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Monday, May 2, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Revolutionary Workers Movement And Revolutionary Workers Movement, 2nd National Committee Jointly Observed May Day, 2011 [6 Attachments]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sultana Rajia <>
Date: Mon, May 2, 2011 at 4:44 AM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Revolutionary Workers Movement And Revolutionary Workers Movement, 2nd National Committee Jointly Observed May Day, 2011 [6 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Sultana Rajia included below]

May Day Observed
No Compromise with Revisionism!

On 1st May, 2011, on the occasion of May Day, the international solidarity Day of working people, a meeting was held in Bhasani School in Mymensingh City in Bangladesh jointly convened by Revolutionary workers movement and Revolutionary Women's Movement. A hundred people gathered in the meeting, among them eighty percent were women. Leader of Revolutionary Women's Movement Com. Rahima, com. Jamila, Com. Shahjadi, Com. Hajera and Com. Rashida along with Leaders of Revolutionary workers movement, 2nd National committee Com. Sumon Chowdhury, Com. Nayan Rahman And Com. Abdul Matin were present and made speech. Meeting expressed that the emancipation of working people is only possible through proletarian led revolutionary struggle by uniting workers, peasants and middle class with view to overthrow the existing semi-feudal semi colonial society and establish new democracy-socialism-communism. They expressed determination to fight against revisionism as
Everyone present in the meeting chanted the slogan:
Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!
Long LIve proletarian internationalism!
Call of May Day 2011
Be armed with Maoist ideology
Fight for New Democracy-Socialism-Communism

Comrades and friends,
May 1st is international working men's day. In this day, workers in Chicago city of America sacrificed their life for the demand of 8 hour working day. Since then this day is a memorable day in emancipation movement of international working class. Though 8 hour working day is recognized worldwide, imperialists, capitalists and feudalists are trampling it everywhere, be it America or Bangladesh.
Brothers and sisters,
What is the situation of working people of Bangladesh?
Garment workers don't have any real wage. A nominal so called wage has been declared what made life of workers hard to survive, and even that is not materialized everywhere. Awami League government will not wish even a slight decrease of piles of profit of the owner bourgeoisie whose interest they protect. Their non government counter part the so called opposition bourgeoisie party—BNP and religious fascists have not opposed and will not oppose even a single bit because they all are birds of same feather. The imperialist collaborator bourgeoisie have already crushed basic industries beforehand because they want to remain as imperialist collaborator. So, by imperialist order, they created such industries, ninety percent of profits of what goes to US and European imperialist countries. Apart from them, China and India is spreading network of their capital in this country. All the working men and women including daily laborer, Rickshaw puller, Hawker, Hotel worker, construction worker, after passing day of hard labor with starvation are always in fear of being wiped out from slum, prohibition of Rickshaw, prohibition of Hawker in street etc. Peasantry doesn't have any land except evil riches. Who have a little bit they till that to provide rice for themselves for one month or a little more. Then the whole year passes in distress. These peasants are also always in fear of being wiped out from land. The so called compensation for irrigation is paid to evil riches. Who will provide food, clothing, housing, education and medical treatment? Government is for the Rich. And the rich have plenty of those. Superstitious education system is for rich. They expend much to make their children corrupt-fundamentalist-fascist. Later on, those join in those bourgeoisie parties and they life of people a hell by chandabaji-tenderbaji-murder-rape. [Chandabaji means forcefully collect toll from people, tenderbaji means dropping tender of a project and forcefully pass it]. During the time of election they make pressure on people to vote so that their filthy interest can be met. This group plunders for this five year and then another group plunders another five year. Doctors don't hesitate to kill patient if they are not paid with bundles (huge) of money. In this situation, the imperialist collaborator bourgeoisie through their political parties—Awami League, BNP, JP, Movement for Islamic rule—are freely carrying vote business. They are cheating the masses. It is very much clear what made the religious fascists dare to carry anti women program. That BNP gave support to it is clear from their leaders' anti women statements. On the other side, Awami League has let them do their activities freely. Everybody knows that Awami League came to compromise with religious fascists [this groups] before they came to power. Now they, by kneeling down to Islamic fundamentalists are explaining to them that their so called Women policy is not against them [fundamentalists]. Needless to say, government women development policy is nothing progressive. They directly abandoned the question of equal right of men and women in property [inheritance]. Student League named cadres of Awami League once championed raping of women. So, isn't it contradictory for them to say about women policy at the same time? What they are saying about equal wage for men and women for equal work is a sham. This is now exposed that pro Awami League and pro BNP capitalists are behind the fall of share market. Those capitalists have pauperized thousands of petit share holders. Will those capitalists give equal wage to women? Rather, reality is that they employ absolutely women in garment industry because by taking the opportunity of socially helpless condition of women, they can grab maximum profit by giving them very less wage. The question of emancipation of women is directly linked with the emancipation from social exploitation. The society that is based upon expropriation of labor power of working people by capitalists and feudalists, definitely will have inequality between men and women, between nationalities to nationalities and all sorts of exploitation and oppression. Severe national repression is going on in Chittagong Hill tract over hilly nationalities. On the other side, ruthless suppression is going on over poor Bengalee people living there. All these are conspiracies of bourgeoisie in collaboration with Indian Expansionism. Recently, a youth, Limon in South Bengal, lost leg being shot by RAB [Rapid Action Battalion of Police]. Exploiting class has carried murder, suppression and crippled thousands of people in this way. Its aim is nothing but to continue their unjust rule and exploitation freely.
People of Arab countries have risen by breaking ages of stagnation. They are seriously fighting against autocracy. Taking this opportunity, US-British-French-Italian imperialists are carrying aggression and genocide in Lybia. But imperialists actually are throwing stone on their own foot. Now, people have to resist imperialist aggression besides autocracy.
Revisionism is a poison. Revisionists correct Marxism and make it acceptable to bourgeoisie. Not only they have been doing harm in our country but also they did in Peru. They have been inflicting severe losses in neighboring Nepal in the name of so called peace talk that is actually a farce. But surely genuine comrades will courageously resist it. People's war is advancing in India and Peru. We sincerely support the upcoming celebration of Anti imperialist day on May 7 by the Maoist organization in our neighboring Manipur against Indian colonial exploitation and repression. We pay tribute to the memory of five women Maoist comrades who have recently been martyred in Turkey.
Struggling brothers and sisters,
Let us take up Maoism as the ideology of liberation from exploitation. Let us carry forward the struggle to overthrow this semi colonial and semi feudal exploitative society and establish new democracy-socialism-communism.
Only then our celebration of May Day will have a success.
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!

