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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fwd: [bangla-vision] THE PSEUDO-NUCLEAR POWER, INDIA, AND ITS NUCLEAR HISTORY -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

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Date: Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 9:15 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] THE PSEUDO-NUCLEAR POWER, INDIA, AND ITS NUCLEAR HISTORY -Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)



Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

Although the world and G-20 nations, including those whom India alias the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy betrayed in its nuclear dealings, i. e., getting the first nuclear Candu reactor through the intervention/pressure of a third party, consider India a 'nuclear club nation', the writer is of the opinion that it is 'pseudo-nuclear' power. Those very nations belonging to the western world, they all criticized India heavily when it exploded its first 'nuclear device' using the nuclear fuel prepared from its first reactor. The first reactor procurement was a deal under pressure between the receiver (India) and provider of the Candu nuclear technology, quite likely under the pressure of a third country. The happenings took place when Dalai Lama of Tibet left his kingdom and proceeded to India, under the administration of J L Nehru alias Mobarak Ali or a servent of Mobark Ali. The latter used to suppy licor to the father of JL Nehru's father, Motilal Nehru in Allahabad, U P.
The arrival of Dalai Lama and his people posed a big problem for the poor India of Nehru's time. Dalai Lama arrived with more than 40 or more donkeys loaded with 'Gold'. According to reliable sources, gold was kept at the prime minister Nehru's residence. Now the question was of the displaced  Dalai Lama and his people and where to put them. Although the wheelings and dealing between the Nehru administration and the United States (quite likely and presumably) administrations were going on, the Nehru administration pressured the Punjab administration to let these displaced people settle in Simla and near by areas. It must be remembered that Simla and areas had been the part of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB', before it was divided into Punjab, Himachal Pradesh (includes Simla and areas) and Haryana by Nehru's daughter, Indira Gandhi, who succeeded her father in 1965.
India had been trying its hard to get a 'nuclear plant' to go nuclear to support its armed forces (India's 9 scientists' report published in 1963 or 1964) and to claim its supermacy and superiority over the 'Brahmins-Hindus' traditional enemy, Pakistan. Pakistan's most of areas until 13th August, 1947, under the administration of the British India Empire, with the exception of the Punjab of a Sikh monarch, Ranjit Singh (1799 to 14th March, 1849), 'annexed' to the British Empire on 29th March, 1849, and remained 'annexed' until 15th August, 1947. However, its best efforts, it remained unsuccessful. India had been interested to get the Canada's nuclear know-how and a Candu reactor.

It was Dalai Lama's arrival in India, following his exit from Tibet, India had upper hand to manipulate the 'pressure' of a super power and told under no 'uncertain' words that the price to keep Dalai Lama in India would be the "procurement of a nuclear reactor and the price tab of the Dalai Lama people and the reactor," if he has to stay in India (temprararily or permanently).

With these conditions of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy's regid conditions, through the middlemanship or intervention or request, the Canadian administration gave its clearance to India to sell (?) a Candu reactor and its technology, for the peaceful purposes only.

In the next few years, Indira Gandhi's administration gave a message to the world when it 'exploded' its first nuclear device in 1973/1974, which received heavy criticism all over the world, except from the defunct state of the USSR and its allies. All North American newspapers and news media were full of criticism of India to betray them. So were their administrations. As the writer recalls, the Canadian administration suspended its trade of certain commodities with India.

Following "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, era. the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's (CBC) Brian Stewart produced four segments, each of at least 30-min on the "Nuclear India and its Consequences." The CBC aired one segment in which shown were that the 'radiation in not controlled in India, there has been leaks of radiation in plants throughout India, children and animals are born without limbs, eye(s), and people living in near by areas of the testing device in Pokhran, Rajasthan, sharing border with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, are heavily affected. It is said that when the Governor of Rajasthan, Pratap Singh Gill (a Sikh) visited the site about 72-h after a nuclear explosion, he died within 48-h following his visit. There are points to recall from the first segment of Brian Stewart's first documentary of the CBC that (i) heavy leak proved right, (ii) there has been no containments of the nuclear plants throughout India, as far away in Assam and its 7-sister plants, (iii) the Stephan Harper's Canadian administration has not learned any lesson from the India's blackmail of his preceding administrations for the 'Safe guards of Humanity', and (iv) the CBC televised only one of the four segments of Brian Stewart's documentary. What happend to the remaining three segments, which were to be televised every week; but it did not happen so far.

It has to be mentioned that Indian administrations, since JL Nehru to Manmohan Sinh, had been notorious in regard to (i) arrogance, waging wars on its Western and North-east frontiers, being expensionist in its policies, waging 'undeclared' wars on its people (the people of the Landless Sikh Nation, Punjab, Assam and its 7-sister, Dalits, Muslims, Christians, etc, to 'swallow' them, etc.), and (ii) in the international crimes committed on the 23rd day of June, 1985, by exploding the Air India Flight 182, (iii) an unfoiled attempt for the mid air explosion of another Air India civilian aircraft, for which 6 or 7 administrations of the world took part, but the plan, some how, did not succeed (Kilgour D 1994 ISBN 0-13-325697-9Int J Sikh Affairs 18, 2008 ISSN 1481-5435), and (iv) numerous air piracies carried out of civilian aircrafts in the pre- and post-"Operation Bluestar" June, 1984 era, mainly to 'demonizing' the Sikhs of the 'Landless Sikh Nation, PUNJAB (under Indian occupation since 15th August, 1984), the Sikh Diaspora, particularly the Sikhs of Canada and the United States (see Manmohan Sinh's repeated suggestions to 'curb' the voice of Sikhs. Now writing the truth of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy, in India's eyes, is the 'terrorism').

The writer would like to conclude that, in view of the above, India is a 'pseudo-nuclear power' and it is all out to 'demonizing the Sikhs, Sikh Diaspora, and non-Brahmins-Hindus'.
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