Friday, October 9, 2009

Down the MEMORY Lane!

Down the MEMORY Lane!
Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time- One Hundred and Twenty Two
Palash Biswas
Durgotasva in Dineshpur
Durgotasva in DineshpurIndian Holocaust My Fathers Life and Time- One Hundred and Sixteenhttp://indian... - Cached - Similar -

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  1. Another DEATH in BASANTIPUR

    Another DEATH in BASANTIPURTroubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 146Palash BiswasDineshpurFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, ... - Cached - Similar -


Pathetic PLIGHT!

Since my friend`s death in Basantipur, I have become VULNERABLE as Basantipur ... I was unable to contact back home in Basantipur as every phone call was ... - Cached - Similar -

singurkatha - Thursday, January 22, 2009 Entries

Since my friend`s death in Basantipur, I have become VULNERABLE as Basantipur ... I was unable to contact back home in Basantipur as every phone call was ... - Cached - Similar -


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Map of India showing location of Uttarakhand
Location of Dineshpur
Location of Dineshpur
Uttarakhand and India
Country  India
State Uttarakhand
District(s) Udham Singh Nagar
Population 8,856 (2001[update])
Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)
Coordinates: 28°59′N 79°24′E / 28.98°N 79.40°E / 28.98; 79.40 Dineshpur is a town and a nagar panchayat in Udham Singh Nagar district in the state of Uttarakhand, India.

[edit] Geography

Dineshpur is located at 28°59′N 79°24′E / 28.98°N 79.40°E / 28.98; 79.40.[1]

[edit] Demographics

As of 2001[update] India census[2], Dineshpur had a population of 8856. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Dineshpur has an average literacy rate of 57%, lower than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 55% and, female literacy is 42%. In Dineshpur, 17% of the population is under 6 years of age. it has only one English medium school best school of the locality named as "New Era Public School" Since 9 years a unique society name "Tarai Computer Saksharta Society" is working in this town taking a pios amibition to literate the mass with total computer literacy

