Friday, October 9, 2009



  Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, Chapter 398

Palash Biswas

Barack Obama is a ZIONIST ILLUMINATI part 1


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Obama said "New World Order" in Berlin????
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Sky News have been repeatedly reporting that Barack Obama called for a "New World Order" during his speech in Berlin today (24th July 2008). I didn't hear him say it and they are reporting it like...
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Barack Obama's Plans to Destroy America

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Decide for yourself. Wake up!
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Warning: The New World Order Illuminati
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The new world order is coming and it wants you, all of you.
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'Without Gandhi, there would be no Obama, the president'

Washington: 'I surely believe without (Mahatma) Gandhi - without Gandhi in India - there would be no Barack Obama as president' of the United States.

'Without Gandhi, there would be no Obama, the president'

So said John Lewis, an American civil rights movement leader and a close friend of the late Dr Martin Luther King Jr, at a Capitol Hill event here Wednesday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Dr King and his wife Coretta Scott King's visit to India.

'There is a trend, there is a strain, there is what I call the spirit of history, and every now and then in the history of humankind, that spirit strikes down some embodiment of change - some force,' said Lewis, a member of the US House of Representatives.

'I think it was Englishman Arnold Toynbee who had suggested that it may be in the end, the American Negro who would take the message of Gandhi to the Western world,' said Lewis, who marched with Dr King in Selma, Alabama, in the 1960s.

Nasa prepares to 'bomb' moon

London, Oct. 8: The riddle of how much water is on the moon could be solved tomorrow when Nasa "bombs" its surface, causing a plume of lunar dust that will be viewed by millions worldwide.

Scientists will see two spacecraft slamming into the moon's south pole at 9,012kmph, kicking up a 9-km-high shower of debris that Nasa hopes will confirm the presence of enough water necessary to supply future visits by astronauts.

Amateur astronomers in parts of the world may be able to view the impact through a telescope; for everyone else, the crash will be broadcast live on the Nasa website along with early pictures of the lunar dust cloud.

The crashing spaceship was launched in June along with an orbiter that is now mapping the lunar surface. LCROSS, short for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite and pronounced L-Cross, is on a collision course with the moon, attached to an empty 2.2-tonne rocket that helped get the probe off the ground.

In the early hours of tomorrow UK time (5pm IST), LCROSS and its empty rocket will separate. At 1131GMT the larger empty rocket will crash into a permanently dark crater and kick up a spray of debris. railing just behind that rocket is the LCROSS satellite itself, beaming back to Earth live pictures of the impact and the debris plume using colour cameras.

It will scour for ice, fly through the debris cloud and then just four minutes later take the fatal plunge itself, triggering a dust storm one-third the size of the first hit.

Dan Andrews, LCROSS project manager, said: "This is going to be pretty cool. We'll be going right down into it. Seeing the moon come up at you is pretty spectacular."

Amateurs with telescopes who live in the western US may try to catch a glimpse of it through their own instruments because it will still be dark outside but this will not be possible in Britain.


Challenge for Sibal: Can Indians in India get a Nobel?

9 Oct 2009, 0531 hrs IST, ET Bureau
 We're all proud that Venkatraman Ramakrishnan has won this year's Nobel prize for chemistry. We should hang our heads in shame that Indians have
to flee India and work in a lab in a developed country to make a pathbreaking discovery that puts them on the Nobel shortlist.

The first and the last time an Indian scientist won a Nobel prize while in India was when C V Raman won one in 1930. Since then, a lot of sewage has flowed down the Ganga. India ceased to be a colony. The new government of independent India laid much stress on nurturing science and technology in India.

Independence also stripped the government of the facile expedient of blaming the colonial government for failing to nurture Indian talent or build domestic institutions that would allow creative research to flourish. And we created a bureaucratic, sclerotic science and technology establishment, the apogee of whose achievement is a thermonuclear bomb that might or might not have been a dud.

Okay, that was uncharitable and undeserved. India has satellite and launch capabilities that are decent by any standards . Missiles and nuclear powered submarines shore up India's strategic capability. All this is fine. But these are developments in technology and its application to a specific end. We are yet to see any great flourishing of basic research.

Very few institutions undertake that. Universities are, for the most part, teaching shops and examination conducting machines. Expanding the frontiers of knowledge is not a priority for Indian academia. Papers are published because that is how promotions are achieved. Very few of these papers are cited by other researchers around the world.

A sharp cleavage exists between teaching, done in universities, and research, housed in specialised state research outfits. Universities and research organisations do not interact. Faculty pay is at a steep discount to what comparable skills would fetch in industry, ensuring that very few of those who fill academic posts embody first rate talent.

Those who do, migrate to a few centres of excellence, leaving the bulk of Indian students to the tender mercies of mediocrity. Is it any wonder Indians have to flee India to win a Nobel?

Nobel peace prize goes to Obama,

41 killed, 100 injured in Peshawar bomb blast


Obama pressed to send more troops to Afghanistan

 US President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for his calls to reduce the world's stockpile of nuclear weapons and working for world peace. The first African-American to hold the country's highest office, Obama has called for disarmament and worked to restart the stalled Middle East peace process since taking office in January.

Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee hailed the US president for ``his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.''

The prize worth 10 million Swedish crowns ($1.4 million) will be handed over in Oslo on December 10.

Africa: Obama Wins Nobel Prize - Full Text of Announcement

John Allen

9 October 2009

President Barack Obama was named winner of this year's Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, becoming the sixth person of African descent to win the world's most prestigious award for peace-making.

In a decision which took commentators on the peace prize by surprise, the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced in Oslo that it had decided to award the 2009 prize to Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

The committee added: "The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons."

Past African winners of the prize are Chief Albert Luthuli, leader of South Africa's African National Congress, the then Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk of South Africa, for their work in taking South Africa towards democracy, and Kenyan environmentalist Wangari Maathai.

The full text of the Norwegian Nobel Committee's announcement follows:

"The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

"Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play. Dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts. The vision of a world free from nuclear arms has powerfully stimulated disarmament and arms control negotiations. Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting. Democracy and human rights are to be strengthened.

"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future. His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

"For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman. The Committee endorses Obama's appeal that "Now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges."



Alfred Nobel, Copyright © The Nobel Foundation

Alfred Nobel - The Man Behind the Nobel Prize

Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and for work in peace. The foundations for the prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize. But who was Alfred Nobel? Articles, photographs, a slide show and poetry written by Nobel himself are presented here to give a glimpse of a man whose varied interests are reflected in the prize he established. Meet Alfred Nobel - scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author and pacifist.


Alfred Nobel, Copyright © The Nobel Foundation

The Will of Alfred Nobel

On November 27, 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will in Paris. When it was opened and read after his death, the will caused a lot of controversy both in Sweden and internationally, as Nobel had left much of his wealth for the establishment of a prize! His family opposed the establishment of the Nobel Prize, and the prize awarders he named refused to do what he had requested in his will. It was five years before the first Nobel Prize could be awarded in 1901.


Approach us directly for Visas: US Consul General to students

US Consul General advised students seeking that country's study visa to directly approach them instead of going through agents.

US to overhaul policy of jailing immigrants

The policy has led to a slew of legal cases against the government, including a pending class action law suit brought in California.

Indian concerns on Visas to Kashmiris conveyed to China

India conveyed its "well-justified concern" to Chinese govt over issue of separate visas to Indian passport holders from Jammu and Kashmir.

Visa applications of unskilled workers not to be encouraged

Government on Wednesday made it clear that visa applications of unskilled or semi-skilled workers wanting to come to India will not be encouraged.

Indian immigrants in UK face discrimination

NRI forum HSMP accused UK authorities of forcing migrants to pay excessive fees for Home Office services.

India to Chinese investors: No more visas, hire Indians

Chinese investors should employ more Indians to run their projects in India instead of carrying large number of workers from China.

Chinese workers get extra time to convert visa

Indian government has accepted China's request for a month's extension of the September 30 deadline for its citizens employed here to convert their business visas into employment visas.

More than 18,000 H-1B visas still to be filled up

This is for the first time in many years that thousands of H-1B visas are still to be filled up even at the start of financial year. Fx Converter I NRE/ NRO A/cs | More Visa stories

China to miss employment visa deadline, seeks more time

China has sought more time for nearly 25,000 of its citizens, who are working on various Indian projects, for visa conversion from business to employment.

Faster visa to US under Delhi consular section

The US Ambassador to India, Timothy Roemer on Monday inaugurated the US Embassy's new Consular (visa) section in New Delhi.

New UK migration move to hit Indian professionals

Indian professionals who move to Britain on inter-company transfers will no longer be eligible for permanent settlement. Forex Converter I Know about NRE/ NRO A/c

Now seven-point action plan to stop illegal migration

According to the ministry release, there was a consensus that the state governments and the MOIA need to make concerted efforts to resolve issues relating to overseas Indians as well as prospective emigrants.

UK work window for IT professionals turns smaller

UK , one of the top markets for Indian outsourcing firms, on Tuesday accepted recommendations of the Migration Advisory Committee.





Gitanjali forays into exclusive retail; plans 60 stores
9 Oct 2009, 1538 hrs IST

Jewellery and lifestyle brand Gitanjali Lifestyle today said it has ventured into exclusive retail business and plans to open 60 stores across the country within the next five years.

IIP numbers to cross double digits by Dec: Report 
9 Oct 2009, 1523 hrs IST

India's index of industrial production (IIP) numbers will cross double digits by December, while inflation numbers may cross the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) comfort zone by then, chief statistician said.

All News headlines >>

 A robust domestic demand will be key to withstanding the shocks and uncertainties that come with a global economy, Finance Minister

Pranab Mukherjee said today.

"We have to deepen and broaden the domestic market, so that we can ride the shocks and uncertainties of the global economy just as well as the periods of expansion and boom," Mukherjee said at the 88th Annual Function of Assocham here.

"This requires that we take a balanced, broad-based approach to our development process, an approach that is well captured by the idea of garland of grids," he said.

Steps have to be taken to allow the economy to develop spatially and synergistically across different sectors to ensure that overall sustainability of the growth process and a quality of life that the 'Aam Aadmi' aspires for.

Speaking on the health of the economy, the Finance Minister said the Gross Domestic Product has grown at 8.5 per cent in the past few year, although there was a significant dip in the rate in 2008-09, owing to the global meltdown.

But even then, the country has succeeded in significantly raising the growth rate and sustaining the momentum of the economy, he said, adding, savings and investment rates have picked up.

President Barack Obama should heed his top generals' advice over the approach to the Afghan conflict, US Republican Congressmen say.

As Obama formulates a new strategy for the unpopular war in Afghanistan, he met senior congressional leaders on Tuesday at the White House to discuss his policy and talk about the various options before taking a final decision on whether to dispatch another 40,000 troops, as requested by his generals.

Emerging from the meeting with the president, the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, opined that he (the president) will ultimately concur with the advice of "some of his finest generals" by the end of the day.

Obama is also trying to respond to the Taliban's resurgence in the conflict. Nearly 400 Western troops have been killed in the fighting this year alone, making it the deadliest year of the war. More Western soldiers have died this year than in the first four years of the war combined.

At the same time, Afghan civilian casualties have risen to 1,500 - many killed in US air raids - in the first 9 months of the year, resulting in greater animosity toward the occupiers.

The worrying point for Obama is that US public support for the war has plummeted. On the other side, the Republicans have warned him of the urgency, saying he cannot wait too long to come to a decision.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama will reach a final decision in the coming weeks.

The Nobel prize for peace has been awarded to US President Barack Obama.

The Nobel committee said it awarded him the prize for his "extraordinary work to strengthen international diplomacy".


US President Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the Nobel Committee said in Oslo today. ...


India is a partner in the WAR against Terror launched by the US War Economy and the ZIONIST Corporate Unilateral Imperialism. Indian Ruling Manusmriti Hegemony is now Galaxy wide with NASA PENTAGON assisted MOON and MARS operations under STRATEGIC Realliance in US lead. The Government of India Incs push for UNABATED Economic reforms to achieve Mass Destruction task in US Interest. More over, US Weapon Industry has shifted the War right into our heart in peace zone Indian Ocean. Aboriginal Indigenous masses are BRANDED as Maoists thanks to Projected NGOs,Maoism, Media and Intelligentsia causing Complete Exodus and Imminent HOLOCAUST Unprecedented.


This may be an EXTRA Ordinary Criteria for Nobel Peace Prize as The Butcher of Vietnam , HENRY Kissinger was also honoured with NOBEL Peace Prize.Ironically,Ex US President George KILLER Bush of OIL War fame would have fitted better in Kissinger`s BOOTs. Since many of us Campaigned so hard to see a BLACK President in the White House andconsidered him still BLACK andnurishing Martin luther King`s Dream, we Never Hoped OBAMA to get this BOOT so early. Perhaps, his ZIONIST as well as HINDUTVA conection have added some heavy VALUE!


Thanks, ALFRED NOBEL to clear the DECKs for a better VISION and the DISILLUSIONMENT that BARRACK no more remains our Man. He has also betrayed the Black Untouchables in the Same way as the Greatest EVER marketing Agent for BRAHAMIN BANIA Raj, MK Gandhi has BETRAYED Indian Masses and the Betrayal continues!


Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said on Friday a proposed direct tax law would be implemented in 2011.

The new direct tax law is expected to cut the corporate tax rate to 25 per cent, phase out exemptions and simplify rules on mergers



Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh police launch manhunt for Naxals


On Thursday, Naxals killed between 17 and 20 policemen in Maharashtra's Gadchiroli district, which shares borders with Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh.

According to sources, the Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra Police are conducting a joint combing operation even as the encounter with Maoists continues.

Over 4000 personnel have been pressed into the operation, the sources added.

According to intelligence reports, several Maoists cadres have crossed over to Maharashtra from Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh with the intention of disrupting the assembly elections in the state.

The election is scheduled for October 13.

The State Government is reportedly concerned about the families of the policemen, killed and is working on a compensation package for them.

With the Maoists getting bolder and carrying out attacks at will, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) on Thursday gave its approval for launching major anti-Naxalite operations in the rebel strongholds across the country.

Sources said the dates of these anti-Naxalite operations would be decided later keeping the element of surprise in view. The only item discussed at the CCS, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, was the security challenge posed by Naxalism, sources added.

Centering around the incidents of Naxalite violence like the one where a police officer in Jharkhand was beheaded, the discussion explored ways to deal with the problem. The two-hour-long meeting, however, did not discuss the proposal to give the IAF permission to fire at the Maoists.


Foreign Secy Nirupama Rao arrives in Kabul

 Kabul A day after the Taliban suicide attack near Indian Embassy in Kabul, Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao on Friday arrived in Kabul to take stock of the situation and discuss the issue with the Afghan leadership.

Rao will meet Afghanistan Foreign Minister Rangin Dadfar Spanta to discuss the situation arising out of Thursday's attack which left 17 people dead and nearly 80 injured, including three ITBP personnel.

She is likely to meet Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

Rao will also visit the Indian Embassy to see the damage done to its premises by the suicide car bomber.

The powerful blast blew up the mission watch tower, destroyed vehicles and left a trail of death and destruction.

Indian Ambassador Jayant Prasad said the "Indian Embassy was the target" but the suicide bomber failed to breach the security perimeter.

The Indian Embassy staff was safe although the three ITBP personnel suffered "slight injuries" in the attack.

Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack and identified the bomber as Khalid, Al Jazeera TV channel said.

The UN says there can't be global security without food security in dry regions.

The United Nations says drought could strike 70 percent of the planet by 2025, unless countries take due measure to stop or slow the global desertification.

"If we cannot find a solution to this problem... in 2025, close to 70 percent could be affected," said Luc Gnacadja, executive secretary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, quoted by AFP Friday.

Presently, at least 41 percent of the globe suffers from a malignant drought, and the environmental degradation has bode for its growth pace of around 15 to 25 percent since 1990, reveals a global climate report.

"There will not be global security without food security" in dry regions, Gnacadja said at the start of the ninth UN conference on the convention in the Argentine capital.

"A green deal is necessary" for developing countries working to combat drought, he stressed.

The world's richest countries with high carbon dioxide emissions are mainly responsible for the global warming.

While the industrialized nations spend billions each year to limit their own risks from the dire consequences of the environmental degradation, including drought and rising seas, they do little to help poor nations counter the grim consequences of environmental change.


An award that generates as much interest as the Nobel Peace Prize is bound to be surrounded by myths. Geir Lundestad, secretary of the secretive committee that awards the prize, outlines for The Associated Press some of the most common misunderstandings:

_ Myth: The awards committee announces a shortlist of candidates.

The committee does not release the names of any candidates and keeps records sealed for 50 years.

_ Myth: A campaign for a particular candidate can sway the awards committee.

A campaign could have the exact opposite effect on the fiercely independent committee, which does not want to appear influenced by public pressure.

_ Myth: Candidates can be nominated until the last minute.

The nomination deadline is eight months before the announcement, with a strictly enforced deadline of Feb. 1.

_ Myth: Anyone can nominate a person or group for the Peace Prize.

No, although Nobel statutes on who can nominate were slightly broadened in 2003. They now include former laureates; current and former members of the committee and their staff; members of national governments and legislatures; university professors of law, theology, social sciences, history and philosophy; leaders of peace research and foreign affairs institutes; and members of international courts of law.

_ Myth: The prize can be revoked if a laureate does not live up to the standards of the peace prize.

There are no provisions for revoking the prize.

_ Myth: The prize can be awarded posthumously.

The prize was award posthumously only once — in 1961, to former U.N. Secretary-General Dag Hammerskjold, after he was killed in a plane crash in Africa. The rules were amended in 1974 to prohibit posthumous prizes.

_ Myth: The prize is awarded to recognize efforts for peace, human rights and democracy only after they have proven successful.

More often, the prize is awarded to encourage those who receive it to see the effort through, sometimes at critical moments.

On the Net:
The Norwegian Nobel Committee says U.S. President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

OSLO (AP) — Zimbabwe's Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, Colombian senator Piedad Cordoba and Chinese dissident Hu Jia are among the favorites to win the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, Norwegian national broadcaster NRK reported Friday.

French-Colombian politician Ingrid Betancourt and Afghan woman's rights activist Simi Samar also are possible candidates for the prestigious prize, NRK said, about an hour before the Norwegian Nobel committee was set to announce the prize at 11 a.m. (0900GMT).

As always, the five-member Norwegian Nobel Committee has remained tightlipped about its decision, which it made earlier this week, but will unveil its choice Friday. A record 205 nominations were received this year.

"We've had all the meetings we're going to have, and done what we needed to do," the committee's nonvoting secretary Geir Lundestad told The Associated Press Thursday.

