Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re: [GovRant] Digest Number 3262

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 July, 2009 16:58:41
Subject: [GovRant] Digest Number 3262

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)



Fw: Loathe Thy Neighbor-- The Humane Society of the United States

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:01 pm (PDT)

* *

Wayne Pacelle: A Humane Nation | The Humane Society of the United
States<http://hsus. wayne/>
<http://fusion. add?source= atgs&feedurl= http://feeds. feedburner. com/typepad/ hsus/wayne>
------------ --------- ---------

Loathe Thy Neighbor<http://feedproxy. %7Er/typepad/ hsus/wayne/ %7E3/zY7YeB00bv0 /factory- farm.html>

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 01:51 PM PDT
It was a story that should have garnered more headlines. Over the weekend,
the *Kansas City Star*
reported<http://www.kansasci story/1334390. html>that a
Missouri couple's lawsuit against a nearby factory farm had been
settled for $1.1 million. Ed and Ruth McEowen filed a nuisance suit against
the hog farm's operators after barns were erected closer than 1,000 feet to
their home, a clear violation of Missouri zoning regulations. Among other
impacts, hog manure polluted a creek running through the McEowen's property.

[image: 184x265_pigs_ aisle_usda]
Strikingly, this is one of some 350 cases involving factory farms and odors
in Missouri, according to the McEowens' attorney, Charlie Speer, who told
the Associated Press<http://hosted. stories/M/ MO_HOG_SETTLEMEN T_MOOL-?SITE= MOSTP&SECTION= HOME&TEMPLATE= DEFAULT>that
the award, agreed upon in a Cedar County Circuit Court, "sets the bar
for future settlements." The agreement prevents the hog farm from taking any
further actions to release odors that might adversely affect the McEowens
and their property. Other defendants included the Missouri Farmers
Association and the Missouri Farm Bureau.
Similarly, last fall, in California's Central Valley, local residents and
The HSUS joined together to file a federal lawsuit against Olivera Egg
Ranch<http://www.hsus. org/press_ and_publications /press_releases/ central_valley_ residents_ file_suit_ on_air_pollution _102008.html>,
based on the factory farm's intolerable air pollution. This giant factory
farm confines more than 700,000 hens in cramped, barren, wire cages and
every day it dumps thousands of pounds of manure into massive cesspools
which are just a stone's throw from residential
neighbors<http://hsus. wayne/2008/ 10/egg-factoryfa rm.html>—many
of whom predate Olivera in the neighborhood by generations.
To me, both cases highlight the threat that factory farms pose to the lives
of those who cherish living in our nation's rural communities. The McEowens
have lived on their 40-acre farm for 30 years, and built their home and
workshop by hand. The owner of the hog factories does not live at the site,
and, as the case record reveals, paid no apparent mind to the interests of
his neighbors while expanding his factory farm.
The environmental community is increasingly paying attention to the havoc
wreaked by huge concentrations of farm
animals<http://www.hsus. org/farm/ resources/ research/ enviro/industria l_animal_ ag_environment. html>in
small areas. I was heartened that our campaign to pass Proposition 2
California initiative to halt confinement of certain animals on factory
farms) attracted the
support<http://hsus. wayne/2008/ 09/prop-2- support.html>of
so many environmental organizations.
But here's the bottom line: Factory farming interests attempt to argue that
they represent rural people and rural values and that animal protection
advocates, environmentalists, and others do not understand their way of
life. They could not be more wrong. It is the factory farming industry that
is actually a threat to rural communities—swallowi ng up small farms,
polluting the water and air, and driving down property values. Rural people
should be in the forefront of the movement against factory farms, and the
Missouri case shows us that, increasingly, they are.
<http://feeds. feedburner. com/%7Eff/ typepad/hsus/ wayne?a=zY7YeB00 bv0:GmNV9I8L3JU: yIl2AUoC8zA>
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You are subscribed to email updates from Wayne Pacelle: A Humane
Nation<http://hsus. wayne/>
To stop receiving these emails, you may unsubscribe
now<http://feedburner. fb/a/mailunsubsc ribe?k=Y11MOtF4R pTQz1xWSQiZCur5V 3Y>
. Email delivery powered by Google Google Inc., 20 West Kinzie, Chicago IL
USA 60610

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were
vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to
present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable

The corporate "news media's purpose is not to tell truth to the powerful but
to transmit lies to the powerless." - Lewis Lapham

Drug groups to reap swine flu billions 21 Jul 2009

Posted by: "CLG News"   clg_news

Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:21 pm (PDT)

*Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government*
21 July 2009
*http://www.legitgov .org/* <http://www.legitgov .org/>
All items are here:
*http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news*<http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news>

*Agencies to set up mass swine flu
vaccinations* <http://www.sfgate. com/cgi-bin/ article.cgi? f=/c/a/2009/ 07/21/BA6H18PA5J .DTL>
* --Voluntary vaccine 'likely'* 21 Jul 2009 Public health experts are
gearing up for swine flu vaccinations this fall in what could be the largest
mass-immunization campaign since the polio vaccine was introduced more than
50 years ago. Local public health agencies will bear much of the
responsibility for vaccinating the public, and the state is receiving $30
million in federal grants to help prepare for an expected re-emergence
of swine flu this fall. The polio vaccine was mandatory, but a flu vaccine
is likely to be voluntary.

*Cui bono? **Drug groups to reap swine flu
billions<http://www.ft. com/cms/s/ 0/375dde06- 7559-11de- 9ed5-00144feabdc 0.html>
* 20 Jul 2009 Some of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies are
reaping billions of dollars in extra revenue amid global concern about the
spread of swine flu. Analysts expect to see a boost in sales from
GlaxoSmithKline, Roche and Sanofi-Aventis. .. The fresh sales -- on top of
strong results from Novartis of Switzerland and *Baxter* of the US, which
both also produce vaccines -- come as the latest tallies show that more than
740 people have died from the H1N1 virus... One beneficiary of the fears
about the pandemic has been Roche of Switzerland, which sells *Tamiflu*, the
leading antiviral drug, and has seen a sharp rise in orders from private
companies as well as governments.