[edit] References

The town has temple of lord shiva in nearby village named rambag which is having historical importance. This town is a best example of "Unity in Diversity" as different persons of different customs and origins are living here together.Basically Bucksa tribe came here and after that sikhs from punjab and multanis from rajasthan came here. In two parts bengalese were also alloted agricultural lands ultimately it has bceom a best example of "Vasudhaiv Kutambkam Dineshpur is a small town situated in the Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand.
According to the 2001 census report, Dineshpur had a population of 8856 inhabitants. Males constitute 52% of the population while the females constitute 48% of the population. In Dineshpur, 17% of the population is less than six years of age. Dineshpur has an average literacy rate of 57%, which is lower than the national average of 59.5%. The male literacy rate is 65% and, female literacy rate is 48%.
Last night, my brother Padma Lochan called me while I was on my work. He was very glad that our Village has got ACCESS to Internet. Look, Basantipur is right on the Super Highway of Information. Is not so important as most of our boys work in SIDCULE only within a radius of ten KM. Udham Singh Nagar District Head quarter RUDRAPUR, Pantngar and Gadarpur area has grown up as a Big Industrial IT Centre next to Bangalore only. Uttarakhand and Western UP villages are different from rest of rural India where you may get anything available in the Cities! Sabita was not excited a little bit while I informed her as she thinks that it is very late a development.
But I am Excited as being CONNECTED to Basantipur LIVE after so many years. Our boys and girls are browsing all those sites where they can Read me and Feel me. This CONNECTIVITY apart from the routine CELL Talk is very important for me.
I visited Basantipur only last September and it had been quite a ROUND Down the Memory Lane!So many faces and Personalities eloped with Passing time. DIABETES has emerged  as the Biggest Killer Disease. It had been Bijnore as well in Udham Singh Nagar. I am a Diabetic Patient myself. Sabita, too. I do not know when would I have a  Chance to visit those  lost green Fields and hamlets at all. I was so Loved by my people, I always feel RICHER than any Mainstream CELEBRITY. But I could not meet most of my Villagers. I could not recognise most of the boys and girls from generation Next. I could not visit door to door just as before as it was raining Heavily. For the first time, I skipped the houses and had been SELECTIVE to meet my People as I had to return and had to visit so many people.
It was a rare occasion to see my own face pasted on my friends` faces. TEKKA was the smartest guy. he is aging.Prabhash Dhali, junior to me is a perfect old man. he has lost his wife. she was the real sister of my Primary as well as Junior High school mate KHGEN Bairagi. he is no more. Prabhsh ia all time busy with his Harvest, Business and Home full of Grand children. Golok Mandal is our nephew as his father, the Matua,late Lalit Gusain considered my CHHOTOKAKA his god Father. The man is no more. Golok`s elder brother Hari was born the same year in which me and TEKKA were born. His son, a post graduate is  a teacher. Golok`s son Pintu is a young man and Golok is doing everything to fix his marriage as the boy is quite reluctant. golok is very ANGRY as last time he had INVITED us for DINNER and we had to leave like thieves as our RLY tickets were confirmed and Golok would not let us leave Basantipur. Strangely enough, this time he did not request us for overstay.
We went SWARG Farm after a long time to see our Eldest cousin Meeradi whose son expired ina road accident near Ganges barrage in Bijnore.We could not stay there. My real sister Bhanu is married there. She, her husband Shyamal and son UDAI accompanied us upto Basantipur. My Brother Padm Lochan`s wife had undergone an EYE Surgery same day on which we landed at home. she was released the next day. Sabita wanted to spend at least a night with  her. This time I could not spare time for Rudrapur friends. Mukta, kanai`s wife was very angry that I did not visit them. but I knew she was away in Khatema at the time. I had a simple explanation that it was no use to visit a home from which the Laxmi was away!
