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Friday, May 7, 2010

Fwd: Releases.............pt6

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Press Information Bureau Ministry of I&B <>
Date: Fri, May 7, 2010 at 5:19 PM
Subject: Releases.............pt6

Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Steel

Meeting of Steel Producers

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


          The Minister of State in the Ministry of Steel, Shri A. Sai Prathap has said that the Ministry of Steel had convened a meeting of major integrated steel producers on 22.04.2010 to discuss issues regarding production, demand and market price of steel.  Issues concerning international and domestic steel production, demand in the market, price movement of raw materials and steel as well as the short term outlook in the steel market were discussed in the meeting.


In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today he said, the finished steel production in the country during the last two years is given in the table below:-



Finished Steel Production (in million tonnes)



2009-10 (Provisional)








The Minister said, Steel is a totally deregulated sector. Investment and performance of the sector are determined by the market forces. The role of the Government is limited to that of a facilitator. The National Steel Policy lays down a roadmap for the entire steel sector including the large and small/secondary producers.  Ministry of Steel is working for promotion of the whole of the steel sector in the country including integrated steel units and secondary steel units as well as the steel consuming industries.


nsk/db/dk/kol/16:56 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Medical Facility to BPL Families

New Delhi: May 7, 2010



Information regarding grant-in-aid released by the Government of India under Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi (RAN) as its share of contribution  to the  State Illness Assistance Funds, State-wise, during the last three years is  annexed.

              An amount of Rs.1 crore was released as central assistance to the Government of Rajasthan during 2007-08 under State Illness Assistance Fund.  Further funds could not be released to the Govt. of Rajasthan as it has not fulfilled the following conditions stipulated under the guidelines of the scheme:

(i)         Lists of beneficiaries  along with the amount sanctioned, hospital and the illness for which the funds were sanctioned are to be published in a leading State level newspaper for public knowledge.

(ii)      The funds are to be kept in a separate bank account in the name of State Illness Assistance Fund/Society. 

(iii)       Beneficiaries under the scheme are to be   patients belonging to Below Poverty Line(BPL) category only. 

      As soon as the Government of Rajasthan fulfils the conditions of the scheme, further grants will be released to the State.



                                                                        State                                                  (Rs. in lakh)

West Bengal


Madhya Pradesh






Himachal Pradesh











Uttar Pradesh













West  Bengal









                        This information was given by Minister of  for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad  in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/16:57 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Free Treatment to Poor Patients

New Delhi: May 7, 2010



The Government of India is providing financial assistance to the poor patients under the following schemes: (i) Rashtriya Arogya Nidhi(RAN) (ii)       Health Minister's Discretionary Grant (HMDG). 

          Under RAN, financial assistance is provided  to the patients living below poverty line, who are suffering from major life threatening diseases to receive medical treatment at Govt. hospitals. The financial assistance to such patients is released in the form of 'one time grant' to the Medical Superintendent of the hospital in which the treatment is being received.

          Under the scheme of RAN, the Central Govt. also provides Grant-in-Aid to the States/Union Territories with legislature for the State Illness Assistance Funds set up by them to the extent of   50 % of their contribution to the State Funds.

          The Illness Assistance Fund at the State/UT level releases financial assistance to patients living in their respective States/UTs upto Rs. 1.5 lakh in an individual case and forward all such cases to RAN, where the quantum of financial assistance is likely to exceed Rs. 1.5 lakh.

         Under the Health Minister's Cancer Patient Fund (HMCPF) set up within RAN, the criteria are as under:

      (i)                Financial assistance is provided to patients, below poverty line suffering from Cancer and undergoing treatment in Government hospitals and any of the 27 Regional Cancer Centres.  

      (ii)              The financial assistance to the cancer patient up to Rs.1.00 lakh is processed by the concerned Institutes /Hospitals  through  the revolving fund placed at their disposal.  The cases of financial assistance above this limit are to be referred by them for assistance from Central Funds.

          The criteria for assistance to poor patients under  Health Minister's Discretionary Grant (HMDG) are as under:

 (i)        Poor patients with family income less than Rs.75,000/- annually and suffering from major illness and requiring one time treatment in government hospitals/institutions are eligible for financial assistance under HMDG.

(ii)     Financial assistance limits are as:  (a)  Rs.20,000/-  if the estimated cost of treatment is up to Rs. 50,000/- . (b) Rs. 40,000/- if the estimated cost of treatment is above Rs. 50,000/- & up to Rs. 1,00,000/- .(c) Rs.50,000/- if the estimated cost of treatment is above Rs.1,00,000/-.      