*Key Flu 'Oddities' <http://www.legitgov .org/flu_ oddities. html>: *Killer flu
recreated in the lab <http://news. 2/hi/health/ 3719990.stm> 07 Oct
2004 Scientists have shown that tiny changes to modern flu viruses could
render them as deadly as the 1918 strain which killed millions; US, Japanese
Researchers Mix Samples of 1918 Flu Pandemic to Recreate Deadly
Code<http://www.legitgov .org/researchers _recreate_ 1918_flu_ virus_301208. html>30
Dec 2008; Donald
Rumsfeld makes $5m killing on bird flu
drug<http://www.independ news/world/ americas/ donald-rumsfeld- makes-5m- killing-on- bird-flu- drug-469599. html>12
Mar 2006
*Donald Rumsfeld has made a killing out of bird flu*. The US Defence
Secretary has made more than $5m (£2.9m) in capital gains from selling
shares in the biotechnology firm that discovered and developed
Tamiflu; University
of Qld unveils swine flu vaccine made with insect
eggs< stories/2009/ 06/29/2611426. htm>29 Jun
2009; Baxter
working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic
flu viruses to subcontractor<http://www.legitgov .org/baxter_ flu_vaccine_ 260409.html>26
Jun 2009; Baxter
Vaccine 'Oddities' <http://www.legitgov .org/baxter_ vaccine_oddities .html> 17
Jul 2009 *Baxter files swine flu vaccine patent year ahead of outbreak*.]

*Swine flu vaccine trials
underway< stories/2009/ 07/22/2632625. htm>
* 22 Jul 2009 The first trials of a Federal Government-commissi oned swine
flu vaccine that is likely to be distributed globally will begin in Adelaide
today. Rachel David from vaccine makers CSL says the Royal Adelaide Hospital
trials will take about seven months, but there will be enough data by
September for the Government to start planning distribution in October.

*Voluntary vaccine 'likely' But we can't take that
chance<http://www.legitgov .org/pandemic_ action.html>
.* The pharma-terrorists are/will be pressuring the US and world governments
to make their deadly cocktails *mandatory.* We need to resist NOW, before
Barack Opharma -- during his next Friday night 'bad news' dump -- makes them
*mandatory.* Obama already (on Friday night, of course) released the
pharma-terrorists from legal liability -- and hence any impetus to make a
'safe' vaccine: *Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine
makers< com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5hjdCHrP82Y TFser5vD6CzTK1az 6wD99GH8580>
* 17 Jul 2009 Vaccine makers and federal officials will be immune from
lawsuits that result from any new swine flu vaccine, under a document signed
by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, government
health officials said Friday. The document signed by Sebelius last month
grants immunity to those making a swine flu vaccine, under the provisions of
a 2006 law for public health
emergencies<http://www.legitgov .org/DoD_ to_augment_ civilian_ law.html>

*Refuse and Resist Mandatory Flu
Vaccines<http://www.thepetit 1/refuse- and-resist- mandatory- flu-vaccine>--Sign
petition! This petition needs YOUR signature!* We are only at 1,000
signatures and we need a lot more. We need to send the signal that we will
*NOT ACCEPT* any forced, deadly Baxter vaccines, whose sole purpose is to
enhance these pharma-terrorists' coffers. Petition link to copy and paste to
forward to your lists:
http://www.thepetit 1/refuse- and-resist- mandatory- flu-vaccine
Link to CLG Pandemic Action Alerts page:
http://www.legitgov .org/pandemic_ action.html

*Navy Ships Under Swine Flu
Quarantine<http://www.cbsnews. com/stories/ 2009/07/21/ health/main51774 94.shtml>--Nearly
70 Sailors, Marines Contracted Virus
* 21 Jul 2009 A group of Navy ships is under quarantine after several dozen
sailors and Marines on board tested positive for swine flu. Health officials
say at least 69 people had been confirmed with the virus, and all of them
have since recovered. Navy officials say they are now quarantining an
undetermined number of crew members with flulike symptoms on four ships that
are part of the USS Boxer Amphibious Ready Group, which arrived in Hawaii on

*World swine flu deaths top 700:
WHO< stories/2009/ 07/22/2632645. htm>
* 22 Jul 2009 The World Health Organisation (WHO) says swine flu has killed
more than 700 people around the world since the outbreak began four months
ago. There are now over 125,000 laboratory-confirme d cases of swine flu
worldwide but the WHO acknowledges the number of actual cases far exceeds
that. The WHO says the pandemic is developing at such a high speed that it
is now pointless to try to document every case.

*Deaths of U.S. troops exceed 5,000 in
wars<http://www.usatoday .com/news/ military/ 2009-07-20- troops_N. htm>
* 21 Jul 2009 The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan reached two solemn milestones
Monday: July has become the deadliest month for U.S. troops in Afghanistan,
and the combined death toll surpassed 5,000. Deaths on both fronts pushed
the total U.S. fatalities in Iraq and Afghanistan to at least 5,002,
according to the Pentagon.

*Taliban financers based in Persian Gulf:
Holbrooke<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=101287& sectionid= 351020403>
* 21 Jul 2009 Richard Holbrooke, the United States' special envoy to
Afghanistan and Pakistan, says some fundamentalists based in Persian Gulf
states are financing the Taliban. Some official sources in Pakistan estimate
the budget for Taliban forces -- stationed on the Afghanistan- Pakistan
border -- to be between three and four billion dollars, BBC reported.
Holbrooke says such a *huge amount of money could not be acquired only
through illegal drug trafficking* . *Only in 2008, the US-led coalition
forces spent over $16 billion on the war in Afghanistan, which shows that
the Taliban must be receiving a huge amount of financial support* [*from
those allegedly 'fighting' the Taliban*].

*Taliban suicide attacks leave 9 dead in
Afghanistan<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=101285& sectionid= 351020403>
* 21 Jul 2009 Taliban suicide bombers have attacked security and government
offices in eastern Afghanistan, killing at least nine people, according to
officials. The two towns of Gardez and Jalalabad were targeted in the
attacks by suicide bombers on Tuesday. The Taliban said 15 suicide bombers
launched attacks against government buildings.

*Bomb kills UK soldier in
Afghanistan<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=101269& sectionid= 351020403>
* 21 Jul 2009 Another British soldier dies in Afghanistan amid growing
public criticism of the UK's involvement in the war and the high number of
the British casualties there. A roadside bomb blast took the soldier's life
while he was on patrol in Helmand Province in the south On Monday.