Most shocking news I got about the SUICIDE of Kamaladi who got RID of Intolerable Pain and Poverty as her family could not afford her Medical care and she could not witness family in trouble. She was such a SENSITIVE lady. In the next village to us, in Haridaspur,my bosom friend Dr SUDHANNY lost his beautiful lady, a grand HOSTESS any time. She was suffering from cancer. Dr. Sudhannya1s home stands beside the link road but we landed in the village amidst Rain and storm. We have so many routes these days in all directions. I used MOTOR Bikes to make up time and could not stop for a while. I went t o Durgapur to meet the local MLA, Premanand Mahajan in MOURNING as he lost his father. But I could not meet DEBOLADI, the eldest sister of Kamaladi who lost her Husband PRAFULLA DADABABU , a perfect gentleman who sheltered me in my earlier days in Meerut while I was seeking Room. He was unemployed and lost his job as a FITTER in Madan Mill. But Deboladi and Prafulla Dadabu were pleased to get me up and down Hastinapur and Meerut. Their daughter KAJOL has been married off to Bareilly!I also could not meet their Eldest Cousin Sudhada whom we always considered as our real Brother. My Brother Padma Lochan informed me that he was weeping just because I could nit manage time to meet him. His younger Brother Ex Town area Chairman,ranked as a State Minister in Uttarakhand ND Tiwari Government as the Head of fishery dept. expired last time when I visited Basantipur.
Pulin Gain, the Shopkeeper as my Mother would call him since she would not pronounce her husband`s name, lost his DIABETIC wife meanwhile. I witnessed their marriage. They used to get Bengali Novel and I was very INTIMATE with the Couple as I would always SWAP Books for reading. The Man is aging and now happens to be aged about SEVENTY just behind Kartik Sana and Bidhuda. I managed to visit the family. The expired lady had a habit to have BEETLE Leaves. The family now does not keep BEETLE Leaves at home but they did not allow to feel the absence of the lady and I had the share of beetle leaves there.
Pawanda, MISTRY lived next to us but one home in midway. I knew him as DIABETIC. He had  to give away one of his leg in between but gangrene snatched him. I never Knew. I could not console the bereaved family as I had no words.
Harimohanda used to play the Female in our jatra Party. He is BED Ridden nowadays with DIABETES and living on INSULINE. Last time I saw him bereaved as his wife was gone. I had last seen her while I went to see my father in death bed. The daughter in law of Harimohanda takes care for him. The young lady keeps watch on Sugar Level and also Pushes INSULINE. I hope him to survive.
The senior most person in the Village, Gyanindir Mandal, the only surviving son of late BARADAKANT Mandal out of four brothers expired meanwhile. I met the Aunt. She was asking about my cousin Subhash also based in Kolkata.
IT was a Horrifying time for me as I visited the Village first time after the DEATH of KRISHNA, my friend, senior most amongst us. He and his daughter ASHA would be sitting in front of their Home. Asha is married now. The Place remains VACANT and the VOID in itself remains a HORROR. I met KENA , Krishna`s Younger brother and his Son and daughter in law, the young lady who is a second year student of LLB. But I could not meet neither ASHA nor other in the family. I met Krishna`s Nieces though. one of the a Post graduate Student another an under graduate.
I was a FREQUENT Visitor to SUNDERPUR village near Dineshpur. it was the most educated village at the time having at least two MMBS. All those guies have settled in the cities. i stumbled to a few faces from SUNDERPUR whom I could not explain my sustained ABSENCE.
Deepti sunder Mallick was my ROOM partner during my DSB days. He also played my Heroine in a JATRA during High School days. Deepti, Sudhir, Hare Krishna and Kapilesh were the only friends who attended my Marriage as I skipped others. I have not seen any of them but Hare Krishna. Hare Krishna met me and requested to attend the marriage of his daughter scheduled on Oct. 10. I could not. Meanwhile Narayan Mahajan has got married off their only daughter. The couple met me at the MLA`s house. Narayan is the elder brother of the MLA. They were very angry with me. What I may do? There I met the brother of the lady, who happened to be the son of ROY saheb in Transit camp, a very close friend to my Father. i last saw him in Bareilly with Kanai, Deb Prakash Chakrobarti during my AMAR Ujala tenure. i could not locate him but he recognised me. What a relief.
I have not visited most of the villages around us. The sikh Villages used to love me so much so. The Bukhsaws and Poorvias. The Bengalies. My heart bleeds for all of them but I am predestined to be stranded in a RUDE Metro Merciless , a thousand Miles away from Home!
In Bijnore, my own sister lost her Mother in law very recently. The  lady loved me so much. I knew about the death very late.Then, my Cousin Arun`s wife JHARNA also lost her DIABETIC Mother in the village. Her maternal Uncle is also DIABETIC and just Recovered from COMA.
Next to my In Lawas, Amarda lives alone as his only daughter Sarvani was married off before our marriage and he lost his wife some time ago. She expired because of a CEREBRAL attack.
My eldest Brother in law . Satya Gopal is also DIABETIC. He has been brought Home after we reached in Kolkata and his SUGAR Level has touched FIVE Hundred Points without any recovery for the last Month.
Thus, DIABATES has got a PANDEMIC Shape in Rural India where the Milk consists of Thirty Two Percent UREA. Fertilisers and Pesticides made the RURAL India CHEMICALLY struck. It is another kind of Chemical and biological war fare with Modifies SEEDS package!

