said today's launch was successful, and that Agni-III would offer a range of 3,000km. That would put the main cities of China firmly under the Indian nuclear footprint; not to mention Iran and the former-Soviet 'Stans. Much of Pakistan is already within India's reach.

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore, on behalf of all the six IIMs, has sent a letter to the Human Resource Development (HRD) ministry suggesting three dates to announce their first list of selected candidates without the Other Backward Castes (OBC) quota.

“We are ready to release the first list. In case the government recommends inclusion of the OBC quota, it can be done in the subsequent lists. We have to release the first list at the earliest to ensure that the academic session is not disturbed,” IIM Bangalore Director Prakash Apte said.

“We have submitted three dates and April 21 is one of them. We have given the government enough time to respond,” he added.

An IIM spokesperson, however, said if the government did not take a decision in time, they would be forced to release the list by the suggested dates.

However much the CPI(M), including the rather overly ebullient chief minister of West Bengal, may regret the police firing at Nandigram on March 14, the last word does not seem to get said on the issue.

Things have now come to a pass when as well-reputed a socialist as Surinder Mohan has called upon the Left-Front (LF) allies of the CPI(M) to withdraw their support to the government in West Bengal and begin to look to forge a “genuine Left movement after the defection of the CPI(M) from the camp.” Surinder Mohan, believing that “those who sell their loyalties to the affluent vested interests cannot dismount from the tiger they have decided to climb on, so easily,” considers the CPI(M) to have done so. (Mainstream, March 30-April 5, 07).

Let me say forthwith that, my own questions or reservations about the CPI(M)-led government’s policy directions notwithstanding, I stand staunchly by the LF. I do so because I hold its history and role over the last three decades as having been pivotal in modulating India’s centrist political culture to the good on a wide spectrum of national concerns, and for being indubitably the most credible organized force against majoritarian fascism.

International Monetary Fund chief Rodrigo Rato appealed Thursday for a breakthrough in global trade talks ahead of weekend meetings here due to be attended by WTO director general Pascal Lamy. A suicide bomber killed eight people in the Iraqi parliament on Thursday, the deadliest strike yet in Baghdad's heavily protected Green ZoneIn a brazen challenge to a two-month-old U.S.-Iraqi security crackdown, the bomber slipped through multiple armed checkpoints to reach the heart of the zone, a 10 sq km (4 sq miles) area housing parliament, government offices and many embassies.The $64-billion programme allowed Iraq, with the world's third-largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia and Iran, to sell oil to finance purchases of humanitarian goods, despite sanctions imposed after the 1991 Gulf War.Since then, there have been various investigations into allegations of bribes, kickbacks and oil smuggling.
Rato urged all the major players to go "the extra mile," as ministers from the United States, the European Union, Brazil and India met in New Delhi in a bid to salvage the World Trade Organization's "Doha" talks.For a deal to happen, there is a "special responsibility for leadership from certainly the US, Europe and Japan, but also for the large emerging economies," the IMF managing-director told a news conference.

Rato stressed that a breakthrough is required on rich powers' farming subsidies, but also on the industrial tariffs levied by major developing nations.

He called on negotiators "to make the final effort to give the world a very important push in the right direction, to consolidate this historical momentum of growth that is changing the lives of so many people in so many countries."

"What is needed now is the extra mile that is needed for an agreement."

On the other hand,a French probe into United Nations sanctions-busting in Iraq, which has implicated the head of energy giant Total , has ended and will probably lead to a trial, a judicial source said on Thursday.The judicial source said while the probe had ended, a date for a trial was still uncertain.A trial could be months or even years away as lawyers acting for Total Chief Executive Christophe de Margerie, and half a dozen other individuals targeted by the investigation, can request further inquiries, which would delay proceedings. Japan's Sony Corp. said Thursday that it hopes to launch the world's first organic electroluminescence flat-screen television later this year, aiming to take an early lead over its rivals.

Oh crumbs, there's our lower jaw hitting the floor again. Sony's 3mm thick OLED telly isn't just a prototype, it's going into production. This year.Not, alas, the 27in HD model we feasted our eyes on at CES (pictured) or we'd barely be able to write. Instead it'll be a mini 11-incher designed for, er, we're not sure what, but damn we want one.Buyers will be getting the world's slimmest telly, with outrageously wide viewing angles and a stunning one million to one contrast ratio. Then there's the kudos of being the first to go OLED, of course.Sure, the screen life will be limited and the price tag will be astronomical, but think of the glory. Essentials Sony OLED TVPrice: £TBAOn sale: '2007'Contact:
Margerie, who ran Total's Middle East operations in the second half of the 1990s before taking the helm of the group's global exploration and production activities, was put under formal investigation in October 2006 as part of a probe into oil purchases made under the U.N. oil-for-food programme in Iraq.

