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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fwd: GOPIO NEWS BULLETIN - May 1, 2010

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Date: Sat, May 1, 2010 at 4:10 AM
Subject: GOPIO NEWS BULLETIN - May 1, 2010

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May 1, 2010
A Publication of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)
Issue: IX-3 May 1, 2010
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The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO International) strenuously objects to the recent judicial sentencing of 17 Indians in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and considers the sentencing as extreme and unusually harsh punishment contrary to Article 5 and Article 7 of the United Nations Human Rights Charter (United Nations "Universal Declaration of Human Rights, December 10, 1948). GOPIO voices its deep concern over the severity of the sentencing which is viewed as contrary to universally accepted norms of any progressive society.


GOPIO International urges the Government of United Arab Emirates to promptly take all necessary actions to remedy this situation for substantial reduction of the sentences imposed on the basis of humanitarian consideration and to facilitate and accommodate all legal efforts by others to seek redress in the courts and appropriate agencies of the United Arab Emirates.


GOPIO International urges the Government of India to seek all means necessary to represent and to get justice for the Indian nationals in UAE courts and to provide confidence and reassurance to their respective families in India.


GOPIO International solicits the assistance and cooperation of the United Nations (UN) and international agencies of Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International (AI) to use their respective international positions and offices of influence to be engaged in efforts to seek substantial reduction in the unusually extreme sentencing imposed on the 17 Indians in the United Arab Emirates.


Lord Diljit Rana, President of GOPIO International and a member of the UK House of Lords, urges the United Arab Emirates to review the sentences on an urgent basis. Lord Rana said a review is necessary because the sentences are "extremely harsh" and contravene key sections of the UN Human Rights Charter. "The entire GOPIO organization is dismayed and gravely concerned over the severity of the sentences handed down by the judicial authorities in Sharjah." He said human rights considerations and compassion demand a review of the sentences and called on the Governments of India and Malaysia to intervene on behalf of the 17 Indians with the UAE.


Lord Rana added: 'People of Indian Origin worldwide are anxious over the plight of the 17 and the anxiety currently being experienced by their families. GOPIO also calls on the UN and its member nations to support our plea to the UAE for compassion on behalf of those facing such incredibly and unacceptably harsh sentences."


"The sentence to seventeen Indian Nationals far exceeds the crime they have been charged with. The judicial system of the government of United Arab Emirates should respect the international standards of justice and must take into account the undue pain and distress of those sentenced and their respective families in India", stated Inder Singh, Chairman of GOPIO International.


GOPIO Middle East International Coordinator Sunny Kulathakal observes that "it is crucial that the legal appeal process lead to reduced sentencing that would further enhance peaceful co-existence among all ethnic groups in the United Arab Emirates".


GOPIO International's Executive Vice President General Ashook Ramsaran requests that "due consideration must be given to the fact that Indians working and living in the United Arab Emirates are generally a peaceful, law abiding ethnic group and have contributed tremendously to the economic development of the UAE".


GOPIO International fully supports and encourages all efforts for fair and equitable treatment of all citizens, visitors and workers in any country, especially a country with a significant population of people of Indian origin. GOPIO International urges the Government of United Arab Emirates to promptly take all necessary actions to remedy this situation so that the rights of everyone in United Arab Emirates can be guaranteed and protected on an equitable and humanitarian basis. We also urge the people of United Arab Emirates to voice their collective concerns and objections to actions that can adversely affect their entire society.



United Nations "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", December 10, 1948

Article 5.  No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Article 7.All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.


For more information, please contact Inder Singh, Chairman of GOPIO International at +1-818-708-3885, Email:



The Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) and St. John's University's Center for Latin American and Caribbean (SJU/CLACS) for the fifth consecutive year collaborated on a very successful symposium titled "Coping in New York City: Adaptation and Assimilation of Caribbean and Latin American Immigrants". The symposium was approved by New York City's Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs (NYC-MOIA) as a partner event during New York City's Immigrant Heritage Week 2010. The event was held starting at 9:00am on Saturday, April 17, 2010 at the President's Room of St. John's University in Queens, New York.


The proposal was initiated by GOPIO International Executive Vice President Ashook Ramsaran who collaborated with Dr Alina Camacho-Gingerich of St John's University (Center for Latin American Caribbean Studies). GOPIO Upper New York took a prominent role in organizing and holding the seminar. Keynote speaker was Prof. Mahin Gosine (Trinidad - USA, Suffolk Community College, New York) along with Prof. Clover Hall (Jamaica - USA, St John's University, New York). In addition, there were presentations by Hon Dr Harold Robertson, Consul General of Trinidad and Tobago in New York; Lester Farthing, New York Regional Director of Census 2010; Prof Paul Erriah (Guyana - USA, St John's University), and GOPIO Upper New York President Satruhan Sukdeo. Also in attendance was Dr Jagat Motwani (GOPIO Founding Life Member, former GOPIO Secretary General and former Chairman of GOPIO Academic Council).


