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Monday, October 12, 2009

China cautioned against falling into zionist trap : Dangers of private property rights

China cautioned against falling into zionist trap : Dangers of private property rights
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (which we renamed as the Zionist Arthashastra), the top secret book of the world-wide zionist conspiracy, has prescribed 24 guidelines to control and dominate the world by deceiving if not violently tackling the non-zionist peoples of the world.

For copies of the zionist secret book write to DV office (Rs. 50).

What is going on today in the whole of West is fully in accordance with the prescriptions made in the Protocols. Every one of the 24 guidelines is being fully implemented.

Communism a Jewish creation: Communism itself was a Jewish creation. (David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, Free Speech Press, 2003, pp.368, photocopy with DV, Rs. 250). Jews had financed and led communism since its inception. Even today communism is dominated by Jews around the world. It took over a century to know the truth that communism is a zionist conspiracy. It is really a wonder how the world’s wealthiest Jews financed and supported communism when it stood for destruction of the private property. (Maurice Pinay: The Secret Driving Force of Communism,Christian Defense League, pp.68 photocopy available with DV, Rs. 50).

Jews were the inventors of communism. Lenin was a Jew. All its top theoreticians including Karl Marx were Jew. Lenin’s entire politbureau was Jew. Jewish millionaires not only did not oppose communism but were its main financiers.

In India, all the top communist leaders were Brahmins — M.N. Roy, S.A. Dange, E.M.S. Namboodiripad.

Mao barred Jews to China: Just as the Brahmins created M.K. Gandhi, the Jews created Lenin. The difference is the Jews after creating communism also killed it in 1990 (DV Edit March 16, 1990: “Ethnic pull & Russian racism breaks up the communist giant, USSR”) but the Brahmins killed only Gandhi but refused to kill his fake gandhism which is the other word for Brahminism.

“Democracy” again was a Jewish invention by which they tried to subvert the Islamic countries of Middle East.

But the only country which the Jews could not infiltrate and influence was China. They tried their best to win over Mao Tse-tung, the Father of China, but failed.

Our fear is have the zionists finally succeeded in making some inroads into China through globalisation of which privatisation is an essential part?

The Protocols has one chapter (VI) dealing with this issue: how to tempt the non-Jewish people (goyim) with luxury, speculation, sex, alcohol and such other capitalist economic theories. Another chapter (XXI) deals with the similar subject: stock markets, banks, etc.

WTO, a zionist creation: China today is a major economic power and this power increased many fold after it became a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) which is a zionist creation to control the world economy. It is through control of economy the zionists took hold of USA where its very Federal Reserve is a pure zionist enterprise. American capital, banking, stock market, entire print and electronic media are in the pocket of the zionists. They control even the American Government. President Bush is a puppet in their hands. America’s less than 3% Jews are the king makers.

Tony Blair was made a hero and later reduced to zero by the zionists. They control the entire Europe.

The zionist serpent (see the picture on the back page of the Protocols) after swallowing the whole of USA and Europe has now encircled the Muslim Middle East where the Muslim mongoose is ferociously fighting the serpent. And the serpent is half dead.

World Bank controls India: The zionists have already swallowed India. They have established full control through the World Bank. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Finance Minister Chidambaram and Planning Commission chief Ahluwalia are their nominees. Every Indian Government is run under their direction.

Since our 3% Brahminical rulers are the “Jews of India”, and both Chanakya’s Arthasastra and the zionist Protocols aim at hegemony, they had no difficulty in the takeover of India. The Protocls aim is zionist hegemony and the Arthasastra aim is Brahminical hegemony — not only over India but whole of South Asia. The two have publicly joined hands to fight their common enemy — the Muslims. (DV March 1, 2007 p.15: “Dalit Voice welcomes American war on Iran”).

Private property right: But all their efforts to infiltrate China had failed until China joined the WTO. Our fear is China’s entry into WTO gave them a foothold to introduce privatisation in a big way.

The March 16, 2007 decision of the Chinese Parliament conferring legal protection to private property in a communist country may give some elbow room for the zionists to push further.

We know China well having visited it twice and also made a deep study of the history, people and its peculiar communist system. So our fears may prove wrong. However, it is our duty to warn China to be cautious.

