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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The great saga of fairness business means ethnic cleansing! As Indian women subjected to termination twice!By caste as well as blatant apartheid practiced with fairness dominance with inhuman color bias. Palash Biswas

The great saga of fairness business means ethnic cleansing!

As Indian women subjected to termination twice!By caste as well as blatant apartheid practiced with fairness dominance with inhuman color bias.

Palash Biswas

The great saga of fairness business means ethnic cleansing!

As Indian women subjected to termination twice!By caste as well as blatant apartheid practiced with fairness dominance with inhuman color bias.

Just see the report published by Bengali Daily Eisamay!

Media is fed by the fairness industry these days.Free market economy is all about marketing which skips production system and marketing banks on the anatomy of woman and its fairness which is blatant apartheid practiced against women.

Indian woman is victim of patriarchal hegemony empowered with high voltage anti woman religious nationalism.

Indian women are shudra in accordance with manusmriti which is the constitution of the rulers these days,associated with neo nazi zionist global satanic order.

Indian women are shudra irrespective of caste,class,creed,race and identity as Indian women are reduced to sex slaves irrespective of their status whatsoever.

Because they are predestined to be sex slave in this manusmriti post modern free market,the must have the fairness.

This is the central idea of the fairness phobia so predominant.

So, no wonder,unable to bear the pain of her father's remarks on her dark complexion, a 32-year-old woman committed suicide by setting herself ablaze after pouring kerosene on her body at her residence at Chandipur in East Midnapore.

The victim breathed her last at the Tamluk district hospital last night after struggling for life since 12 November.

The district police have registered a suo-motu diary as her death is regarded as an unnatural one.

Incidentally,she was a teacher,empowered and supporting her parents,but had to become the victim of her dark complexion in progressive Bengal.

Bratati Das, a schoolteacher by profession, died on way to Tamluk from a Kolkata hospital.

Das, a resident of Chandipur in the district, had a quarrel with her father on November 12 over the issue that she could not be married off because of her dark complexion, the police said.

Now,just look at all the the advertisements - they are obsessed by skin colour.So mcuh so hyped grooming is all about complexion.

The fact remains that in India, a country where the majority of the population is dark-skinned, there is a widely held belief that dark complexions are inferior to fair ones. This prejudice manifests itself in everything from hiring practices that favor light-skinned employees to matrimonial ads that list fairness as a non-negotiable characteristic of the future bride or groom. In the media, light-skinned actors and models are in high demand, while dark-skinned performers are rarely seen on screen. The message is clear: fair skin represents beauty and success, and as a result Indians are keen consumers of products that promise to lighten skin.

ELIZABETH SEGRAN,thus ,describes very well how we the people of India most of which are black and genetically negroid,we tend to kill our daughters,sisters and other girls just because they might not be married away.

ELIZABETH SEGRAN writes:This uncomfortable fact has spawned dueling ad campaigns on the skin-bleaching front. In March of this year, an organization called Women of Worth launched a "Dark is Beautiful" campaign to draw attention to the effects of racial prejudice in India. The print ad features the actress Nandita Das urging women to throw out their fairness creams and abandon the belief that dark skin is ugly. Meanwhile, in early July, the cosmetics company Emami released a competing television ad starring Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan. In the ad, Khan tosses a tube of fairness cream to a young fan, telling him that fairness is the secret to success in life. In response, the "Dark is Beautiful" campaign filed a petition on asking Emami to suspend the ad on the grounds that it is discriminatory.

Now,Bengal is opting for hindutva based on Manusmriti as Sangh Pariwar agenda of Hindu Rashtra means rule of Manusmriti.Whereas Hindu apologists consider the Manusmriti as the divine code of conduct and, accordingly, the status of women as depicted in the text has been interpreted as Hindu divine law.  While defending Manusmriti as divine code of conduct for all including women, apologists often quote the verse: "yatr naryasto pojyantay, ramantay tatr devta[3/56] (where women are provided place of honor, gods are pleased and reside there in that household), but they deliberately forget all those verses that are full of prejudice, hatred  and discrimination against women.

Here are some of the 'celebrated' derogatory comments about women in the Manusmriti :

1. "Swabhav ev narinam ….." – 2/213. It is the nature of women to seduce men in this world; for that reason the wise are never unguarded in the company of females.