I left my village right in 1972 while I tried my best to fail in the Class NINETH Exams as KL Shah continued the Principle of Zila Parishad High School Dinesh Pur against whom I led a  students` movement in 1970 and my Father, being the friend of the District Board Chairman Shyamlal Verma made it possible while he tried and succeeded to break the STRIKE. I was then a student of Class Eight only. Three students were restricted and I had to study in the same set up and it was INTOLERABLE. Meanwhile, the Naxal Activists escaping the Repression in Bengal, landed in the Bengali colonies and got in touch with me. simply being a TEEN Age, the idea of REVOLUTION attracted me. Prem Prakash Budhlakoti was our teacher who first taught me about Marxism. I got hold of a copy of RED Book and it turned out to be disastrous.
My father was generally very liberal but I noticed from the beginning that he unconsciously used to Replicate the feudal Lords of east Bengal. he was NEVER Challenged in Bengali locality, specially in Basantipur where four MATABBARS my father Pulin Babu, the land settlement cooperative Committee President Mandar Mandal, secretary ATUL SHEEL and Cashier SHISHUBAR Mandal would decide everything. BARADAKANT Mandal was the senior most person and most respected. Hari Dhali and Rameshwar Dhali had to suggest options and my father would have the FINAL say! It was the routine. I revolted against this while then the Finance Minsiter of Uttar Pradesh, ND Tiwari, my father`s close friend Inaugurated the Electricity connection to my village and I DECLINED to write the WELCOME Address right in 1969 as a student of Class SEVEN. In 1970, I mobilised the Students` strike visiting every village in the area and staying away in nights. My father could not smell the FISHY affair as I had always been reputed to be a very studious student. I was Privileged to take my decisions. But at the first day of the STRIKE in the High school while I was leading the PROCESSION from front , my father reached from OPPOSITE Direction and SLAPPED me questioning the justification of the strike. We were demanding Bengali Question papers in Bengali SCRIPT. It was a nationality High Voltage Movement and I was too INVOLVED. It was a SERIOUS Insult for my emerging Personality. My Villagers and the neighbourhood Population, staunch supporter of My father began to convince me. My Grand Mother, seriously ILL would not see me. It IRRITATED me and I decided to NON Cooperate with my Father. It was a Turning Point. Hence forth, my father NEVER asked me any question about any of my activity or decision. He maintained this until breathing last!
Because  I have eaten a big Chunk of Bengali, English and Hindi literature including Romance, Poetry, Novels and classic works thanks to my father and Chhotokaka. I was mad about the IDEA of Love and Romance and wanted to have  FEEL of these things! I had to look for a Girl friend while I was a Junior student. I got one. It was PURE calf LOVE but I took it very seriously as my Mindset Matured very early. I Never Expressed my feeling and believed her to be loyal. but she simply considered me as a Friend. Rather she was involved in an AFFAIR and it was exposed during Durga Puja, 1971. It made me quite RIGID to follow my path. Since my psyche was not known to my friends and family, no body would take it seriously. The Result was that I TURNED a PURE Rebel and decided at once that I have to Change the society and the Nation!
Thus, my father decided to put me in Shaktifarm High School, in another refugee area in the district amidst Jungle where the Villagers had no Idea of City Life and had been totally DISCONNECTED. I landed in Ratan farm in July 1971 and got admission once again in Class Nine which I had passed just to teach my father a lesson. I was in Ratan farm Number Two where from I shifted in Shaktifarm Number Two. I had no Political connectivity nor any FEED Back. Thus, thanks to Shaktifarm Government High School teachers, I was DIVERTED once again in my studies. Meanwhile, KL Shah was TRASFERRED and Mr Dalakoti was the New Principal. I returned Home. My so called Girl fiend also changed her school. I got RID of the Calf Affair and concentrated in my studies but my decisions on my career and Future always remained Intact. In 1973, UP Board High School Exams I secured place in the Merit List despite choosing different books and course from Dineshpur School. My Father and Basant Kumar Banerjee, the Freedom Fighter tried their best to send me to ALLAHABAD or Banaras. I rejected. I also did not opt to get admission in AN Jha College, Rudrapur as I decided to read Arts discarding science! I landed in Government High School Dinesh Nainital!
Since 1973, I have always been AWAY from Basantipur. whenever I returned the Village , i Never failed to knock EVERY Door as I always had been CONSIDERING BASANTIPUR as my JOINT family. The Village was Named after my Mother`s Name. More over, all the families, without any blood relations remained together from Ranaghat Coopers camp.We the CHILDREN were BROUGHT Up together and all the Elders would rule us while all the ladies would love everyone of us!
I worked as a WORKING Journalist in Dainik Jagaran, Meerut from 1984 to 1990. Then I shifted in Bareilly AMAR Ujala where I stayed until I shifted my self in Oct. 19991, to Kolkata. For all these years and even during my student life, I had been writing Front Page reports and articles. I had been writing in all reputed mags and Little Mags in Hindi. But no Newspaper had to be CIRCULATED in Basantipur at the time. no mag would reach to my village. A very small number of people were educated then and were not Habitual to read New papers. They would not have a look on my writings while it was available at my Home!
Now, I rarely write in Hindi.Mostly I write in English ON LINE. Not meant to be published in Print. Meanwhile, literacy in my Village got MOMENTUM. We have now a Number of Graduate and Post Graduate Girls and Boys. They are CONNECTED Live with me and they read me REGULARLY!
Should I not be EXCITED!
Apart from the Diabetes pandemic in the Rural area, I was shocked by the decision of Kamaladi whose children are established. One of the Girls is a final year student in her Post Graduate studies. The boy is employed in SIDCUL and is Married. I knew that Kamaladi was  a Real fighter! They were many sisters. Debaladi was married to Prafulla dadabau before Meeradi was married. We changed our school and got admission in Haridaspur. In absence of Debola di and Meeradi, kamaladi was our guardian as she was reading in class four. her younger sister AMALA was with me in class One. PAAGLA and SUNU , two Brahmin brothers, Ranjeet, me and Amla had to oblige Kamaladi. rest of Basantipur boys including Sunitee, Prabhash, Tekka, hari, Bibek were the students of Abony Kaka in Basantipur school later recognised. Aboni kaka died while I was in Dhanbad. His son Pratap, a Graduate is also a Primary teacher.
Besides AMALA kamaladi had three more sisters Haridasi, Shibani and Karuna , the youngest. meanwhile she got two brothers DEEPAK and Debashish, even younger than Padm and Arun.We were in Class two or three while Kamaladi was married to MAKARANDPUR across river BHAKHRA. i remember the marriage party which landed in tongas. His husband`s name is also PRAFULLA. But the family sold out their fields in late Sixties and shifted in west Bengal where they could not settle and returned losing everything. They worked as daily wage labourers. They recovered only after the death of their maternal Grand Father`s death who gifted a part of his land to the girl. Kamaladi and Prafulladadababu raised their Children quite efficiently. I had to see the girls always working on quilts like the other village girls and earning some money for the family. those days were really very hard.
In 2006, when my Mother expired , kamaladi cooked the meals for the guests. next day she was Hospitalised as paralised. I had been in the Primary Health centre from where she was shifted to Haldwani. She had recovered. But returning from Hospital she got her legs broken.The Mediacl expanditure was unbearable and she could not bear with!
I have seen a full generation to depart in death one by one. Haripada was first to go in his hay days. Then one by one, PHONI Dhali and Mahendra Mandal, excellent character artists, comedians Haju sana and Pado Gain followed them. Ishan Dhali and Anant Dhali left the village and settled in Lakhim Pur Kheri with their father Hari Dhali and brother Bhushan Dhali. Lalit Gusai died quite young. All the Jatra Party artists except Kartik Kaka departed one by one. We had  a Shock absorber system finding soon replacement. I was always with them in Mourning. But now I happen nowhere nearby and lose all dear and near ones without any shock absorver!