We know the Chinese rulers are well aware of the zionist designs. The zionist sole aim is to control the world and establish the dictatorship of the zionists. They have succeeded to a great extent at least in the Western hemisphere but they could not do anything in China.

Leftist opposition inside China: Just because the Chinese Parliament has passed the law does not mean the property is privatised. No. There is tremendous opposition to privatisation because the neo-rich “middle class” is becoming a menace. In India, this middle class (read upper castes) has become a liability — if not a menace — to the country.

But China is not India. There is nothing like a ruling class in China. The communist party is the ruling class. But there is a fear that the zionist-pushed capitalism — and the Internet under zionist control — may disrupt the country, particularly corrupt its youth and may lead to large-scale opposition and consequent violence. This is our fear.

The zionists can easily tempt China’s rising “middle class” which may be used to subvert the communist society itself. Already the Western media has mounted a fierce attack on China denouncing its “lack of human rights”.

DV has all praise for China: We are great supporters and admirers of China. We are expecting a lot from China to save Africa, Asia and even Latin America from zionist designs. India has been completely devoured. Here also China has to play an important role in the liberation struggle of its Black Untouchables seduced by the romance of manuwadi maoists. We are also aware that China is playing its role.

Dalai Lama has to be shown his place. Palestinians must be helped to get back their homeland from the zionists. Iran needs support to become a nuclear power. Africa has to be saved from the zionist-manufactured Aids.

Not only that. The entire world is under the stress and strain of zionist destructive forces and their corrupting technics. A third world war is looming over our heads. China is showing every sign of becoming the world leader. It is proceeding slowly but steadily. The zionists meanwhile are trying to step in so that like the USA today, China will be a puppet in their hands tomorrow.

We are sure President Hu Jintao, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and the communist party leaders are fully aware of the zionist designs and will take all the precautions. We are sure China will use the zionists and WTO to its advantage instead of being used by these anti-human forces.

Super power by mid-21st century: We are aware of China’s booming economy. Income growth is 10.4% in urban areas and 7.4% in rural. India is far behind. We are also aware that China is racing to be a super power. We had also predicted that China would beat the sole super power, USA, by the middle of this century.

Our feeling is that much of this pushing and pulling on China’s economic front and its blooming picture is a media creation. Because the Western media is controlled by the zionists. Our fear is that the zionists in their bid to exaggerate its “super fast” economic growth may derail China from its communist path and bring immense misery to the Chinese people left out in this race for property.

India presents the best example. The Brahminical rulers in collaboration with their zionist brothers have pushed India on the capitalist path. And those who reaped the maximum benefit by taking the capitalist road are our 15% Brahminical rulers. The rest of the 85% of the non-Aryan original inhabitants of India are left out in this race.

Bid to bend China: So much so India is becoming ungovernable and violence is erupting in every part of the country. A mere 15% of the upper castes are galloping and the rest are rusting. These are the catastrophic results of embracing the zionist- inspired capitalist-WTO philosophy.

Our fear is that the zionists who have now infiltrated China may try to bend China as directed in their book of conspiracy: The Protocols.

What is the use of wealth and property accumulated in the hands of a minority? Property will never, ever bring happiness, contentment. The Chinese are by and large a poor nation. Yet it is powerful — respected and feared.

But after embracing WTO and taking the capitalist road, the zionists managed to get the country divided into prosperous city and impoverished countryside, booming middle class as against the languishing labour class — leading to discontent, jealousy, ill-feeling and finally violence. And perhaps disruption. Craze for property will lead to dispute, litigation, misery and violence. Prosperous Indians are experiencing all this today. Why China should take such a perilous road?

China right now is the only hope of the Third World — the Blacks, the Browns and the Yellows left out by the White Western racists.

We are well aware that China is a “confident” nation. The Chinese also mean what they say unlike the Indian Brahminical leaders —master frauds — who say one thing but do the exact opposite.

So we are sure the Chinese leader

China cautioned against falling into zionist trap : Dangers of private property rights
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (which we renamed as the Zionist Arthashastra), the top secret book of the world-wide zionist conspiracy, has prescribed 24 guidelines to control and dominate the world by deceiving if not violently tackling the non-zionist peoples of the world.