       There is no proposal for modifying the existing procedure.  All eligible patients have been provided financial assistance under RAN and HMDG. Number of applications received and no. of patients to whom grants have been provided under the above schemes  during the last three years  are follows:





No. of   applications received

No of patients provided with  grants

No. of   applications


No of patients provided with


















                         This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi            Azad  in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/16:57 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Home Affairs                             

Chidambaram Emphasises Need to Maintain Integrity of Census

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


The Union Home Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram   has said that nothing should be done that may affect the integrity of population census.  He was replying in the Lok Sabha today to a short duration  discussion on the need to lay down specific parameters  for conducting the Census, 2011.  Following is the text of the statement:


"This has been a useful and instructive discussion.  It was titled "Short Duration Discussion on need to lay down specific parameters for conducting the Census, 2011."  It was spread over two days and a large number of Hon'ble Members from all sections of the House have spoken.


The central issue of the debate, as expected, was whether information on the caste of the respondent should be collected in the on-going Census 2011.


Before I respond to that issue, I wish to explain a few aspects of Census 2011 and the National Population Register which I believe will be useful to all Hon'ble Members.  The census is done under the authority of the Census Act, 1948.  Census 2011 will be the fifteenth national census since 1872 and the 7th since Independence.  Population census is the total process of collecting demographic, economic and social data.  What is published as the Census data are only aggregates; the information relating to the individual is confidential and not shared with anyone or any authority.  Census 2011 will be conducted in two phases – the first phase is called the House listing and Housing census and the second phase is called the Population Enumeration.  The questions to be canvassed during the two phases were decided on the basis of suggestions made during the data users' conference, experience of past censuses and the recommendations of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprising eminent demographers, statisticians, social scientists and senior officers representing different Ministries and Departments of the Central Government.


The Citizenship Act is a separate law.  The Citizenship Act was amended in 2003 and the Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 were notified on December 10, 2003. Rule 2(l) defines "population register".  It is the register containing details of persons usually residing in a village or rural area or town or ward or demarcated area within a ward in a town or urban area.  Rule 2(k) defines "National Register of Indian Citizens" as the register containing details of Indian citizens living in India and outside India.  Rule 2(n) defines "State Register of Indian citizens" as the register containing details of Indian citizens usually residing in the State.  Sub-rule (1) of Rule 3 mandates the Registrar General to establish and maintain the National Register of Indian Citizens and sub-rule (4) thereof directs the preparation of a Population Register.  Rule 4 specifies the steps to be taken during the enumeration.  One of the steps is house to house enumeration for collecting specified particulars relating to each family and individual including the citizenship status.   Sub-rule (3) of Rule 4 requires that the particulars collected of every family and individual in the Population Register shall be verified and scrutinised and, under sub-rule (4), in case of doubtful citizenship the individual or the family shall be informed immediately after the verification process is over.    Therefore, the Rules require preparation of both the Population Register and the Register of Citizens.  It will be obvious that the Register of Citizens will be a subset of the Population Register.   This should clarify why information is being collected for preparation of the National Population Register and how the Register of Citizens will be established and maintained thereafter.


The two exercises that are underway are Census 2011 and the exercise of preparing the National Population Register.  The fact that both exercises are being undertaken by the Registrar General of India may have led to a certain lack of understanding of the objects and purposes of the two exercises.  Nevertheless, it is important to note the distinction between Census 2011 and the NPR.


I shall now turn to Census 2011.  As I said, this is the 15th census.  Information relating to the caste of each member of the household was last collected and published in detail in 1931.  After independence, as a matter of policy, the question relating to caste, other than scheduled caste and scheduled tribe, was not included.  An Hon'ble Member has quoted Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.  What he said is well known to all of us.  Caste was not included in the last Census of 2001 also.  I may point out that the records show that an attempt was made by the Ministry of Social Justice to include caste as one of the questions that should be canvassed during the 2001 census. However, the Government of the day – the NDA Government – did not take a decision to that effect and maintained the policy that has been in force since 1951.


There are two questions here.  The first question is, 'whether it is desirable to enumerate the caste of each member of the household?'  The second question is, assuming that it is desirable to do so, 'is the census the vehicle to carry out the enumeration?'


I do not wish to enter into a debate on the first question.  There can be different views on the subject and we must respect each other's views.  In fact, Hon'ble Members who said that "caste is a reality" also acknowledged that caste is a divisive factor and that we are nowhere near establishing a casteless society.


