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Friday, January 28, 2011

I am sorry for NOT knowing the REVOLUTIONARY Role of Prabhodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thackeray. Particualrly, the Shudras identifying themselves as Caste Hindu and Coopted in the Brahaminical system as the powerful and educated Community KAYASTHA , must

I am sorry for NOT knowing the REVOLUTIONARY Role of Prabhodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thackeray. Particualrly, the Shudras identifying themselves as Caste Hindu and Coopted in the Brahaminical system as the powerful and educated Community KAYASTHA , must read his works. I am not fluent in Marathi. Thanks to devnagari Script and my close relationship with the Marathi speaking People, I may understand and read MARATHI. I wish if I could read Tamil, Malayam, Telegu, Oria and Kannad as I read Marathi, Asamia, Gurmukhi or Gujrat and Gorkhali! Recently, I got a bok written by Prbodhkar Thakary in Marathi- GRAMANCHYA ADYANT ITIHAAS. It is the documentaion of the persecution of Shudras including Kayastha and Maratha in the Brahaminical rule. It also has details of the incidents of CHHATRAPATI Shivaji Maharaj Rule in Maharashtra and the role of Destructive CHITPAVA PESHWA Raj!Prabhodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thackeray's life is a saga of incessant struggle against injustice. Today it has become fashionable to sing praises of Mahatma Phule and masquerade as progressive. But it was prabhodhankar who stood up with all his might against the speeches and writings effectively silenced Phule's opponents and carried the Satyashodhak movement to every nook and corner of Maharashtra.The study is much more relevant to understand Brahaminical ETHNONATIONALISM authored by his eminent son, Bal Tahkray!

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time -FIVE HUNDRED  SEVENTY FIVE

Palash Biswas

I am sorry for NOT knowing the REVOLUTIONARY Role of Prabhodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thackeray. Particualrly, the Shudras identifying themselves as Caste Hindu and Coopted in the Brahaminical system as the powerful and educated Community KAYASTHA , must read his works. I am not fluent in Marathi. Thanks to devnagari Script and my close relationship with the Marathi speaking People, I may understand and read MARATHI. I wish if I could read Tamil, Malayam, Telegu, Oria and Kannad as I read Marathi, Asamia, Gurmukhi or Gujrat and Gorkhali! Recently, I got a bok written by Prbodhkar Thakary in Marathi- GRAMANCHYA ADYANT ITIHAAS. It is the documentaion of the persecution of Shudras including Kayastha and Maratha in the Brahaminical rule. It also has details of the incidents of CHHATRAPATI Shivaji Maharaj Rule in Maharashtra and the role of Destructive CHITPAVA PESHWA Raj!Prabhodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thackeray's life is a saga of incessant struggle against injustice. Today it has become fashionable to sing praises of Mahatma Phule and masquerade as progressive. But it was prabhodhankar who stood up with all his might against the speeches and writings effectively silenced Phule's opponents and carried the Satyashodhak movement to every nook and corner of Maharashtra.The study is much more relevant to understand Brahaminical ETHNONATIONALISM authored by his eminent son, Bal Tahkray!

Please read this communication to understand the debate!

Mr Roy......(the kayastha shudra but still a  brahmin stooge....)

why you are so much interested in making a fool of yourself.....??

you have not answered any of the questions that i raised regarding chhatrapati shivaji maharaj and the kayastha caste...that proves your IQ.... there are no takers here for your shit....

yesterday only i told you that caling us dalit is a brahmanical conspiracy...and you are part of that..afterall all your mind has been completely enslaved by brahmanism...thats is why you are again and agains caling us dalit...i have already told you that we are mulnivasis and not dalit...but your brain is too thick to understand may be your interest in becoming the slave of the brahmins....but itis not our interest in making you and the brahmins as our masters.......

....and there is nothing new in your charge that we are working with people said the same thing   to Dr. Ambedkar, to Rashtrapita Jyotiba Phule, to kanshiram...and so on...but dont worry there are no takers to your this shit also...this is an old brahmanical trick ....and our people know it very well.....

and if you can answer......the british came to india in 1600....and what the brahmins and you people were doing till 1857 when the first so called war of independence was launched..??..and with what objectives your people were offering your girls to them till that time....?? and why the brahmanical parties like congress and BJP are inviting the multi national foreign companies in india to spread their culture....?? can you answer that..?? and why did the brahmins never revolted against the 800 years of muslim rule? why again they offered their beautiful girls to them and even married them...and run their administration.?? and why the muslim left brahmins out of zizyz tax?? ....and why pandit raja ram mohan roy and company flirted with and praised the missionaies all the time......