Rudrapur, Udham Singh Nagar

Udham Singh Nagar MapRudrapur is located at the Tarai region of Uttarakhand which boasts of people from all faiths and profession. Also known as the 'Gateway to Kumaon Hills', Rudrapur is the district headquarter of Udham Singh Nagar district.
According to a folktale when king "Rudra" was passing through, his chariot got stuck into marshy land, so he decided to build a temple and well at that place. The very same temple is now known as Atariya temple, located a distance of 2 kms. from the bus stand and half a kilometre away from the Rudrapur-Haldwani motor route. Every year a large fair is held during the 'Navratras' when thousands of devotees congregate to seek the blessing of Goddess Atariya.
Modern day Rudrapur was established in 1960, as a refugee camp for people coming from Burma, West Punjab and specially Pakistan during the partition. Refugees were settled here by the Govt. of India. The Terai was then a jungle area infested by wild animals and diseases. People even lost their lives under attack by wild animals especially lions and tigers. Malaria was common. Many families found it difficult to cope with the situation and relocated to other places. The administration then alloted small pieces of land to refugee families to make it fit for farming and cultivate.
It is now a small and beautiful town with all basic modern facilities. In vicinity of Nainital, this is one of the most prosperous town of Uttarakhand. Rudrapur is an agriculture prime area with at least 70% of the population relying on farming and related business for livelihood. Rudrapur is also famous for its premium quality rice.
Many new industries are now rushing in to setup business at SIDCUL Industrial Estate established at Pantnagar and Sitarganj in the vicinity of Rudrapur. With industries to the likes of Dabur, Bajaj Auto, Britannia, Nestle, Ashok Leyland, Zhandu Pharma, Tata Motors setting up base here, Rudrapur is set to become an industrial hub. Another Industrial Estate is likely to be set up at Kashipur near Rudrapur.
Rudrapur has also become one of the major hub for real estate development with large Real Estate companies like Omaxe and Alliance Nirmaan Limited having setup residential projects in Rudrapur.
As per the 2001 census, Rudrapur had a total population of 88,720. Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%.

How to reach Rudrapur

Air: Nearest airport is Pantnagar, 14 km from Rudrapur.
Rail: Trains plying from Dehradun to Kathgodam, Kathgodam to Howrah, Kathgodam to Delhi daily pass Rudrapur daily. Apart from this local trains run between Moradabad, Kashipur, Rudrapur, Lalkuan.
Road: Rudrapur is well connected by road through NH 74 (Delhi-Nainital Highway) and NH 87 (Khatima-Panipat Highway)

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  1. IIE Sitarganj - SIDCUL

    Its regional connectivity (50 - 100 km) to major towns and cities: Rudrapur, Haldwani, Mordabad, Rampur, Kashipur and across states (300 – 500 km) to UP, ... - Cached - Similar -
  2. Accounts Manager / Commercial Manager / Purchase Manager / Quality ...

    If u find a suitable job for me in SIDCUL as i shifted to Rudrapur ...... I am looking a job in a manufacuring industry in sidcul rudrapur have alsoindustry ... - Cached - Similar -
  3. jobs in rudrapur SIDCUL, Pantnagar - Rudrapur - Clerical Jobs ...