It is the second question that is relevant for the present discussion.  The Registrar General has pointed out a number of logistic and practical difficulties in canvassing the question of caste while conducting the census.  In this connection, we must keep the distinction between 'enumeration' on the one hand and 'compilation, analysis and dissemination' on the other.  It has been pointed out that the census is meant to collect 'observational data'.  21 lakh enumerators, mostly primary school teachers, have been selected and trained.  They have been trained to ask the question and record the answer as returned by the respondent.  The enumerator is not an investigator or verifier.  And, it must be clearly understood, that the enumerator has no training or expertise to classify the answer as OBC or otherwise.  As Hon'ble Members are aware, there is a central list of Other Backward Classes and State-specific lists of Other Backward Classes.  Some States do not have a list of OBCs; some States have a list of OBCs and a sub-set called Most Backward Classes.


The Registrar General has also pointed out that there are certain open-ended categories in the lists such as orphans and destitute children.  Names of some castes are found in both the list of Scheduled Castes and list of OBCs.  Scheduled Castes converted to Christianity or Islam are also treated differently in different States.  The status of a migrant from one State to another and the status of children of inter-caste marriage, in terms of caste classification, are also vexed questions.


The Registrar General has also pointed out that, assuming that it is desirable to canvass the question of caste, further issues will arise regarding the methodology, avoiding phonetic and spelling errors, stage of canvassing, maintaining the integrity of the enumeration, doing an accurate headcount of the population etc.

Let me reiterate that the main objective of the population census is to do an accurate de-facto headcount of the usual residents in India on the deemed date i.e. 00.00 hours on March 1, 2011.  Based on universally applied scientific demographic tools, we have an estimate of what the population of India will be on that day.  However, it is necessary and desirable to make an accurate headcount.  Hence, the Census.  I am sure Hon'ble Members will agree with me when I say that nothing should be done that may affect the accuracy of the headcount or the integrity of the population census.


Hon'ble Members:  The discussion in this House over the last two days has thrown up a number of arguments and reasons for canvassing the question of caste.  Government is already seized of the matter.  The views of Hon'ble Members will certainly be a valuable guide to the Government.

I hear the Hon'ble Members loudly and clearly.  As I understand the Hon'ble Members, what they want is that the question of caste must be canvassed.  That means, to the best of my understanding, the enumerator should record whatever answer the respondent gives to the question 'what is your caste?'  At that point of time, it is simply collection of the information.  According to Hon'ble Members, it is desirable to collect the information.  Government will certainly keep in mind the views of Hon'ble Members.

I assure the House that Government will give due weight to all aspects of the issue that was discussed in this House during the last two days".


ok/kka/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Steel                              

Setting up of Steel Plant at Lasipora Pulwama

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


The Minister of State in the Ministry of Steel, Shri A. Sai Prathap has said that the proposal for setting up a Steel Processing Unit (SPU) at Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir was approved "in-principle" by Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) in April, 2008. The foundation stone was laid in September, 2008.

In a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today he said, a total of 25 acres of land at Lasipora in Pulwama district has been acquired by SAIL in October, 2009. The work on setting up the SPU is expected to commence after Stage-II (final) approval by SAIL Board and it will take 18 months for commissioning from Stage-II approval.


nsk/db/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Railways                       

Energy Saving Equipment for Mumbai Suburban Trains

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed on May 6, 2010 between Research Designs & Standards Organisation)RDSO and Mumbai Railway Vikas Corporation (MRVC). The MoU has been signed by Shri K. B. L. Mittal, Director General, RDSO and Shri P. C. Sehgal, Managing Director, MRVC. With this RDSO will frame specification for the procurement of 3-phase energy efficient propulsion system for electrical sub-urban trains of Mumbai area.

On this occasion, Shri Mittal informed that RDSO has been providing technical expertise in the field of electrical rolling stock, DC to AC conversion of power supply system to MRVC. The present MoU will result in state-of-art power equipment to be provided in Mumbai Sub Urban trains which will save about 30 to 35 % electrical energy. Moreover, the speed of trains will increase from 100 Kmph to 110 kmph. In addition to it EMU rakes can run with up to 18 car length as against existing 12 car length which will increase the number of passenger per train considerably.


aks/hk/lk/tr/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.



Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Railways                       

IRCTC Launches Train Tour Package to Kashmir

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC), a Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Railways, launches a train tour package to Kashmir. In this endeavour, IRCTC/Mumbai office has launched an exclusive 7Night/8Days package to Kashmir at a price of Rs 13,799/-(Per person).

This comprehensive tour package of 7Nights/8Days leaving Mumbai on the 17th of May, 2010 includes confirmed train ticket, Hotel accommodation, stay in House boat, meals, sight seeing, etc. This will definitely fulfill the aspiration of the common people and an all time memorable summer vacation in Jammu & Kashmir.

Tourists can avail this special offer by booking on website or contacting at Tel.: +91-22-22655624/25/26, +91-22-22644378/9, 22632485 9004082761, 9004082814, 9004082822 and/or E-mail:


aks/hk/lk/tr/dk/kol/16:58 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Taxes on Tobacco Products

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


As per the report, Tobacco Control in India, 2004, about 8-9 lakh persons die annually due to diseases attributable to tobacco use. The health cost of only three tobacco attributable diseases, viz. cancers, lung disorder and cardio vascular ailment was estimated in that expenditure at Rs. 30,833 Cr. (2002-03).

Currently, the incidence of Central Excise duty on major brands of cigarettes calculated on the MRP of the product ranges from 28% to 69%. The incidence would be even higher when calculated on factory gate prices. In addition, cigarettes bear state taxes such as VAT, Octroi etc.

In the 2010-11 budget, the Government has increased the basic excise duty on all tobacco products, except beedis, by around 20%. Chewing tobacco, unmanufactured tobacco and Jarda scented tobacco have been brought under the purview of compounded levy scheme wherein the excise duty is paid based on the number of machines installed in the factory of production. Gutkha is already under the compounded levy scheme since July 2008.

In addition, some States also levy VAT on tobacco products.

This information was given by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Shri S. Gandhiselvan in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/16:59 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Integrated Disease Surveillance Project

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


The objectives of the Integrated Diseases Surveillance Project (IDSP) are: early detection and response to epidemic prone diseases in the country.

Under Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP), financial and technical assistance is provided to State Governments for implementation of disease surveillance activities.

The achievements and major findings under IDSP include the following:

* IDSP has established State Surveillance Units and District Surveillance Units in all the states and District headquarters.

* Rapid Response Teams (RRT) for investigation of outbreaks and response thereto have been formed in all district and state headquarters.

* Nation-wide IT network has been established for monitoring disease surveillance activities

* 24X7 call centre (toll free no. 1075) has been established for reporting unusual health events by the community.

* Over 82% districts are electronically generating weekly surveillance reports, for early warning signals and effective timely response to disease outbreaks.

* 799 disease outbreaks have been reported during 2009.

Dengue cases have been detected in the rubber plantation workers in the districts of Pathanamthitta and Kottayam in Kerala. Viral Hepatitis cases have been detected in the Kottayam district in Kerala. The corrective steps taken to control the diseases include vector survey, organization of special medical camps, fogging and spraying, release of guppy fish in the plantation wells, netting of open wells of plantation areas, conduct of health education classes and collection and examination of blood and water samples.

No specific proposal has been received from the State Governments including the State Government of Madhya Pradesh in this regard.

This information was given by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Dinesh Trivedi in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/16:59 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Labelling of GM Foods

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has formulated the " Guidelines for the safety assessment of foods derived from genetically engineered plants" taking into consideration the international Guideline for the conduct of Food Safety assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants. The document was finalized after receiving inputs from different agencies including AgBIOS, Canada. Till date the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has not proposed labeling of GM Foods in this country. It has not conducted any assessment regarding the impact of GM food/crops on the efficacy of Indian medicinal system.


This information was given by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Shri S. Gandhiselvan in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/16:59 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Representatives of Food Industries In FSSAI

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, A STATUTORY BODY SET UP AS PER THE PROVISIONS OF THE Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006, has appointed independent scientific experts as members of its Scientific Committee/Panels. In the Scientific Committee and the eight Scientific Panels constituted by the Authority as per the provisions of the said Act, presently there are 27 scientists from the private sector out of a total of 123 scientists (21%). In addition to private sector scientists, the Scientific Committee / Panels also have eminent scientists from various reputed Government institutes / organizations like Central Food Technological Research Institute, National Dairy Research Institute, Translational Health Science & Technology Institute, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, IITs, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, and various Agricultural university / institutes.