*NATO: Failure in Afghanistan
"devastating" <http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=101282& sectionid= 351020403>
* 21 Jul 2009 NATO Chief Jaap de Hoop Scheffer has warned the US and its
allies that failure in Afghanistan would have a "devastating" effect in the
insurgency-hit region. Speaking in London, the NATO secretary-general said
that walking away from the alliance's mission in the war-ravaged country
could give free hand to al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] and Taliban linked militants in
the war-ravaged country.

*Blasts Kill at Least 15 in
Baghdad<http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 07/22/world/ middleeast/ 22iraq.html>
* 22 Jul 2009 A series of bombings rocked Baghdad on Tuesday, killing at
least 15 people and wounding more than 100, as attackers struck at a
bustling sheep market, a crowd of impoverished job seekers and a funeral,
Iraqi security officials said. The dead at the sheep market included an
eight-year-old girl and her year-old sister, whom she was cradling in her
arms, officials said.

*Lebanese army on high alert at Israeli
border*<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=101187& sectionid= 351020203>20
Jul 2009 The Lebanese army has put its forces on high alert in
to the escalation of tensions over the establishment of an Israeli military
outpost along the country's border. A Lebanese TV station reported that the
high alert came in response to the Israeli military outpost set up near Kafr
Shuba, a village just outside the divided border village of Ghajar, earlier
this week.

*The Senate Votes Down Funds for
F-22s<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 07/21/AR20090721 00135.html>
* 21 Jul 2009 The Senate voted Tuesday to kill the nation's premier fighter
jet program, embracing by a 58-40 margin the argument of President Obama and
his top military advisers that the F-22 is no longer needed for the nation's
defense and a costly drag on the Pentagon's budget in an era of small wars
and growing counterinsurgency efforts. The decision was a key policy victory
for Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, who has been campaigning against the
plane since April.

*The APA's Nuremberg Defense<http://harpers. org/archive/ 2009/07/hbc- 90005399>
* By Scott Horton 20 Jul 2009 ...[T]he disclosures surrounding the
waterboarding of Abu Zubaida give further proof that beginning in 2002,
healthcare professionals, specifically psychologists, played an essential
role at every stage in the development and application of torture
techniques. The failure of professional organizations, and specifically the
American Psychological Association, to acknowledge this and take appropriate
countermeasures is disturbing.. .Professional oversight bodies have engaged
in consistent evasion, and now the APA is focused on the relaxation of its
ethics standards to provide defenses for psychologists who joined in the
Bush Administration' s torture program.

*Part 3 of 4:* *Did Plasmoid Gas and Infrared Beams Cause the WTC
Destruction? <http://norfidid. wordpress. com/2009/ 07/20/part- 3-of-4-did- plasmoid- gas-and-infrared -beams-cause- the-wtc-destruct ion/>
** *By Barry Ball, Barbara Ellis, and Russ Hallberg --Portland 9/11
Legislative Alliance 20 Jul 2009 This is the third article in a four-part
series stemming from our organization' s crafting and presenting a proposed
bill in late 2008 to nine members of the U.S. House. It urges an independent
investigation by national and international experts in science/technology to
determine which of the 14 major theories about primary causal agents--fire
and thermite to directed energy weapons--destroyed the World Trade Center
Twin Towers. Since then, four other major theories have surfaced (nuclear
reactors, mini-nuclear bombs, plasmoid gas, and flurorine) which will be
included in the revised bill presented to key House members in Fall.
[Part 1<http://norfidid. wordpress. com/2009/ 06/23/part- 1-of-4-were- nuclear-reactors -the-cause- of-the-wtc- destruction/>and
2<http://norfidid. wordpress. com/2009/ 07/16/part- 2-of-4-were- mini-nuke- bombs-the- cause-of- the-wtc-destruct ion/>.]

*Democrats irked by Obama signing
statement< com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5jTUXZ57- 4A_UnsbDtQDPlUwZ lbIQD99J2TQO0>
* 21 Jul 2009 President Barack Obama has irked close allies in Congress by
declaring he has the right to ignore legislation on constitutional
grounds *after
having criticized George W. Bush for doing the same*. Four senior House
Democrats on Tuesday said they were "surprised" and "chagrined" by Obama's
declaration in June that he doesn't have to comply with provisions in a war
spending bill that puts conditions on aid provided to the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund.

*AP: Palin implicated in ethics
probe< com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5gCtWK2H4DB 8_dsDrOrfpgC_ 9RrRwD99J28P81>
* 21 Jul 2009 An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah
Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay
her legal debts. The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is
securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the
Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters. An investigator for the state
Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to
believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal
gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the "official"
legal defense fund.

*Audit: Abstinence program steered money to director's
company<http://www.theadver article/20090721 /NEWS01/90721019 /1002>
* 21 Jul 2009 The former chief of the Louisiana Governor's Program on
Abstinence steered thousands of dollars in contracts to an organization she
created, and some of the money was paid to her son, according to an audit
released Monday. The report by Legislative Auditor Steve Theriot's office
also says Gail Dignam, who worked for the abstinence program under former
Govs. Mike Foster and Kathleen Blanco, improperly took money from an
organization that received state contracts from the abstinence program. Both
situations seem to violate Louisiana law and run afoul of the state ethics
code, according to the audit.

*Gates Says He Is Outraged by Arrest at Cambridge
Home*<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 07/21/AR20090721 01771.html>
* --Prominent Black Professor Says He Will Use Experience to Further
Academic Work* 21 Jul 2009 Henry Louis Gates Jr., one of the nation's most
prominent scholars of African-American history, cast his recent arrest in
his home in Cambridge, Mass., as part of a "racial narrative" playing out in
a biased criminal justice system. Shortly before the charge against him was
dropped this afternoon, the Harvard professor who has spent much of his life
studying race in America said he has come to feel like a case study. "There
are one million black men in jail in this country and last Thursday I was
one of them," he said in an interview with The Washington Post Tuesday

*Executives, other highly compensated employees receive more than one-third
of all pay in U.S. <http://online. SB12481334369446 6841.html>
* 21 Jul 2009 The nation's wealth gap is widening amid an uproar about lofty
pay packages in the financial world. Executives and other highly compensated
employees now receive more than one-third of all pay in the U.S., according
to a Wall Street Journal analysis of Social Security Administration data --
without counting billions of dollars more in pay that remains off federal
radar screens that measure wages and salaries. Highly paid employees
received nearly $2.1 trillion of the $6.4 trillion in total U.S. pay in
2007, the latest figures available. The compensation numbers don't include
incentive stock options, unexercised stock options, unvested restricted
stock units and certain benefits.

