Friday, June 26, 2009

Re: [Anti_Bush_Database] Today's LUV News: 26 June, 2009

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Jodda Mitchell <>
To: Jodda Mitchell <>
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 18:08:01
Subject: [Anti_Bush_Database] Today's LUV News: 26 June, 2009


French news reports this morning that the House of Representatives has passed a $550.4 billion defense budget.  This is only a fraction of that which goes to what is euphemistically called "defense spending," much of it hidden from the public through tricks like scattering funds among agencies outside of the Defense Department.
This is a primary reason that we have the highest rate of homeless and hungry people among major industrialized nations, the highest rate of people without health care among all industrialized nations, and the highest percentage of population in prison among all nations.
Members of Congress are even approving weapons systems the Pentagon doesn't want in this bill, to satisfy those in the Nuclear Mafia who bribe them with campaign financing.

The women's peace group Code Pink is calling for the citizen's arrest of Bush Administration war criminals. 


It is classic propaganda that we are hearing from corporate media about the protests in Iran, an echo of what we've heard in other nations in recent years when our National Security State was attempting to undermine a government with a protest identified by color.  No doubt, most of those involved in the protests are legitimate demonstrators, drawn in because they have various visions for change, so the Iranian "Green revolution" is extremely disparate.
"Facts" are considered by the corporate media "journalists" to exclude anything favoring Iran's government, and emphasize anything opposing it.  When that is not enough to bend reality to the National Security State viewpoint, the facts are twisted. 
For example, Prison Planet reports "An image used by the L.A. Times on the front page of its website Tuesday showed Iranian President Ahmadinejad waving to a crowd of supporters at a public event.  In a story covering the election protests yesterday, the BBC News website used a closer shot of the same scene, but with Ahmadinejad cut out of the frame. The caption under the photograph read, 'Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi again defied a ban on protests.'"
Mousavi is ironically being played up by the corporate media as the big hero of the protests, without acknowledging, as Paul Craig Roberts points out, "Mir-Hossein Mousavi, who served as prime minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran from 1981 to 1989, the decade following the overthrow of the American puppet government by Khomeini, has been fingered as the Butcher of Beirut, responsible for the bloody attacks on the US embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut during the Reagan administration that blew to pieces 241 US Marines, sailors, and Army troops."  Wouldn't the American people be surprised if this leaked out?
It's easy to show how honest journalism is being betrayed by the way corporate media distort this story  --Jack

The Iranian Protests and the Mainstream Media

You Provide the Tweets, We'll Provide the Info War



We can all remember a moment when we gazed up at the sky and used our imagination to make familiar shapes out of the clouds.  In folk wisdom, seers practice aeromancy, a form of divination that involves observing atmospheric phenomena and nephomancy, the divination by studying clouds).
What we are witnessing in the Iranian situation resembles this practice, only now the clouds are made of information. This infosphere is not the same as the old chestnut, the "fog of war." It's more like what I call the fog-machine of war, and its analysts are performing infomancy.
People are seeing their hopes, fears, and their shadows in this data mist. One of these faith-based assertions is that more info equals more democracy. It's not just that observers consider the anti-regime protests to be democratic, but they believe the use of social media is inherently democratic (i.e. more freedom of expression).  But we were given official notice early in Obama's administration that cyberwar is a renewed threat, so why not take heed and understand Iran as a case of warfare? In that light, more info = more infowar; more information means more disinformation.  Propaganda used to come in print form and be dropped from the skies.  Now it's laterally spread through peer-to-peer networks, creating a bottom-up disinfosphere.
What happens then?  Info droplets get absorbed by more traditional news outlets. Cable news now functions as a mechanism that selects from a haze of unverifiable information and amplifies its choices. CNN seems to be the best example.  At least they're upfront about it: an anchor previewed an upcoming story by saying they'd be bringing us reports "true or not." Jack Cafferty noted that the information from Iraq was "Alive but Cloudy". Even their original segment on Green martyr Neda opened with the disclaimer "the facts surrounding her life and death are difficult to confirm." This didn't stop them from replaying the garish spectacle so often that it begs comparison with the paltry coverage of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghani victims of US aggression.
Professional journalism has been criticized for years for its disproportionate reliance on official sources. With the Valerie Plame case and other escapades in the secret sphere, journalists' dependence on anonymous insiders also came under scrutiny.  In Iran, the anonymous sources are covered in "people power." The question remains: are they insiders?
Are people tweeting from the streets or from other lands?  Are they eyewitnesses or I-spies? Perhaps these news outlets could take a tip from entertainment tabloid television program EXTRA!, which at least makes an attempt at info-sorting with a regular segment called "Rumor Control." A member of CNN's gushing Twitterati, Ali Velshi acknowledged that the biggest problem is getting the true story. In a nod to the power and problems of crowdsourcing  he admitted, "We are as good as you are." Well, if that's the case then we're in trouble: CNN ought to keep its weekly program Reliable Sources, but refer to its other 167 week hours as Unreliable Sources. Witting or not, these news networks collectively retool the famous line allegedly telegraphed by William Randolph Hearst, updating it for the digital age: "You furnish the tweets, we'll furnish the war."
Meanwhile, key actors in the Iran uprising remain obscured. Take Mostafa Hassani, whom the Nation calls the "the whiz kid who came up with the idea of using green."  The Guardian UK gives him a bigger role than just the resident graphic designer, stating that he is "leading Mousavi's green campaign."  Some basic searches turn up almost nothing else on this shadowy character. You would think such a figure would get more attention, but that's the way it goes when infomancy is performed poorly: sometimes you ignore the important patterns in order to project your wishes. 
In sum, the very basics of reporting (when, where, who, what?) have become unverifiable. However, the "why" seems relatively clear for pundits, anchors, and other infomancers. Lingering Cold War fantasies dominate their visions, now with a theocratic twist: People Power vs. Iron Fists, Democracy vs. Dictatorship, Freedom vs. Repression. Neglected is the soft control of information warfare.  We could call this a Cyborg Fist in the Velvet Glove. Or maybe it's leather. Dr. Strangelove, anyone?
Jack Bratich is Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. He is also a zine librarian at ABC No Rio in New York City.  This summer he will be co-teaching a course on Affect and Politics at Bluestockings Bookstore through their Popular Education program. He can be reached at

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