U.S. military spokesman Major-General William Caldwell said initial reports showed eight had been killed and 20 wounded in the blast which tore through a cafe where deputies were having lunch. State television said three of the dead were lawmakers.

Meanwhile the U.S. military has paid at least $33 million (16.7 million pounds) to civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan for wrongful deaths and injuries, the Army said on Thursday after some of the claims were made public.Civilians said relatives were run over by tanks, shot dead at checkpoints or killed by stray bullets, according to claims that provided a glimpse of the hazards civilians faced as the United States and its allies battled insurgents in the two countries.Of 500 claims obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union under an open government law, 200 were denied because the incident took place in combat situations -- for example, a 16-year-old Baghdad youth killed by a U.S. sniper who mistook his school bag for a dangerous object.

Some 165 incidents resulted in payments between $500 and $35,000.Of these, half were for wrongful death, injury or property damage. Half were "condolence" payments in the which military did not admit fault.

The Army paid $32,000 for six wrongful deaths in May 2006, when U.S. soldiers fired into a Kabul crowd that was rioting after a traffic accident. Among the dead were a boy selling pizza and a man carrying spare parts from a mechanic's shop.A stray howitzer round in Hib Hib, Iraq, in June 2006 killed three children and damaged several houses, resulting in a payment of $35,000.Other claims were denied because of a lack of civilian eyewitness, or because U.S. or allied troops did not report the incident.

Watchdog group Human Rights Watch commended the military for compensating civilians, but said the program should be administered more evenly and should also cover those killed by U.S. contractors.

Jet to buy Sahara for Rs 1,450 cr

The grounded Jet-Sahara deal finally took off today with the Naresh Goyal-promoted carrier agreeing to buy the Lucknow-based airline at a "lump sum price" of Rs 1,450 crore, ending a bitter nine-month legal battle."It is a good deal which will help us...The deal is 40 per cent cheaper than the one (Rs 2,300 crore deal) signed last year," Jet Chairman Naresh Goyal told reporters in Mumbai after an arbitration panel approved the revised offer.

World Bank's Wolfowitz apologises in favouritism row
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz said on Thursday he made "a mistake for which I am sorry" over his handling of the promotion and pay increase of his girlfriend and staffer Shaha Riza.
"I proposed to the board that they establish some mechanism to judge whether the agreement reached was a reasonable outcome," Wolfowitz said in a statement he read at a news conference, ahead of the upcoming meetings of finance ministers in Washington this weekend.

"I will accept any remedies they propose," he added.

Wolfowitz defended his actions to send Riza on an external assignment to the U.S. State Department soon after he joined the bank in 2005, saying he was in "uncharted waters" in his new job.

20 million dalits from Bangladesh threaten to embrace Islam
As a result of partition and "independence" of India, Pakistan is created and given to the Muslims as their homeland. Consequently, Hindus, who were original inhabitants of the territory demarcated and allotted to Pakistan, had to leave their ancestral home and take shelter in the new-born "independent" India. The process of migration of Hindus from West Pakistan to India was rapid at the very beginning and almost all the Hindus from W. Pakistan came to India before the constitution of India came into force. However, the "Hindus" of East Pakistan were reluctant at the initial stage of "independence" to leave their ancestral homeland and very few had come to India before the constitution was made. But they gradually changed their mind and started migrating to India believing their Hindu brethren in India. The migration of "Hindus" from East Pakistan continued for long in many phases. Both the "Hindus" and Muslims fought together to liberate East Bengal from the Punjabi-dominated Pakistan and finally with the aid of Indian troops East Bengal was liberated and Bangladesh came into existence. But the problems of "Hindus" were not solved. Of those who migrated from East Bengal (now Bangladesh), 90% are Untouchables and that is why they have not yet been granted Indian citizenship. They are over 20 millions. They had to leave their homeland thinking they are "Hindu". Had they embraced Islam, they could have lived peacefully in Bangladesh and as a governing class. Believing that they are Hindu they came to Hindustan and have become objects of Hindu tyranny. The Hindu rulers of India declared them as illegal migrants and not permitted to attain Indian citizenship. For the Bengali Untouchables it was a jump from frying pan into fire. I have said this in DV many times but Hindu the stone- heart does not melt.