....and i hope you know that the shudra kayasthas improved their economic status only during the muslim rules when they were apointed as khajanchi....why were the muslims so dear to you that time......and i hope you didnt offer your girls as well to get those benefits....

and dont call brahmins as our nation people....they are not.....they are also foreigners like invading  muslims and british.....and not all muslims and christians in India are foreignes. 95% of them are converted from sc, st, obc mulnivasis....

and why you are so much worried for the so called dalit mulnivasis .....we are capable of taking our better join the brahmanical organizations and use your energy there will  definitely get beautiul rewards for your loyalti and dalali.....

.....and you havent answered what you are doing here at this bahujan forum.??..spying for the brahmins..??..or is it that you are actually a brahmin but telling youself as a kayastha..??.beause brahmins can do any thing.....

.....and please improve upon your attending the programmes and cadre camps of BAMCEF.....

.....and don't daydream....we are not loosers....just wait and watch for another 10 yrs and see who are loosers and who are winners......In the first loksabha the number of brahmin MP's was 56% and now it is less than 56 in number.(less than 8%) ..moreover the brahmins are now forced to lick untochable mayawati's who is loosing..?..

Good Luck to you in your conspiracies against the mulnivasi SC, St, OBC's....and converted mulnivasis.....

Jai Mulnivasi ......!!.................Join BAMCEF.....!!

Shiv Sena members stop Sambhaji Brigade members came to carry out Anti-Hindu act

December 25, 2010

Margashirsha Krushna Panchami, Kaliyug Varsha 5112
Issue related to 'Dadoji Kondadev Stadium'

Thane (Maharashtra): Shiv Sainiks stopped members of Sambhaji Brigade who had come change the name of 'Dadoji Kondadev Stadium' located here. (Congratulations to Shiv Sainiks to stopped the plot of Hindu hatred ! Only Shiv Sainiks who are created by Shiv Sena Chief's template can do this ! Such dedication should be demonstrated by all right-wing Hindus ! – Editor SP)

The 84th All India Literature Meet is being held at 'Dadoji Kondadev Stadium. Sambhaji Brigade had made a demand to the Thane Corporation that since Dadoji Kondadev is not the teacher of Shivaji, the name of this stadium should be changed; (What has the so called secular Congress have to say about organizations which make such demands based on communal hatred ? – Editor SP) But the corporation ignored their demand. Hence the Sambhaji Brigade has issued a warning at a press conference saying 'If the name of the stadium is not changed, we will force cancellation of the meet. (What action is Home Minister R.R.Patil going to take on organizations with such volatile tendencies who give such warnings on a daily basis ? Or is he only interested in committing the greater sin of targeting right-wing Hindu organizations who are dedicated to righteousness and the country ! – Editor SP)  

Yesterday Mr. D.K.Soman, Chief Organizer and Shiv Sena MLA Mr. Eknath Shinde requested Pravin Gaikwad of Sambhaji Brigade that since this meet belongs to complete Maharashtra do not try activity to cause unwanted disturbance and that the stadium's name and the meet are completely different issues. But Sambhaji Brigade did not pay heed to this request. They tried to play a trick by announcing that the name of the stadium be named after 'Prabodhankar Thakare' assuming that Shiv Sainiks will not show any opposition to this. This assumption proved futile. (Will Congress leaders, who shamelessly bow to the wishes of Gandhi family and have made a tradition of picking their shoes, learn anything from Shiv Sainiks who give more importance to history rather than to any name from the Thakarey family ? – Editor SP)

Members of Sambhaji Brigade were approaching the Police Station today afternoon carrying a digital board bearing the name of Prabodhankar. As soon as Shiv Sainik learnt about this they stooped them on the way and took the digital board into their custody. By the time members of the Sambhaji Brigade started arguing, one Shiv Sainik ran away with the board. Then the Shiv Sainiks handed over 12 members of Sambhaji Brigade to the Police. The Police kept them in custody since they had issued a treat to disrupt the meet.
This is not the time for politics ! – Mr. Eknath Shinde, MLA

In this connection Mr. Eknath Shinde, MLA, said that Shiv Sena Chief will not agree to finalizing Prabodhankar's name being given in such haste. This is only an attempt to gain publicity and political mileage on the issue of changing the name. This is not the time for politics or for gaining publicity.