British bookmaker Ladbrokes and its Irish counterpart, PaddyPower, give the best odds to imprisoned Hu, Cordoba, Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad of Jordan, and Samar.

Hu, a human rights activist and an outspoken critic of the Chinese government, was sentenced last year to a three-and-a-half-year prison term for "inciting subversion of state power" ahead of the Beijing Olympics. He also was a favorite for the prize last year, when the 10 million kronor ($1.4 million) award went to Finland's ex-president Martti Ahtisaari for decades of work as a peace mediator.

Kristian Berg Harpviken, the director of the Peace Research Institute, Oslo, said he favored Cordoba, who leads Colombians for Peace, an organization whose aim is to facilitate peace negotiations between the government and the country's leftist FARC guerrillas.

Cordoba is a polarizing figure in Colombia owing to her close relations with Venezuela's leftist president, Hugo Chavez, and her criticisms of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe's government as an illegitimate "mafia state" that came to power with the help of right-wing death squads.

Despite that polemical status, she has been at the forefront of efforts to peacefully end her country's half-century-old conflict, which is rooted in deep social divisions. She was nominated by Adolfo Perez Esquivel, an Argentine who won the peace prize in 1980 and is a fierce critic of Uribe.

Guesses from the Peace Research Institute — an annual ritual — have become the cornerstone of world Nobel Peace Prize speculation. However, institute officials admit they have no inside information, and they rarely predict the winner.

Harpviken also mentioned bin Muhammad, a philosophy professor in Jordan who advocates interfaith dialogue in the Middle East, a region shot through with sectarian violence, and Samar. She currently leads the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and serves as the U.N. special envoy to Darfur.

He said he thought this year's award would go toward making "an impact on evolving processes" — such as armed conflict resolution — with the hope of encouraging their continuation.

In his 1895 will, Alfred Nobel stipulated that the peace prize should go "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations and the abolition or reduction of standing armies and the formation and spreading of peace congresses."

Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, which are awarded by Swedish institutions, he said the peace prize should be given out by a five-member committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament. Sweden and Norway were united under the same crown at the time of Nobel's death.

The committee has taken a wide interpretation of Nobel's guidelines, expanding the prize beyond peace mediation to include efforts to combat poverty, disease and climate change. Some experts believe the committee will turn to human rights this year, because it hasn't picked a human rights activist since tapping Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi for the prize in 2003.

"Twenty years since Tiananmen Square? Maybe a Chinese?" said Dan Smith, of the London-based International Alert peace group.

Emerging superpower China remains deeply sensitive about criticism of its bloody 1989 crackdown on pro-democracy protesters at Tiananmen Square. And awarding dissidents would be a major poke-in-the-eye in the year the communist regime, established 60 years ago, celebrates its diamond jubilee.

The committee is famous for making grand symbolic gestures aimed at influencing the world agenda, as in 1989 when, in the wake of the Tiananmen massacre, the prize went to the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader.

Although most of the buzz this year surrounds Hu, another candidate could be Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China's communist system. He now lives in the United States.

Harpviken told journalists last week that he was skeptical of suggestions that a dissident of any nationality might win the prize this year. He noted that Nobel committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland, who just ended a four-year term as president of Norway's parliament, was elected secretary general of the Council of Europe on Sept. 29.

Harpviken said he believes Jagland's connection to both the Norwegian government and a major pan-European organization will make the committee "careful" about who it chooses, hoping to avoid a public debate about its political independence. He also suggested that Jagland might want to avoid complicating his five-year term at the helm of the Council of Europe.

"It would be hard to think that it hasn't had an impact" on the deliberation process, Harpviken said.

Jan Egeland, director of Oslo's Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, said he nominated Denis Mukwege, a physician in war-torn Congo who opened a clinic to help rape victims.

"He is working for the people in the biggest war," he said. "Sometimes the committee has to address the biggest wars."

Associated Press Writer Libardo Cardona in Bogota contributed to this report.


NASA: Lunar crashes won't hurt the moon

Meteorites often hit moon, create craters like one LCROSS will make

  Shooting for the moon
Oct. 8: Anticipation ran high on Thursday as NASA prepared to send a spacecraft crashing into a crater on the moon to find out what's beneath the surface. NBC's Tom Costello reports.

Nightly News

Image: Genesis spacecraft crashed into Utah desert
8 space crashes and smashes
NASA plans to make a big splash on Oct. 9 when its LCROSS lunar probe smashes into the moon. But there have been other crashes in and from space too.

Image: American astronaut Edwin 'Buzz' Aldrin
NASA's 10 greatest science missions
Here are the 10 greatests science missions in NASA's history.
By Tariq Malik
updated 6:24 p.m. ET Oct. 8, 2009

The moon is due for a double whammy from two NASA probes Friday, with scientists assuring some skeptics that smacking the lunar surface with spacecraft is really OK.

NASA's LCROSS mission will slam a spacecraft and an empty rocket stage into the moon's south pole Friday morning at 7:31 a.m. EDT in a search for water ice buried in the perpetual shadows of lunar craters.

Scientists are eagerly awaiting the LCROSS crashes and hope they'll provide a definitive answer on whether lunar water ice could be used to support future astronauts on the moon. But at least one person — novelist and screenwriter Amy Ephron — has spoken out against the $79 million mission on her Huffington Post blog and launched a Twitter campaign ("helpsavethemoon") to save the moon from future onslaught.

"I'm not a big fan of explosions, anyway. In Iraq or Afghanistan or the South Pole of the Moon. But who does have a territorial prerogative there?" Ephron wrote. "Who has jurisdiction? Who has the right to say that it's okay to blow up a crater on the moon?"

Apparently, Mother Nature does. The moon is covered in craters, with new ones like those to be created by the LCROSS probes popping up all the time by meteorites that pummel the lunar surface.

"The image of this impact, what we're doing with the moon, is something that occurs naturally four times a month on the moon, whether we're there or not," LCROSS principal investigator Tony Colaprete told reporters Thursday.

The lure of ice
The difference with LCROSS is that it is specifically targeted at a certain spot, a crater called Cabeus known to have vast stores of hydrogen-rich material — a potential sign of water ice — hidden in shadowed regions that never see the light of day. [Click here to find out how to watch the LCROSS moon crashes in your area.]

It's that lure of ice that drew the interest of LCROSS scientists. Such a resource could be a boon for NASA's plan to return astronauts to the moon since it could be used to support a lunar base.

Some readers have expressed concerns over the possibility of the moon crash destroying evidence of the very water ice LCROSS is hoping to uncover.

But mission scientists say that shouldn't happen. The amount of hydrogen-bearing material is vast within the Cabeus crater, which is 60 miles (98 km) wide and 2.4 feet (4 km) deep. The impressions left by LCROSS and its Centaur rocket are expected to be about 66 feet (20 meters) wide and 13 feet (4 meters) deep. The plume should rise up about 6.2 miles (10 km) and be illuminated by the sun, researchers said.

Impact will be a pinprick
That's not to say the LCROSS probes won't have any effect on the moon. The laws of physics, Colaprete said, mean there will be a miniscule perturbation.

"The impact has about 1 million times less influence on the moon than a passenger's eyelash falling to the floor of a 747 [jet] during flight," Colaprete said.

That means the impacts will be little more than a pinprick, if even that, to the moon. But they will still be substantial blows on a human scale.

When LCROSS and its Centaur stage hit, they are expected to kick up about 350 tons of moon dirt. The Centaur stage, which weighs more than 2 tons — about as much as a sport utility vehicle — will be first, followed by the smaller LCROSS shepherd craft four minutes later.

The shepherd craft will beam images and data of the impact plume to NASA's mission operations center at the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. A host of Earth-based observatories and amateur astronomers, as well as satellites and space-based assets like the Hubble Space Telescope, Sweden's Odin satellite and NASA's powerful Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter circling the moon, will also scan the resulting plume for evidence of water.

Scientists now know for sure that there are some traces of water on the moon. They announced as much last month citing data from recent spacecraft that revealed the signal for water across wide swaths of the lunar surface.

Rather than steal the LCROSS team's thunder, the finding only bolstered the team's spirits and excitement, Colaprete said.

"The one thing we've learned about the moon is how much we really don't know about the moon," he added. "And we are still learning and LCROSS is going to provide us additional data to further understand it."

More on LCROSS | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

© 2009 All rights reserved.
slamabad A suicide car bomber detonated his vehicle along a road near a well-known market in Pakistan's northwest city of Peshawar on Friday, killing 41 people and underscoring militants' ability to strike in major cities despite US-backed military offensives pressuring their networks.

The attack in the Khyber Bazaar area came as Pakistan's army prepares for another major operation in the al-Qaida and Taliban stronghold of South Waziristan tribal region. The militants have threatened bombings if the army doesn't back off, but the US has continued to prod Pakistan to take action against insurgents using its soil to fuel the insurgency in neighboring Afghanistan.

Television footage showed the charred skeleton of a bus flipped on its side in the middle of a major road. Twisted remains of a motorbike lay alongside the bus. A nearby vehicle was in flames.

Noor Alam saw the vehicle explode, and suffered wounds on his legs and face.

"I saw a blood soaked leg landing close to me," Alam said. "I understood for the first time in my life what a doomsday would look like."

Peshawar Police Chief Liaqat Ali Khan said the attacker was in a car packed with "a huge quantity of explosives and artillery rounds." A minibus apparently carrying passengers nearby was also levelled in the blast.

It came days after a suicide attack killed five at a UN office in the capital, Islamabad and two weeks after another explosion killed 11 in a Peshawar commercial area.

It was the deadliest attack in Pakistan since a suicide bomber demolished a packed mosque near the northwestern town of Jamrud in March, killing about 50.

Provincial Health Minister Syed Zahir Ali Shah said 41 people were killed and more than 100 wounded Friday.

"Death has to come one day, but we will keep chasing these terrorists, and this attack cannot deter our resolve," Provincial Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain said as he visited the bloody scene.

Also Friday, Interior Minister Rehman Malik said a suspect had been arrested in Monday's suicide attack at the office of the UN's World Food Program in Islamabad. Malik says the man was alleged to have given the attacker shelter, but gave few details.

Militants in Pakistan also have targeted trucks carrying supplies for US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Early Friday, militants ambushed a tanker carrying fuel for the Western troops at a gas station near Peshawar, torching it, said Fazal Rabi, a police official. No injuries or deaths were reported.

The attacks come amid growing tensions between the US and Pakistan over a multibillion-dollar US aid package that is aimed at helping Pakistan's economy and other nonmilitary sectors.

Pakistan's army has raised concern over strings attached to the aid, bolstering critics who say it will invite US interference.

The debate over the proposal also has exposed rifts between Pakistan's military and its weak civilian government.

The government has hailed the package, which would provide $1.5 billion a year over the next five years. But the measure, which awaits President Barack Obama's signature, makes US aid contingent on whether Pakistan's government maintains effective control over the military, among other conditions.

The army, which has ruled Pakistan for around half its 62-year existence, raised "serious concern" over the conditions, while the government said nothing in it was against Pakistan's interests.



Analysis: Barack Obama wins 2009 Nobel peace prize

From the moment that President Barack Obama - who has won the Nobel peace prize - entered the Oval Office, he made clear that resolving the conflict in the Middle East would be a key priority of his foreign policy.


By David Blair, Diplomatic Editor
Published: 10:44AM BST 09 Oct 2009


Analysis: Barack Obama wins 2009 Nobel peace prize

From the moment that President Barack Obama - who has won the Nobel peace prize - entered the Oval Office, he made clear that resolving the conflict in the Middle East would be a key priority of his foreign policy.

Barack Obama standing in front of the American flag: Analysis: Barack Obama wins 2009 Nobel peace prize
The committee said it attached special importance to Mr Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons Photo: EPA

His very first phone call was to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian leader, and his speech in Cairo sought to cast America as an even-handed peacemaker in the Holy Land. Soon afterwards, Mr Obama also pledged to negotiate a new treaty on nuclear disarmament with Russia.

So far, however, Mr Obama has no concrete achievement to his credit. The Israelis and Palestinians are no closer to a settlement today than when he took office nine months ago. On the contrary, recent violence in Jerusalem raises the possibility of a new Palestinian uprising: an event that would force the "peace process" into reverse.

Although America and Russia have begun talks on a new disarmament agreement, no treaty has been concluded.

The only possible explanation for the judges' decision to reward Mr Obama is that they are betting on his future achievements. They think he might secure an epoch-making settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians as well as a sweeping disarmament treaty with Russia. Having previously given the Nobel Peace Prize to leaders who have made real agreements to resolve real conflicts, the judges now appear to be rewarding effort and possible future accomplishment.

In effect, they are taking out a bet on Mr Obama's future peacemaking skills. Are they being realistic?

There is a good chance of America and Russia concluding another treaty on reducing nuclear arms. This is for a simple reason: the Kremlin's nuclear arsenal is rapidly deteriorating anyway and a new disarmament deal represents Russia's only chance of maintaining nuclear parity with America. Concluding this treaty would be a real achievement for Mr Obama - but it would follow three previous nuclear disarmament deals and it would not visibly alter the balance of power in the world.

Meanwhile, the chances of an Israeli-Palestinian settlement are as remote as ever. The intractable problems at the heart of their conflict can be summed up in four words: borders, settlers, refugees, Jerusalem. Put simply, Mr Obama must devise a peace agreement which decides the borders of a Palestinian state, the fate of Jewish settlers living in the West Bank, the future of Palestinian refugees driven from Israel at its birth in 1948 and the division of Jerusalem into two national capitals.

Repeated attempts to resolve these issues, notably at the Camp David summit in 2000, have always failed, largely because the concessions required of both sides have been politically unacceptable. They remain unacceptable today. The "core issues" are certainly no closer to being settled than when Mr Obama took office in January.

But the judges appear to be betting that he can defy the odds and resolve them all in the next few years . Anyone who has followed events in the Middle East might not be entirely convinced by their optimism.


Pak sends a message via Kabul bomber
Attacks, outside and inside

Washington, Oct. 8: A powerful but fortuitously aborted attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul today was Pakistan's message to India that its Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) can hit Indian interests anytime, anywhere with impunity.

It came exactly four days after Pakistan's foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who has stayed back in the US after his testy meeting with external affairs minister S.M. Krishna in New York on September 27, publicly warned that Indians "have to justify their interest" in Kabul.

Qureshi concluded his US tour with a meeting with secretary of state Hillary Clinton at the same time terrorists in Kabul were preparing to drive out the explosives-packed sports utility vehicle to be detonated near the side wall of the embassy today. At least 17 people, mostly bystanders, were killed and three Indian embassy guards injured in the explosion.

In his blunt public warning four days ago, Qureshi said India's "level of engagement (in Kabul) has to be commensurate with" the fact that "they do not share a border with Afghanistan, whereas we do.… If there is no massive reconstruction (in Afghanistan), if there are not long queues in Delhi waiting for visas to travel to Kabul, why do you have such a large (Indian) presence in Afghanistan? At times it concerns us," Qureshi told the Los Angles Times.

The second suicide attack on the Indian mission in Kabul in 15 months will strengthen a partisan view at the CGO Complex off New Delhi's Lodhi Road, the seat of India's external intelligence agency, that the terrorist attack on Mumbai last November was actually Pakistan's answer to India for regressing on the progress made over several years towards resolving Kashmir in detailed talks with General Pervez Musharraf, both by the NDA and UPA governments.

Such a view is based on an assessment that Pakistan considerably dismantled its terrorist infrastructure against India, particularly across the Line of Control in Kashmir, during the Musharraf years, but has not been rewarded in any significant way by the political process in New Delhi aimed at redressing Islamabad's perceived grievances on bilateral relations.

Between November last year and now, the establishment at the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and elements in the Prime Minister's Office and the cabinet secretariat with intelligence backgrounds have strenuously tried to put the lid on this view, which has serious ramifications for New Delhi's Pakistan policy.

Today's attack in Kabul will, however, reinforce this view, albeit in whispers in intelligence circles. Because it has come 10 days after Krishna took a tough line at his meeting with Qureshi, the suicide bombing will be seen as a warning to India not to go back, once again, on the process started by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart in Sharm-el-Sheikh in July to restart their bilateral dialogue.

Pakistan clearly sees Krishna's stand at his meeting with Qureshi as tantamount to rolling back the Sharm-el-Sheikh process.

When Qureshi emerged with Clinton yesterday to speak to reporters, he was almost fatalistic about India and had low expectations. "The meeting that I had with Mr Krishna... was, in my view, a positive meeting, a constructive meeting. And being a politician, I can read between the lines and I can tell you I got positive vibes, because my message was positive, my engagement was positive, my intentions are positive.... Obviously, he is going to go back and consult with the leadership in Delhi and we will take it from there. But I have suggested a way forward."

The attack in Kabul, which has all the hallmarks of an ISI-inspired plot, is also a warning to Pakistan's civilian leadership not to compromise its interests in Afghanistan and in bilateral relations with India amid signs of a deterioration in cordiality between the Pakistan army and the government of President Asif Ali Zardari.

The attack was executed a day after foreign secretary Nirupama Rao made a policy speech on Afghanistan at a meeting in New Delhi outlining India's priorities in Kabul.


India Inc's sitting on large pile of cash

9 Oct 2009, 0645 hrs IST, Krishna Kant & Apurv Gupta, ET Bureau
MUMBAI: Indian companies ended up with a lot more cash in their kitty last fiscal than a year earlier, even as they lobbied with the government
and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to ease monetary policies to overcome the credit crisis triggered by the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

The comfortable cash position may enable them to invest in expanding capacities. But the higher cash-in-hand is more due to fund raising, through debt and share sales, than retained earnings, which pushed up the leverage too.

As of March 2009, India's largest companies, constituents of BSE-500 index, reported a 24% rise in total cash and equivalent at Rs 2.47-lakh crore in their balance sheets over a year earlier. Private sector companies reported faster growth in their cash balances compared with government-owned enterprises as they borrowed more.

Indian companies added Rs 47,000 crore during the past financial year, an analysis by ET Intelligence Group shows. early three-fourths of the addition was accounted for by private sector companies, while PSUs' cash and bank balances grew by just Rs 11,500 crore, or 11%, during the year.

Private sector companies, on the other hand, witnessed a 37% Y-o-Y growth in their cash and bank balances. For analysis, we restricted to companies in the BSE-500 index and dropped companies from the financial sector and those whose annual earnings were not available.

While there's an improvement in companies' cash position, most of it is accounted for by a rise in debt and share sales. The internal accruals in the form of retained profits, which is net profit minus dividends, did not contribute much to the cash positions gain. In FY09, companies in our sample reported a 6.3% fall in their combined net profit, while their retained earnings declined 6.9%.