The Scientific Panels provides scientific opinion to the Food Authority which is reviewed by the Scientific Committee and the final decision is taken by the Food Authority consisting of members from various stakeholders, including the representatives of various Ministries of the Central Government.


The scientific experts in these committee / panels have been selected according to the approved procedures and as per Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. With a view to bring together the best scientific expertise available in the country for forming scientific opinions, Scientists have been selected as members of the Committee / Panels in their individual capacity of being a scientist and an expert in their respective fields irrespective of their present association or affiliation with any public or private sector organisation. This is in accordance with the international practice followed in respect of Committees requiring high level expertise on any specific subject.


An elaborate procedure has been laid down to manage conflict of interest. The members of the Scientific Committee and Panels are required to submit an annual declaration of interest and declaration of any possible conflict of interest before each meeting of the Scientific Committee and panels. Whenever a conflict of interest is established, Chairman of the Committee / panel is required to exclude such a scientist from consideration of items in the agenda.


This information was given by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Dinesh Trivedi in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/16:59 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Telemedicine for HIV/AIDS Patients

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


The telemedicine facility for HIV infected patients is being set up on a pilot basis in the Center of Excellence, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi. The project, called Project DISHA is a joint collaboration between University of New Mexico, USA & National AIDS Control Organization (NACO), Govt. of India.


The telemedicine facility will link Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) centres in remote areas with the Centers of Excellence (COE).  The interaction between medical officers at ART centres with specialists at Centers of Excellence will promote access to better knowledge and practices that will translate into better care for the HIV patients at these ART centers.


Assistance of World Health Organization (WHO) was sought and obtained in strategic planning of prevention, treatment and control measures for HIV/AIDS since the time the first case of HIV was reported in the country.


Specific technical assistance is being received for:


1. Surveillance for identifying and tracking the epidemic


2. Screening of blood for blood borne pathogens to ensure safe blood transfusion


3. Technical Assistance in expanding the counseling and testing facilities in the country


4. Technical Assistance in scaling up of Antiretroviral therapy (ART) for adult and paediatric HIV infected patients 


5. Monitoring and determining, emergence and levels of HIV Drug Resistance


6. Technical Assistance in scaling up of prevention of mother to child transmission facilities


7. Establishing measures to manage HIV/TB co-infections.


Periodic training workshops on rabies are being conducted at National Centre for Disease Control as a part of WHO Biennium activity.


This information was given by Minister of State  for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Dinesh Trivedi  in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/17:00 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Brain Stroke Patients

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


The report of the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health reports that the number of stroke cases will increase from 12 lakh in 2005 to 17 lakh in 2015. Hospital based data from India indicate a high proportion of young stroke cases (first ever stroke onset < 40 years of age) ranging between 15% to 30%.


Cases of stroke(s) are attended to in the health care delivery system at various levels including Community Health Centres and District Hospitals. Under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), funds have been provided to States/UTs to strengthen their health infrastructure.


To address the Non Communicable Disease burden including stroke cases, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has drafted a National Programme for Prevention and Control of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (NPDCS). Initially, the programme is proposed to be implemented in 15 States/UTs in 100 districts.


This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/17:00 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Mercury Pollution

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


In so far as Central Government Hospitals in Delhi are concerned, no case of serious threat to medicos' health due to mercury, has been brought to the notice of the Ministry. All the Central government Hospitals follow the guidelines laid down in the Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2008.


The All India Institute of Medical Sciences has informed that Ministry of Environment & Forests has sanctioned a project entitled "Assessment of Awareness of Environmental Mercury pollution in Healthcare System: Solutions and Strategies for prevention" to the Deptt. of Pharmacology, AIIMS, New Delhi. The project survey covers the NCT of Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. The survey has been completed in Delhi and partially in the hospitals of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.


The interim data analysis shows that the overall awareness regarding the proper use, disposal of mercury containing equipments in the healthcare system needs to be strengthened and amongst healthcare professional, there is a need for creation of awareness about the harmful effects of mercury in environment.


This information was given by Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/17:00 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare                   

Patent over Indian System of Medicines

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


The Department in collaboration with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), has created the Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL) in order to prevent the bio-piracy of the Indian Traditional Medical Knowledge.

Agreements have been signed with the European Patent Office (EPO) and United States Patent Organization (USPO) to provide them access to this library, in order to prevent grant of wrong patents.

M/s Natreon Inc., a US Multinational had filed a patent application titled "Method of Treatment or Management of Stress" on 27-07- 2006 through a composition comprising Withania somnifera plant extract; and a pharmaceutically, veterinary or nutritionally acceptable carrier(s) before the EPO.