Prabodhankar, a Revolutionary Thinker

Reformism Personified
Prabhodhankar Keshav Sitaram Thackeray's life is a saga of incessant struggle against injustice. Today it has become fashionable to sing praises of Mahatma Phule and masquerade as progressive. But it was prabhodhankar who stood up with all his might against the speeches and writings effectively silenced Phule's opponents and carried the Satyashodhak movement to every nook and corner of Maharashtra.
The ideological base to reformist character was provide by the revolutionary literature of Lokhitwadi, Agarkar and Mahatma Phule and its espousal becomes his life's mission. Never once did he compromise on principles,  and fought with equal  fervor  whether  he was dealing with the tonsuring of widows, dictatorship of the Brahmin pujaris in temple's, or untouchability . He was constantly at war with the orthodox and  worked for abolishing the evil customs, casteism and untouchabililty.
He had unshakeable faith in his belief that the root cause of all social evils was belief was the mumbo-jumbo of the Bhikshukshahi , and that were carried on in the name of religion were all selfishly conceived ideas of Bhiksukshahi . Women and vast majority of the poor suffered on account  of these practices and Prabhodhankar therefore rose in revolt against  what he dubbed " Bhikshukshahi". He had nothing against liberal progressive Brahmins.
After settled down in Mumbai, and engaged himself in the anti –dowry movement, established an anti-dowry force, through the mediam of Swadhyay Ashram and backed it to the hilt with his "prabhodahn" Magazine. His movement of dowry had to return the same to the bride's parents.
He was a prolific writer, but his thrust was on ideas and content rather His plays "Taklele por" (abandoned child)   & "Khara Brahman" (Real Brahman) were set in this mould and and created history.
The Samyukta Maharashtra movement was by far the most important struggle of his life. Of incessant struggle had caught up with him and slowed him down. Even in these adverse circumstances he provided leadership to the Samyukta Maharashtra movement. His contributions to the movement were second to none and could be equated with that of Acharya Atre and Comrade Bhai Dange. He was the single binding force that held together individuals and parties of diverse ideologies. The unity was sustained throughout the struggle was a tribute to Prabhodhankar's diplomacy and authority.

Bal Thackeray is a refugee from Madhya Pradesh: Prof Hari Narke

Bal Thackeray who talks too much is not a Mumbaikar: Prof Hari Narke
S.O. News service, Wednesday, 25 June 2008:

MUMBAI: The 'insider-outsider' controversy has taken a new twist. The Thackerays � Shiv Sena supremo Bal and his nephew and MNS founder Raj � may be against migrants in the city, but they themselves do not originally belong to Mumbai, a professor has claimed.

Like every other person in Mumbai, the Thackerays too came to Mumbai for jobs two generations ago and as such have no right to assault those coming to the financial capital in search of livelihood, said Hari Narke, professor at Mahatma Phule chair in Pune University, in an article published in Rashtravadi, the mouthpiece of the Nationalist Congress Party.

Known for being politically savvy, Mr Narke has flayed Raj Thackeray over attacks on migrants in Mumbai. The professor's 'research' on Thackeray's origin is incidentally based on the writings of another Thackeray.

"Raj should read the autobiography of his grandfather Prabodhankar Thackeray," Mr Narke says. Prabodhankar, Bal's father and his younger brother Srikant Thackeray, who is Raj's father, studied in Madhya Pradesh. He has written about how he travelled to other states for livelihood."This proves that the Thackerays, who are not original inhabitants of Mumbai, came to this city in search of a livelihood," the scholar says. The article recalls how Mr Narke was instrumental in getting Prabodhankar's writings published in 1995 by the Maharashtra government.

"Who gave those, who came to Mumbai two generations ago to earn their livelihood, the right to beat up others who also come here in search of jobs?" Mr Narke has questioned."It does not behove people who live 24 hours a day seeped in history to forget the history of just over two generations," Mr Narke's article says. With the NCP chief Sharad Pawar being Mr Thackeray's close friend, it will be interesting to see how the Sena and its mouthpiece Saamna reacts to this piece of work.

Then whashould be done?

Yes. He should be kicked back with his kiths and kins to Madhya Pradesh.

शुक्रवार, १९ नवम्बर २०१०

बाल ठाकरे ना हुए 'प्रबोधनकार'

नागपुर में हुई मुलाकात में वरिष्ठ पत्रकार एवं सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता चन्द्रकांत वानखेड़े जी ने बताया कि उनके मित्र सचिन पर्व प्रबोधनकार ठाकरे की वेबसाईट पर काम कर रहे हैं। यह वेबसाईट बन कर तैयार है। यह इसलिए भी महत्वपूर्ण है कि महाराष्ट्र के बाहर रहने वाले लोग जान सकें कि जिन बाल ठाकरे की छवि देश भर में एक साम्प्रदायिक नेता की है। उनके पिता किस तरह अपने देश और समाज के लिए सोचते थे।

एक बार आप इस वेबसाईट पर अवश्य जाएं. प्रबोधनकार के साहित्य को पढ़ने के लिए.

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