*More bodies go unclaimed as families can't afford funeral
costs<http://www.latimes. com/news/ printedition/ front/la- me-unclaimed21- 2009jul21, 0,5379880. story>
* 21 Jul 2009 The poor economy is taking a toll even on the dead, with an
increasing number of bodies in Los Angeles County going unclaimed by
families who cannot afford to bury or cremate their loved ones. At the
county coroner's office -- which handles homicides and other suspicious
deaths -- 36% more cremations were done at taxpayers' expense in the last
fiscal year over the previous year, from 525 to 712.

*Lobbyists Spend Millions to Influence Health
Care<http://voices. washingtonpost. com/health- care-reform/ 2009/07/health_ care_continues_ its_inte. html>
* 21 Jul 2009 Drugmakers, hospitals and insurers continued to pour millions
of dollars into lobbying during the second quarter of this year, hoping to
limit the damage to their bottom line as lawmakers and the Obama
administration wrangle over landmark health-care legislation. New disclosure
reports that began arriving Monday in Congress showed familiar players at
the top of the health-care influence heap, including $6.2 million in
lobbying by the dominant Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA) and $4 million by the American Medical Association.

*CLG needs your support.
**http://www.legitgov .org/donate. html* <http://www.legitgov .org/donate. html>
Or, please mail a check or money order to CLG:
Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG)
P.O. Box 1142
Bristol, CT 06011-1142
Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible

Previous lead stories: *Administration: Some terror suspects could go before
military tribunals<http://online. SB12481400395276 7153-djhgfjsbdf. html>--Detainees'
Trial Plan Is Unveiled
* 20 Jul 2009 The Obama administration on Monday said it preferred that
prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, be tried in criminal courts, but
that some suspected terrorists in less-prominent cases or in cases with
weaker evidence could go before military tribunals. An interim report by a
presidential task force reviewing U.S. detention policy laid out for the
first time the means by which Justice and Defense department lawyers will
determine whether the 229 prisoners remaining at Guantanamo get criminal or
military 'trials.' The approach could rile civil liberties groups, which
prefer all detainees be tried in criminal courts.

*Reports on U.S. Detention Policy Will Be
Delayed*<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 07/20/AR20090720 03578.html>21
Jul 2009 The Obama administration is delaying completion of reports
examining U.S. detention and interrogation policy, officials said Monday.
The work of a Justice Department-led task force, which had been scheduled to
send a report on detention policy to President Obama on Tuesday, will be
extended for six months, according to senior administration officials. A
second task force examining interrogation policy will get a two-month
extension to complete its work, which had also been due Tuesday.

*Judge: CIA committed fraud in eavesdropping
case< com/hostednews/ ap/article/ ALeqM5ijAmf13jjY PJYRC3SXlEYdZfR7 nQD99IDVO81>
* 20 Jul 2009 A federal judge has ruled that CIA officials committed fraud
to protect a former covert agent against an eavesdropping lawsuit and is
considering sanctioning as many as six who have worked at the agency,
including former CIA Director George Tenet. According to court documents
unsealed Monday, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth referred a CIA attorney,
Jeffrey Yeates, for disciplinary action. Lamberth also denied the CIA's
renewed efforts under the Obama administration to keep the case secret
because of what he calls the agency's "diminished credibility" and the
"twisted history" in the case.

*Those who wish to be added to the list can go here:*
http://www.legitgov .org/#subscribe_ clg and add your name. Those who wish to
unsubscribe can go here:
http://lists. people-link. net/cgi-bin/ mailman/listinfo /legitgov. If your
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CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2009, Citizens For Legitimate
Government ® All rights reserved.

These are the Coup Leaders, They Will be Judged!

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:34 pm (PDT)

These are the Coup Leaders, They Will be
Judged!<http://narcosphere. narconews. com/notebook/ kristin-bricker/ 2009/07/these- are-coup- leaders-they- will-be-judged>Posted
by Kristin Bricker
<http://narcosphere. narconews. com/users/ kristin-bricker>- July 21,
2009 at 1:23 am

(Editorial by the daily El
Libertador<http://ellibertador .hn/Nacional/ Avance/3102. html>of
Honduras) These
are the coup leaders: 1) Carlos Flores Facussé; 2) Rafael Leonardo Callejas;
3) Cardenal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez; 4) Adolfo Facussé; 5) Armida de López
Contreras; 6) Schucry Kafie; 7) Elvin Santos; 8) Emilio Larach; 9) Enrique
Ortez Colindres; 10) Pastor Evelio Reyes; 11) Felícito Ávila; 12) José
Alfredo Saavedra; 13) Jorge Canahuati; 14) Jorge Yllescas; 15) Juan Ferrera;
16) Juan Ramón Martínez; 17) Carlos López Contreras; 18) Billy Joya; 19) Ana
Abarca; 20) Rafael Ferrari; 21) Juan José Pineda; 22) Vilma Morales; 23)
Marcia Villeda; 24) Renato Álvarez; 25) Ramón Custodio; 26) Rafael Pineda
Ponce; 27) Olban Valladares; 28) Pastor Oswaldo Canales; 29) Ricardo Maduro;
30) Romeo Vásquez Velásquez; 31) Porfirio Lobo Sosa; 32) Ricardo Álvarez;
33) Antonio Rivera; 34) Guillermo Pérez Cadalso; 35) Mauricio Villeda; 36)
María Martha Díaz; 37) Antonio Tavel Otero; 38) Luis Rubí; 39) Toribio
Aguilera; 40) Ramón Velásquez Nassar; 41) Elán Reyes Pineda; 42) Luz
Ernestina Mejía; 43) Martha Lorena Casco; 44) Rodolfo Irías Navas; 45)
Rigoberto Chang Castillo; 46) Mirna Castro; 47) Gabriela Núñez; 48) Hugo

1. All of these people used their positions to plot, cause, or finance the
breakdown of constitutional order with the kidnapping and extradition of
President Zelaya, which culminated in the coup.

