Saturday, August 23, 2008


22 Newfields, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6YT , UK
Phone: 44 (1707) 330437 ~ Fax: 44 (870) 1226007
615 Poplar Avenue, Sacramento CA 95691, USA.T: 818-917-6910. F: 1-866-366-9603
214 McGibbon Dr., Ottawa , ON K2L-3Y4 Canada . T: 613-591-0451~ F: 1- 815-550-5694

Email world_sindhi_ congress@ ~ URL: http://www.worldsin dhicongrss. org

Press Release Date: August 18, 2008
AR Kakepoto
California, USA

World Sind hi Congress (WSC) is deeply relieved at the departure of military dictator General Musharaf. He was particularly against Sindhi and Baloch people and nev er bothered to hide his disliking against them. WSC believes he is the main culprit for the killing of thousands of Baloch and Sindhi people including Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto, Nawab Akbar Bugti and Mir Balaach Marri. During his black era Sindhi and Baloch people were put against wall and thousands of Baloch and Sindhi political activists were kidnapped to torture centers. He supported and implemented all the racist and fascist policies of MQM against Sindhi people to severely damage their historical, political, cultural, social and economic rights. WSC has demanded that he should be tried and punished for his crimes against humanity. WSC has also demanded from the present government that all the actions, policies and crimes committed against Sind hi people by him and MQM should be
nullified and appropriate actions need to be taken to compensate the damage caused.

World Sindhi Congress
22 Newfields, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL8 6YT, UK
Tel. +44 (01707) 896526 ~ Fax +44 (870)1226007
615 Poplar Avenue, Sacramento CA 95691, USA ~ TELE:: 818-917-6910 ~ FAX: 1-775-599-9226
214 McGibbon Dr., Ottawa, ON K2L-3Y4 Canada ~ TELE: 1-613-591-0451 ~ FAX 1-815-550-5694

Email: world_sindhi_ congress@
URL: http://www.worldsin dhicongress. org

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