The Hindu brothers of India are so hostile to our people that a Hindu organisation of Assam had challenged the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act 1983, in the Supreme Court. In 2003, the BJP Govt. brought a Bill to amend the Citizenship Act to deprive the Bengali migrants of East Bengal (now Bangladesh), who are Untouchables, the Indian citizenship. L.K. Advani initiated the Bill. Bengali Hindu leader Pranab Mukherjee supported it. This is how the Hindu leaders of India treated us as enemies.

The Supreme Court in its judgment on IMDT Act has poured petrol on the burning fire. The verdict on the is clearly anti-Dalit. The court has not deeply thought of the impact of its judgment on the mankind as a whole.

Over 20 millions of Bengali-speaking "Hindus" of Bengal origin have been made destitute, homeless gypsy. What offence these people have committed to mankind has never been explained by any of the authorities for which such a drastic action against them has been directed to be taken. The court makes over 20 million persons destitute for the sake of Hindu religion. Hindu religion has turned 20 million people to be destitutes and foreigners in India. If the govt. implements amended Citizenship Act and Supreme Court's direction to detect illegal migrants, these people of Bengal origin, who lost their land for the sake of political gains to a micro-minority of Hindu and Muslim communities, will lose their very natural rights as human beings. Hence if a community or class of people, who have already lost their ancestral homeland due to religious clash and partition of country as political solution are not granted citizenship of the country they took shelter in, to save their lives and religion, they will become outcast of the civilized humanity. They may turn to anarchy as a result of the thoughtless, arrogant and despotic enactment of parliament and merciless judgment of the Supreme Court. If the govt. sticks to the policy of depriving these millions of people, majority of whom are Dalits, from citizenship of India, they may revolt against it and endanger to Hindu religion itself. They will hold Hindu religion and Hindu rulers responsible for their distress. They may even renounce Hinduism and embrace Islam to gain support to establish their right.

DV May 1, 2005 p.22: "Conspiracy against Bengali Dalits: 2-crores facing genocide?".


IMDT Act to be amended

New Delhi: The Centre will not bring in a new law in the place of the scrapped Illegal Migrant (Determination by Tribunals Act, 1983) ahead of the Assembly elections in Assam. The term of the Assembly expires in May. Instead, the Govt. of India will amend the Foreigners Act to ensure a fair hearing to a person before declaring him or her foreigner. The decision was taken at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs (CCPA) presided over by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, here on Feb.10, 2006. (Hindu, Feb.11, 2006).

__SEZ not at tears of ryots: Identify barren land
Agitation against the new steel plant of Posco company under Special Economic Zone in Orissa has started. Posco plant is planned at village Ghinakia near Jagatpur, 10 km from capital Bhubaneshwar. Chief Minister Navin Patnaik is facing a troublous time. The villagers do not want to give their agricultural land to this Korean based company. Whereas Patnaik is hopeful about the project. On Wednesday, the local residents and police had hot arguments and tension prevailed there. The villagers created hurdles in entry of government officials and security forces into the village. Similar to Nandigram village in West Bengal, the situation in this Orissa village is going to become serious over the Posco project. The residents have formed Posco protest Sangram Samiti whose president is touring from village to village, appealing to the people to protest till death. At present the residents of Ghinakia are giving support to this protest. At the same time the MP government has received new directives about SEZ and is on the horns of a dilemma. According to new directives, for the establishment of industry, now the industrialists would have to talk directly to the farmers or landowners. It is necessary not to take fertile land for the purpose of SEZ. The government should avoid seizing farmers' lands. If the situation is inevitable then proper compensation should be given to the farmers against their land. Though there was arrangement for compensation of land which was under submergance areas of dams but no farmer was satisfied with this compensation. There are several examples where the farmers did not get compensation. It is well known that the state has a large tract of barren land. Specially, the forest department has large tracts of land where no plant grows. Such land is in Bhind and Morena districts. Along with this in other parts of the state there are such barren lands. These lands should be made fertile. It is noticeable that the main resources are easily available here to establish industries. The aim of SEZ is to develop the area and to provide employment but it should not be done at the tears of farmers.

Slow death of N.E. people: victims of hinduisation
In North-East India, the Bodos were hinduised (enslaved) in the 18th century and now many of them have forgotten their own surname. Their actual surnames have been replaced by the word Brahma. By the last part of the 17th century the Ahoms were hinduised. Although they ruled Assam for 600 years, today they are reduced to shudras and OBCs. The Dimasas, a branch of the Bodos, were hinduised in the 18th century by the Bengali Brahmins and now most of them identify themselves as Barmans, and they lost their kingdom. They have forgotten their own surnames.