2. "Avidvam samlam……….." – 2/214. Women, true to their class character, are capable of leading astray men in this world, not only a fool but even a learned and wise man. Both become slaves of desire.

3. "Matra swastra ……….." – 2/215. Wise people should avoid sitting alone with one's mother, daughter or sister. Since carnal desire is always strong, it can lead to temptation.

4. "Naudwahay…………….." – 3/8. One should not marry women who has have reddish hair, redundant  parts of the body [such as six fingers], one who is often sick, one without hair or having excessive hair and one who has red eyes.

5. "Nraksh vraksh ……….." – 3/9. One should not marry women whose names are similar to constellations,  trees, rivers, those from a low caste, mountains, birds, snakes, slaves or those whose names inspires terror.

6. "Yasto na bhavet ….. ….." – 3/10. Wise men should not marry women who do not have a brother and whose parents are not socially well known.

7. "Uchayangh……………." – 3/11. Wise men should marry only women who are free from bodily defects, with beautiful names, grace/gait like an elephant, moderate hair on the head and body, soft limbs and small teeth.

8. "Shudr-aiv bharya………" – 3/12.Brahman men can marry Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaish and even Shudra women but Shudra men can marry only Shudra women.

9. "Na Brahman kshatriya.." – 3/14. Although Brahman, Kshatriya and Vaish men have been allowed inter-caste marriages, even in distress they should not marry Shudra women.

10. "Heenjati striyam…….." – 3/15. When twice born [dwij=Brahman, Kshatriya and Vaish] men in their folly marry low caste Shudra women, they are responsible for the degradation of their whole family. Accordingly, their children adopt all the demerits of the Shudra caste.

11. "Shudram shaynam……" – 3/17. A Brahman who marries a Shudra woman, degrades himself and his whole family  ,becomes morally degenerated , loses Brahman status and his children too attain status  of shudra.

12. "Daiv pitrya………………" – 3/18. The offerings made by such a person at the time of established rituals are neither accepted by God nor by the departed soul; guests also refuse to have meals with him and he is bound to go to hell after death.

13. "Chandalash ……………" – 3/240. Food offered and served to Brahman after Shradh ritual should not be seen by a chandal, a pig, a cock,a dog, and a menstruating women.

14. "Na ashniyat……………." – 4/43. A Brahman, true defender of his class, should not have his meals in the company of his wife  and even avoid looking at her. Furthermore, he should not look towards her when she is having her meals or when she sneezes/yawns.

15. "Na ajyanti………………." – 4/44. A Brahman in order to preserve his energy and intellect, must not look at women who applies collyrium to her eyes, one who is massaging her nude body or one who is delivering a child.

16. "Mrshyanti……………." – 4/217. One should not accept meals from a woman who has extra marital relations; nor from a family exclusively dominated/managed by women or a family whose 10 days of impurity because of death have not passed.

17. "Balya va…………………." – 5/150. A female child, young woman or old woman is not supposed to work independently even at her place of residence.

18. "Balye pitorvashay……." – 5/151. Girls are supposed to be in the custody of their father when they are children, women must be under the custody of their husband when married and under the custody of her son as widows. In no circumstances is she allowed to assert herself independently.

19. "Asheela  kamvrto………" – 5/157. Men may be lacking virtue, be sexual perverts, immoral and devoid of any good qualities, and yet women must constantly worship and serve their husbands.

20. "Na ast strinam……….." – 5/158. Women have no divine right to perform any religious ritual, nor make vows or observe a fast. Her only duty is to obey and please her husband and she will for that reason alone be exalted in heaven.

21. "Kamam to………………" – 5/160. At her pleasure [after the death of her husband], let her emaciate her body by living only on pure flowers, roots of vegetables and fruits. She must not even mention the name of any other men after her husband has died.

22. "Vyabhacharay…………" – 5/167. Any women violating duty and code of conduct towards her husband, is disgraced and becomes a patient of leprosy. After death, she enters womb of Jackal.

23. "Kanyam bhajanti…….." – 8/364. In case women enjoy sex with a man from a higher caste, the act is not punishable. But on the contrary, if women enjoy sex with lower caste men, she is to be punished and kept in isolation.