2. They are directly responsible for the deaths, injuries, imprisonment,
and the unease imposed upon Honduran society; they have destroyed democracy
and ruined Honduras' image nationally and internationally.

3. The coup leaders reactivated the anti-terrorist and anti-communist
organization called the Alliance for Honduras' Progress (APROH), which
operated in the 1980s. Their greed and lack of culture prevented them from
understanding that the people are free to choose the political and
ideological system that will offer them security and well-being.

Tegucigapla. This time their names and faces will go down in history, and
Hondurans and citizens of the world will remember them. They will be judged
by society and by national and international courts.

The coup plotters utilized variations on the mechanisms that the Alliance
for Honduras' Progress (APROH) used in the 1980s. Under the guise of a
business organization, it hid clear political doctrine of "low-intensity war
against those who opposed the repression of the Sandinista government and
against social discontent in Honduras. United States intelligence financed
the organization through the Moon sect."
"Industrious Businessmen" *

Nothing particularly "suspicious" is written in the APROH's statutes. A
group of businessmen got together to study their problems, with a project to
assist other sectors. The economic model that the associates defended was
clear: they advocated laissez faire policies with few mechanisms of control
and with many mechanisms to maximize profits.

The associates were required to "guard the confidentiality of the documents
and information that they acquired through their participation in APROH
activities and that divulging this information could cause harm to its
members. [sic]

In the beginning of 1983, soon after its founding, APROH didn't draw
attention to itself. It was seen as a new attempt to bring together
Honduras' most conservative sectors.* In November of that year, the
newspaper "Tiempo" published one of those confidential "documents:" APROH
was recommending to the Kissinger Commission, through a personal friend and
aid to Kissinger, a military solution for Central America.*

*Yesterday and Today's Truth*

Military fascism found its place in APROH--then in Gen. Alvarez, the
president of that organization, and now [Gen.] Romeo Vasquez. *As now, it
was comprised of the country's far-right business class, although in reality
more than being ideological they are corrupt businessmen who have gotten
rich because they determine what happens or not in the country. They are
the eternal scroungers who live off financial subsidies, they are the ones
who obtain concessions and million-dollar debt forgiveness from the state.
They are the ones who finance and control the political parties and use
their influence to have power in the National Congress and in the courts. In
short, they are the ones who have the country trapped and don't allow the
advancement of other businessmen and marginalize the people because for them
it's business as usual that they remain ignorant and hungry. It's easy for
them to manipulate them with the corporate media, as they are doing with
this coup. (How different is the situation in the U.S. with the banksters
and the fianacial industry's fraudsters bringing on the present financial
crisis and then passing around big performance bonuses from jthe bail out
money? - Kathy)
http://narcosphere. narconews. com/notebook/ kristin-bricker/ 2009/07/these- are-coup- leaders-they- will-be-judged

*Know the "Brainwashing Codewords" the Coup Leaders Use to Manipulate
Hondurans*<http://narcosphere. narconews. com/notebook/ kristin-bricker/ 2009/07/these- are-coup- leaders-they- will-be-judged>

http://narcosphere. narconews. com/notebook/ kristin-bricker/ 2009/07/these- are-coup- leaders-they- will-be-judged

*The coup leaders' fierce psychological war waged through their corporate
media, which are the driving force behind media in this country, reproduces
codes of mass manipulation of the population's mind. For example, it is
legal to kidnap the President, because he is Chavez's friend. Micheletti is
good, because he hates Fidel and Daniel and Chavez.*

by El Libertador

Tegucigalpa. The brainwashing the coup leaders use as its prototype of
Honduran democracy can be decoded as seeing what's bad as good, illegal as
legal, and the usurper as necessary because he loves the country.

The coup as a "constitutional succession" and the hatred of Hugo Chavez,
Daniel Ortega, and Fidel Castro justifies a breakdown of the rule of law and
the soldiers' savagery against protesters who demand a return to
constitutional order. *Those who seek the path of a country where the law
is respected are rabble-rousers and vandals, and those who support the
dictatorship dress in white because they are pure. They are patriots because
they sing the national anthem and demand democracy, which is the same as
defending Micheletti because he shares the desire for peace and harmony in
Honduras. Many are incapable of understanding that this is how the masses
are manipulated by means of the method known as "fool catchers." Others who
have weak minds belong to families that have gotten rich off of the misery
of the majority of the population. - (Couldn't the same thing be said, "it's
propaganda", of the media's treatment of progressives here in America? -

MORE GO TO ORIGINAL<http://narcosphere. narconews. com/notebook/ kristin-bricker/ 2009/07/these- are-coup- leaders-they- will-be-judged>
http://narcosphere. narconews. com/notebook/ kristin-bricker/ 2009/07/these- are-coup- leaders-they- will-be-judged

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were
vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to
present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable

The corporate "news media's purpose is not to tell truth to the powerful but
to transmit lies to the powerless." - Lewis Lapham

EU suspends $90m aid to Honduras

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Tue Jul 21, 2009 11:39 pm (PDT)

[image: BBC NEWS]

*EU suspends $90m aid to
Honduras<http://news. go/pr/fr/ -/2/hi/americas/ 8159986.stm>

* *

*The European Union has suspended more than $90m (63m euros; £54m) in aid to
Honduras in the wake of a coup there. *

It follows the failure of talks to resolve the country's political crisis.

President Manuel Zelaya was ousted from office by troops on 28 June over his
plans to

hold a referendum on changing the constitution.

The current interim government, led by Roberto Micheletti, has rejected a
proposal that Mr Zelaya return as leader of a unity government.

The EU External Relations Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said in a
statement: "In view of the circumstances, I have taken the difficult
decision to suspend all budgetary support payments.

"I strongly appeal to both parties to refrain from any action or declaration
which might further escalate tension, thus making the prospect of a solution
more difficult."

Honduras's political leaders are still at loggerheads after the weekend
talks mediated by the Costa Rican President Oscar Arias collapsed.

The deposed president has vowed to return home despite warnings from the
interim government that they will arrest him if he does.