For copies of the zionist secret book write to DV office (Rs. 50).

What is going on today in the whole of West is fully in accordance with the prescriptions made in the Protocols. Every one of the 24 guidelines is being fully implemented.

Communism a Jewish creation: Communism itself was a Jewish creation. (David Duke, Jewish Supremacism, Free Speech Press, 2003, pp.368, photocopy with DV, Rs. 250). Jews had financed and led communism since its inception. Even today communism is dominated by Jews around the world. It took over a century to know the truth that communism is a zionist conspiracy. It is really a wonder how the world’s wealthiest Jews financed and supported communism when it stood for destruction of the private property. (Maurice Pinay: The Secret Driving Force of Communism,Christian Defense League, pp.68 photocopy available with DV, Rs. 50).

Jews were the inventors of communism. Lenin was a Jew. All its top theoreticians including Karl Marx were Jew. Lenin’s entire politbureau was Jew. Jewish millionaires not only did not oppose communism but were its main financiers.

In India, all the top communist leaders were Brahmins — M.N. Roy, S.A. Dange, E.M.S. Namboodiripad.

Mao barred Jews to China: Just as the Brahmins created M.K. Gandhi, the Jews created Lenin. The difference is the Jews after creating communism also killed it in 1990 (DV Edit March 16, 1990: “Ethnic pull & Russian racism breaks up the communist giant, USSR”) but the Brahmins killed only Gandhi but refused to kill his fake gandhism which is the other word for Brahminism.

“Democracy” again was a Jewish invention by which they tried to subvert the Islamic countries of Middle East.

But the only country which the Jews could not infiltrate and influence was China. They tried their best to win over Mao Tse-tung, the Father of China, but failed.

Our fear is have the zionists finally succeeded in making some inroads into China through globalisation of which privatisation is an essential part?

The Protocols has one chapter (VI) dealing with this issue: how to tempt the non-Jewish people (goyim) with luxury, speculation, sex, alcohol and such other capitalist economic theories. Another chapter (XXI) deals with the similar subject: stock markets, banks, etc.

WTO, a zionist creation: China today is a major economic power and this power increased many fold after it became a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) which is a zionist creation to control the world economy. It is through control of economy the zionists took hold of USA where its very Federal Reserve is a pure zionist enterprise. American capital, banking, stock market, entire print and electronic media are in the pocket of the zionists. They control even the American Government. President Bush is a puppet in their hands. America’s less than 3% Jews are the king makers.

Tony Blair was made a hero and later reduced to zero by the zionists. They control the entire Europe.

The zionist serpent (see the picture on the back page of the Protocols) after swallowing the whole of USA and Europe has now encircled the Muslim Middle East where the Muslim mongoose is ferociously fighting the serpent. And the serpent is half dead.

World Bank controls India: The zionists have already swallowed India. They have established full control through the World Bank. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Finance Minister Chidambaram and Planning Commission chief Ahluwalia are their nominees. Every Indian Government is run under their direction.

Since our 3% Brahminical rulers are the “Jews of India”, and both Chanakya’s Arthasastra and the zionist Protocols aim at hegemony, they had no difficulty in the takeover of India. The Protocls aim is zionist hegemony and the Arthasastra aim is Brahminical hegemony — not only over India but whole of South Asia. The two have publicly joined hands to fight their common enemy — the Muslims. (DV March 1, 2007 p.15: “Dalit Voice welcomes American war on Iran”).

Private property right: But all their efforts to infiltrate China had failed until China joined the WTO. Our fear is China’s entry into WTO gave them a foothold to introduce privatisation in a big way.

The March 16, 2007 decision of the Chinese Parliament conferring legal protection to private property in a communist country may give some elbow room for the zionists to push further.

We know China well having visited it twice and also made a deep study of the history, people and its peculiar communist system. So our fears may prove wrong. However, it is our duty to warn China to be cautious.

We know the Chinese rulers are well aware of the zionist designs. The zionist sole aim is to control the world and establish the dictatorship of the zionists. They have succeeded to a great extent at least in the Western hemisphere but they could not do anything in China.