While these diverse groups of immigrants originate from countries with distinct historical, language and ethnic backgrounds, they share many common aspirations, challenges and opportunities as immigrants in New York City. The symposium focused on practical ways for new immigrants to better assimilate into the New York City mainstream, adopt good citizenship roles in education, economics, politics and social activities, while strengthening bridges of communication and understanding among these groups. The event was well attended, the speakers focused on the subject and the discussions were pertinent, very informative and comprehensive. It encouraged extensive audience participation.


GOPIO Celebration of Immigrant Heritage Week 

 Photo above: GOPIO Officers with St. John's University professors at the sumposium. From L. to R. : Dr Jagat Motwani (GOPIO  Founding Life Member, former GOPIO Secretary General and former Chairman of GOPIO Academic Council), Dr Mahin Gosine (Trinidad - USA, Co-Chair of GOPIO Academic Council), Ashook Ramsaran (Executive Vice President, GOPIO International), Dr Alina Camacho-Gingerich (Chair, St John's University Center for Caribbean and Latin American Studies), Prof Clover Hall (Jamaica - USA, St John's University), Prof Paul Erriah (Guyana - USA, St John's University), Satruhan Sukdeo (Guyana - USA, President of GOPIO Upper New York)

While Prof. Hall focused on adaptation of immigrants from Jamaica in New York, Prof Gosine spoke on the attributes of "when we came, where from, when settled and how we fared" which was quite an insightful analysis and indeed thought provoking. Of interest also his notion of "working class migrate; middle class move" in his discussion on size of the ethnic community as a role in adaptation and assimilation, as well as formation of "ethnic enclaves". Prof Erriah talked about "cultural bazaar" and "pockets of ethnic groups" in the redistricting process" is quite an insightful analysis and indeed thought provoking. GOPIO Upper New York President Satruhan Sukdeo made the presentation which was a collaborative effort of himself and Netram Rambudhan, Premnauth Singh, Jairam Persaud and Romesh Budhram of GOPIO Upper New York.


There were many critical issues affecting Indians from the Caribbean Living in the USA which were raised at the symposium. As a result of the discussions held after the conclusion of the symposium, the conclusion was reached that the time has come for in-depth discourse on this subject and that GOPIO can take the lead in organizing a full day conference. This would be done most effectively with collaboration and participation among all groups, organizations and entities representing Indians from the Caribbean Living in the USA (and Canada). Theme: "Indians from the Caribbean Living in the USA: Challenges & Opportunities" to be held in New York in October 2010


Zulu King Zwelithini Goodwill was the chief guest at the GOPIO organized 150th Anniversary of Indian migration to South Africa on March 28th to 31st held in Durban. He said society is lucky to have "people who are born to rise above to shine and to resist injustice".


King Zwelithini added that GOPIO has people who work diligently for the uplift of minorities. In a message he said: "The history and culture on which GOPIO is based Ttoserve as an anchor for your strength and hope. The history connects you to your forefathers and foremothers... In this part of the world our lives have been interwoven for centuries. Since your organisation highlights the significance of culture, I would like to pay accolades to our forerunners who managed to maintain colourful and distinct cultures that did not interfere with the beliefs and practices of different groups that co-existed... The result of that collective living characterised by a variety of cultures is what immediately strikes visitors to our Province... GOPIO is in a strong position to herald a myriad of stories of struggles for human liberation... Any convention of this kind would be incomplete without honouring an icon like Mahatma Gandhi... What he did for mankind is legendary."


The GOPIO Convention celebrated the 150th Anniversary of the advent of Indian indentured workers to Natal. The convention theme was "Turning Historical Adversity into Advantage." The convener was Professor Dasarath Chetty, Pro Vice Chancellor of the University Kwarzulu, Natal who was assisted by Mahyendrah Utchana of GOPIO organization in Mauritius.


GOPIO convention was opened on March 28th at the Durban City Hall with several distinguished guests including Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, MP and President of the Inkatha Freedom Party, veteran struggle activist Dr. Ahmed Kathrada, Mauritian Minister Anil Baichoo, Indian Consul General Anil Saran, Deputy Ministers Ebrahim Ebrahim and Roy Padayachie, Ela Gandhi, MP, and Durban Deputy Mayor Logie Naidu.


The closing ceremony was held at the International Convention Center on March 31st where the chief guest was His Majesty King Zwelithini Goodwill who came along with the Queen. Kwazulu Natal Premier Dr. Zweli Mkhize also spoke at the function.


The South Asian Council for Social Services (SACSS) celebrated its 10th anniversary with a Gala dinner at Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Manhattan on April 24. SACSS was created to empower underserved South Asians to actively engage in the civic and economic life of New York City. SACSS was formed in May 2000 at a GOPIO initiated conference on "Social Service Needs of the South Asian Community" held at the Kerala Center in New York.