The Kokboroks of Tripura were hinduised by the Bengali Brahmins in the 17th century. Their surnames were replaced by the word Debbarman. The name of their kingdom Tuipa was also changed to Tripura and occupied by the Bengalis. Kokboroks are now only 27 % in their own state.

The Meeteis of Manipur were hinduised in the 17th century by the Bengali Brahmins. Their history was twisted. They were made to believe themselves to be Aryans and made to discard their own surnames and called themselves "Singh", not realizing that however strong a lion may be it is an animal. Srimanta Sankardev also converted many Karbis and other Mongolian tribes people into Hindus.

They were made to discard their own names and surnames. They were made to identify themselves as Koch and Saranias. They have forgotten their own language, culture, history and tradition but this process of submersion has been termed as assimilation.


Hinduisation means, in fact, enslavement of a people. Brahminical people have been systematically doing it for centuries. The single largest victims of this enslavement drive are the Untouchables (Dalits) comprising 20% of the Indian population. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the first person to check this trend by giving them a separate identity. The NE people must learn from Dalits and the Dalit Voice will tell them how to fight the Hindu terrorists — EDITOR.

LG and Brightstar to Partner for Distribution of LG GSM Mobile Business in India for Network Operators

LG Electronics, a leading worldwide provider of advanced wireless handsets and accessories and Brightstar Corp., the largest wireless distribution and supply chain solutions company in the world, have announced their distribution partnership for LG GSM mobile devices in India for sales through Network Operators.

Mr. H.S. Bhatia - Business Group Head, LG GSM Mobiles said, Brightstar has been appointed as the National Distributor for LG GSM mobile handsets for Operator Bundling Sales of GSM Network Operators.

According to industry and government analysts, India is one of the fastest growing wireless markets in the world. The Indian market had 146.1 million wireless users in 2006, the market has grown rapidly to a base of 154.78 million wireless users by Feb 2007. By 2010, that number is predicted to rise to over 385 million.

RSS bid to swallow Budhism
Dalits are still struggling to understand the exact significance of the attempts of RSS to appropriate the Ambedkarite plank. It is wrong to consider that the "intuitive emotional distrust" of Ambedkarite masses will protect Dalits from such attempts. Let me try to explain my understanding of their strategy.

1. While evolving their "Hindutva plank" to make it appealing to Dalits, Hindutva has had to concede some ground to Dr. Ambedkar and the Dalit movement. I refer to the fact that Meera Nanda and Dattopant Thengdi admit that Dr. Ambedkar represents an unparalleled intellectual and philosophical challenge to Hindu culture, ignoring which is not an option at all.

2. That our Dalit movement has not yet managed to pose the above challenge adequately in practice by correctly following the prescribed medicines of the learned Doctor Ambedkar is a tragedy.

Currently Dalits get defined by their non-Hindu stances and not by the positive content of their own internal culture and values. Only by rigorous practice of their "cleaned-up" religions, will the right values emerge in the social life of Dalits. And only when these social values emerge, will Dalits become a self-sufficient culture, independent of and disinterested in Hinduism. When such a role model Budhist (and other rational anti-caste religions) society emerges in reality, comfortable with its past, present and future and actually starts impacting popular Indian culture through books, movies, TV-serials in a manner, which is fully independent of the "Hindu", that will be the real day when every Hindu will start wanting to be a Baudh.

RSS fears: That will be the master-stroke of Dr. Ambedkar. This is the fear of people like Dattopant. These fears might not come true, if Dalits focus on Hindu-hatred alone and do not practice the excellent religion bequeathed to us by Dr. Ambedkar. There is nothing that Dr. Ambedkar's legacy cannot give Dalits, if only they imbibe his legacy in thought, speech and action. It will bring social, economic and political power.

3. The risk of RSS succeeding in stealing the Ambedkarite plank is high and the implications can be drastic for the movement.

See the following article for example:

There are a few other books about initiatives of SSM and the Dattopant Thengdi team of people. Some material is available online.

Corrupt Dalit leaders: RSS is systematically destroying the credibility of the corrupt leaders among Dalits by exposing them. I predict that this trend will only accelerate.

And if Dalits do not start practising Ambedkarite Budhism, I predict that it will not take long to see the fellows like Bhikuji Idate create a strong Ambedkarite Budhist contingent inside the RSS with some fancy theory to fit hitch them to the Hindutva bandwagon.

Once this happens, the radical independence of the Dalit “Budhist” plank from the Hindutva bandwagon will be lost. If even a few senior Dalit Budhist leaders get misguided into the RSS flock due to lack of social understanding, the dangers are massive.

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