Story from BBC NEWS:
http://news. go/pr/fr/ -/2/hi/americas/ 8159986.stm

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were
vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to
present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable

The corporate "news media's purpose is not to tell truth to the powerful but
to transmit lies to the powerless." - Lewis Lapham

Fwd: Madam Jane predicts: It's every man for himself!

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:54 am (PDT)

> *<http://3.bp. blogspot. com/_hYSzRJe8ZM0 /SlDzyFhA_ aI/AAAAAAAADPA/ ZebEff96Mtk/ s1600-h/DSC00053 .JPG>
> <http://4.bp. blogspot. com/_hYSzRJe8ZM0 /SlDy3m071rI/ AAAAAAAADO4/ YJx1XJAkLgg/ s1600-h/DSC00025 .JPG>
> <http://www.condell. org/newlife/ HappiestBaby_ large.jpg>
> Madam Jane predicts: It's every man for himself!
> *
> By Jane Stillwater http://jpstillwater .blogspot. com
> "Madam Jane," I asked my favorite fortune-teller yesterday, "what does
> the future hold for us? I mean, really. The seas are rising, billions of
> people seem to be dying of starvation, most of our tax dollars go toward
> keeping bankers in caviar and buying enough weapons to blow up our entire
> solar system -- and most Americans are missing the Big Picture entirely and
> going around with their heads in the sand when they should be out taking
> action. The future looks grim. I'm all confused. What should I be doing
> to make the future look better?"
> Madam Jane just sighed and looked disgusted. "What are you asking me
> for? I got problems of my own. Go ask Harry Potter."
> So. It looks like I'm not going to get any help from Madam Jane this
> time around. I'm going to be in this mess all on my own. "It's every man
> for himself now," snarled Madam Jane. "Go find your own freaking lifeboat.
> Get out of mine."
> Madam Jane seems to be having a bad day.
> Still and all, I hate being on my own. I hate not knowing what the
> future will hold.
> "Oh, okay, just stop whining. I'll give you a few hints -- but just
> this once," said MJ. Then she took out her cards. "The future....
> Hmmm.... When you think about the future, there is really only one thing to
> think about: Babies, children, the next generation. Do whatever you can to
> keep babies safe."
> Oh crap. As much as I dearly love babies in the abstract, in reality
> they are a whole bunch of work. They keep trying to mess up my computer.
> They hit the delete button by accident, don't keep quiet while I think and
> spit up on the keyboard.
> But Madam Jane continued on despite my grumblings. "You educate them,
> you be kind to them, you make sure that every single baby in this world is
> wanted, nurtured, protected and loved. That's mankind's most important
> task. That's mankind's only hope. Madam Jane has spoken."
> Does this mean that I'm going to have to go off to the Pentagon and
> explain to the Generals that if they really want to make America safe, they
> gotta give up spending trillions of dollars on Star War missiles,
> pre-imptive strikes, torture and fomenting military take-overs in Honduras
> -- and start learning how to change diapers instead? Yeah right.
> Have I got to go to Congress and teach all our Representatives about
> the "Five S" method? Apparently so. "Senators! When a newborn is crying
> from colic, you gotta activate its Calming Reflex by performing five actions
> -- swaddle the baby, turn it sideways, swing it, shhh it in imitation of its
> mother's heartbeat, and give it something to suck on." Do I gotta send
> every legislator in America a copy of "The Happiest Baby on the Block"? I'm
> an expert on this "Five S" method. You got a colicky baby? Call me! I'll
> have it quietly smiling in under two minutes. I got skills.
> But I digress.
> Instead of giving Israeli neo-cons seven million dollars a DAY to
> spend on weapons, give them seven million dollars a day to spend on
> Palestinian schools, colleges and universities. And do the same in Baghdad
> and AfPak. And then spend seven million dollars a day on educating
> California's children too. Why not.
> Hey, Madam Jane! You might actually be onto something here.
> ****
> Here's an essay I wrote yesterday that got me thrown off the *Daily
> Kos* for being anti-semitic. I also got over 200 comments from *Kos *readers
> saying that I was bigoted, Jew-hating and worse. I felt terrible! I didn't
> MEAN to be anti-semitic! I was just pissed off that so much of American
> taxpayers' money is being spent on wars and guns and the military and, yes,
> even on housing in foreign countries -- instead of helping us working-class
> Americans out here at home.
> In any case, here's the dread post that got me thrown off of the *Daily
> Kos*:
> * <http://foreclosedho images/foreclose d_homes_ohio. jpg>
> <http://www.imemc. org/attachments/ jul2007/israeli_ settlement_ near_jerusalem. jpg>
> *
> **
> *New foreclosure remedy: Become Jewish & move to Israel!*
> By Jane Stillwater http://jpstillwater .blogspot. com
> Lately I've been hearing a whole bunch of horror stories about
> American families who've been forced to go through foreclosure and stand
> helplessly by as their homes were repossessed and their posessions thrown
> out on the streets by the banks. According to USA Today, "Foreclosure
> filings surpassed 3 million in 2008." Watching this happen is like watching
> the grim 1930s dust bowl foreclosures happen all over again. As Woodie
> Guthrie once said, "Some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a
> fountain pen."
> But not to worry. Help is on the way.
> In these hard times of trouble, our government is spending billions of
> dollars on financial programs and bailouts designed to strengthen our
> banks. And our government is also spending billions of dollars on
> manufacturing weapons far above and beyond even Dr. Strangelove' s wildest
> defense needs. But does our government spend billions of dollars on
> programs that will also help out the approximately six million ordinary
> salt-of-the- earth Americans who have lost their homes in the last three
> years?
> Yes!
> Our American government is currently financing and maintaining a
> fabulous all-comprehensive housing program that can provide you with modern
> newly-constructed state-of-the- art housing at either subsidized prices -- or
> free! And talk about location location location. This wonderful model
> housing program isn't located in undesirable places like the grungy old
> Boston inner city or shabby run-down parts of L.A. And, unlike those tacky
> bankrupt schools in California and Mississippi, this place has outstanding
> schools too. And its healthcare services, shopping centers and freeways are
> also top-of-the-line.
