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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fwd: CC News Letter, 22 July - A Must Read Judgement by Indian Supreme Court‎

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From: Countercurrents <>
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 11:02 PM
Subject: CC News Letter, 22 July - A Must Read Judgement by Indian Supreme Court‎

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 In Solidarity
 Binu Mathew, Editor,
 Educate! Organize! Agitate!

Historic Judgement By Indian Supreme Court Against Arming Civilians
 By Justice B. Sudershan Reddy &
 Justice Surinder Singh Nijjar

Full text of the Supreme Court judgement by Justice Sudershan Reddy and Justice Surinder Singh Nijjar declaring the use and arming of SPOs as well as state support for Salwa Judum in Chattisgarh state of India unconstitutional and directing the state to disarm SPOs, stop using them in counterinsurgency operations, as well as file FIRs and prosecute them vigorously

Blowing Children Into Body Parts
 By Jay Janson

This article is about the author's two sons, who weren't blown to pieces as toddlers. The article is also about President Barack Obama's two daughters which Obama never had to bury with closed casket for their remains being incomplete and unrecognizable

Ground Your Warplanes, Save The Horn of Africa
 By Ramzy Baroud

UN officials from the World Food Programme (WFP) are not asking for much: $500 million to stave off the effects of what is believed to be the worst drought to hit the Horn of Africa in 60 years. This is not an impossible feat, especially when one considers the geographic extent of the drought and creeping famine. Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya are all affected, and terribly so. Sudan and Eretria are also not far from the center of this encroaching disaster

Libya War Lies Worse Than Iraq
 By Thomas C. Mountain

The lies used to justify the NATO war against Libya have surpassed those created to justify the invasion of Iraq. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch both had honest observers on the ground for months following the rebellion in eastern Libya and both have repudiated every major charge used to justify the NATO war on Libya

British Obama-Bashing And The Urge
 To Intervene In Libya
 By Nu'man Abd al-Wahid

The current war on Libya largely led by Britain and France once again highlights the shortcomings of the British anti-war movement

Corporatism or Survival on Earth?
 By Siv O'Neall

The Corpocrats are so totally deluded by their illusion of infinite power that they also believe that the earth offers the means for infinite growth. What they do not seem to understand at all is the fact that man can never, never dominate nature

Green Is The New Red:
 An Interview With Will Potter
 By Robert Jensen

An interview with Will Potter, author of "Green Is the New Red: An Insider's Account of a Social Movement under Siege"

Peak Research
 By Ugo Bardi

I couldn't find data about the worldwide situation, but these data from the US do suggest that we may have peaked in terms of resources available for scientific research or, at least, we are plateauing

The Death of Democracy
 By William A. Cook

Contrary to Fox News and Benjamin Netanyahu, Democracy is neither alive nor well in the United States or Israel; indeed it is dying a slow, agonizing death as each nation writhes in pain in adjoining beds unaware that the intravenous feeding tubes controlled by their respective Knessets drip poison into their life sustaining veins

There And Back Again: Sobering Thoughts
 About The Nuclear Madness We All Face
 By Vincent L. Guarisco

When I go down the beaten path of memory lane and revisit all the hurdles my family went through in our life-long participation with the anti-nuclear movement, my breath become fast and quick. But when I think about the future in terms of where we're headed today, I feel like I have no breath left in me

American (Real) Exceptionalism
 By Ghali Hassan

A majority of Americans believe America is an "exceptional" nation and "a shining beacon of democracy and hope to a dark world". But, reliable and unbiased evidence shows that real America is an unequal society, oppressive, undemocratic and a violent imperialist power

Explaining Obama: It's The Re-election, Stupid
 By Steve Breyman

Some pundits still suffer from "Obama as Savior" complex. Why does he roll over so easily? Why won't he fight for progressive values or policies? Why does he ignore his base? Why doesn't he end rather than start wars? How come he let Wall Street off the hook? Why does he leave Main Street to suffer? These questions all have the same answer: to do otherwise might—he and his advisors think—place his political future in jeopardy

Wanted: One Revolution
 By Paul Buchheit

It's time once again for a revolution

The Case Against Cash Transfers
 In Public Distribution System
 By A Group of Researchers

A group of research scholars and student volunteers who spent three weeks surveying the Public Distribution System (PDS) around the country has found out that there is strong public sentiment against a transition from food entitlements to cash transfers

Karnataka Government plans To Impose
 Gita On Students
 By Vidya Bhushan Rawat

When Karnataka's education minister asked all the educational institutions to teach Bhagwad Gita in the schools, he was not only violating the secular principals of the state but also creating disharmony among different sections of our population

POSCO Needs Immediate Rethink Or Recall
 By Mahtab Alam

The agitators have proposed two alternative sites, Ambili village and Budha Garia. In case the government chooses not to opt for the above, it would only further the perception of the locals that the government has some vested interests in the project. So it is high time for the government to rethink about its plan for land acquisition for the project before it is too late

Impeach Obama
 By Sherwood Ross

We tolerate President Obama, the war-maker and tyrant, at our peril. He is a menace to America and humankind, the palpable, living symbol of the military-industrial complex run amok. He should be impeached

Bahraini Unrest Stirs Unease in Washington
 By Stephen Lendman

After months of ruling Al Khalifa family crackdowns against nonviolent protesters, political opponents, human rights activists, medical professionals, independent journalists, and others wanting democratic change, reports suggest Washington may move its Fifth Fleet elsewhere

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Palash Biswas
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