In comparison, Indian corporates' total debt outstanding surged 36% by Rs 2.28-lakh crore over the same period last year. The companies in our sample reported a Rs 1.88-lakh crore increase in their net worth, which is equity plus reserves, during the year. Bulk of this increase was accounted for by retained profits.

In FY09, the sample of companies added nearly Rs 1.48 lakh crore to their net worth in the form of retained earnings and it accounted for 77% of the total increase. Balance Rs 43,000 crore was accounted for fund raising through shares and convertible bonds sale. Public sector companies improved their cash positions more through retained earnings, unlike private sector companies. For them, the entire increase in net worth was accounted for by retained profits with no share sales.

However, PSUs raised funds through debt as their total debt outstanding rose by more than Rs 50,000 crore. Bulk of the increase in that debt was accounted for by the oil marketing companies which were selling fuel at losses due to government forced subsidies.

Overall, the companies reported deterioration in their leverage ratio last year, as increase in net worth fell short of their rising debt levels. At the end of FY09, the average debt-to-equity ratio (for our sample of companies) expanded by 9 basis points to 0.68.

Private sector companies were worse off and as their leverage ratio rose by 10 basis points to 0.74 by the end of FY09. PSUs continued to remain least indebted with leverage ratio of 0.56 at the end of FY09 up from 0.48 a year ago.

The climate conundrum

9 Oct 2009, 0552 hrs IST, Mukul Sanwal,
The Kyoto Protocol is dead; long live the Climate Convention. Developed countries have stated in the on-going negotiations that they will not
take legally binding commitments to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases.

They do not want to impose any economic burden on their citizens, even if this amounts to a violation of international law. They also want to rewrite the Convention, something that we must prevent in the interest of the global environment and the poor.

The spin is that new rules to secure action by China and India are needed to save the planet. It suits the European Union as their emissions of greenhouse gases continue to rise. The United States has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and is averse to taking on internationally mandated commitments.

Collectively these countries have so far specified a reduction in their emissions of 11% to 18% by the year 2020, with respect to 1990 levels, against the scientific consensus of a reduction of at least 40%. Clearly their concern is not the global environment, but burden sharing.

There is an impasse in the on-going negotiations because, as this is the first time since 1992 that developing country actions are being considered, the key issue for developed countries is the extent of responsibility that developing countries' accept, now and in the future. Developing countries focus on the close link between energy use and economic growth, and the policy issue for them is deep cuts in developed country emissions so that atmospheric space is available for their economic growth to industrialised country levels.

According to Stiglitz, Nobel laureate for economics, the key problem is how to allocate emission rights, currently valued at about $2 trillion annually, which is 5% of global GDP. The only defensible principle is equal emission rights per capita, adjusted for past emissions.

Even if this entails large redistribution, it is not clear why this should be treated differently than any other property right. Stiglitz argues that climate change will need a new economic model focusing on changed patterns of consumption and innovation , to ensure that the burden is not shifted onto developing countries.

On the other hand, since developed countries have commitments to take measures to reduce emissions, the policy issue for them is the cost effectiveness of these actions. Recent analyses by the OECD show that the costs for them can be minimised through policy instruments, with a focus on carbon pricing, applied across all countries. This has led to country schedules identifying the most cost-effective interventions for bringing emissions down to sustainable levels. Not surprisingly, developed countries are pushing for inclusion of common actions, inscribed in schedules, in the negotiations.

It is virtually impossible to base any policy decision on estimates of global costs and benefits, because of the uncertainty and highly subjective judgements involved. The current framework also avoids the ethical question of developed countries emitting greenhouse gases above their fair share of safe global emissions, and the immediate duty to reduce their national emissions without regard to global cost-benefit analyses and international agreements. So, what could be the contours of a political statement at Copenhagen? It is time for us to shape the agenda, to end the impasse.

First, we should suggest that we agree to disagree on the implications of the historical responsibility of developed countries in causing the problem and role of the carbon market in finding solutions. The debate would then shift to developing rules that focus on demand-side management and new forms of international cooperation.

News Updates from Citizens For Legitimate Government
09 Oct 2009
All links are here:

Breaking: Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize 09 Oct 2009 US President Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The Nobel Committee said he was awarded it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples". There were a record 205 nominations for this year's prize. The laureate - chosen by a five-member committee - wins a gold medal, a diploma and 10m Swedish kronor ($1.4m).

US lawmakers extend PATRIOT Act provisions 08 Oct 2009 Key US lawmakers passed legislation Thursday extending three key provisions of the PATRIOT Act, the sweeping intelligence bill enacted after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Backing a White House request, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed the measure 11 votes to 8 to extend until 2013 three clauses that would have expired by 31 December. The bill now heads to the full Senate for a vote.

Nato trucks set ablaze in Pakistan 09 Oct 2009 Anti-government fighters in Pakistan have set alight supply trucks destined for Western forces in Afghanistan. The attack on six Nato vehicles on Friday at a terminal in a suburb of the city of Peshawar occurred after a weapon was stolen from a watchman, police said. One oil tanker and a container were completely gutted, although no casualties were reported.

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CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2009, Citizens For Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.


Tensions Mount Again at Al-Aqsa

A Third Intifada?



Tension over control of the Haram al Sharif compound of mosques in Jerusalem's Old City has reached a pitch unseen since clashes at the site sparked the second intifada nine years ago.

Ten days of intermittently bloody clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in Jerusalem culminated yesterday in warnings by Palestinian officials that Israel was "sparking a fire" in the city. Israel's Jerusalem Post newspaper similarly wondered whether a third intifada was imminent.

Israel, meanwhile, deployed 20,000 police to safeguard the annual Jerusalem march, which was reported to have attracted a crowd of 70,000 passing through sensitive Palestinian neighbourhoods close to the Old City.

The ostensible cause of friction is Israel's religious holidays that have brought Jewish worshippers to the Western Wall, located next to the Haram al Sharif and traditionally considered the holiest site in Judaism. The wall is the only remnant of the Jewish temple destroyed by Herod in AD70.

At a deeper level for Palestinians, however, the ease with which Jews can access sites in and around Jerusalem, while the city is off-limits to the vast majority of Palestinians, highlights the extent to which Palestinian control over Jerusalem and its holy places has been eroded by four decades of occupation.

That point was reinforced on Sunday when the gates to the mosque compound were shut by Israeli police, who cited safety concerns for 30,000 Jews praying at the Western Wall for Succot.

Jerusalem's police chief, Aharon Franco, also incensed Palestinians on Monday by castigating them for being "ungrateful" after Israel had allowed them to pray at Al Aqsa during Ramadan.

In fact, only a small proportion of Palestinians can reach the mosque. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza cannot get past Israel's separation wall, and the 1.5 million Palestinians in Israel and Jerusalem are finding it harder to pray there. This week police have been allowing only women and Palestinian men with Israeli identification cards showing they are aged at least 50 to enter.

Both the Palestinian Authority and Jordan issued statements this week warning that Jewish groups, including extremists who want to blow up the mosques, should be prevented from entering the Haram.

It was in this context that the leader of the Islamic Movement inside Israel, Sheikh Raed Salah, called on Israel's Palestinian citizens to "shield the [Al Aqsa] mosque with their bodies".

Concerned that most Palestnians can no longer access the mosques, Salah has taken it on himself to campaign against Israeli moves under the banner "Al-Aqsa is in danger", urging Israel's Palestinian minority to protect the mosques by increasing their visits and ensuring a strong Islamic presence at the site.

In a further provocation by Israel yesterday, Salah was arrested on suspicion of incitement and sedition. A judge released him a few hours later but only on condition that he stay away from Jerusalem.

Palestinian concerns about Israeli intentions towards the Haram are not without foundation. Israel's religious and secular leaders have been staking an ever-stronger claim to sovereignty over the compound since the occupation began, despite an original agreement to leave control with Islamic authorities.

On the ground that has been reflected in Israel's efforts to reshape the geography of the city.

It began with the hasty razing of a Muslim neighbourhood next to the Western Wall that was home to 1,000 Palestinians. In place of the homes a huge prayer plaza was created.

Next a ring of Jewish settlements were built separating East Jerusalem from the West Bank, and more recently Jewish extremists have been taking over Palestinian neighbourhoods just outside the Old City, such as Sheikh Jarrah, Ras al-Amud and Silwan.

With official backing, Jewish settlers have also been confiscating and buying Palestinian homes in the Old City's Muslim Quarter, including next to the mosques, to establish armed encampments.

They have also been assisted by Israeli archeologists in digging extensively under the quarter. Tensions over the excavations escalated dramatically in 1996 when Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister then as now, approved the opening of the Western Wall tunnels under the mosques. In the ensuing violence, at least 70 Palestinians were killed.

In addition, Israeli officials and rabbis have been redefining the significance in Jewish religious thought of the compound, or Temple Mount as it is known to Jews.

The rabbinical consensus since the Middle Ages has been that Jews are forbidden from entering the compound for fear of desecrating the site of the temple's inner sanctum, whose location is unknown. Instead religious Jews are supposed to venerate the site but not to visit it or seek to possess it in any way.

That view has been shifting since a wave of religious nationalism was unleashed by the seemingly miraculous nature of Israel's victory in the Six-Day war. As the Israeli army captured the Old City in 1967, for example, its chief rabbi, Shlomo Goren, rushed to the Haram to read from the Bible and blow a ram's horn, as the ancient temple priests had once done.

At the Camp David talks with the Palestinians in 2000, Ehud Barak, the Israeli prime minister at the time, demanded – against all Jewish teachings – that the whole compound be declared the "Holy of Holies", a status reserved for the temple's inner sanctum. His adviser Moshe Amirav said Barak had used this precondition to "blow up" the negotiations.

The Camp David failure led to an explosion of violence at the Haram al-Sharif a few months later that triggered the second intifada.

Islamic sovereignty was challenged again in 2003 when Israeli police unilaterally decided to open the compound to non-Muslims. In practice, this has given messianic cults, who want the mosques destroyed to make way for a third temple, access under police protection.

It was precisely rumours that Jewish extremists had entered the compound on the eve of Judaism's holiest day, Yom Kippur, that provided the spark for the latest round of clashes.

It is reported that a growing number of settler rabbis want the injunction against Jews praying at the compound lifted, adding to Palestinian fears that Israeli officials, rabbis, settlers and fundamentalists are conspiring to engineer a final takeover of the Haram al Sharif.

Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His latest books are "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East" (Pluto Press) and "Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human Despair" (Zed Books). His website is

A version of this article originally appeared in The National (, published in Abu Dhabi.


Amnesty International has called the Gaza blockade a "form of collective punishment of the entire population of Gaza, a flagrant violation of Israel's obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention." Human Rights Watch has called the blockade a "serious violation of international law." The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territory, Richard Falk, condemned Israel's siege of Gaza as amounting to a "crime against humanity."

Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter has said the Palestinian people trapped in Gaza are being treated "like animals," and has called for "ending of the siege of Gaza" that is depriving "one and a half million people of the necessities of life."

One of the world's leading authorities on Gaza, Sara Roy of Harvard University, has said that the consequence of the siege "is undeniably one of mass suffering, created largely by Israel, but with the active complicity of the international community, especially the U.S. and European Union."

The law is clear. The conscience of humankind is shocked.

The Palestinians of Gaza have exhorted the international community to move beyond words of condemnation.

Yet, the siege of Gaza continues.

Upholding International Law

The illegal siege of Gaza is not happening in a vacuum. It is one of the many illegal acts committed by Israel in the Palestinian territories it occupied militarily in 1967.

The Wall and the settlements are illegal, according to the International Court of Justice the Hague.

House demolitions and wanton destruction of farm lands are illegal.

The closures and curfews are illegal.

The roadblocks and checkpoints are illegal.

The detention and torture are illegal.

The occupation itself is illegal.

The truth is that if international law were enforced the occupation would end.

An end to the military occupation that began in 1967 is a major condition for establishing a just and lasting peace. For over six decades, the Palestinian people have been denied freedom and rights to self-determination and equality. The hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were forced out of their homes during Israel's creation in 1947-48 are still denied the rights granted them by UN Resolution 194.

Sources of Inspiration

The Gaza Freedom March is inspired by decades of nonviolent Palestinian resistance from the mass popular uprising of the first Intifada to the West Bank villagers currently resisting the land grab of Israel's annexationist wall.

It draws inspiration from the Gazans themselves, who formed a human chain from Rafah to Erez, tore down the border barrier separating Gaza from Egypt, and marched to the six checkpoints separating the occupied Gaza Strip from Israel.

The Freedom March also draws inspiration from the international volunteers who have stood by Palestinian farmers harvesting their crops, from the crews on the vessels who have challenged the Gaza blockade by sea, and from the drivers of the convoys who have delivered humanitarian aid to Gaza.

And it is inspired by Nelson Mandela who said: "I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. ... I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended."

It heeds the words of Mahatma Gandhi, who called his movement Satyagraha-Hold on to the truth, and holds to the truth that Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal and inhuman.

Gandhi said that the purpose of nonviolent action is to "quicken" the conscience of humankind. Through the Freedom March, humankind will not just deplore Israeli brutality but take action to stop it.

Palestinian civil society has followed in the footsteps of Mandela and Gandhi. Just as those two leaders called on international civil society to boycott the goods and institutions of their oppressors, Palestinian associations, trade unions, and mass movements have since 2005 been calling on all people of conscience to support a non-violent campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions until Israel fully complies with its obligations under international law.

The Freedom March also draws inspiration from the civil rights movement in the United States.

If Israel devalues Palestinian life then internationals must both interpose their bodies to shield Palestinians from Israeli brutality and bear personal witness to the inhumanity that Palestinians daily confront.

If Israel defies international law then people of conscience must send non-violent marshals from around the world to enforce the law of the international community in Gaza. The International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza will dispatch contingents from around the world to Gaza to mark the anniversary of Israel's bloody 22-day assault on Gaza in December 2008 - January 2009.

The Freedom March takes no sides in internal Palestinian politics. It sides only with international law and the primacy of human rights.

The March is yet another link in the chain of non-violent resistance to Israel's flagrant disregard of international law.

Citizens of the world are called upon to join ranks with Palestinians in the January 1st March to lift the inhumane siege of Gaza.

لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء الاطلاع على  بيان السياق


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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The question of "who is a Jew?" has been debated in Israel since it attained statehood. In the Jewish state the authorities, Rabbis and the media would dig into one's bloodline with no shame whatsoever. For the Israelis and orthodox Jews, Jewishness is obviously a blood related concept. However, Jewishness and blood concerns are becoming a subject of a growing debate in the UK. In the last few days The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian are trying to decide whether Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a `self hating Jew' or just an ordinary anti-Semite. Like the Israeli Rabbis they both dig into his bloodline.

Ahmadinejad is revealed to have a `Jewish past' said the Daily Telegraph on Saturday. According to the paper, a photograph of the Iranian president holding up his identity card during elections in March 2008 `clearly' suggests that his family had Jewish roots. The Telegraph even found the `experts' who suggested that `Mr Ahmadinejad's track record for hate-filled attacks on Jews could be an overcompensation to hide his past.' Needless to say that Ahmadinejad has never come on record with a single anti-Jewish `hate- filled' attack as The Telegraph suggests. He is indeed extremely critical of the Jewish state and its raison d'etre. He is also highly critical of the crude and manipulative mobilisation of the holocaust at the expense of the Palestinian people.

One may wonder how come a Western media outlet happens to selectively engage with issues to do with the racial or ethnic origin of the Iranian president. At the end of the day, digging into people's ethnic past and family bloodline is not a common practice you expect from the Western press. It is something you tend to leave for racists, Nazis and rabbis. For one reason or another, no one in the so called free press tried to dwell on the close ties between multi billion swindler Bernie Maddof and his tribe. The free press saved itself also from dealing with Wolfowitz's ethnicity, in spite of the fact that the Zionist war he brought on us has cost 1.5 million lives by now. If you wonder how it is that the Western free media is reverting to `pathology' in order to deal with a Muslim president, the answer is simple not to say trivial:

The so called `liberal West' is yet to find the answers to President Ahmadinejad within the realm of reason. It lacks the argumentative capacity to address Ahmadinejad. Instead, it insists to spin banal racially orientated ideas that cannot hold water, `By making anti-Israeli statements' says The Daily Telegraph, `he is trying to shed any suspicions about his Jewish connections.' The truth of the matter is clear. Ahmadinejad has already managed to re-direct a floodlight of reasoning and skepticism just to enlighten our darkest corner of hypocrisy. He somehow manages to remind us all what thinking is all about.

It is pretty much impossible to deny the fact that Ahmadinejad's take on the holocaust and Israel is coherent, consistent and valid. He seems to have three main issues with the narrative:

1. Around sixty Million died in WWII, the vast majority of them were innocent civilians. How is it, asks Ahmadinejad, that we insist to concentrate on the particularity of the suffering of one `very' specific group of people i.e. the Jews?

2. The Iranian president rightly maintains that this historical chapter must be historically examined. This would mean as well that every event in the past should be subject to scrutiny, elaboration and revision. `If we allow ourselves to question God and the Prophets, we may as well allow ourselves to question the holocaust.'

3. Regardless of the truthfulness of the holocaust, it is a trivial fact that the suffering of the Jews in Europe had nothing to do with the Palestinian people. Hence, there is no reason for the Palestinians to pay for crimes committed by others. If some Western leaders feel guilty for crimes committed against the Jews by their own ancestors, which they seem to claim, they better allocate some land for the Jews within their territories rather than expect the Palestinians to keep upholding the Zionist murderous burden.

As much as it is obviously clear that the above points raised by Ahmadinejad are totally valid, it is also painfully transparent that the West lacks the means to address those issues. Instead we seem to revert to supremacy and pseudo scientific discourse dwelling on blood, pathology and lame psychoanalysis.

As embarrassing as it may seem, in just three moves Ahmadinejad manages to expose the current deceptive Western mode of discussion. He, in fact identifies the holocaust as the core of our hypocritical stand, a tendency that has managed to shatter our ethical judgment. The holocaust was there to divert the attention from the colossal crimes committed by the allies. Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden are just brief examples of institutionalised genocide at the hands of the English speaking empire. The holocaust has successfully matured into a new religion. Yet, it lacks theology. It doesn't allow any form of criticism or reformism. It is in fact an anti-Western religion inspired by hate and vengeance. It is dark, it is blind and it lacks mercy and compassion. It is a faith that declares an assault on any form of doubt. It is a crude brutal belief system that stands in opposition to the notions of liberty and goodness. As if this is not enough, those who subscribe to this religion are complicit in an ongoing assault against grace and peace.

