Saturday, August 23, 2008

How Pakistan Measures Up To Developing Asia Nations

How Pakistan Measures Up To Developing Asia Nations
Posted by: "S Turkman" torkmaan
Date: Fri Aug 22, 2008 11:12 am ((PDT))

The Phrase, 'Per Capita GDP' can not be used for 'Purchasing Power Per Capita' or PPP because 'Per Capita GDP' means GDP divided on Population.

If GDP is correct, yearly Original Per Capita of these countries is as following:

* China $ 2,461 but average Chinese make only about $ 1,000 a year in practice so GDP shown can not be correct. Its completely bogus.
* India $ 932 but average Indian does not make this kind of money so, GDP shown has to be incorrect.
* Indonesia $ 1,869.
* Thailand $ 3,910
* Malaysia $ 6,837
* Phillipines $ 1,624
* Pakistan $ 892
* Bangladesh $ 456, which doesn't sound right at all. It should be more.

If the GDP numbers shown below are calculated by governments of these countries, they have different methods of calculating it.

Finance Ministries of China, India and Bangladesh do not know, how to calculate GDP.
I would appreciate comments on this from Readers.
S U Turkman, an Economist

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