Friday, June 26, 2009

Re: [mediavigil] Press Release: Make the Ganga Basin studies public

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: mediavigil <>
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 15:48:59
Subject: [mediavigil] Press Release: Make the Ganga Basin studies public

June 26, 2009

CIC asks MWR not to consider River flow data secret

MWR directed to make the Ganga Basin studies public

In order that is likely to have far reaching implications on water
governance in India, the Central Information Commission(CIC) has
directed the Union Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) that "any study
about water-flow in the river systems of the country must be made
available to the general public for its information and education. It is
not open to the public authority to hold secret critical information
with which lives of millions may be related. Publication of this data
informs the people about how the public authority is discharging its
appointed functions and whether it was acting accountably about a matter
so critical as the nation's water resources in general and the river
systems in particular." Following an appeal by SANDRP, the CIC has
asked the MWR make public the reports of the Central Water Commission &
National Institute of Hydrology on the impacts of the hydropower
projects on Bhagirathi River in Uttarakhand and for portions that the
ministry decides not to make public, "Reasons for holding these
parts of the information confidential will have to be recorded, which
should be open to scrutiny." This entire task is to be completed in
three months.

The CIC order dated June 8, 2009 (the order is available on CIC website
at: in/CIC-Orders/ AT-08062009- 09.pdf
< in/CIC-Orders/ AT-08062009- 09.pdf> ) which became
available to SANDRP today, was following a hearing at the CIC on June 2,
2009, where Himanshu Thakkar and Swarup Bhattacharya represented SANDRP.
Shri Vinay Kumar Sr. Joint Commissioner (Policy & Planning) (Ph:
23719503 (O), 26173251(R), PBX: 373) represented the MWR. The concerned
Appellate Authority is Comm. (PP) M.E.Haque (Ph: 23711946 (O)
26186522(R)) .

Facts of the case On October 15, 2008, Swarup Bhattacharya from SANDRP
had filed an RTI application with the MWR on the issue of the impacts of
the Hydropower Projects on the Ganga River. The MWR accepted that the
Central Water Commission (CWC) and the National Institute of Hydrology
(NIH) were asked on July 9, 2008 to submit reports in one month on the
impacts of the hydropower projects on the hydrology and ecology of the
river and the hill areas. The MWR had asked these reports following a
letter of concern from UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi to the then Union
Minister of Water Resources. However, MWR refused to provide copies of
these reports, first saying "the reports have not been accepted by
the Ministry and these are under examination of MWR." On appeal, the
appellate Authority gave a new reason for not making the reports
available: "Since the specific reports submitted by NIH and CWC to
the Ministry include classified data of Ganga Basin, it would not be
possible to make available copies".

This was indeed a very shocking state of affairs. The Ministry should
have taken up studies on impacts of so many hydropower projects on any
river, on its own. It did not do that. When this becomes an issue of
public concern following serious impacts of the projects on the people,
river and the ecology, it still does not take any action. Then when Mrs
Sonia Gandhi writes to the minister, the MWR does ask for the studies,
but does not make them public on its own and refuses to make them public
even under RTI. Considering the seriousness of the issue, SANDRP
approached CIC. Following an appeal to the CIC on Feb 19, 2009, the CIC
heard the case on June 2, 2009 and made the above mentioned order.

CIC critical of the MWR At the hearing on June 2, `09 before the
Information Commissioner Shri A N Tiwari, the MWR officials could not
even say "what was being done to ensure that the river systems that
sustain much of the life of the country should not run dry". Thus,
CIC observed in the order, "However, they were unable to state what
part of that inter-ministerial responsibility befell on the MWR."

In fact, one of the questions in the above mentioned RTI by Swarup
Bhattacharya from SANDRP was, "What action has Ministry of Water
Resources taken in the past to ensure that rivers in India have fresh
water all round the year?" The MWR response in this regard exposed
the Ministry, "Water Resources projects are planned, implementation
(sic) and operated by the respective State Governments. " What this
reply said was that the MWR was doing nothing to ensure that rivers in
India have freshwater all round the year. On top of this, the MWR is not
even making the basic information of water flow in rivers in India

We hope that following this CIC order, the MWR will review its
information disclosure policies and proactively make available all
information about river flows on its website and in other forms.

Himanshu Thakkar, Swarup Bhattacharya (ht.sandrp@gmail. com
<mailto:ht.sandrp@gmail. com> ) Ph: +01 11 27484655; 09968242798

South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People (www.sandrp. in
<http://www.sandrp. in/> )

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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