As things stand at the moment, The British media is yet to decide whether Ahmadinejad is a `Jew rebel' or just a `Meshugena Goy'. The Guardian was very quick to publish its own take on the subject refuting the Telegraph's account. However, one thing is clear, neither the Guardian nor the Telegraph or any other so called `free media' outlets are free enough to address the questions raised by Ahmadinejad. 1. Why only the Jews? 2. Why do you all say NO to scrutinizing the past? 3. Why do the Palestinians have to pay the price? Instead of engaging in these crucial elementary questions, the British broadsheet papers succumb to racially orientated bloodline digging.

Rather than following the banal Zionist query `who is a Jew?' I suggest that we take the discourse one step further and ask a very simple question: What does Jewishness stands for?
Dear All,
If Cohen's allegations are true, then Abu Mazen's treachery makes Arafat's sell-out at Oslo look like childs' play.


The Abu Mazen Tapes, the Goldstone Report and the Israeli Blackmail


Ma'ariv (p. 5) by Amit Cohen et al. — A Palestinian press agency claims that the surprising decision by Palestinian Authority officials to postpone the discussion of the Goldstone report in the UN Human Rights Council is the result of an Israeli threat. According to a report by Shihab, the Palestinian Authority refused Israel's demand that it withdraw its support for the harsh report, which Israel considered one-sided. Following this, Israeli figures showed the PA a series of tapes in which Palestinian Authority officials could be heard urging Israel to continue the operation in Gaza. Israel threatened to reveal the material to media outlets as well as to the UN and this, in turn, resulted in the Palestinian retreat. It was further claimed that the Palestinians were shown footage showing a meeting between Abu Mazen, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and then foreign minister Tzippi Livni. In the course of the meeting, according to the report, Abu Mazen attempted to convince Barak to continue the operation. Barak appeared hesitant whereas Abu Mazen was enthusiastic. In addition, a telephone conversation recording between Abed Al-Rahim, secretary general of the Palestinian Authority and director of Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi's bureau was presented. The Palestinian senior official can be heard saying that now is the time to bring ground forces into the Jabalya and Shati refugee camps. "The fall of these two camps will bring about the fall of the Hamas regime in Gaza, and will cause them to wave a white flag," says Abed Al-Rahim. According to the report, Dov Weissglas told Abed Al-Rahim that such a move could result in the deaths of thousands of civilians. "They all voted for Hamas," says Abed Al-Rahim, "they chose their fate, not us." Following Hamas's allegations against him, Abu Mazen ordered the establishment of an investigative committee to examine the cause for the postponement of the discussion of the Goldstone report, which sparked a furor and much criticism in the Palestinian street. Officially, Israel argues that Abu Mazen withdrew his request for the discussion as a result of Netanyahu making it clear that such a move would greatly harm the peace process. Moreover, Israel prefers to keep quiet since it has no desire to harm Abu Mazen any more than he has already been harmed and thus play into Hamas's hands. "Abu Mazen did the correct thing on his part," says a political source. "Had he insisted on pushing through the proposal, he would have badly harmed the peace process." In addition, the Palestinian Authority has attempted over the last year to establish an additional cellular network in the West Bank—Wataniya, to be directed by Abu Mazen's son. "The IDF had opposed the new cellular network, claiming that this would clash with its frequencies, and it was proposed to the Palestinians the minimum frequency allocation, which the Palestinians did not accept," explained a senior security source. "It would be fairly correct to state that it was hinted to Palestinian senior officials that if they would withdraw their endorsement of the Goldstone report, they would get help in promoting their interests to form a second cellular network in the West Bank." […]

 Escalation of the War in Afghanistan: McChrystal Must Testify
by David Swanson
Global Research
October 3, 2009

On Thursday, 22 Democratic congress members introduced a bill to deny funding to any escalation of war in Afghanistan, and 60 Democratic senators voted that Congress should not even speak to a general about that war until after the president has decided whether to escalate it. These two actions come out of very different understandings of war powers.

The particular worldview of the 22 House members, which could also be called "The United States Constitution", holds that the Congress alone has the power and the responsibility to determine whether wars are begun or ended, escalated or scaled back, and to raise and fund and oversee any military force necessary for fighting a war, while the president's role as the executor of the will of Congress is to serve as the civilian commander of the military during a time that Congress has designated and in wars that Congress has authorized.
This view is sometimes accompanied by the belief that elected representatives should represent the views of their constituents, even including their current views at any given moment, not just at the time of the most recent election. Given that the majority of Americans, and certainly the majority of the residents of many Democratic congressional districts, oppose the war in Afghanistan, Congress -- in this "Constitutional" view -- has the responsibility to block the funding of any escalation and possibly of the continuation of the war at its current level, as well as the duty to determine how the war is being conducted and to make that information known.

In this same theory of government, then, Democratic Congressman Steny Hoyer (whatever his motivations) was technically right when he recently proposed that General Stanley McChrystal be brought in to testify. And so was Republican Senator John McCain. McChrystal ought to be brought in at his earliest convenience, and subpoenaed if he declines. And such a subpoena ought to be enforced by the Capitol Police, not the Justice Department. And if McChrystal's testimony proves unsatisfactory, President Barack Obama should be brought in to testify. And if no testimony persuades the public of a need to continue or escalate a war, then -- in addition to the need to end illegal, aggressive, foreign wars even if popular -- such a war should be defunded. And any misspending of unappropriated funds to continue a war must be treated as an impeachable offense. At least that's one theory.

In contrast, the theory of government embodied in the vote of 60 senators (the same 60 incapable of passing healthcare reform, workers' rights, fair trade, greenhouse gas limitations, or anything else worthwhile), their vote to NOT ask McChrystal to testify until the president has decided what to do, might be accurately labeled "elected despotism." In this theory, civilian control over the military is maintained, but congressional checks on the power of the so-called executive are eliminated. Congress does not determine the existence or extent of wars. Congress does not deliberate upon the need to spend public resources. Congress takes its orders from the office that the Constitution that was established to faithfully execute the will of Congress. Congress spends money where the president tells it to.

This theory is often accompanied by the belief that the American people can and should go cheney themselves. And it is almost by definition accompanied by the belief that Congress members should behave weakly and in a subservient manner. This means that bringing a general in, with his flashy and important uniform, would not be an opportunity to question him on how -- if at all -- he is serving the desires of the American people. Rather such a hearing would be an occasion for flattering a war criminal and professing one's allegiance to military rule. Therefore, it is wiser -- in this despotic theory of governance -- to allow the general to pressure the president through the corporate media cartel, than to put him in a position of being questioned by congressional courtiers.

On Thursday, 59 Senators voted against Senator McCain's proposal that McChrystal appear sometime in the next six weeks, and 60 senators (including one Republican) voted for Democratic Senator Carl Levin's amendment stipulating that McChrystal not testify until the president had already determined, independently of the Congress, whether and how to escalate a war.

Now, McCain is as slimy as they come, and his intention is purely to escalate a war. He has shown no interest in preserving the institution of Congress as a force in our government. But what he said was exactly right:

"So it's ok with the administration for general McChrystal to go on '60 minutes', it's ok for him to give a speech at the Institute for Strategic Studies in London, but the administration does not want general McChrystal and General Petraeus before the Senate Armed Services Committee. How does that work?"

Levin then defended this policy by arguing that the Democratic Congress had taken a principled stand for despotism even when Bush was in the White House:

"Indeed General Petraeus did testify relative to the Iraq surge, but he only testified after the decision was made relative to that surge by the president of the United States. And the person who was the commander in Iraq at that time, while the deliberative process was under way in the White House as to whether or not a surge should take place, did not testify, was not asked to testify. There was no pressure placed on the president of the United States during those three months when he was deliberating on whether or not to surge troops."

So, the president should decide whether or not to spend our money and lives on an illegal war, and should not even be pressured in one direction or another by Congress. It is a measure of how twisted our system of government has become that this failure of Congress is depicted as one of restraining , rather than loosing, the dogs of war. It is because senators cannot imagine themselves besting a general in a hearing, much less employing the power of the purse, that their open transfer of war-making power to a president is depicted as supposedly cooling the fires of war.

Fortunately, we don't need the Senate to end a war. We would need it to enact into law the bill that has been introduced in the House to block the funding of an escalation. But we do not need the Senate to actually block all funding for the wars. That can be done by persuading House members to vote no on "defense" appropriations or on the next war "supplemental" bill. And we don't even need the full House in order to bring McChrystal in for questioning. A committee can do that, and every committee has the power to enforce its own subpoenas if it could only remember where it left its backbones.

A conference is being held in Washington, D.C., October 2nd and 3rd on the question of "Who Decides About War?" Clearly the question needs to be asked:


Should U.S. officials who authorized enhanced interrogation techniques be let off the hook for rapes committed by U.S. officials as part of enhanced interrogations of detainees?

Was Rape an Enhanced Interogation Technique?
By Jacob G. Hornberger

There are those who argue that U.S. officials who authorized waterboarding and who performed waterboarding should not be held criminally accountable, notwithstanding the fact that the U.S. government prosecuted Japanese military personnel who waterboarded U.S. POWs during World War II. Their reasoning goes as follows: Since the president's attorneys redefined torture to mean only those actions that threaten death or serious injury to bodily organs, waterboarding did not meet that redefinition.

What about rape? It would seem that rape, like waterboarding, would not meet the Bush administration's redefinition of torture. Rape doesn't threaten death or serious injury to bodily organs. Should U.S. officials who authorized enhanced interrogation techniques be let off the hook for rapes committed by U.S. officials as part of enhanced interrogations of detainees?

That of course begs the question: Were people raped as part of the U.S. government's enhanced interrogation techniques?

Well, think back to the Abu Ghrab photos and videos, which depicted sordid sexual acts being committed by U.S. personnel on Iraqi prisoners. You may have forgotten that there was a particular set of photos and videos that were never released to the public because they depicted acts that were apparently much worse than anything that was shown in the photos that were released. Therefore, U.S. officials decided to keep those particular photos and videos under lock and key.

What do those photos and videos reflect? We don't really know, but according to an article dated July 15, 2004, on, Seymour Hersh is quoted as saying in a speech to the ACLU:

Debating about it, ummm ... Some of the worst things that happened you don't know about, okay? Videos, um, there are women there. Some of you may have read that they were passing letters out, communications out to their men. This is at Abu Ghraib ... The women were passing messages out saying "Please come and kill me, because of what's happened" and basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys, children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. And the worst above all of that is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking that your government has. They are in total terror. It's going to come out.
The Salon article concludes with the following paragraph:

(Update: A reader brought to our attention that the rape of boys at Abu Ghraib has been mentioned in some news accounts of the prisoner abuse evidence. The Telegraph and other news organizations described "a videotape, apparently made by US personnel, is said to show Iraqi guards raping young boys." The Guardian reported "formal statements by inmates published yesterday describe horrific treatment at the hands of guards, including the rape of a teenage Iraqi boy by an army translator.")

It should be noted that that batch of photos and videos is a different batch from the ones that the Obama administration is now doing its best to keep secret. The rationale for keeping both batches secret is that the photos and videos will inflame anger and hatred among foreigners against the United States. It's difficult to imagine how the photos and videos that are being kept secret could be much worse than the Abu Ghraib photos and videos that were released, but one distinct possibility is that they show people being raped.

Is it inconceivable that rape was employed as an enhanced interrogation technique? Well, it certainly wouldn't be the first time that a regime used rape as an enhanced interrogation technique. Think back to the Pinochet coup in Chile, a coup in which the CIA played a role — as yet undefined — in the murder of a young American journalist, Charles Horman, at the hands of Pinochet's forces. According to an article in The Independent, "Prisoners at both centres were subjected to electric shocks, severe beatings, suspensions from ceilings until their wrists tore, and rapes."

If U.S. officials are going to continue keeping both batches of photos and videos secret, isn't it incumbent on them to put all questions to rest respecting the issue of rape? How about a sworn affidavit signed by three members of Congress who have viewed the evidence stating unequivocally that the photos and videos do not depict rape in any form or fashion?

If it turns out that the secret photos and videos do show that people were being raped pursuant to the Bush administration's enhanced interrogation techniques, I'd like to see defenders of waterboarding explain why those who authorized, ordered, condoned, and performed such rapes should be let off the hook too.

Jacob Hornberger is founder and president of The Future of Freedom Foundation, publisher of Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax by Sheldon Richman.


Obama's Middle East mess
Paul Woodward, War in Context, October 6, 2009

[To see video, go to  ]

As Abbas falls, have no doubt that he got pushed by an inept administration that similarly gets weak-kneed whenever it feels pressure from either the Israel lobby or the Israeli government.

Yesterday, State Department spokesman, Ian Kelly, was asked: "What role specifically did the United States play in pressuring the Palestinian Authority to make that decision [to shelve the Goldstone report]?

Kelly, squirming like an eel, responded:

Well, I don't know if I would accept your characterization of pressuring. I think that we recognized that we had serious concerns with the recommendations and some of the allegations. We felt very strongly that while these investigations should be investigated and addressed, that we thought on the one hand that Israel had the kind of institutions that could address these allegations. And of course, we urged Israel to address these very serious allegations.

But I think we had a broader concern that we didn't want the report to distract us from our ultimate goal, which was to address the root causes of the tragic events of last January, and that's the lack of a regional and lasting peace between the two parties – between the Israelis and the Palestinians. So we were concerned that we stay focused on that ultimate goal.

And we are not saying that the allegations in the report – we're not saying that they should be ignored. We simply do not want the report itself to become any kind of impediment to this ultimate goal. We appreciate the seriousness with which the Palestinians approach this very, very difficult issue, and we respect this decision to defer discussion of the report to a later date for the reasons that I just stated – that we want to make sure that we stay focused on the ultimate goal here.


What kind of tortured logic is this? On the one hand war crimes committed in Gaza are somehow extraneous to an understanding of the root causes of the conflict, yet the root cause of the conflict is conflict itself?

The administration needs to make up its mind: Either this conflict is all about violence, in which case Israeli violence can't be ruled out of the equation. Or, the violence is merely symptomatic of underlying political injustices and a natural outcome of addressing those injustices will be a long sought peace. Take your pick.

Of course, the true sentiment that few American officials are crass enough to utter, yet apparently everyone believes, is that when Israelis kill hundreds of Palestinians they really don't intend to kill any ("we shoot and we cry"), yet when Palestinians kill a dozen Israelis they merely fall short of accomplishing their genocidal intentions.

* * *

After taking stabs at solving the Middle East conflict, engaging Iran, bringing about global nuclear disarmament, healing the rift between Muslims and the West, shoring up the global financial system, tackling climate change and reforming America's health care system, there are strong indications that Obama came into office intoxicated by his image as a world savior.

Even so, his cool created the impression that he might actually be impervious to the influence of adulation, but even though some of us thought he had risen above the massive projections that were being imposed on him, the evidence is that to some extent he got sucked into the myth that had been created around him.

To see Obama now as either a tragic figure or as the victim of circumstances essentially absolves him of responsibility for his own actions.

I don't think it's premature to be conducting an autopsy on Obama's Middle East initiative and the first question to ask is this: Did he manage to cross the most minimal threshold for a defensible approach? That is, can he claim at least to have done no harm?

Unfortunately, the harm appears grossly evident and it hinges on his choice to raise expectations across the region and then allow those expectations to founder. Expectations dashed are much more destructive than expectations never formed. (George Bush never disappointed anyone because no one took his promises seriously. In office and life he mastered the art of setting a low bar.)

So, could Obama have entered the situation differently and put himself in a better position to at least live up to the Hippocratic oath (which, incidentally, all politicians should be forced to take)?

He could have acknowledged that he had on his plate more than any human president could address ("sorry folks, I'm not the Messiah") and he could in his first days in office have said something like this:

"The Middle East conflict is a wound to which no easy remedy can be applied. I do not come into office claiming to have any greater powers than all of my predecessors who struggled with limited success to deal with this issue.

"I do know this, however: setting aside the many intractable political issues, there is right now a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We haven't had time to assess the scope of this crisis but having appointed George Mitchell as my Middle East peace envoy, I've asked him to put the crisis in Gaza at the top of his agenda. In the next few days he will be visiting the area to assess which needs must most urgently addressed."

At that point, the Israel Lobby's wheels would have started spinning frantically. But how do you conduct a campaign focused on preventing Mitchell going to Gaza and addressing a humanitarian crisis?

No doubt, phones in the White House and the State Department would have been ringing off the hook as Abe Foxman and other Jewish community leaders and Israeli officials objected, saying that such a move would not be "helpful". But seriously, how do you conduct a public campaign whose direct aim is to prevent help reaching tens of thousands of people whose homes had been flattened?

What happened in reality? Obama and Mitchell made the choice of staying out of Gaza. Neither of them had a gun pointed at his head.

Obama had the opportunity to craft a policy that grew modestly and organically from the facts on the ground. A combination of fear, arrogance and perhaps lack of political imagination, led him to pass up that opportunity.


The Gathering Storm

Dark Omens for the US in Afghanistan


Now officially in its ninth year since the invasion of Afghanistan, the U.S. should have little reason to recount, in Chalmers Johnson's words, the Sorrows of Empire. By now everyone on the planet knows by heart the tragic tale. The U.S. invaded Afghanistan without a clear understanding of its goals and after eight years remains as torn as ever over defining them. It was hoped that the incoming Obama administration and its new AfPak strategy would finally end the drift toward quagmire, but that hope is fading fast. Last week, AfPak architect Bruce Riedel revealed in the Financial Times that "Pretty much six months has since gone by without a rigorous implementation of what was agreed to and that has only made a bad situation worse."

As Washington's paralysis deepens and Afghanistan slips further into chaos, the U.S. faces a crisis of credibility. Can Washington shift its focus to nation-building and help the Afghan people restore their ravaged nation to health? Or should the U.S. continue to pursue what seems at this point an opium dream; hunting an elusive Al Qaeda, who are "believed" to be hiding in Pakistan? Last week one major player on the world scene made their opinion known, but nobody in the U.S. was listening.

Amidst the deafening internal debate in Washington, a startling event occurred. On Monday September 28, in the Chinese government owned English language newspaper China Daily, an article titled, "Afghan peace needs a map," by Li Qinggong, deputy secretary-general of the China Council for National Security Policy Studies, stated flatly that the time had come for the United States to withdraw from Afghanistan.

"To promote much-needed reconciliation among the parties concerned, the US should end its military action. The war has neither brought the Islamic nation peace and security as the Bush administration originally promised, nor brought any tangible benefits to the US itself. On the contrary, the legitimacy of the US military action has been under increasing doubt."