    I am experienced candidate, available to hire for any admin, or office co-ordiantor post in any company of repute. Good at communication skill & comp ... - Cached - Similar -
  4. Sidcul Rudrapur Yello Pages Business Directory

    Sidcul Rudrapur Yello Pages Business Directory. ... Many More………………..sidcul rudrapur jobs games quiz yello pages business directoryschools … Sponsored Links ... - Cached - Similar -
  5. Shanti Group of industries sidcul rudrapur ...

    Shanti Group with their plants at Rudrapur ( sidcul pantnagar ) in Uttarakhand & Silvassa in UT of D. & NH in India (ISO 9001-2000 - TUV Certification in ... - Cached - Similar -
  6. shanti group of industries, sidcul ( rudrapur, pantnagar )

    shanti group of industries, shanti ,rudrapur, pantnagar, uttatakhand, 05944-250155, 05944-250154 silvassa, shanti rudrapur, shanti sidcul pantnagar,shanti ... - Cached - Similar -
  7. 2 bedroom Apartment for Sale in Sidcul ByePass Road, Rudrapur (I ...

    Find 2 bedroom Apartment for Sale in Sidcul ByePass Road, Rudrapur (I from a wide range of Apartments - For Sale only at Quikr Lucknow. - Cached - Similar -
  8. Shanti Refrigration Pvt. Ltd. SECTOR 7, SIDCUL,PANTNAGAR(Rudrapur ...

    Shanti Refrigration Pvt. Ltd. SECTOR 7, SIDCUL,PANTNAGAR(Rudrapur), 05944-250154 Shanti Group with their plants at Rudrapur ( sidcul ... - Cached - Similar -
  9. industerial land sidcul pantnagar midc rudrapur-9319989937 Buy ...

    sahaj multiple services CONTACT PERSON: SATISH CHANDRA SINGH ADDRESS: RAVINDRA NAGAR, ...Buy Loft, Duplex, Workshop Udham Singh Nagar. - Cached - Similar -
  10. Accounts Executive. Location: Pantnagar, Rudrapur, SIDCUL - Indo ...

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    State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal - SIDCUL

    What is SIDCUL?
    SIDCUL LogoSIDCUL, a Government of Uttaranchal Enterprise, was incorporated as a Limited Company in the year 2002 with an authorised share capital of Rs. 50 Crores and Rs. 20 Crores paid up capital through Government of Uttaranchal in order to promote Industrial development in the State, provide financial assistance in the shape of debt, equity, venture capital, develop infrastructure and assist private initiative in Industry and Infrastructure and implement, manage projects and provide specialized financial, consultancy and construction and all such other activities to promote industries and develop Industrial Infrastructure in the State of Uttaranchal directly or through Special Purpose Vehicles, Joint Ventures, assisted companies etc.
    Besides the State Government, SIDCUL has equity participation from LIC, ICICI and SIDBI. Other banks are also in the process of participating in its equity. This has led to a high degree of professionalism and autonomy in the functioning of the Corporation. The spate of concessions available for Industrial ventures in Uttaranchal along with the proactive govt. and facilitative environment has lead to more than a thousand EOI's with SIDCUL, which entail an investment of around Rs. 5000 Crores plus and a land requirement of around 3500 Acres.

    2. When was SIDCUL established?
    18 July 2002

    3. What is the total strength/personnel of SIDCUL today?
    21 officers (regular) and same number of contracted/ outsourced staff.

    Sharda Motors, IIE haridwar
    Sharda Motors already in action.
    IIE Haridwar. More »
    4. What is the total area offered in Haridwar, Pantnagar and Sitarganj?
    Haridwar 2000 acres
    Pantnagar : 3339 acres
    Sitarganj : 1174 acres
    Total industrial area developed since independence till 2001: 2500 acres
    Developed by SIDCUL: 8000 acres.
    Industrial growth rate 1993-94 to 2000-01 : 1.8%
    Last three years : 19%

    5. what are the plans for other areas like Kotdwara, Bhimtal and others?
    Kotdwar is under progress , 25 % marketed, slated for inaugutration by q3, 2006

    6. What is the progress with Tata project and when do you think it will come up for development?
    Tata has started construction, operations by March 07

    IIE Haridwar
    HLL in operation, IIE Haridwar. More »
    7. The allottees Industrial plots in Haridwar have complaints against SIDCUL issuing warning and forefeiting deposits if they do not raise the structure and start activities they have been sanctioned the land for. What is SIDCUL's policy and what grace period or legal action are you contemplating against such investors?
    I am ready to live with criticism rather than tolerating speculators. We have cancelled around 70 plots so far. We also have a policy for surrender; for details see website My assessment is that we shall see 80-90% fructification of proposals by 2007 as opposed to 30-40% in comparable industrial estates.