The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library has submitted evidences to EPO along with references of various texts of Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani,

These evidences established that Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is frequently and effectively used through oral administration in the treatment of depression, insomnia, gastritis, gastric ulcer and convulsions which are defined as the causative factors of stress in the patent application. TKDL evidences also mention the use of Ashwagandha in the treatment of palpitation, excessive perspiration, diabetes mellitus and anemia which have been stated as conditions resulting from stress by the applicant.

After examination of the evidence presented before it, the EPO has observed that, in the light of this document, the subject-matter of claims cannot be considered as novel. Accordingly, the applicant M/s Natreon INC withdrew its application on 25.03.2010.

This information was given by Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare, Shri Dinesh Trivedi in written reply to a question raised in Lok Sabha today.


ds/gk/dk/kol/17:00 hrs.

Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Urban Development                              

Jnnurm Funds for Commonwealth Games

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


24 projects for Commonwealth Games 2010 in the sectors of Roads, Parking, Drainage and Sewerage have been approved for funding under Urban Infrastructure & Governance (UIG) of Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission(JNNURM). This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Urban Development, Shri Saugata Roy in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

Besides this a budgetary provision of Rs. 906.85 crore has been provided for Commonwealth Games projects entrusted to DDA and for Installation of Security System (ISS) in those games venues. So far Rs. 724.45 crore has been released to DDA (Rs. 652.25 crore for development of games venues and Rs. 72.2 crore for ISS). Details of fund allocated for sports infrastructure projects of CWG 2010 from budget of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Department of Sports.


ncj/sr/dk/kol/17:01 hrs.

Press Information Bureau

Government of India

* * * * * *

Ministry of Urban Development                              

Housing Projects by DDA

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


As per the Census 2001, Delhi has 24.5 lakh Census houses under the category of residence and residence-cum-other uses, in which 25.5 lakh households are residing. This reflects a net housing shortage/gap of about 1.0 lakh houses/dwelling units. The households are accommodated in a variety of housing types including different categories of planned built housing, squatter settlements, unauthorized colonies, traditional areas and villages. The sub-group on shelter constituted for the preparation of Master Plan for Delhi (MPD) -2021 has noted that up to the year 1991, the contribution to housing stock through institutional agencies was only 53% (excluding squatter housing). This information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Urban Development, Shri Saugata Roy in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.


Further, the MPD-2021, based on the projected population of 230 lakh by year 2021, has estimated additional housing stock requirement of 24 lakh dwelling units out of which the requirement of 20 lakh dwelling units is for additional population and backlog of 4 lakh units. The MPD-2021 has stated that 40% of the need is to be satisfied through redevelopment/up-gradation of the existing areas and the remaining 60%, is to be met through new housing units to be provided in new areas. The MPD-2021 further states that even if the assumptions regarding the extent of housing that could be met by redevelopment of the existing area actually materialize, there would still be a need for the development of housing to the extent of at least 75,000 dwelling units per annum in different categories.


DDA has further informed that as far as plans to launch a new housing Scheme are concerned, this is possible only when a sufficient number of constructed flats are available for this purpose and as on date, DDA has not firmed up any such scheme.


ncj/sr/dk/kol/17:01 hrs.


Press Information Bureau

Government of India

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Ministry of Micro,Small & Medium Enterprises                  

MSME Minister to Hold a Meeting with the State Ministers and Secretaries (MSME)

New Delhi: May 7, 2010


A day long meeting will be held with the State Ministers and Secretaries (Industries/MSME) under the Chairmanship of Shri Dinsha Patel, Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) on May 11, 2010 in New Delhi.

The meeting will discuss the modalities of implementation of the State related recommendations of the Task Force on MSMEs.

The Ministry of MSME has recently introduced a number of schemes under the National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme for enhancing the competitiveness and productivity of MSMEs. Further, the existing schemes have been modified to make them more attractive to the stakeholders. These schemes will also be discussed during the meeting along with the functioning of MSE-Facilitation Councils set up in the States. These Facilitation Councils were required to be set up for quick resolution of matters relating to delayed payments to MSE suppliers under the MSMED Act, 2006.

The meeting would be attended by Shri T.K. A. Nair, Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister, Dr. V. Krishnamurthy, Chairman, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council and Shri Arun Maira, Member (Industry), Planning Commission.


rts/vn/dk/kol/17:01 hrs.


Palash Biswas
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