A Chinese challenge to the war's legitimacy is of no minor consequence. The Chinese have their own well established agenda regarding the growth of Al Qaeda extremism on their southern border. A July report in China Daily claimed that for the first time in its 82 year history, the 2.3 million-strong People's Liberation Army has drawn up separate regulations for its anti-terrorism operations. The Chinese view extremists and separatists as terrorists and employed harsh military force on Muslim Uyghur separatists in their own Xinjiang province last July. What should be a wakeup call to Washington is the willingness of an official Chinese newspaper to interfere in what would normally be viewed as an internal U.S. government struggle, at a decisive and vulnerable moment in its evolution of the administration's AfPak policy.

Of shocking interest was Li Qinggong's desire to separate the U.S. military from its own commander and chief, who "Since taking office,… has been under pressure from the Pentagon for military reinforcements in Afghanistan.," advising him that, "The calls of war opponents over that of supporters will give the young US president the best chance to extricate himself from the Pentagon's pressure."

Coming at a critical moment when U.S. economic power is in decline and China's on the rise, Li Qinggong's message should be taken as a serious sign that if Washington is not willing to decide the limits of its empire, the Chinese are. China's involvement in Afghanistan is nothing new, but until now they have kept their ambitions largely to themselves. Although denied by Beijing, the Chinese played a supporting role in pushing the Soviets to invade in December 1979 by arming and training Islamist extremists in Xinjiang province.

According to a British Round Table of April 1981, (No. 282) "earlier in 1979 China had already tried to set up a Muslim Republic of Pamir on the Afghanistan territory of Badakhshan and the Wakhan corridor."

In the last few years China has emerged as a major player in both Afghanistan's and Pakistan's economy. In 2007, China's Metallurgical group won a $3.5 billion bid to develop Afghanistan's Aynak copper field in Logar province. In Pakistan, China's development of the strategic port of Gwadar on the Makran coast has been described as Pakistan's flagship infrastructure project.

But should the Chinese decide that the time has come to draw a line on American involvement in Afghanistan and flex their growing influence in the region, the war that the U.S. has been fighting for the last eight years will seem merely as child's play to what is to come.

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are authors of "Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story," published by City Lights. They can be reached at


Nobel Prize: ten most important winners

As the 2009 Nobel Prize winners are announced, we look at ten of the most influential laureates in the history of the awards.

Professor Marie Curie won the Nobel Prizes for Physics in 1903 and Chemistry in 1911.
Professor Marie Curie working in her laboratory at the University of Paris in 1925 Photo: AFP/GETTY IMAGES

1. Marie Curie

The leading light in a family that between them amassed a remarkable five Nobel Prizes in the fields of Chemistry and Physics. She became the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in 1903 when she was recognised, along with her husband Pierre and Antoine Henri Becquerel, with the Physics award for their research into radiation.

She later became the first person to receive two Nobel Prizes when she was given the Chemistry Prize in 1911 for her discovery of radium and polonium, and her further research into radium. She is among a select group of people to have won prizes in two different fields.

2. Martin Luther King Jr.

The American civil rights activist was the youngest person to be recognised by the Nobel foundation when he won the Peace Prize in 1964, at the age of 35, for his work to end racial discrimination through non-violent means.

Even after his death in 1968 King's legacy lived on, and his image is still used today as a symbol by human rights groups around the world.

3. Albert Einstein

Arguably the world's most famous scientist, Einstein was given the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his services to physics, especially his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.

During his career he made significant contributions to the world of theoretical physics, among them his famous theories of relativity.

4. Francis Crick, James Watson and Maurice Wilkins

These three scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1962 for their discovery of the "double helix" structure of DNA nine years earlier.

The award was deemed controversial because of the death of Rosalind Franklin, a collaborator with Wilkins, four years earlier. Nobel foundation rules, which state the prizes cannot be given posthumously, meant her work was not recognised.

5. Jean-Paul Sartre

The French existentialist philosopher, writer and literary critic was the first person to turn down a Nobel Prize in 1964 when he declined the Prize for Literature.

Sartre is still recorded as the winner by the Nobel federation for his influential work which was "filled with the spirit of freedom and the quest for truth".

6. Sir Alexander Fleming

Sir Alexander shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Ernst Chain and Sir Howard Florey for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect on infectious diseases.

The Scot made his discovery accidentally when he returned to his untidy laboratory from a holiday to discover a fungus had developed that destroyed the bacteria immediately surrounding it.

7. Hermann Muller

The American won the same prize as Fleming a year later, in 1946, for his discovery of the mutating effects of X-ray radiation.

His research and continued argument against nuclear war made him a figure of great political significance in later years as nuclear weapons became an increasingly controversial subject.

8. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The Russian novelist and dissident, who spent time in a Soviet labour camp after writing letters that criticised the communist regime, received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970.

His most famous novels, The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, for which he received the award, exposed the brutality of the Soviet Union's forced labour camps.

9. The International Committee of the Red Cross

The highest number of Nobel Prize wins goes to the International Committee of the Red Cross with three separate Nobel Peace Prizes.

In 1917 and 1944 the organisation was recognised for its work during the First and Second World Wars, and it was named as a winner again in 1963, along with the League of Red Cross Societies, to mark its 100th anniversary.

10. Sir Clive Granger

The Welsh economist won the 2003 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his methods of analysing economic statistics, which revolutionised the way economists interpret financial data.

His prize was shared with Robert Engle III, for his research in a similar area.

America is an Israeli Colony


7,800 Zionist control America representing the 2% Jew population of USA . They control Judiciary, big law firms besides Media, Hollywood , Banking, Real Estate, Universities, Schools and Politics of America.


45 Zionist are in US Congress; 13 Senators & 32 House Representatives serving the interest of world's most racist organization AIPAC made up of Zionist Bankers, Media & other big businesses with loyalties to Israel are controlling US Congress and President. Zionist have made America another Israeli colony after Palestine .


Every American politicians including President Obama can drop their pants and skirts when they see an Israeli/Jew before any one can blink their eyes. When they open up their mouth they talk about Jews and Israel only.


For more than 2 decades American Domestic, Trade & Foreign Polices is dictated by Israeli's & Pro Zionist Americans to please Israel . Take example of recent unjustified bombing by Zionist controlled Israeli in Gaza ; 71% American favor that their Government should stay neutral but American Politicians sided with Zionist.


I refused to call Jews or any one American when they can serve in the Army of a foreign country and can vote in the elections of a foreign Country. In the case of Jews while holding American Citizenship they can serve in Israeli Army like President Obama's Chief of White House Staff Rahm Emanuel and can vote in Israeli elections. It is a debatable issue how one can trust such a privileged class of Jew First with loyalties to it's morally & ethically corrupt as well as racist Zionist Leadership of Israel in any country? But they are acceptable in their colony America and another colony in the making India because of coward Hindu Leaders from BJP & Congress for their hate for fellow Muslim citizens and brain dead philosophy enemy's enemy is our friend.


Those who are thinking Obama will bring Change to America they must know that when it comes to Jews/Israel this "Change" champion says "No I can not change any thing when it comes to Israel/Jews."


Obama's has chosen his entire Cabinet on 2 criteria only either the person should be a Jew or must be a blind supporter of Zionist controlled Israel with a Loyalty certificate from CLINTONS & AIPAC. The only person even being a Jew with all the required qualifications but still does not qualify is Monica Lewinsky! Obama should have made her Cultural Secretary to honor womanizer ex President Bill Clinton always ready to waggle his tail for Jews/Israel.


Dave Makkar




[OBAMA] Settling for Failure in the Middle East


By Stephen M. Walt

Sunday, September 20, 2009


"The bad news is that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and other defenders of the status quo remain powerful, and they will surely oppose any attempt to pressure Netanyahu. In May, for example, AIPAC drafted a letter warning Obama to "work closely and privately" with Israel . It garnered 329 signatures in the House and 76 names in the Senate. During the August recess, 56 members of Congress visited Israel, and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters that it was a mistake to make settlement construction the key issue and that there was a "significant difference" between settlements in the West Bank and those in East Jerusalem."


535 Members of US Congress


Total House Members: 435    Members under Israeli Control: 329

Total Senate Members: 100   Members under Israeli Control:   76


Rest 130 who have not signed are spineless morons living on the crumbs of Zionist that they have not opposed Israeli influence on US Congress by not making it a Public issue.


Total world Jewish population               13 mil
US has the largest Jewish pop                 6 mil (48% of the world total) 6,061,000
Israel    5,073, 800                                 5 mil besides 450,000 in disputed territories 40.6%
Jewish median income is $75,000 against $25,000 median US income.
In USA Jewish assets are in trillions of dollars.
US states with significant Jewish Pop with Senate & Congress Members
  1. NY  9.1% 1,651,100  Senator Chuck Schumer & 7 Rep. and control of  NY
  2. NJ 5.7%  4,75000      Senator Frank Lautenberg & 2 Rep & Rule NJ
  3. MD 4.1%                   1 Rep
  4. Connecticut 3.1%      2Senators Joe Liberman, Chriss Dodd Goon in Banking
  5. CA 2.9%                   Senators Barbara Boxer & Diane Feinstein and 8 Rep
  6. PA 2.4%                    Senator  Arlen Spector Rep now Dem
In all other states Jews are very few or 1% or less of the American population
  1. Oregon 0.9%               Senator Ron Wydon
  2. Michigan 0.9% Senator Carl Levin & Rep Levin both are brothers
  3. Minnesota 0.9%           Senator AL Franken Dem 
  4. Wisconsin 0.5%           2 Senators Russ Feingold & Herbert Kohl
  5. VA                               2 Representatives (1 Republican & 1 Democrat)
  6. FL                                2 Representatives  both Democrats
  7. IL                                 1 Rep
  8. Nevada                        1 Rep
  9. Massachusetts             1 Rep
  10. TX                               1 Rep.
  11. Vermont                       1 Rep. Independent Bernard Sanders
  12. Massachusetts             Gay Rep Barney Frank goon in Banking

                      With 13 Senators & 32 US House Representatives in 18 states of America Jewish community as per their population is way ahead from Hispanics & African Americans. (13% representation in US Senate & 8.5% in Congress with 2.2% Jewish Pop.)
                      Hispanics with 14.6% of US population has 3 Senators including Bob Menendez nominated by  NJ's Jewish Senator Jon Corzine in 2005 for his remaining term after becoming Governor Corzine got him re-elected in 2006 under a political deal made before Governor election with his money, resources and contacts and there are only 27 Hispanic Representatives in US Congress.
                      African Americans with 13.1% pop 1 Senator & 40 Rep. & 2 non-voting Rep.
                      Since 1868 only 118 African Americans have served in the US Congress.
                      Since 1870 Senator Barack Obama was the 5TH African American in US Senate.
                      More than 70% of US population is white that may be an advantage to US Jews.
                      Dave Makkar

                      568 Ashwood Rd
                      Springfield, NJ 07081
                      973 416 1600 D
                      973 760 6006 C

                      Dear All, Jeff Gates is one of the most incisive writers of our times. His expose' of the Israeli Lobby & it's criminal Global agenda have influenced millions across the world.
                      I am currently attempting to get his book "Guilt by Association" published in India.
                      The strategic aims of the Israel's are far removed from our normal Left discourse & thus the need to understand Zionism as an ideology & the centrality of Israel in the current global crisis.
                      Read on . . .

                      See below for latest op-ed. Also posted on the Criminal State website: Will Tel Aviv Take the U.S. to War -- Again? 

                      Here is a recent op-ed on a similar theme: Will Israel Ensure that History Repeats Itself? 

                      This op-ed appeared Sunday in Khaleej Times (Dubai): "Israel Gets its Way."

                      Guilt By Association, the first release in the Criminal State series, can be ordered online at Guilt By Association

                      Attached is Word doc. version of material below.

                      Will Tel Aviv Take the U.S. to War – Again?

                      By: Jeff Gates


                      Tel Aviv long ago proved its mastery at waging war "by way of deception" – the operative credo of the Mossad, Israel's intelligence and foreign operations directorate. Yet its latest operation reveals a need to freshen up its repertoire of dirty tricks. As Israel's patron, those of us who live in the U.S. are painfully familiar with such duplicity. Yet the recent frequency of its frauds renders their latest treachery remarkably transparent.

                      Consider the similarities. First a network of pro-Israelis fixed the intelligence that induced us to invade Iraq in support of an expansionist agenda for Greater Israel. Who can forget Iraqi WMD, scary images of mushroom clouds and secret meetings in Prague? Who can fail to recall the yellowcake uranium from Niger and those ominous warnings of "high-level contacts" between secular Baghdad and the religious fundamentalists of Al Qaeda?

                      Even Colin Powell was duped when pro-Israelis in the G.W. Bush administration associated his credibility with false U.N. testimony avowing Iraqi mobile biological weapons laboratories. Though all was deception, it had the intended effect. To others, it looked like the U.S. was at fault. Yet our policy-makers are no better than the information on which they must rely—and the allies they are persuaded to trust.

                      The same old Israeli duplicity is back but with a new twist. And, importantly, ably aided by a new commander-in-chief. As with the deception that induced the invasion of Iraq, war in Iran also requires weaving a web of consensus beliefs from threads of deceit.

                      This time there is less emphasis on fixed intelligence than on false impressions—albeit with the same goal: to advance an Israeli agenda. Though Tel Aviv's goals for Iran are now within reach, the success of this latest operation is not yet assured.

                      The Cast

                      David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel

                      David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel

                      The stage-managing of this presidency has been a wonder to behold—even when compared with G.W. Bush. This latest production involves two key insiders, both Jewish. Rahm Emanuel, son of an Irgun operative and the most influential chief of staff in decades, served in the Israel Defense Forces during the 1991 Gulf War. Communications Director David Axelrod oversaw a campaign strategy that garnered 78% of the Jewish vote.

                      It's not difficult to imagine the source of the chutzpah that flew Obama from a speech in Cairo—meant to mollify Muslims—directly to a Holocaust photo-op at a death camp in Germany. Communication-wise, which event left the deeper impression? Was that trip meant for the 1.3 billion Muslims miffed at six decades of U.S. support for Israel's occupation of Palestine? Or did these presidential image-makers aim to please the American Ashkenazim that fondly refer to Barack Obama as "the first Jewish president"?

                      Who but pro-Israeli insiders could insert in a U.N. speech by the first Black president a racist reference to "the Jewish state of Israel"? That code phrase was certain to provoke Muslims worldwide, particularly those whose lands Israel occupies. Even Harry Truman, a political product of Kansas City's corrupt Pendergast political machine, deleted that theocratic and racist reference when, in May 1948, he extended U.S. recognition to an enclave of violent Jewish extremists soon after they ethnically cleansed 400-plus Palestinian villages.

                      The Plot

                      So now comes a new twist on an old trick. First Barack Obama was persuaded by his advisers to lambast Iran for a covert nuclear site—days after it was revealed by Tehran. So already it looks to the public like yet another U.S. president is relying on flawed intelligence. When Iran promised cooperation with international inspectors, Tel Aviv quickly countered that Israel may well attack anyway. Why not? After all, the U.S. attacked Iraq. And clearly U.S. intelligence is no better now than then, right?

                      So what if Iran, like Iraq, has no WMD? That misses the point. A nuclear-armed "Jewish state" of five million can still attack a Muslim nation of 75 million using U.S.-provided, laser-guided bunker-buster bombs. Tel Aviv can then point to the similarity of its patron's conduct when the U.S. launched a preemptive attack based on false intelligence.

                      Winning is not the point. There is no military solution in the Middle East. The point is to create yet another crisis and yet another provocation. And, importantly, to once again make the U.S. appear guilty by association. Absent another crisis that misdirects attention and consumes scarce intelligence resources, Americans will soon enough be forced to confront an uncomfortable fact: Israel, its lobby and its supporters deceived us to wage its wars.

                      Americans are not stupid. We are, however, perilously misinformed. Yet that too traces to pro-Israelis in mainstream media. Absent another crisis, Americans may well awaken to the essential role played by a complicit media in these serial deceptions.

                      The Consequences

                      Iran is not about nuclear weapons. Neither was Iraq. Iran is about the need for serial well-timed crises to advance Israel's expansionist agenda. No one dares bring that agenda to a vote. Or even mention it. Thus the treachery required of those whose numbers are few but whose ambitions are great. What choice do they have but to wage war by way of deception?

                      Yet this time Americans are more aware of how such duplicity can progress in plain sight. They have access to Internet news. Wade through the online clutter and the analyses found there can expose the common source of this deceit, including its media support.

                      Plus Americans are hurting. They know something is fundamentally amiss. Yet they are understandably wary of conspiracy theories. They want facts. As the facts point to a common source for much of what is wrong, those complicit are scrambling to obscure that source. That scrambling, in turn, is making that source steadily more transparent.
                      To date, this political product of Chicago's Ashkenazim has been a catastrophe for national security.  And for an economy poised to decline at an accelerating pace. Yet he's ideal for those skilled at waging war on nations from within. And for those proficient at inducing us to freely embrace the very forces that now imperil our freedom.

                      We Americans may persist on this path, seduced by the allure of empty eloquence. Or we could awaken. If so, this latest president could find that, like recent predecessors, his legacy is relegated to infamy. Given the course Obama has set, Americans may yet take matters into their own hands to protect what he is allowing this purported ally to imperil.

                      Bookmark and Share

                      See also:
                      U.S. Interests vs The Jewish State
                      Will Israel Ensure that History Repeats Itself?
                      Israel's Fifth Column: The People in Between
                      How the Israel Lobby Took Control of U.S. Foreign Policy
                      How Israel's Nuclear Arsenal endangers Us All
                      Appeasing Israel – At What Cost?

                      Jeff Gates

                      Jeff Gates

                      Jeff Gates: A widely acclaimed author, attorney, investment banker, educator and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide, Jeff Gates' latest book is Guilt By Association—How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War (2008). His previous books include Democracy at Risk: Rescuing Main Street From Wall Street and The Ownership Solution: Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century. For two decades, an adviser to policy-makers worldwide. Counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee (1980-87).

                      For more:

                      Jeff Gates

                      1429 N. La Rosa Dr.
                      Tempe, AZ 85281
                      480-994-1492 (off)
                      928-978-4568 (cell)

                      Op-Ed - Will Tel Aviv Take the U.S. to war - Again.doc Op-Ed - Will Tel Aviv Take the U.S. to war - Again.doc
                      42K   View as HTML   Open as a Google document   Download  



                      America's first African-American


                      Attorney General Hon. Eric Holder


                      3RD Anniversary Aug. 2ND, 2009 




                      "Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates and illegal go home" were spoken by Edison Police Union  under PRO ZIONIST DEMOCRATS; a Zionist President, supported by a Zionist Slave Asian Mayor Jun Choi & a Zionist Governor Jon S Corzine of New Jersey.