    8. What are the major issues the invstors are facing in building up the Industrial Estates in UA? What are the challenges for SIDCUL once the industrial process gets over and measure taken by you to handle environment and industrial relations?
    We have very good industrial relations here- shortage of requisite skill sets is something we are hoping to address through a knowledge city in Kashipur.

    9 . What are your plans for mountain industries? Does SIDCUL cover the village and small industries or is there any other agency in the state for the industrial developments in the hills?
    Processing of horticulture produce; cool chain infrastructure; tourism is another.

    10. What is the total investment that the State has already been committed?
    19964 crores; 2032 units

    11. What employment has been created by the Hardwar, Pantnagar and Sitarganj Esates for the State? Does it mean the local lads are competitive and capable of getting jobs in the Global investors in the State?
    Total Direct : 1,00,000. Indirect 3 times.
    For more information on SIDCUL, please visit SIDCUL Official Website-
    Source: Data as provided by Mr. Alok Kumar, MD, SIDCUL to Mr. Chandan Dangi
    Industries In Uttaranchal

    In recent years, Uttarakhand has emerged as one of the most attractive industrial destinations in India. The government is encouraging private participation in all industrial activities and as a result big players such as HLL and Dabur have set up units in the state. The New Industrial Policy announced in 2003 by the state government puts in place the regulatory framework for Uttarakhand's industrialisation. The New Industrial Policy indicates that private resources may be tapped while promoting integrated Industrial Estates in Uttarakhand.

    State Uttaranchal is a land of scenic beauty, temples, lakes, mountains, glaciers and green lush meadows. Therefore the main industry of this state is tourism industry and it had almost 80% of U.P.'s tourism centres in it before it became a separate state. But the tourism industry of Uttaranchal is legging behind in the lack of good infrastructure and facilities. The govt. has also not given proper attention to this sector. We hope the state Govt. will take appropriate action to boost this sector and one day Uttaranchal will become a major tourist destination in all over India. Although some other revenue earning sectors of state Uttaranchal are:

    Industrial sector Agricultural Sector
    • Sugar Mills
    • Cloth Mills
    • Paper Mills
    • Flour and Rice Mills
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Mentha Oil Units
    • Stone Rolling Mills
    • Dairy Products
    • Production Of Rice And Wheat
    • Fish Farming
    • Poultry Farming
    • Floriculture
    • Horticulture
    • Pickle and Sauce Industry
    Tourism Industry  
    • Hotel Industry
    • Traveling Agency etc.
    • All Hospitality Related Business

    Uttaranchal State has come into being at a time when its extraordinally well-placed to benefit from the new information economy as it is able to play by the rules of the new era and is responsive to the demands of the global services economy, which when it seeks the best locations for itself looks for several factors. if a clean and pollution-free environment is going to serve as a competitive advantage it stands to reason that the new state will do everything it can to promote it. this might include a programme to encourage cleaner, environment-friendly transportation systems and efforts at large scale afforestation.

    Uttaranchal is 27th State (Birth November 9, 2000). It covers an area of about 54483 Sq Kms. The State has population of 84.809 approx. The literacy rate is 72% . The city is beautifully surrounded with 70% land under forest. The GDP is INR 126593.3 Millions. The NDP is INR 113420 Millions. The state has an unique Ecosystems diverse Flora and Fauna ,Sanctuaries, Wildlife Parks etc. There are roughly 56 banks with 1036 branches.

    Reasons to invest in Uttarakhand :
    • UDYOG MITRA - State level facilitation body set up under the Chairmanship of Hon'ble CM.
    • New Industrial Policy with wide range of physical and non-physical incentives.
    • Concessional Industrial Package Announced.
    • Land Bank - A dedicated land bank being created to provide land for projects across the table.
    • Peaceful and Secure Industrial Environment.
    • Hydro Power Resource - Potential powerhouse of the Nation. Only 9% of the total hydro power potential has been tapped till now.
    • Tourism Potential Unmatched - Mountain, leisure, Spiritual, Adventure, Religious, Eco-traditional and high-end tourism along with related services.
    • Good Quality of Life - Healthy climate and Pollution free environment.
    • Major Climate Zones in close Geographical proximity.
    • 175 species of Medicinal Herbs found in Uttaranchal.
    • Proactive Government.