> These fabulous new housing programs are located in a place that is
> sunny, modern, upscale and family-friendly -- Israel!
> According to USA Today, "Nefesh B'Nefesh, a non-profit organization,
> provides grants of $3,000 to $10,000 as an incentive for Jews to move [to
> Israel]. Nefesh B'Nefesh, which means 'Soul to Soul,' also helps arrange
> housing, jobs and schools for immigrants' children."
> "But what do I have to do to be eligible for all this wonderful
> subsidized housing?" you might ask. That's easy. Just become Jewish. And
> apply. It's your birthright. You're in!
> "But America doesn't actually pay for any housing programs there, do
> they?" you might ask. No, not exactly. But they do give Israeli neo-cons
> seven million dollars per DAY to spend on weapons. Do I think that all
> that money goes into just "defending" Israel from a few skraggly
> Palestinians? Maybe. We may never know. But it sounds like a scam to me.
> "But if America is financing -- directly or indirectly -- a housing
> program that is available to only one religious group, isn't that against
> our Constitution and civil rights? Doesn't this program have to be
> available to ALL Americans to be legal? And doesn't it go against the
> separation of church and state?" Nah. Not a problem. No churches are
> involved.
> "But I heard that it was hard to convert to Judaism and that it takes
> years of study and that you've got to learn Hebrew and get circumcised. .."
> Surprisingly, that's not an obstacle either.
> I recently talked with a visiting Israeli citizen and asked him just
> exactly what kind of bureaucratic hoops an American who had just been
> foreclosed upon would have to jump through in order to prove he or
> she was Jewish so that he or she could take advantage of all this free
> American-subsidized housing in Israel.
> "You don't need to do anything," the visiting Israeli replied. "There
> are Russians and Ethiopians and indigenous peoples from the remote Andes of
> Peru who have been accepted into this program -- people who are no more
> Jewish than, say, Madonna or Brad Pitt. All they had to do was to SAY that
> they're Jewish. That alone got them in -- with full access to assisted
> housing, pre-arranged employment opportunities and even free single-payer
> healthcare! They got the whole schmear. And so will you."
> I was shocked.
> Apparently Israel is no longer just a safe haven for European Jews who
> survived the camps like it used to be. Sadly, most of that whole generation
> is pretty much gone. The new face of Israel is different. Israel is now
> home for Russian mafia oligarch wannabees who couldn't make it in Moscow or
> poor Ethiopians and Peruvians just trying to get a leg up -- but who aren't
> even Jewish. Apparently, according to my Israeli friend, all you gotta do
> to be eligible to live in Israel with beau-coup benefits is to be able to
> produce a yarmulke and some bobby-pins and you're in! And American
> taxpayers will support you for the rest of your life.
> Does anybody but me find that weird?
> PS: Apparently I'm not the only American concerned about about
> out-of-control foreclosure issues who has thought of this solution. In an
> article entitled, "Thousands of Jews to immigrate to Israel this summer,"
> *Israel News* states that, "The Jewish Agency is expecting an increase of
> about 15% in the number of immigrants to Israel in 2009 in comparison with
> last year." And if Washington keeps funding all those high-rise condos in
> East Jerusalem and the West Bank instead of funding badly-needed new housing
> back in the USA -- Katrina victims are STILL living in FEMA trailers for
> instance -- then hundreds of thousands more Americans will also be
> immigrating soon.
> If you build it, they will come.
> ****
> *Here's my letter to the Daily Kos:* I freely admit that my article on
> American subsidized housing in Israel was anti-Wall Street bailout,
> anti-screw-the- little-people and anti-forclosure. This was a satire on the
> fact that American money is going to Israel, Iraq, the Pentagon, etc.
> instead of to where it is needed most -- to help Americans who are losing
> their homes.
> Nothing in this article was against Jews. Everything in this article
> was against the Israeli neo-cons who are milking America to support their
> land-grabs in Palestine while all the time Americans lack healthcare,
> housing etc.
> I would ask you to remove the "anti-semetic" label you have placed on
> me, unlock the comment line and let the debate continue.
> Every time I post on Kos about how the Israeli neo-cons are abusing
> their power in Palestine, I get jumped by commenters who appear to comb
> Google for references against neo-con policies in Israel.
> As one Israeli told me when I was in Jerusalem, "You don't have to
> believe in God to rise in the Israeli power structure. You only have to
> believe that God gave this land to Israel's government heads."
> Whenever anyone brings up the idea that it might not be a good thing
> to give billions to Israel, we are immediately labeled anti-semetic. I
> thought that the "Daily Cause" was more sophisticated than that. Remember
> that story in "Taking on the System" where Markos was jumped by the media
> for something he said regarding military spending for mercinaries? I feel
> like that too -- like I've been jumped!
> I would greatly appreciate it if you would read my article for
> yourself -- and then print an apology. Thank you.
> Message to me from your website: "You've Been Warned...2009- 07-04
> 16:27:49: Posting anti-semitic diaries is forbidden. Consider this your
> one and only warning."
> ****
> *From Robert: Foreclosure Fiasco Continues: The Bush-Obama Strategy of
> Throwing Billions at Banks Doesn't Work:* It's not working. The
> Bush-Obama strategy of throwing trillions at the banks to solve the mortgage
> crisis is a huge bust. The financial moguls, while tickled pink to have
> $1.25 trillion in toxic assets covered by the feds, along with hundreds of
> billions in direct handouts, are not using that money to turn around the
> free fall in housing foreclosures.
> As The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday, "The Mortgage Bankers
> Association cut its forecast of home-mortgage lending this year by 27% amid
> deflating hopes for a boom in refinancing. " The same association said that
> the total refinancing under the administration' s much ballyhooed Home
> Affordable Refinance Program is "very low."
> Aside from a tight mortgage market, the problem in preventing
> foreclosures has to do with homeowners losing their jobs. Here again the
> administration, continuing the Bush strategy, is working the wrong end of