                      Star Ledger, Home News Tribune, India Abroad, India Post, Indian Express, ZEE TV (India), Sahara TV (India), Samana (India), India Link (UK) 
                      10 yr old Prachi along with her mother Rashmi and community members protesting against Racial Brutality by Racist Edison Police constable Micheal Dotro under PRO ZIONIST DEMOCRATS
                      Prachi along with her mother Rashmi and community members protesting against Racial Brutality by Racist Edison Police constable Micheal Dotro under DEMOCRATS by prachisurya.
                       click here for story

                      "Indians are, "Cockroaches, Animals, Illiterates and Illegal Go home."


                      These Racial Slurs were called by New Jersey Police Union in the presence of Print & TV Media in broad day light under the administration of Pro Zionist/Israeli Democrat Zionist womanizer Governor Jon S Corzine,  Zionist Slave Asian Mayor Jun Choi and Zionist Police Union President Michael Schwartz.


                      Israeli's are habitual of using these Racial Epithets. "Every Israeli leader since 1948 for them Palestinians simply didn't exist, period! and reserved the worst racial epithets for the Palestinian people: "cockroaches" "beasts on two legs," "scum that ought to be exterminated," etc.


                      But the Racial Epithets used against Indians are the worst ever called Racial Epithets for any community in the history of America . There is a long list of so called communal and coward Indian Leaders in India & America who have remained silent on this issue.


                      For me, any one who can vote in the Elections of a Foreign Country and can serve in the Army of a Foreign Country while holding American Citizenship, I refuse to call them Americans. American Jews are allowed to serve in Israeli Army and can vote in their elections. There are over 100,000 American Jews living in Israel .


                      No Indian Leader worth the name in India and USA especially in New Jersey & New York has ever protested against these worst ever called Racial Epithets against Indians. Rather New Jersey Leaders have been honoring those who are responsible and those who called these racial slurs, publicly with community money.


                      It looks like all the so called Leaders are taking Racial Slurs as compliments and one of the so called Leaders; Hindi USA Superemo Hitler Devendra Singh has gone one step further and has declared that we are Pigs with thick skin & thick blood with no character. For these reasons our blood does not boil for such minor issues like Racial Slurs, Police Brutality and Racial Discrimination against Indians.


                      But we are ready to demonstrate in America against Muslims only and are willing to write only on our own Indian blogs which local American's don't read Anti Christian & Anti Muslim garbage! We do not believe in Honor or dignity or basic human rights of an individual from our community. We just want our ugly faces along with local racist Politicians & Police officers with community money on Indian TV & newspapers which again local Americans don't read!


                      The local American's say, "Put a Dollar on the heap of garbage these so called Indian Leaders will pick it up with their teeth to save their hands from getting dirty. If any Indian fights for their Basic Human Rights & Dignity these Leaders will declare them insane and nuisance in the community." Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!


                      Dave Makkar

                      973 416 1600 D

                      973 760 6006 C


                      CNN protests, Jack  Cafferty, China 
                      Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times
                      More than 1,000 ethnic Chinese protesters gathered along Sunset Blvd near N Cahuenga Blvd shouting "Liar" in front of CNN's Los Angeles office, demanding a "sincere apology" from political commentator Jack Cafferty for calling Chinese "goons and thugs" on the air last week.

                      CNN Sued for More Than $1.3B for

                      Chinese 'Goons' Comment

                      Thursday, April 24, 2008 FOX NEWS
                      Chinese Americans and others protest outside CNN's Hollywood office, calling for the firing of commentator Jack Cafferty. Associated Press photo by Reed Saxon


                      "NAPPY-HEADED HOS"

                      Home News Tribune Online 04/13/07,


                      By REBECCA SANTANA


                      Home News Tribune Online 04/10/07

                      Don Imus is a nincompoop, an assessment firmly established last week when he called the Rutgers University women's basketball players "nappy-headed hos." The radio host has since proclaimed he is repentant for those remarks, but should his apology be accepted? Eventually, perhaps. But no, not yet. The comments were so wrong it's too soon to forget or forgive them.


                      Here is a wonderful quote which some one has rightly attributed to Zionist Nobel Peace Prize winner human killer Menachem Begin who is a disgrace to Nobel Peace Prize:


                      "Our race is the Master Race. We are divine Gods on this planet. We are different from the inferior races as they are insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our kingdom will be ruled by our Leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve as our slaves."

                      Home News Tribune & Indian Express
                      Hunger Strike to Protest Racial Slurs : Indians are cockroaches, animals, illiterates & illegal go home by NJ police under PRO ZIONIST DEMOCRATS
                                                     click here for story
                      Dave Protesting against coward & racist self proclaimed New Jersey PRO ZIONIST DEMOCRAT Indian American Leaders/Donkeys at India Day Parade for not helping victims of Racial Discrimination, Injustice & Police brutality by PRO ZIONIST DEMOCRATS
                      Dave Protesting against coward & racist  self proclaimed  NJ Indian Leaders/Donkeys at India Day Parade for not helping victims of Racial Discrimination & Police brutality by davemakkar.



                      NJ Assemblyman Upendra Chivukula a political crook willing to lick feet of Zionist abusers to Indians to stay in politics with Indian money. Also publicly says Indian Dalits should convert to Christianity.


                      Edison Councilman Dr Sudhanshu Prasad another political crook feet licker of Pro Zionist Asian Mayor Jun Choi.


                      Hoboken Councilman Attorney Ravinder "Ravi" Bhalla feet licker of Zionist: was paid money by me to defend Police Brutality victim Parikh & raise the issue of Racial Slurs against the community. Rather than fighting Zionist he accepted the Council Seat in the home town Hoboken of Zionist Leader Gov Corzine of NJ.


                      US Indians Political Action Committee USINPAC- few idiots always dancing around DEMOCRATS lead by Sanjay Puri


                      Federation of Indian Associations FIA- under the leadership of GUJARATI DONEKNEY (compliment by Democrats) Yash Pal Soi, Dr Sudhir Parikh, Deepak Patel, Jayesh Patel, Albert Jessani Shobhna Patel, Dilip Patel etc. Photo crazy honoring Democrats who are responsible for Racial Slurs against Indians.


                      Global Organization of People of Indian Origin- GOPIO NY CHAPTER bunch of idiots promoting them selves lead by Queen Sonia Gandhi's pet Thomas Abraham & brain dead Ashook Ramsaran. 


                      Security Leadership Council Inc- association of idiots promoting them selves lead by Ramesh Kapur


                      South Asians Leaders of Tomorrow (SALT) - group of incompetent attorneys misusing Federal Funds & community name to promote them selves lead by  Deepa Iyer


                      Indian Business Association-Organizers of annual Donkey Parade for Gujaratis Manhar Shah CPA, Mahesh Shah of Kwality Auto, Chandrakant Patel of Chowpatty Restaurant & their friends in New Jersey with a Slogan salute to the chair we can honor those who abuse our community we love to be called cockroaches, animals and illiterates etc. & we can sell our mothers for a picture with local Pro Zionist B Politicians!


                      ICS-bunch of racist Gujaratis lead by Anil Patel salute to those who use Racial slurs against Indian Community all of them are my Friends & these slurs are compliments for Indian community.


                      AIANA- Racist organization of Gujaratis dreaming Gujarat without Christians & Muslims lead by Sunil Nayak holds multi million dollar events Gujarat Chalo in New Jersey to honor Zionist governor Corzine, & other Pro Zionist Democrats like Edison Mayor Jun Choi  who are responsible for Racial Slurs against Indians. He also thinks Muslims, Christians and Non-Gujarati Hindus have no contribution in the progress of Gujarat .


                      U S India Friendship Council - bunch of idiots always dancing around PRO ZIONIST DEMOCRATS Ram Narayanan, Swadesh Chatterjee and take proud in selling India in the name of cheap energy for Zionist drafted Nuclear deal to kill Defense Research Programs in India .


                      Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce- lead by Quasi criminal DEMOCRAT Seema Singh always licking the feet of Zionist can not spell Business, a disgrace in the name of an Indian woman stealing money from govt. & community promoting her carrier in POLITICS with stolen money


                      Indo-American Cultural & Religious Society- Pro Zionist Gujarati Pradeep "CHEATER" Kothari always plotting how to steal from the community and can not decide whether he is Democrat or Republican.


                      Edison Festival Committee- bunch of photo crazy brain damaged Gujarati Leaders lead by Nilesh Dasondi who was recently arrested for immigration frauds by Federal.


                      NFIA- Spineless & Speechless Lal K Motwani has no idea what he is doing!


                      Federation of Kerala Association of North America-Aniyan George doesn't think he is Indian because of his Christian religion!


                      Hindi USA- Devendra Singh. Anti-Christian & anti-Muslim always writing garbage on desi blogs while living in a 82% Christian country. Always honoring Zionist & Pro Zionist responsible for Racial Slurs which he believes are compliments may be for his own family only!


                      Dushera Committee Chairman- Mangal Gupta honor Zionist Mayor with Asian Face Jun Choi for being responsible for Racial slurs against Indians in the name of Dushehra Festival.


                      Posing as Ambassador At Large all over America- Bhisham Agnihotri. A swindler always making plans how to loot the Indian community in the name of Geo-Political Study of India along with some known Zionist swindlers of America .


                      Royal Albert Palace-Albert Jasani & Shobhna Patel- every month provide free use of Party Hall, free food & liquor to Zionist controlled Police Union who called the Racial Slurs for their practice how to beat Indians and call Racial slurs for Indians


                      H R Shah Financier to Zionist & Democrats & owner of TV Asia always honoring those who are responsible & those who called Racial Slurs against Indians


                      Dr Sudhir Parikh another financier to Pro Zionist Democrats & buyer of Pravasi Bhartiya award by bribing over Rs.2 crores. Always willing to spend thousands just for a photograph with local corrupt politicians.


                      Overseas Indian Congress- Dr Surinder Malhotra doing Queen Sonia Politics in America. Recently sued Narain Kataria doing BJP politics in America for $100 million for defaming Sonia Gandhi. Both are in USA for almost 30 years never participated in US politics and have never done anything good for Indian community living in USA other than taking their money.


                      Overseas BJP- Rakshpal Sood, Davinder Sahani doing Indian politics in America along with Zionist support.


                      Hindu Intellectual Forum- Narain Katarai, Arish Sahani, Dr Barai doing Indian politics along with Zionist to bash Indian Muslim & Christian while living in 82% Christian nation America.


                      Hindu American Foundation- Ishani Choudhary etc. are spreading lies Zionism & Hinduism is close to each other and joining Zionist to abuse Indian Muslims who are 3-4 generation Citizens.  


                      VHP(America)-bunch of idiots writing anti-Christian & anti-Muslim blogs, how India should be run and dreaming India without Muslims & Christians while sitting in their living rooms 10000 miles away from India .


                      HSS (RSS) - USA just like VHP with same garbage Agenda


                      Sant Singh Chatwal- Financial Fraud Scamster turned Hotelier with the help of Pro Zionist Democrats Clintons got Presidential help in settling his financial frauds/criminal matters in USA & India. These days busy in trying to save his close friend Dr P Singh Sabharwal who is absconding to India after doing Mortgage Frauds in America. Dr Sabharwal first ran away from India to America after doing financial frauds over there. Like Chatwal got his Indian cases settled by Clintons.


                      Alka & Arvind Aggarwal- EBC Radio all the time praising Scoundrel Zionist Mayor of Edison Jun Choi with Asian Face.


                      All the Indian Muslim Associations in New Jersey like IMC-USA


                      All the Sikh Associations of America – SALDEF, UNITED SIKH etc. openly allow Sikh separatist demanding Khalistan, abusing Hindus and criticizing US govt for Helping Indian gov. from the Durbar Hall of Gurudwaras. THEY DON'T THINK THEY ARE INDIANS.


                      This list goes on & on. No Indian Leader worth the name in India and USA especially in New Jersey & New York  has ever protested or demanded written apology against these worst ever called Racial Epithets against Indians. Rather they have been honoring those who are responsible and those who called these racial slurs, publicly with community money.

                      NASA probe heading for moon crash

                      Scientists will scan giant debris plumes for signs of water ice

                      Image: Mosaic taken from a NASA animation
                      This mosaic, taken from a NASA animation, shows altitude measurements of the moon's south pole from the LOLA instrument aboard the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. Some craters, including Cabeus that will be hit by the LCROSS probe, are named in this view released Sept. 17, 2009.
                      Image: LCROSS impact
                      Cosmic collision! Watch live and tweet
                      Join the conversation as a NASA probe crashes into the lunar surface in a search for evidence of water.
                      Image: Genesis spacecraft crashed into Utah desert
                      8 space crashes and smashes
                      NASA plans to make a big splash on Oct. 9 when its LCROSS lunar probe smashes into the moon. But there have been other crashes in and from space too.


                      Image: Star trails stream the night sky
                        Month in Space
                      See otherworldly sights from Earth and space in our roundup of cosmic imagery from September.

                      more photos

                      Video: Space news
                      To the moon!
                      Oct. 8: Moment of Geek: Rachel Maddow is joined by 15-yr-old Caroline Moore, who was honored at the White House for being the youngest person ever to discover a supernova.

                      Shooting for the moon
                      NASA set to blast the moon
                        RSS feeds on

                      Add these headlines to your news reader

                      Space News 
             staff and news service reports
                      updated 6:46 a.m. ET Oct. 9, 2009

                      Two NASA spacecraft are barreling toward the moon at twice the speed of a bullet, about to crash into a lunar crater in a search for ice.

                      If all goes well, the impact will be beamed back live to Earth.

                      The first and much bigger crash is set for 7:31 a.m. ET. That's when an empty rocket that weighs 2.2 tons should hit the crater Cabeus and create a minicrater about 66 feet (20 meters) wide. That's half the length of an Olympic pool. The blast should kick up a plume of lunar debris about six miles (10 kilometers) high.

                      The idea is to confirm the theory that water — a key resource if people are going to go back to the moon — is hidden below the barren moonscape.

                      Trailing behind the rocket is the lunar probe LCROSS, short for Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite and pronounced L-Cross. The LCROSS shepherding spacecraft will send Earth  live pictures of the impact and the debris plume using color cameras. It will scour for ice and fly through the debris cloud.

                      Just four minutes after the rocket stage hits the moon, the LCROSS spacecraft will complete its own fatal plunge, triggering a dust storm one-third the size of the first hit.

                      Telescopes around the world — including the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope — will aim their cameras at the big event to provide more views of the dust-up.

                      LCROSS and its bigger rocket stage launched together last June and only separated Thursday night, the last major milestone before the big crash.

                      The lunar demolition derby will be broadcast live on NASA television. Museums and observatories planned early-morning events to show the crashes, which can be seen with backyard telescopes in the predawn darkness west of the Mississippi River. But the best place to watch the lunar action will be on the Internet, scientists said.

                      "It's going to be a muted shimmer of light," said Anthony Colaprete, an LCROSS scientist.

                      The LCROSS probe cost $79 million and was an add-on to a bigger NASA satellite now circling the moon.

                      More on LCROSS | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter


                      Nepal Maoists disapprove of Nobel for German author

                      Kathmandu: Nepal's former Maoist guerrillas have denounced the award of the 2009 Nobel Prize in literature to German author Herta Mueller by the Swedish Academy Thursday, saying it reflected the institution's growing bias towards the communists.

                      The 56-year-old ethnic Romanian writer experienced persecution and censorship under the repressive Nicolae Caeusescu regime in Romania and her writing focuses on living in a dictatorship steeped in corruption and intolerance.

                      "An anti-communist gets the Nobel Literature Award," Maoist mouthpiece Janadisha daily said Friday commenting on the award.

                      "In the past too, Nobel prizes were awarded to people who are against the communist philosophy and movement," the daily said.

                      "Some people have rejected the Nobel prize in condemnation of the Swedish Academy's anti-communist bias."

                      The Swedish Academy's decision Friday to nominate US President Barack Obama for the 2009 Nobel Peace prize would also sting the former guerrillas.

                      Even though the Maoists ended their insurgency three years ago and led the government for eight months after winning an election, the Obama government has still kept them on its watch list of terror organisations.

                      Source: Indo-Asian News Service

                      US President Barack Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

                      Alfred Nobel

                      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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                      Alfred Nobel
                      Born 21 October 1833(1833-10-21)
                      Stockholm, Sweden
                      Died 10 December 1896 (aged 63)
                      Sanremo, Italy
                      Resting place Norra begravningsplatsen, Stockholm
                      59°21′24.52″N 18°1′9.43″E / 59.3568111°N 18.0192861°E / 59.3568111; 18.0192861
                      Occupation Chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite.

                      sv-Alfred_Nobel.ogg Alfred Bernhard Nobel (help·info) (Stockholm, Sweden, 21 October 1833 – Sanremo, Italy, 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. He owned Bofors, a major armaments manufacturer, which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron and steel mill. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him.



                      [edit] Personal background

                      Nobel was the third son of Immanuel Nobel (1801-1872) and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel (1805-1889). Born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833, he went with his family to Saint Petersburg in 1842, where his father (who had invented modern plywood) started a "torpedo" works. Alfred studied chemistry with Professor Nikolay Nikolaevich Zinin. When Alfred was 18, he went to the United States to study chemistry for four years and worked for a short period under John Ericsson.[1] In 1859, the factory was left to the care of the second son, Ludvig Nobel (1831-1888), who greatly enlarged it. Alfred, returning to Sweden with his father after the bankruptcy of their family business, devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his fellow students under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Torino). A big explosion occurred on the 3rd September 1864 at their factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm, killing five people, among them Alfred's younger brother Emil.

                      The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, for work in peace and now economics.

                      Though Nobel remained unmarried, his biographers note that he had at least three loves. Nobel's first love was in Russia with a girl named Alexandra, who rejected his proposal. In 1876 Bertha Kinsky became Alfred Nobel's secretary but after only a brief stay left him to marry her old flame, Baron Arthur Gundaccar von Suttner. Though her personal contact with Alfred Nobel had been brief, she corresponded with him until his death in 1896, and it is believed that she was a major influence in his decision to include a peace prize among those prizes provided in his will. Bertha von Suttner was awarded the 1905 Nobel Peace prize, 'for her sincere peace activities'.