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    1. SIDCUL

       - 10:07am
      State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal. Includes information on policies, industrial estates, and investors. - Cached - Similar -
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    2. contact us - SIDCUL, Mr. B. C. Tiwari Finance Controller Ph:-9412051294 ..., Mr. R. B. Singh Company Secretary Ph:-9917492607 ... - Cached - Similar -
    3. State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal - SIDCUL

       - 10:08am
      SIDCUL, a Government of Uttaranchal Enterprise, was incorporated as a Limited Company in the year 2002 with an authorised share capital of Rs. 50 Crores and ... - Cached - Similar -
    4. Industries In Uttaranchal (uttarakhand) sidcul

      Uttaranchal (now Uttarakhand) is one of the major Business and IT centres of India. Uttaranchal also offers lucrative incentives to the investors that ... - Cached - Similar -
    5. uttaranchal online - Business and Industries in uttarakhand SIDCUL

      uttaranchal online - Business and Industries in uttarakhand SIDCUL information about business, industries, sidcul, companies, IT Park Dehradun, ... - Cached - Similar -
    6. SIDCUL - State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttaranchal Ltd.

      SIDCUL is a Govt of Uttarakhand Enterprise, incorporated as a Limited Company in the year 2002 with an authorised share capital of Rs. 50 Crores and Rs. 20 ... - Cached - Similar -
    7. SIDCUL hardiwar India info needed.? - Yahoo! Answers

      I heard Wipro has a unit in Sidcul.just wanted to know how many IT companies ... Your queries are answered in the following link : State Industrial Development ... - Cached - Similar -
    8. List of industries in SIDCUL, Pantnagar with complete mailing ...

      5 Mar 2007 ... all i know is that HP is seeting up its manufacturing unit in pantnagar. Here is some info that i found which might be useful. This is the Sidcul, ... - Cached - Similar -
    9. Sidcul board to reconsider industrial estate

      21 Aug 2008 ... Sidcul had put up the proposal before its board to develop an industrial estate at Escorts Farms in Kashipur town of Uttarakhand. ... - Cached - Similar -
    10. uttarakhand industries, industries in uttarakhand, rudrapur ...

      Login this website for - uttarakhand industries, industries in uttarakhand, rudrapur industries, industries in Rudrapur, sidcul industrial area, ... - Cached - Similar -
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        Results include your SearchWiki notes for Diabetes in rural india. Share these notes
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      1. Alarming Rise of Diabetes in Rural India - Survey Reports

        29 Jun 2006 ... A large-scale survey of rural India revealed that most of the people in rural India were at a higher risk of developing diabetes and ... - Cached - Similar -
      2. The Prevalence and Management of Diabetes in Rural India ...

        Data from a new large-scale survey done in 2005 suggest rural India may soon experience the same epidemic of diabetes. A total of 4535 individuals aged ≥30 ... - Similar -
        by CK Chow - 2006 - Cited by 21 - Related articles - All 5 versions
      3. How to prevent and control diabetes

        31 Jan 2006 ... Another startling revelation is that over 50 percent cases of diabetes in rural India and 30 percent in urban areas go undiagnosed. ... - Cached - Similar -
      4. Diabetes in India: Current Status - Express Healthcare

        Due to these sheer numbers, the economic burden due to diabetes in India is amongst ... the impact of socio-economic transition occurring in rural India. ... - Cached - Similar -
      5. India, world diabetes capital- Hindustan Times

        In India, the Chennai-based Diabetes Research Centre says that over 50 per cent cases of diabetes in rural India and about 30 per cent in urban areas go ... - Cached - Similar -
      6. Study reveals high rate of diabetes in rural India

        28 Jun 2006 ... Populations in rural India may be set for an epidemic of diabetes according to new research conducted by The George Institute for ... - Cached - Similar -
      7. Type 2 diabetes and rural India - Elsevier

        The article highlights the pattern of type 2 diabetes in urban populations. I would like to share my recent experience of working in rural India as a ... - Similar -
        by FB Abdul - 2007 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
      8. Prevalence of diabetes in a rural area of central India :Kokiwar ...

        Conclusions : In this study, there was high prevalence of diabetes (3.67%) as compared to that in the WHO report (2.4%) for rural India. ... - Cached - Similar -
        by PR Kokiwar - 2007 - Cited by 5 - Related articles - All 3 versions
      9. Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre,Diabetes: diabetes india ...

        The aim of this unique service is to track the burden of diabetes in rural India and to make health care "Available, Accessible, Affordable" to the rural ... - Cached - Similar -
      10. Rural India To Benefit From New Diabetes Project ( A recent study ...

        Health,A recent study conducted by the World Health Organization in India has...The prevalence of diabetes in rural India has increased by a margi. - Cached - Similar -
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