Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re: (invites) 23,24July:: Dharna and people’s parliament at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi, DO JOIN ! [1 Attachment]

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: OpenSpace <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 July, 2009 16:54:35
Subject: (invites) 23,24July:: Dharna and people's parliament at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi, DO JOIN ! [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from OpenSpace included below]

From: Vimal Bhai <matuporg@gmail. com>



People's Movements to present their position before Public, Parliament and Government


Dharna and people's parliament at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 23-24 July, 2009


THE UPA GOVERNMENT IS AGAIN TRYING TO put up the two Bills, amendment to the Land Acquisition Act and the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Bill before this Parliament.

The amendment is worse, since it incorporates 'private' purpose into 'public' purpose and rehabilitation offered is without any guarantee of land and alternative livelihood to those displaced.

The Acts would not bring in fair and just rehabilitation but push and facilitate more displacement than ever!

The Draft Development Planning Act, approved by the National Advisory Council and its Chairperson, Sonia Gandhi in January 2006 had consent of the people's organisations but that is shelved and weak anti-people draft is brought up by the 'Empowered Group of Ministers' including Kamalnath, Chidambaram, Sharad Pawar and others. WHY? We must ask.

Let's gather in large numbers at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on July 23rd and 24th to assert our right to land, water, forests, fisheries and minerals.

Demand a decentralized development planning based on Article 243 of the Constitution, PESA 1996 and Forest Rights Act, 2006.

We should compel the Government to:

ü      Repeal Land Acquisition Act of British Legacy

ü      Issue a White paper on land acquisition, displacement and rehabilitation for the last 60 years.

ü      Shelve the two Bills and hold a national consultation on the NAC approved draft along with the displaced people and the people's organizations.

ü      Institute a Joint Parliamentary Standing Committee for the discussion on the two Acts.

The detailed Invite, background documents and contact details follow.

With regards and In Solidarity,

Medha Patkar         Anand Mazgaonkar                   Ashok Chowdhary                       Gautam Bandopadhyay                        

(09423965153)          (02640-220629)                                (9868857723)                           (9826171304)    

Guman Singh                     Simpreet Singh          Madhuresh               Vimalbhai                               

(9418277220)                     (9969363065)                     (9818905316)            (9891814707)                        

************ ********* ********* ****

Proposed Land Acquisition (Amendment)

And Rehabilitation & Resettlement Bills

Will Only Accelerate Displacement Not Rehabilitation


People's Movements to present their position before Public, Parliament and Government


Dharna and people's parliament at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 23-24 July, 2009

Thursday, July 23 2009

12 noon - 200 pm : Inauguration of the Dharna.

Remembering the movements, peoples, martyrs in the anti-displacement movement in past 62 years since independence.

Surendra Mohan to light the torch of Resistance.

Medha Patkar to give an introductory history of resistance covering the struggles since post independence and talking about very well known and also less known important struggles, remembering people and their courage.

Sharing on the struggles and the key questions raised by the anti displacement movements across the country. Ashok Chowdhary, Gautam Bandopadhyay, B D Sharma and others.

Kuldip Nayar, Rajendar Sachar, Ramaswamy Aiyar, Prashant Bhushan, Usha Ramanathan and other supporter friends from Delhi to join.

Lunch 2-3 pm   

300-600 pm : Assembly of Movements

Movement groups to narrate their experience of the displacement, struggles, and the

700 pm onwards Dinner and film screening

Day Two :  July 24 Friday

Peoples parliament / Jan Sansad Begins 9 am onwards
Starting with a presentation on the points from the Bills and our proposals for the National enactment. Presentation to be made by Vimal Bhai
MPs from different parties to join too.

Movement groups to make presentation linking
LAA and R&R Bills with the Forest Rights Act, Agriculture Policy, Coastal Zone issues, Tribal policy, Trade and Climate Change.

200 – 300 pm Lunch

300 – 400 Pm Further strategy planning

400 – 500 pm Press Conference

Matu Peoples' Organisation
matujan.blogspot. com
Delhi Contact:- D-334/ 10, Ganesh Nagar, Pandav Nagar Complex, Delhi-110092


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