                      Nobel's third and long-lasting love was with a flower girl named Sofie Hess from Vienna. This liaison lasted for 18 years and in many of the exchanged letters, Nobel addressed his love as 'Madame Sofie Nobel'. After his death, according to his biographers - Evlanoff and Flour, and Fant - Nobel's letters were locked within the Nobel Institute in Stockholm and became the best-kept secret of the time. They were released only in 1955, to be included with the biographical data of Nobel.

                      Sri Kantha has suggested that ' the one personal trait of Nobel that helped him to sharpen his creativity include his talent for information access, via his multi-lingual skills. Despite the lack of formal secondary and tertiary level education, Nobel gained proficiency in six languages: Swedish, French, Russian, English, German and Italian. He also developed literary skills to write poetry in English.' His Nemesis, a prose tragedy in four acts about Beatrice Cenci, partly inspired by Percy Bysshe Shelley's The Cenci, was printed while he was dying. The entire stock except for three copies was destroyed immediately after his death, being regarded as scandalous and blasphemous. The first surviving edition (bilingual Swedish-Esperanto) was published in Sweden in 2003. The play has been translated to Slovenian via the Esperanto version.

                      Nobel was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1884, the same institution that would later select laureates for two of the Nobel prizes, and he received an honorary doctorate from Uppsala University in 1893.

                      Alfred Nobel is buried in Norra begravningsplatsen in Stockholm.

                      [edit] Dynamite and Gelignite

                      Nobel found that when nitroglycerin was incorporated in an absorbent inert substance like kieselguhr (diatomaceous earth) it became safer and more convenient to handle, and this mixture he patented in 1867 as 'dynamite'. Nobel demonstrated his explosive for the first time that year, at a quarry in Redhill, Surrey, England. In order to help reestablish his name and improve the image of his business from the earlier controversies associated with the dangerous explosives, Nobel had also considered naming the highly powerful substance "Nobels Safety Powder", but settled with Dynamite instead, referring to the Greek word for 'strength'.

                      Nobel later on combined nitroglycerin with various nitrocellulose compounds, similar to collodion, but settled on a more efficient recipe combining another nitrate explosive, and obtained a transparent, jelly-like substance, which was a more powerful explosive than dynamite. 'Gelignite', or blasting gelatin, as it was named, was patented in 1876; and was followed by a host of similar combinations, modified by the addition of potassium nitrate and various other substances. Gelignite was stable, transportable and conveniently formed to fit into bored holes, like those used in drilling and mining than the previous used compounds and was adopted as the standard technology for mining in the Age of Engineering bringing Nobel a great amount of financial success, though at a significant cost to his health.

                      [edit] The Prizes

                      Alfred Nobel's death mask, at his residence Björkborn in Karlskoga, Sweden.
                      A monument to Alfred Bernhard Nobel in Wagga Wagga, Australia

                      The erroneous publication in 1888 of a premature obituary of Nobel by a French newspaper, condemning him for his invention of dynamite, is said to have brought about his decision to leave a better legacy after his death.[2] The obituary stated Le marchand de la mort est mort ("The merchant of death is dead") and went on to say, "Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday."[3] On 27 November 1895, at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris, Nobel signed his last will and testament and set aside the bulk of his estate to establish the Nobel Prizes, to be awarded annually without distinction of nationality. He died of a stroke on 10 December 1896 at Sanremo, Italy. He left 31 million kronor (equivalent to about 1.8 billion kronor or 250 million US dollars in 2008) to fund the prizes.[citation needed]

                      The first three of these prizes are awarded for eminence in physical science, chemistry and medical science or physiology; the fourth is for literary work "in an ideal direction" and the fifth is to be given to the person or society that renders the greatest service to the cause of international fraternity, in the suppression or reduction of standing armies, or in the establishment or furtherance of peace congresses. There is no prize awarded for mathematics.[4]

                      The Formulation about the literary prize, "in an ideal direction" (i idealisk riktning in Swedish), is cryptic and has caused much confusion. For many years, the Swedish Academy interpreted "ideal" as "idealistic" (idealistisk) and used it as a reason not to give the prize to important but less romantic authors, such as Henrik Ibsen and Leo Tolstoy. This interpretation has since been revised, and the prize has been awarded to, for example, Dario Fo and José Saramago, who definitely do not belong to the camp of literary idealism.

                      There was also quite a lot of room for interpretation by the bodies he had named for deciding on the physical sciences and chemistry prizes, given that he had not consulted them before making the will. In his one-page testament, he stipulated that the money go to discoveries or inventions in the physical sciences and to discoveries or improvements in chemistry. He had opened the door to technological awards, but had not left instructions on how to deal with the distinction between science and technology. Since the deciding bodies he had chosen were more concerned with the former, it is not surprising that the prizes went to scientists and not to engineers, technicians or other inventors. In a sense, the technological prizes announced recently by the World Technology Network (not funded by the Nobel foundation) indirectly fill this gap.

                      In 2001, his great-grandnephew, Peter, asked the Bank of Sweden to differentiate its award to economists given "in Alfred Nobel's memory" from the five other awards. This has caused much controversy whether the prize for Economics is actually a "Nobel Prize" (see Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel).

                      [edit] See also

                      [edit] Notes

                      1. ^ Carlisle, Rodney (2004). Scientific American Inventions and Discoveries, p.256. John Wiley & Songs, Inc., New Jersey. ISBN 0471244104.
                      2. ^ The History Channel, Modern Marvels, episode 038 (originally aired 21 June 1999)
                      3. ^ Golden, F.: "The worst and the brightest", TIME magazine, 16 October 2000.
                      4. ^

                      [edit] References

                      • Nobel, Alfred Bernhard in 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica
                      • Schück, H, and Sohlman, R., (1929). The Life of Alfred Nobel. London: William Heineman Ltd.
                      • Alfred Nobel US Patent No 78,317, dated 26 May 1868
                      • Evlanoff, M. and Fluor, M. Alfred Nobel - The Loneliest Millionaire. Los Angeles, Ward Ritchie Press, 1969.
                      • Sohlman, R. The Legacy of Alfred Nobel, transl. Schubert E. London: The Bodley Head, 1983 (Swedish original, Ett Testamente, published in 1950).
                      • Fant, K. Alfred Nobel - A Biography, transl. Ruuth M. New York: Arcade Publishing, 1993.
                      • Jorpes, J.E. Alfred Nobel. British Medical Journal, Jan.3, 1959, 1(5113): 1-6.
                      • Sri Kantha, S. Alfred Nobel's unusual creativity; an analysis. Medical Hypotheses, April 1999; 53(4): 338-344.
                      • Sri Kantha, S. Could nitroglycerine poisoning be the cause of Alfred Nobel's anginal pains and premature death? Medical Hypotheses, 1997; 49: 303-306.

                      [edit] External links

                      NAME Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
                      ALTERNATIVE NAMES
                      SHORT DESCRIPTION Chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite
                      DATE OF BIRTH 21 October 1833(1833-10-21)
                      PLACE OF BIRTH Stockholm, Sweden
                      DATE OF DEATH 10 December 1896
                      PLACE OF DEATH Sanremo, Italy

                      Alfred Nobel - His Life and Work

                      by Nils Ringertz

                      Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833. His father Immanuel Nobel was an engineer and inventor who built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. In connection with his construction work Immanuel Nobel also experimented with different techniques for blasting rocks.

                      Alfred Nobel
                      Alfred Nobel

                      Alfred's mother, born Andriette Ahlsell, came from a wealthy family. Due to misfortunes in his construction work caused by the loss of some barges of building material, Immanuel Nobel was forced into bankruptcy the same year Alfred Nobel was born. In 1837 Immanuel Nobel left Stockholm and his family to start a new career in Finland and in Russia. To support the family, Andriette Nobel started a grocery store which provided a modest income. Meanwhile Immanuel Nobel was successful in his new enterprise in St. Petersburg, Russia. He started a mechanical workshop which provided equipment for the Russian army and he also convinced the Tsar and his generals that naval mines could be used to block enemy naval ships from threatening the city.

                       Immanuel Nobel  Andriette Nobel
                      Immanuel Nobel Andriette Nobel

                      The naval mines designed by Immanuel Nobel were simple devices consisting of submerged wooden casks filled with gunpowder. Anchored below the surface of the Gulf of Finland, they effectively deterred the British Royal Navy from moving into firing range of St. Petersburg during the Crimean war (1853-1856). Immanuel Nobel was also a pioneer in arms manufacture and in designing steam engines

                       naval mines
                      Painting by Immanuel Nobel demonstrating his sea or naval mines to the Tsar of Russia.

                      Successful in his industrial and business ventures, Immanuel Nobel was able, in 1842, to bring his family to St. Petersburg. There, his sons were given a first class education by private teachers. The training included natural sciences, languages and literature. By the age of 17 Alfred Nobel was fluent in Swedish, Russian, French, English and German. His primary interests were in English literature and poetry as well as in chemistry and physics. Alfred's father, who wanted his sons to join his enterprise as engineers, disliked Alfred's interest in poetry and found his son rather introverted. In order to widen Alfred's horizons his father sent him abroad for further training in chemical engineering. During a two year period Alfred Nobel visited Sweden, Germany, France and the United States. In Paris, the city he came to like best, he worked in the private laboratory of Professor T. J. Pelouze, a famous chemist. There he met the young Italian chemist Ascanio Sobrero who, three years earlier, had invented nitroglycerine, a highly explosive liquid. Nitroglycerine was produced by mixing glycerine with sulfuric and nitric acid. It was considered too dangerous to be of any practical use. Although its explosive power greatly exceeded that of gunpowder, the liquid would explode in a very unpredictable manner if subjected to heat and pressure. Alfred Nobel became very interested in nitroglycerine and how it could be put to practical use in construction work. He also realized that the safety problems had to be solved and a method had to be developed for the controlled detonation of nitroglycerine. In the United States he visited John Ericsson, the Swedish-American engineer who had developed the screw propeller for ships. In 1852 Alfred Nobel was asked to come back and work in the family enterprise which was booming because of its deliveries to the Russian army. Together with his father he performed experiments to develop nitroglycerine as a commercially and technically useful explosive. As the war ended and conditions changed, Immanuel Nobel was again forced into bankruptcy. Immanuel and two of his sons, Alfred and Emil, left St. Petersburg together and returned to Stockholm. His other two sons, Robert and Ludvig, remained in St. Petersburg. With some difficulties they managed to salvage the family enterprise and then went on to develop the oil industry in the southern part of the Russian empire. They were very successful and became some of the wealthiest persons of their time.

                      Explosion in the laboratory in Stockholm.

                      After his return to Sweden in 1863, Alfred Nobel concentrated on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive. Several explosions, including one (1864) in which his brother Emil and several other persons were killed, convinced the authorities that nitroglycerine production was exceedingly dangerous. They forbade further experimentation with nitroglycerine within the Stockholm city limits and Alfred Nobel had to move his experimentation to a barge anchored on Lake Mälaren. Alfred was not discouraged and in 1864 he was able to start mass production of nitroglycerine. To make the handling of nitroglycerine safer Alfred Nobel experimented with different additives. He soon found that mixing nitroglycerine with kieselguhr would turn the liquid into a paste which could be shaped into rods of a size and form suitable for insertion into drilling holes. In 1867 he patented this material under the name of dynamite. To be able to detonate the dynamite rods he also invented a detonator (blasting cap) which could be ignited by lighting a fuse. These inventions were made at the same time as the diamond drilling crown and the pneumatic drill came into general use. Together these inventions drastically reduced the cost of blasting rock, drilling tunnels, building canals and many other forms of construction work.

                      Alfred Nobel's laboratory in Bofors, Sweden.

                      The market for dynamite and detonating caps grew very rapidly and Alfred Nobel also proved himself to be a very skillful entrepreneur and businessman. By 1865 his factory in Krümmel near Hamburg, Germany, was exporting nitroglycerine explosives to other countries in Europe, America and Australia. Over the years he founded factories and laboratories in some 90 different places in more than 20 countries. Although he lived in Paris much of his life he was constantly traveling. Victor Hugo at one time described him as "Europe's richest vagabond". When he was not traveling or engaging in business activities Nobel himself worked intensively in his various laboratories, first in Stockholm and later in Hamburg (Germany), Ardeer (Scotland), Paris and Sevran (France), Karlskoga (Sweden) and San Remo (Italy). He focused on the development of explosives technology as well as other chemical inventions, including such materials as synthetic rubber and leather, artificial silk, etc. By the time of his death in 1896 he had 355 patents.

                      Intensive work and travel did not leave much time for a private life. At the age of 43 he was feeling like an old man. At this time he advertised in a newspaper "Wealthy, highly-educated elderly gentleman seeks lady of mature age, versed in languages, as secretary and supervisor of household." The most qualified applicant turned out to be an Austrian woman, Countess Bertha Kinsky. After working a very short time for Nobel she decided to return to Austria to marry Count Arthur von Suttner. In spite of this Alfred Nobel and Bertha von Suttner remained friends and kept writing letters to each other for decades. Over the years Bertha von Suttner became increasingly critical of the arms race. She wrote a famous book, Lay Down Your Arms and became a prominent figure in the peace movement. No doubt this influenced Alfred Nobel when he wrote his final will which was to include a Prize for persons or organizations who promoted peace. Several years after the death of Alfred Nobel, the Norwegian Storting (Parliament) decided to award the 1905 Nobel Peace Prize to Bertha von Suttner.

                      Bertha von Suttner

                      Alfred Nobel's greatness lay in his ability to combine the penetrating mind of the scientist and inventor with the forward-looking dynamism of the industrialist. Nobel was very interested in social and peace-related issues and held what were considered radical views in his era. He had a great interest in literature and wrote his own poetry and dramatic works. The Nobel Prizes became an extension and a fulfillment of his lifetime interests.

                      Many of the companies founded by Nobel have developed into industrial enterprises that still play a prominent role in the world economy, for example Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), Great Britain; Société Centrale de Dynamite, France; and Dyno Industries in Norway. Toward the end of his life, he acquired the company AB Bofors in Karlskoga, where Björkborn Manor became his Swedish home. Alfred Nobel died in San Remo, Italy, on December 10, 1896. When his will was opened it came as a surprise that his fortune was to be used for Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace. The executors of his will were two young engineers, Ragnar Sohlman and Rudolf Lilljequist. They set about forming the Nobel Foundation as an organization to take care of the financial assets left by Nobel for this purpose and to coordinate the work of the Prize-Awarding Institutions. This was not without its difficulties since the will was contested by relatives and questioned by authorities in various countries.

                       Ragnar Sohlman
                      Ragnar Sohlman

                      Nobel Prize

                      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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                      The Nobel Prize
                      Awarded for Outstanding contributions in Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Peace, and Physiology or Medicine.

                      The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, commonly identified with the Nobel Prize, is awarded for outstanding contributions in Economics.
                      Presented by Swedish Academy
                      Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
                      Karolinska Institutet
                      Norwegian Nobel Committee
                      Country Sweden, (Norway)
                      First awarded 1901
                      Official website

                      The Nobel Prize (Swedish: Nobelpriset) is a Sweden-based international monetary prize, established by the 1895 will and estate of Swedish chemist and inventor Alfred Nobel. It was first awarded in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace in 1901. An associated prize, The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was instituted by Sweden's central bank in 1968 and first awarded in 1969.[1] The Nobel Prizes in the specific disciplines (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature) and the Prize in Economics, which is commonly identified with them, are widely regarded as the most prestigious award one can receive in those fields.[1] The Nobel Peace Prize conveys social prestige and is often politically controversial.



                      [edit] Ceremony

                      With the exception of the Nobel Peace Prize, the Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economics are presented in Stockholm, Sweden, at the annual Prize Award Ceremony on the 10th of December, the anniversary of Nobel's death. The recipients' lectures are presented in the days prior to the award ceremony.[2] The Nobel Peace Prize and its recipients' lectures are presented at the annual Prize Award Ceremony in Oslo, Norway, also on the 10th of December. The reason why Norway distributes a part of the prize is that at the time of Alfred Nobel's death, Norway and Sweden were joined together in a personal union known as the Swedish-Norwegian Union.[3][4] The award ceremonies and the associated banquets are nowadays major international events.[2]

                      [edit] Alfred Nobel's will

                      Alfred Nobel's will from November 25, 1895

                      Five Nobel Prizes were instituted by the final will of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist and industrialist, who was the inventor of the high explosive dynamite. Though Nobel wrote several wills during his lifetime, the last was written a little over a year before he died, and signed at the Swedish-Norwegian Club in Paris on 27 November 1895. Nobel bequeathed 94% of his total assets, 31 million Swedish Kronor, to establish and endow the five Nobel Prizes.[5] (As of 2008 that equates to 186 million US dollars.)

                      " The whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way:

                      The capital shall be invested by my executors in safe securities and shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind. The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics; one part to the person who shall have made the most important chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work of an idealistic tendency; and one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity among nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.

                      The prizes for physics and chemistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiological or medical works by Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm; and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my expressed wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the nationality of the candidates, so that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be Scandinavian or not.


                      Alfred Nobel, Alfred Nobel's Will[6]

                      Although Nobel's will established the prizes, his plan was incomplete and, due to various other hurdles, it took five years before the Nobel Foundation could be established and the first prizes awarded on 10 December 1901.[7] The current size of the Nobel endowment fund is about US$400 million.[citation needed]

                      [edit] Nomination and selection

                      Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)

                      Compared with some other prizes, the Prize nomination and selection process is long and rigorous. This is a key reason why the Prizes have grown in importance over the years to become the most important prizes in their field.[8]

                      The Nobel laureates are selected by their respective Nobel Committees. For the Prizes in Physics, Chemistry and Economics, a committee consists of five members elected by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; for the Prize in Literature, a committee of four to five members of the Swedish Academy; for the Prize in Physiology or Medicine, the committee consists of five members selected by The Nobel Assembly, which consists of 50 members elected by Karolinska Institutet; for the Peace Prize, the Norwegian Nobel Committee consists of five members elected by the Norwegian Storting (the Norwegian parliament).[9] In its first stage, several thousand people are asked to nominate candidates. These names are scrutinized and discussed by experts in their specific disciplines until only the winners remain. This slow and thorough process is arguably what gives the prize its importance. Despite this, there have been questionable awards and questionable omissions over the prize's century-long history.

                      The Dalai Lama & Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winners. Photo by Carey Linde, 2004.

                      Forms, which amount to a personal and exclusive invitation, are sent to about three thousand selected individuals to invite them to submit nominations. For the peace prize, inquiries are sent to such people as governments of states, members of international courts, professors and rectors at university level, former Peace Prize laureates, current or former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, among others. The Norwegian Nobel Committee then bases its assessment on nominations sent in before 3 February.[10] The submission deadline for nominations for Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Economics is 31 January.[11] Self-nominations and nominations of deceased people are disqualified.