24. "Utmam sevmansto……." – 8/365. In case a man from a lower caste enjoys sex with a woman from a higher caste, the person in question is to be awarded the death sentence. And if a person satisfies his carnal desire with women of his own caste, he should be asked to pay compensation to the women's faith.

25. "Ya to kanya……………." – 8/369. In case a woman tears the membrane [hymen] of her Vagina, she shall instantly have her head shaved or two fingers cut off and made to ride on Donkey.

26. "Bhartaram……………." – 8/370. In case a women, proud of the greatness of her excellence or her relatives, violates her duty towards her husband, the King shall arrange to have her thrown before dogs at a public place.

27. "Pita rakhshati………." – 9/3. Since women are not capable of living independently, she is to be kept under the custody of her father as child, under her husband as a woman and under her son as widow.

28. "Imam hi sarw……….." – 9/6. It is the duty of all husbands to exert total control over their wives. Even physically weak husbands must strive to control their wives.

29. "Pati bharyam ………." – 9/8. The husband, after the conception of his wife, becomes the embryo and is born again of her. This explains why women are called Jaya.

30. "Panam durjan………" – 9/13. Consuming liquor, association with wicked persons, separation from her husband, rambling around, sleeping for unreasonable hours and dwelling -are six demerits of women.

31. "Naita rupam……………" – 9/14. Such women are not loyal and have extra marital relations with men without consideration for their age.

32. "Poonshchalya…………" – 9/15. Because of their passion for men, immutable temper and natural heartlessness, they are not loyal to their husbands.

33. "Na asti strinam………" – 9/18. While performing namkarm and jatkarm, Vedic mantras are not to be recited by women, because women are lacking in strength and knowledge of Vedic texts. Women are impure and represent falsehood.

34. "Devra…sapinda………" – 9/58. On failure to produce offspring with her husband, she may obtain offspring by cohabitation with her brother-in-law [devar] or with some other relative [sapinda] on her in-law's side.

35. "Vidwayam……………." – 9/60. He who is appointed to cohabit with a widow shall approach her at night, be anointed  with clarified butter and silently beget one son, but by no means a second one.

36. "Yatha vidy…………….." – 9/70. In accordance with established law, the sister-in-law [bhabhi] must be clad in white garments; with pure intent her brother-in-law [devar] will cohabitate with her until she conceives.

37. "Ati kramay……………" – 9/77. Any women who disobey orders of her lethargic, alcoholic and diseased husband shall be deserted for three months and be deprived of her ornaments.

38. "Vandyashtamay……." – 9/80. A barren wife may be superseded in the 8th year; she whose children die may be superseded in the 10th year and she who bears only daughters may be superseded in the 11th year;  but she who is quarrelsome may be superseded without delay.

39. "Trinsha………………." – 9/93. In case of any problem in performing religious rites, males between the age of 24 and 30 should marry a female between the age of 8 and 12.

40. "Yambrahmansto……." – 9/177. In case a Brahman man marries Shudra woman, their son will be called 'Parshav' or 'Shudra' because his social existence is like a dead body.

Index Chapter 1

Chapter 2�

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Major Sections
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Manusmriti: The Laws of Manu


1. I will now propound the eternal laws for a husband and his wife who keep to the path of duty, whether they be united or separated.

2. Day and night woman must be kept in dependence by the males (of) their (families), and, if they attach themselves to sensual enjoyments, they must be kept under one's control.

3. Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence.

4. Reprehensible is the father who gives not (his daughter in marriage) at the proper time; reprehensible is the husband who approaches not (his wife in due season), and reprehensible is the son who does not protect his mother after her husband has died.

5. Women must particularly be guarded against evil inclinations, however trifling (they may appear); for, if they are not guarded, they will bring sorrow on two families.

6. Considering that the highest duty of all castes, even weak husbands (must) strive to guard their wives.

7. He who carefully guards his wife, preserves (the purity of) his offspring, virtuous conduct, his family, himself, and his (means of acquiring) merit.

8. The husband, after conception by his wife, becomes an embryo and is born again of her; for that is the wife-hood of a wife (gaya), that he is born (gayate) again by her.

9. As the male is to whom a wife cleaves, even so is the son whom she brings forth; let him therefore carefully guard his wife, in order to keep his offspring pure.

10. No man can completely guard women by force; but they can be guarded by the employment of the (following) expedients:


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