Leftist opposition inside China: Just because the Chinese Parliament has passed the law does not mean the property is privatised. No. There is tremendous opposition to privatisation because the neo-rich “middle class” is becoming a menace. In India, this middle class (read upper castes) has become a liability — if not a menace — to the country.

But China is not India. There is nothing like a ruling class in China. The communist party is the ruling class. But there is a fear that the zionist-pushed capitalism — and the Internet under zionist control — may disrupt the country, particularly corrupt its youth and may lead to large-scale opposition and consequent violence. This is our fear.

The zionists can easily tempt China’s rising “middle class” which may be used to subvert the communist society itself. Already the Western media has mounted a fierce attack on China denouncing its “lack of human rights”.

DV has all praise for China: We are great supporters and admirers of China. We are expecting a lot from China to save Africa, Asia and even Latin America from zionist designs. India has been completely devoured. Here also China has to play an important role in the liberation struggle of its Black Untouchables seduced by the romance of manuwadi maoists. We are also aware that China is playing its role.

Dalai Lama has to be shown his place. Palestinians must be helped to get back their homeland from the zionists. Iran needs support to become a nuclear power. Africa has to be saved from the zionist-manufactured Aids.

Not only that. The entire world is under the stress and strain of zionist destructive forces and their corrupting technics. A third world war is looming over our heads. China is showing every sign of becoming the world leader. It is proceeding slowly but steadily. The zionists meanwhile are trying to step in so that like the USA today, China will be a puppet in their hands tomorrow.

We are sure President Hu Jintao, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and the communist party leaders are fully aware of the zionist designs and will take all the precautions. We are sure China will use the zionists and WTO to its advantage instead of being used by these anti-human forces.

Super power by mid-21st century: We are aware of China’s booming economy. Income growth is 10.4% in urban areas and 7.4% in rural. India is far behind. We are also aware that China is racing to be a super power. We had also predicted that China would beat the sole super power, USA, by the middle of this century.

Our feeling is that much of this pushing and pulling on China’s economic front and its blooming picture is a media creation. Because the Western media is controlled by the zionists. Our fear is that the zionists in their bid to exaggerate its “super fast” economic growth may derail China from its communist path and bring immense misery to the Chinese people left out in this race for property.

India presents the best example. The Brahminical rulers in collaboration with their zionist brothers have pushed India on the capitalist path. And those who reaped the maximum benefit by taking the capitalist road are our 15% Brahminical rulers. The rest of the 85% of the non-Aryan original inhabitants of India are left out in this race.

Bid to bend China: So much so India is becoming ungovernable and violence is erupting in every part of the country. A mere 15% of the upper castes are galloping and the rest are rusting. These are the catastrophic results of embracing the zionist- inspired capitalist-WTO philosophy.

Our fear is that the zionists who have now infiltrated China may try to bend China as directed in their book of conspiracy: The Protocols.

What is the use of wealth and property accumulated in the hands of a minority? Property will never, ever bring happiness, contentment. The Chinese are by and large a poor nation. Yet it is powerful — respected and feared.

But after embracing WTO and taking the capitalist road, the zionists managed to get the country divided into prosperous city and impoverished countryside, booming middle class as against the languishing labour class — leading to discontent, jealousy, ill-feeling and finally violence. And perhaps disruption. Craze for property will lead to dispute, litigation, misery and violence. Prosperous Indians are experiencing all this today. Why China should take such a perilous road?

China right now is the only hope of the Third World — the Blacks, the Browns and the Yellows left out by the White Western racists.

We are well aware that China is a “confident” nation. The Chinese also mean what they say unlike the Indian Brahminical leaders —master frauds — who say one thing but do the exact opposite.

So we are sure the Chinese leadership is “confident” of seeing through the zionist conspiracy of dragging it down and imposing their hegemony.

Yet, it is our duty as admirers and friends of China, which has generated so much of hope, to do our duty and express our fears.

ship is “confident” of seeing through the zionist conspiracy of dragging it down and imposing their hegemony.

Yet, it is our duty as admirers and friends of China, which has generated so much of hope, to do our duty and express our fears.

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