Revolutionary Workers Movement, 2nd National Committee
Revolutionary Women's Movement,]

Report: Nayan Rahman, Sultana Rajia
May 1, 2011[Spanish]

En la Observancia del Primero de Mayo
NO hay compromiso con el revisionismo!

El 1 de mayo de 2011, con motivo del Primero de Mayo,
Día de la solidaridad internacional de los trabajadores, se celebró una reunión en
Bhasani School en la ciudad de Mymensingh en Bangladesh
convocado conjuntamente por el Movimiento Revolucionario Obrero y el Movimiento Revolucionario de la Mujer.

Un centenar de personas estuvieron presentes en la reunión, entre ellos el ochenta por ciento eran mujeres.

Líderes del Movimiento de Mujeres Com Revolucionaria. Rahima, com. Jamila, Com. Shahjadi, Com. Hajera y Com. Rashida, junto con líderes del 2 º Comité Nacional del Movimiento Revolucionario Obrero, Com. Chowdhury Sumon, Com. Nayan Rahman y Com. Abdul Matin quienes hablaron.
En la reunión se expresó que la emancipación de los trabajadores sólo es posible a través de la lucha del proletariado revolucionario liderado por unir a los obreros, los campesinos y la clase media. con el fin de derrocar la sociedad existente semicolonial y semifeudal y establecer la nueva democracia-socialismo-comunismo. 
Igualmente, expresaron su determinación de luchar contra el revisionismo. 

Cientos de panfletos de las dos organizaciones se distribuyeron en la ciudad y algunos carteles se adjuntaron también en las paredes de la ciudad.

Todos los presentes en la reunión corearon la consigna:
¡Viva el marxismo-leninismo-maoísmo!
¡Viva el internacionalismo proletario!

Informe por: Rahman Nayan, Rajia Sultana: 
Mayo 1, 2011
Please find Photo and leaflet in English and Spanish Attached


Attachment(s) from Sultana Rajia

4 of 4 Photo(s)

2 of 2 File(s)

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