> the problem. Although President Obama was wise enough to at least launch a
> job stimulus program, a far greater amount of federal funding benefits Wall
> Street as opposed to Main Street.
> State and local governments have been forced into draconian budget
> cuts, firing workers who are among the most reliable in making their
> mortgage payments -- when they have jobs. Yet the Obama administration
> won't spend even a small fraction of what it has wasted on the banks to
> cover state shortfalls.
> California couldn't get the White House to guarantee $5.5 billion in
> short-term notes to avert severe cuts in state and local payrolls, from
> prison guards to schoolteachers. Compare that with the $50 billion already
> given to Citigroup, plus an astounding $300 billion to guarantee that
> institution' s toxic assets. Citigroup benefits from being a bank "too big
> to fail," although through its irresponsible actions to get that large it
> did as much as any company to cause this mess.
> How big a mess? According to the Federal Reserve's most recent
> report, seven straight quarters of declining household wealth have left
> Americans $14 trillion poorer. Many who thought they were middle class have
> now joined the ranks of the poor. Food banks are strapped and welfare rolls
> are dramatically on the rise, as the WSJ reports, with a 27 percent
> year-to-year increase in Oregon, 23 percent in South Carolina and 10 percent
> in California. And you have to be very poor to get on welfare, thanks to
> President Clinton's so-called welfare reform, which he signed into law
> before he ramped up the radical deregulation of the financial services
> industry, enabling our economic downturn.
> http://www.alternet .org/story/ 140943/
> ****
> *From Mohammed: Here's a video made by an Israeli woman,* discussing how
> guilty she feels that her life is normal while Palestinian children are
> beaten at checkpoints in her name:
> com/watch? v=EcGm-gxmxHw
> ****
> *From Tony:* *U. S. on the Fourth of July: More Unequal than Ever, **by
> **Don Monkerud* <http://www.smirking user/don_ monkerud>*:* In
> June 2009, the U.S. economy saw its second steepest decline in 27 years.
> New jobless claims increased, business inventories fell and exports plunged
> as bad economic news persisted. Will the once high-flying American wealth
> machine continue to produce the vast inequalities of the past?
> Only two years ago, Steve Forbes, CEO of Forbes magazine, declared
> 2007 "the richest year ever in human history." During eight years of the
> Bush Administration, the 400 richest Americans, who now own more than the
> bottom 150 million Americans, increased their net worth by $700 billion. In
> 2005, the top one percent claimed 22 percent of the national income, *while
> the top ten percent took half of the total income,* the largest share
> since 1928.
> ****
> *Regarding the "Department of Defense,"* Robert Rodvik wrote: Michael Shaw
> stated that, "Our society could be Utopian if we cut our defense spending by
> a meager 25%."
> * *The only problem with the above statement is its assumption that
> the military budget is for "defense spending". Defense against whom? This
> mislabeled massive spending is for offensive control of the world. Nothing
> else. Which is why the "Department of War" was renamed the "Department of
> Defense" -- so as to confuse the sheeple that are needed to fight in these
> "defensive" operations.
> ****
> *"Bring Your Own Flak Jacket: Helpful Tips for Touring Today's Middle
> East," my fabulous book on Iraq, Afghanistan, Mecca, Egypt, etc. is now
> available!!! !!* You can special-order it through Ingram at any
> independent bookstore or to order it online, go to Barnes and Noble<http://search. barnesandnoble. com/booksearch/ isbnInquiry. asp?z=y&EAN= 9780978615710& itm=1>
> http://search. barnesandnoble. com/Bring- Your-Own- Flak-Jacket/ Jane-Stillwater/ e/9780978615710/ ?itm=1
> .
> *Review by S. R. Thornton:* For some, Jane Stillwater might be an
> acquired taste. She has a gift for skewering the pompous with a phrase, of
> unabashedly pointing out which emperors lack clothes.... She writes from a
> personal perspective and the chronicle of her overseas odysseys read like a
> combination of Mark Twain and Jack Kerouac. [This book is] for the
> seriously open-minded who enjoy a good chortle.
> [image: Bring Your Own Flak Jacket: Helpful Tips for Touring Today's
> Middle East]< com/gp/product/ images/097861571 9/ref=dp_ image_0?ie= UTF8&n=283155& s=books>
> See larger image< com/gp/product/ images/097861571 9/ref=dp_ image_text_ 0?ie=UTF8& n=283155& s=books>
> ****
> *My book is also available on Kindle *for only $6.39! You could try to
> order it here: com/Bring- Your-Own- Flak-Jacket/
> dp/B001BHK6JG/ ref=sr_1_ 1?ie=UTF8&s= digital-text& qid=1214255585& sr=1-1< com/Bring- Your-Own- Flak-Jacket/ dp/B001BHK6JG/ ref=sr_1_ 1?ie=UTF8& s=digital- text&qid= 1214255585& sr=1-1>
> ****
> *Never been to Saudi Arabia? Learn more about The Kingdom* by
> reading "Mecca & the Hajj: Lessons From the Islamic School of Hard Knocks,"
> by Jane Straitwell, aka me. It's available through Barnes and Noble, online
> at
> http://search. barnesandnoble. com/Mecca- And-The-Hajj/ Jane-Straitwell/ e/9780978615703/ ?itm=1 and
> also on Kindle.
> [image: Mecca And The Hajj by Jane Straitwell: Book Cover]<http://search. barnesandnoble. com/booksearch/ imageviewer. asp?ean=97809786 15703>
> ****
> "Life is a competition. The winners are the ones who do the most
> good deeds."
> ****
> "Imagine a world where EVERY child is wanted, nurtured, protected and
> loved: World Peace in one generation!"
> ****
> *Donations toward my next attempt to get embedded in Iraq and Afghanistan* , pay
> off my recent trips to North Korea, Iran and Burma, and help me volunteer
> in the DRC, Darfur and Somalia, report from Gaza, the Ukraine and Russia
> and/or publish my next book -- tentatively entitled "Iraq, Iran & North
> Korea: From Axis to Evil to Hot New Tourist Destinations" -- are gratefully
> accepted. Go to http://paypal. com <http://paypal. com/>, hit "Send Money"
> and type in my e-mail address -- jpstillwater@<http://us.f823. com/ym/Compose? To=jpstillwater@>.
> Thanks.
> ****
> *If anyone doesn't want to be on my mailing list anymore, PLEEZE let me
> know. Just send me an e-mail with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.*

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing. - ME
I've learned that to ignore the facts does not change the facts. - Andy

The corporate "news media's purpose is not to tell truth to the powerful but
to transmit lies to the powerless." - Lewis Lapham
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