                      The names of the nominees are never publicly announced, and neither are they told that they have been considered for the Prize. Nomination records are sealed for 50 years.[12] In practice, some nominees do become known. It is also common for publicists to make such a claim, founded or not.

                      After the deadline has passed, the nominations are screened by committee, and a list is produced of approximately 200 preliminary candidates. This list is forwarded to selected experts in the relevant field. They remove all but approximately 15 names. The committee submits a report with recommendations to the appropriate institution. The Assembly for the Physiology or Medicine Prize, for example, has 50 members. The institution members then select prize winners by vote.

                      The committee room of the Norwegian Nobel Committee

                      The selection process varies slightly between the different disciplines. The Literature Prize is rarely awarded to more than one person per year, whereas other Prizes now often involve collaborators of two or three.

                      While posthumous nominations are not permitted, awards can occur if the individual died in the months between the nomination and the decision of the prize committee. The scenario has occurred twice: the 1931 Literature Prize of Erik Axel Karlfeldt, and the 1961 Peace Prize to UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld. As of 1974, laureates must be alive at the time of the October announcement. There has been one laureate— William Vickrey (1996, Economics)— who died after the prize was announced but before it could be presented.

                      [edit] Recognition time lag

                      Nobel's will provides for prizes to be awarded in recognition for discoveries made "during the preceding year", and for the first years of the awards, the discoveries recognized were recent. However, some awards were made for discoveries that were later discredited.[citation needed] Taking the discrediting of a recognized discovery as an embarrassment, the awards committees began to recognize scientific discoveries that had withstood the test of time, in violation of the letter but not the spirit of Nobel's will.

                      The interval between the accomplishment of the achievement being recognized and the awarding of the Nobel Prize for it varies from discipline to discipline. The prizes in Literature are typically awarded to recognize a cumulative lifetime body of work rather than a single achievement. In this case the notion of "lag" does not directly apply. The prizes in Peace, on the other hand, are often awarded within a few years of the events they recognize. For instance, Kofi Annan was awarded the 2001 Peace Prize just four years after becoming the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

                      Awards in the scientific disciplines of physics, chemistry, and medicine require that the significance of achievements being recognized is "tested by time." In practice it means that the lag between the discovery and the award is typically on the order of 20 years and can be even longer. For example, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar shared the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on stellar structure and evolution from the 1930s. Unfortunately, not all scientists live long enough for their work to be recognized. Some important scientific discoveries are never considered for a Prize if the discoverers have died by the time the impact of their work is realized.

                      [edit] Award ceremonies

                      Melvin Calvin receiving the Nobel Prize at the Stockholm concert hall in 1961.

                      The committees and institutions serving as the selection boards for the Nobel Prizes typically announce the names of the laureates in October, with the Prizes awarded at formal ceremonies held annually on 10 December, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death.[2] These Prize ceremonies are held at the Stockholm Concert Hall, with the Nobel Banquet following immediately at Stockholm City Hall.

                      The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony has been held at the Norwegian Nobel Institute (1905–1946); at the Aula of the University of Oslo (1947–1990); and most recently at the Oslo City Hall.[2]

                      A maximum of three laureates and two different works may be selected per award. Each award can be given to a maximum of three recipients per year. Each "Nobel Prize Award" consists of a gold medal, a diploma, and a monetary grant:

                      The highlight of the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm occurs when each Nobel Laureate steps forward to receive the prize from the hands of His Majesty the King of Sweden. In Oslo, the Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee presents the Nobel Peace Prize in the presence of the King of Norway. Under the eyes of a watching world, the Nobel Laureate receives three things: a diploma, a medal and a document confirming the prize amount.[13]

                      The grant is currently 10 million SEK, slightly more than US$1.2 million.[14]

                      If there are two winners in a particular category, the award grant is divided equally between the recipients. If there are three, the awarding committee has the option of dividing the grant equally, or awarding one-half to one recipient and one-quarter to each of the others. It is not uncommon for recipients to donate prize money to benefit scientific, cultural or humanitarian causes.

                      Konserthuset (Stockholm)

                      Since 1902, the King of Sweden has, with the exception of the Nobel Peace Prize, presented all the prizes in Stockholm. At first King Oscar II did not approve of awarding grand prizes to foreigners, but is said to have changed his mind once his attention had been drawn to the publicity value of the prizes for Sweden.

                      Until the Norwegian Nobel Committee was established in 1904, the President of Norwegian Parliament made the formal presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee's five members are entrusted with researching and adjudicating the Prize as well as awarding it. Although appointed by the Norwegian Parliament (Stortinget), they are independent and answer to no legislative authority. Members of the Norwegian government are not permitted to sit on the Committee.

                      [edit] Nobel Banquet

                      After the award ceremony at the Concert Hall, around 1300 guests proceed to the Stockholm City Hall, where a banquet featuring a three course dinner, entertainment and dancing is held. The Royal Family of Sweden and the Nobel Prize Laureates are guests of honour. The banquet is extensively covered by Swedish and International media.

                      Previously, the Nobel Prizes ceremony was held in a ballroom in Stockholm's Grand Hotel.[2]

                      [edit] Nobel NightCap

                      Since 1978, sanctioned by the Nobel foundation, the student unions at four of Stockholm's institutions of higher learning: Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm School of Economics and Karolinska Institutet , arrange a lavish Afterparty on a rotating basis, to be held after the Nobel Banquet. Nobel NightCap is designed around a secret theme, unveiled at the eve of the party. The event is aimed at providing the Nobel Laureates and other guests with an opportunity to continue celebrations in a relaxed environment without media participation.[15]

                      [edit] Nobel Prize medals

                      Front side (obverse) of one of the Nobel Prize medals in Physiology or Medicine awarded in 1950 to researchers at the Mayo Clinic.
                      Obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize Medal presented to Sir Ralph Norman Angell in 1933; the Imperial War Museum, London.

                      The Nobel Prize medals, which have been minted by Myntverket[16] in Sweden and the Mint of Norway since 1902, are registered trademarks of the Nobel Foundation. All of these medal designs feature an image of Alfred Nobel in left profile on the obverse (the face of the medal). Four of the five Nobel Prize medals (Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Literature) feature the same design on the obverse (front sides). The reverse sides of the Nobel Prize medals for Chemistry and Physics share a design.[13][17][18] Both sides of the Nobel Peace Prize Medal[19] and the Medal for The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel are unique designs.[17][13]

                      The Nobel Prize medals in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Literature have identical obverses: it shows the image of Alfred Nobel and the years of his birth and death (1833–1896). Nobel's portrait also appears on the obverse of the Nobel Peace Prize Medal and the Medal for the Prize in Economics, but with a slightly different design. The image on the reverse varies according to the institution awarding the prize. All medals made before 1980 were struck in 23 carat gold. Today, they are made from 18 carat green gold plated with 24 carat gold. They each weigh approximately 200 g and have a diameter of 66 mm.[13][17]

                      Due to their gold content and public display, Nobel medals are subject to medal theft. During World War II, the medals of German scientists Max von Laue and James Franck were (illegally) sent to Copenhagen for safekeeping. When Germany invaded Denmark, chemist George de Hevesy dissolved them in aqua regia, to prevent confiscation by Nazi Germany and to prevent legal problems for the holders. After the war, the gold was recovered from solution, and the medals re-cast.[17]

                      [edit] Controversies and criticisms

                      Since the first Nobel Prize was awarded in 1901, the proceedings, nominations, awards and exclusions have generated criticism and engendered much controversy.

                      [edit] Overlooked achievements

                      Mahatma Gandhi was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times between 1937 and 1948 but never received the prize, being assassinated on 30 January 1948 two days before the closing date for the 1948 Peace Prize nominations. The Norwegian Nobel Committee had very likely planned to give him the Peace Prize in 1948 as they considered a posthumous award, but ultimately decided against it, and instead chose not to award the prize that year.[20] A U.S. philatelic exhibition in Chicago, Chicagopex 2001, chose to honor the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize with a special show of commemorative postal cachets. One theme of the exhibition cast a shadow on the Nobel Peace Prize's first century – the fact that the Peace Prize had not been awarded to Mahatma Gandhi.[21]

                      The strict rules against a prize being awarded to more than three people at once is also a cause for controversy. Where a prize is awarded to recognise an achievement by a team of more than three collaborators, inevitably one or more will miss out. For example, in 2002, a Prize was awarded to Koichi Tanaka and John Fenn for the development of mass spectrometry in protein chemistry, an award that failed to recognise the achievements of Franz Hillenkamp and Michael Karas of the Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Frankfurt.[22] Another well known miss was the Nobel Prize in Physics of 1965, that was awarded to Richard P. Feynman, Julian S. Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga but failed to recognize the contribution of Freeman C. Dyson, that demonstrated the equivalence of the formulations of quantum electrodynamics of the other three scientists.

                      Similarly, the prohibition of posthumous awards fails to recognise achievements by a collaborator who happens to die before the prize is awarded. Rosalind Franklin, who was key in the discovery of the structure of DNA in 1953, died of ovarian cancer in 1958, four years before Francis Crick, James D. Watson and Maurice Wilkins (one of Franklin's collaborators) were awarded the Prize for Medicine or Physiology in 1962.[23] Franklin's significant and relevant contribution was only briefly mentioned in Crick and Watson's now-famous paper: "We have also been stimulated by a knowledge of the general nature of the unpublished experimental results and ideas of Dr. M.H.F. Wilkins, Dr. R.E. Franklin, and co-workers...."[24]

                      In some cases, awards have arguably omitted similar discoveries made earlier. For example, the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "the discovery and development of conductive organic polymers" (1977) ignored the much earlier discovery of highly-conductive charge transfer complex polymers: the 1963 series of papers by Weiss, et al. reported even higher conductivity in similarly iodine-doped oxidized polypyrrole.[25][26]

                      [edit] Lack of a Nobel Prize in Mathematics

                      There is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics, which has led to considerable speculation about why Alfred Nobel omitted it.[27][28] Some recipients of the Nobel Prize in other fields also have notable achievements in or have made outstanding contributions to mathematics; for example, Bertrand Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1950) and Max Born and Walther Bothe shared the Nobel Prize in Physics (1954). Some others with advanced credentials in mathematics and/or who are known primarily as mathematicians have been awarded the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel: Kenneth Arrow (1972), Leonid Kantorovich (1975), John Forbes Nash (1994), Clive W. J. Granger (2003), Robert J. Aumann (who shared the 2005 Prize with Thomas C. Schelling), and Roger Myerson and Eric Maskin (2007).

                      Several prizes in mathematics have some similarities to the Nobel Prize. The Fields Medal is often described as the "Nobel Prize of mathematics", but it differs in being awarded only once every four years to people not older than forty years old. Other prestigious prizes in mathematics are the Crafoord Prize, awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 1982; the Abel Prize which has also been called the "Nobel Prize of mathematics" and has been awarded by the Norwegian government annually, beginning in 2003; the Wolf Prize awarded once a year by the Wolf Foundation; the Shaw Prize in mathematical sciences awarded since 2004; and the Gauss Prize, granted jointly by the International Mathematical Union and the German Mathematical Society for "outstanding mathematical contributions that have found significant applications outside of mathematics," and introduced at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2006. The Clay Mathematics Institute has devised seven "Millennium Problems," whose solution results in a significant cash award:[29] since it has a clear, predetermined objective for its award and since it can be awarded whenever a problem is solved, this prize also differs from the Nobel Prizes.

                      [edit] Emphasis on discoveries over inventions

                      Alfred Nobel left a fortune to finance annual prizes to be awarded "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind". One part, he stated, should be given "to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or invention within the field of physics". Nobel did not emphasize discoveries, but they have historically been held in higher respect by the Nobel prize committee than inventions: 77% of Nobel prizes in physics have been given to discoveries, compared with only 23% to inventions. Christoph Bartneck and Matthias Rauterberg in papers published in Nature and Technoetic Arts, have argued this emphasis on discoveries has moved the Nobel prize away from its original intention of rewarding the greatest contribution to society in the preceding year.[30][31]

                      [edit] Specially distinguished laureates

                      [edit] Multiple laureates

                      Since the establishment of the Nobel Prize, four people have received two Nobel Prizes:[32]

                      As a group, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has received the Nobel Peace Prize three times: in 1917, 1944, and 1963. The first two prizes were specifically in recognition of the group's work during the world wars, and the third was awarded at the year of its 100-Year Anniversary.

                      The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has won the Peace Prize twice: in 1954 and 1981.

                      [edit] Family laureates

                      A number of families have included multiple laureates.[32]

                      [edit] Refusals and constraints

                      Two laureates voluntarily declined the Nobel Prize :

                      Adolf Hitler constrained three laureates not to accept the Nobel Prize, however they were given their prizes after the Second World War :

                      The Soviet Union government also constrained Boris Pasternak not to accept his Nobel Prize in Literature in 1958[41].

                      [edit] See also

                      [edit] Notes

                      1. ^ a b "Nobel Prize" (2007), in Encyclopædia Britannica, accessed 14 November 2007, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online: <>.

                        An additional award, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was established in 1968 by the Bank of Sweden and was first awarded in 1969. Although not technically a Nobel Prize, it is identified with the award; its winners are announced with the Nobel Prize recipients, and the Prize in Economic Sciences is presented at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony.

                      2. ^ a b c d e "The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies",, accessed 5 November 2007.
                      3. ^ "The Nobel Prize Awarders",, accessed 6 November 2007.
                      4. ^ Nobel Peace Prize 2007,, accessed 18 October 2007.
                      5. ^ "The Will of Alfred Nobel",, accessed 6 November 2007.
                      6. ^ Alfred Nobel|"Alfred Nobel's Will",, accessed 15 February 2007. (English version).
                      7. ^ "First Nobel Prizes: December 10, 1901", This Day in History, The History Channel, accessed 30 July 2006.
                      8. ^ "Nobel Prizes: Selection Process", Encyclopædia Britannica Online (2007), accessed 18 October 2007.
                      9. ^ "The Nobel Prize in Economics",, accessed 4 March 2007.
                      10. ^ The Nobel Foundation. "Nomination and Selection Process". Retrieved November 13 2006. 
                      11. ^ Nobel Foundation. "Nomination and Selection Process". Retrieved July 30 2006. 
                      12. ^ The Nobel Foundation. "Frequently Asked Questions". Retrieved December 2 2008. 
                      13. ^ a b c d "What the Nobel Laureates Receive",, Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2007, accessed 9 November 2007.
                      14. ^ "The Nobel Prize Amounts",, Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2007, accessed 9 November 2007.
                      15. ^ Nobel NightCap homepage
                      16. ^ "Medalj - ett traditionellt hantverk" (in Swedish). Myntverket. Retrieved 2007-12-15. 
                      17. ^ a b c d Birgitta Lemmel, "The Nobel Prize Medals and the Medal for the Prize in Economics",, Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2006, accessed 9 November 2007. Original designs © The Nobel Foundation. Copyright © Nobel Web AB 2007.
                      18. ^ "Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Front and back images of the medal. 1954", "Source: Photo by Eric Arnold. Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers. Honors and Awards, 1954h2.1", "All Documents and Media: Pictures and Illustrations", Linus Pauling and The Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History, the Valley Library, Oregon State University, accessed 7 December 2007.
                      19. ^ "The Nobel Prize for Peace", "Linus Pauling: Awards, Honors, and Medals", Linus Pauling and The Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History, the Valley Library, Oregon State University, accessed 7 December 2007.
                      20. ^ Nobel Foundation. "Mahatma Gandhi, the Missing Laureate". Retrieved October 7 2006. .
                      21. ^ Gandhi and the Nobel Peace Prize: Nobel Centennial Special Covers at Chicagopex 2001
                      22. ^ Laura Spinney, "News Analysis: Nobel Prize Controversy", The Scientist 3.1 (11 December 2002): 20021211-03, accessed 28 October 2006.
                      23. ^ Nobel Foundation. "The Discovery of the Molecular Structure of DNA - The Double Helix". Retrieved July 30 2006. 
                      24. ^ J.D. Watson and F.H.C. Crick, "Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids"PDF (359 KiB), Nature 171.4356 (1953): 737-38.
                      25. ^ Peter H. Proctor. "Electronic Conduction in Polymers--Historic Papers". Retrieved 2007-02-12. .
                      26. ^ J. McGinness and P. Proctor, "Amorphous semiconductor switching in melanins", Science 183.127 (1974): 853-55. Links PMID: 4359339 (PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE), accessed 28 October 2006
                      27. ^ Lars Gårding and Lars Hörmander, "Why Is There No Nobel Prize in Mathematics?", Mathematical Intelligencer 7 (1985): 73-74. [They suggest that, primarily, Nobel did not consider Mathematics as "practical" as the other disciplines in which he established Prizes.]
                      28. ^ John E. Morrill, "Nobel Prize in Mathematics", American Mathematical Monthly 102.10 (December 1995): 888-92. JSTOR doi:10.2307/2975266. (5 pages.) (Restricted access.) [Summary of various speculations about reasons for Nobel's omitting a Prize in Mathematics, including possibly-apocryphal ones.]
                      29. ^ "Clay Millennium Problems". Clay Institute. 2000-03-02. .
                      30. ^ Bartneck, C., & Rauterberg, M. (2007). Physics Nobels should favour inventions. Nature, 448(7154), p. 644. DOI 10.1038/448644c.
                      31. ^ Bartneck, C., & Rauterberg, M. (2008). The Asymmetry Between Discoveries and Inventions in the Nobel Prize for Physics. Technoetic Arts, 6(1), pp 73–77. DOI: 10.1386/tear.6.1.73_1
                      32. ^ a b Nobel Prize Facts,, accessed 18 October 2007.
                      33. ^ See "Preface", "The Peace Prize..." and "Linus Pauling: Awards, Honors, and Medals", Linus Pauling and The Nature of the Chemical Bond: A Documentary History and Linus Pauling and the International Peace Movement, Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers, Special Collections, the Valley Library, Oregon State University, accessed 13 December 2007.
                      34. ^ Physiology or Medicine prize 1959,, accessed 14 January 2008
                      35. ^ Chemistry prize 2006,, accessed 14 January 2008
                      36. ^ The Nobel Prize in Literature 1964.
                      37. ^ The Nobel Peace Prize 1973.
                      38. ^ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1938
                      39. ^ The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939
                      40. ^ The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1939
                      41. ^ The Nobel Prize in Literature 1958

                      [edit] References

                      [edit] External links

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