Among the 200 guests attending the gala were a number of notable personalities who were speakers and honorees at the event. They included Fatima Shama, NYC Commissioner of Immigrant Affairs, Chung-Wha Hong, Executive Director of the New York Immigration Coalition and Dr. Vasundhara Kalasapudi, founder of India Home. In support of SACSS' mission to promote health care, prominent members of the medical community attended. Among them were Arthur Gianelli, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Nassau Health Care Corporation and cardiologist Dr. Sanjay Doddamani. Notable literary and media personalities mingled among the guests and were also featured speakers at the gala:  Suketu Mehta, award winning author of Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found,  Hari Sreenivasan of PBS NewsHour and Sreenath Sreenivasan, Dean of Student Affairs at Columbia University School of Journalism. Artist Anil CS Rao, who works with digital media, displayed his paintings. The compere for the evening was journalist, Aseem Chhabra.


Chair of the SACSS  board, Runi Mukherji-Ratnam, welcomed the guests and spoke about how SACSS was born in response to the critical needs of the South Asian community during that time.  Executive Director, Sudha Acharya said, "The last ten years have been a very rich experience for us, not often in the monetary sense, but in the quality of services that we were able to provide, in the relationships we have developed and the lessons we have learned."  

SACSS Celebrates 10th Anniversary in New York City 
Photo above: SACSS Award recipients Dr. Vasundhara Kalasapudi and Chung-wha Hong with New York Immigration Commissioner Fatima Shama along with SACSS Board Members and office staff at the Awards banquet held don April 24the in New York City.

Both Fatima Shama and Chung-Wha Hong elaborated on the important role that SACSS plays in the community. "Nurturing an organization and bringing it to a ten year mark is a huge, huge accomplishment," said Ms. Hong. "When the government shuts out access, when the government says "No", SACSS maximizes access and helps those individuals access the safety net and makes sure they have a place to turn to. This is so important because otherwise we will never close that gap." Added Ms. Shama, "I am a child of immigrants. What our parents came to this country for is exactly what SACSS stands for. In the sense that, they come in search of opportunity and they come in search of providing incredible ways for their children to thrive. But it is that community network they aim for and that makes SACSS and the work that they have done so profound in the lives of so many people."


Honoree Vasundhara Kalasapudi gave a moving account of how her own personal experience drove her to start India Home, a center for seniors, and how she hoped to collaborate with organizations like SACSS to provide services to seniors at more locations.  Arthur Gianelli spoke about working with SACSS to bring services to the South Asian community in Nassau County.


Author Suketu Mehta summed it up in a heart-warming speech saying, "I want to say this to everyone at SACSS on behalf of all New Yorkers. You are doing your dharma. You have loved. You are loved." Sreenath Srinivasan added, "SACSS is one of the most important non-profits in New York City and you are supporting it by being here. And by supporting Sudha and her team you are supporting our entire community."


Entertainment for the gala was provided by the group Bollywood Beats and Punjabi folk music singer, Arif.


Contact: Sudha Acharya, Executive Director, SACSS, 140-15 Holly Ave., Flushing, NY 11355, (718) 321-7929, E-mail: E-mail:,




GOPIO's Women's Council is planning a series of events and activities for the year 2010 - 2011 as follows:


  • Conference on: Women of Indian Origin- Issues and Solutions 

Venue:  London, UK

Date: October 24th, 2010


This will be One-day conference with speakers from UK and other countries.  The speakers would be both Women of Indian origin (WIOs) as well as people who are authorities on personal, social, religious or economic issues regarding Women of Indian origin. The goal is to raise awareness on issues affecting women in the Indian Diaspora. It further seeks to revisit how families, communities, governments can influence these issues and how education and awareness building can play its part.


The conference will be inaugurated by the Indian Cabinet Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Hon. Vayalar Ravi. The keynote speakers will be parliamentarians, social workers and educationists.


Anyone interested in being part of the working committee while it is being formed should send a brief bio and proposed participation.


To register or for queries, please contact Lady Rana (Chairperson- GOPIO Women's Council) at


  • Outreach of GOPIO:  via WIO e-group - "Women of Indian Origin"


 An e-group called Women of Indian Origin has been formed to connect the strengths of women across cultures and countries and socio-economic divides as an interactive platform for Women across the world, so that they can communicate, share knowledge, experiences and issues they face, and work together to find solutions.


The moderators are Rekha Gupta, Sharda Nandram and Lady Shruti Rana.

Anyone who is interested in co-moderating or actively contributing, please contact Chairperson Lady Shruti Rana (with copies to Co-chairpersons Rekha Gupta and Sharda Nandram).


  •  Book: True Stories by and of Women of Indian origin:


GOPIO's Women's Council looks forward to inputs from women or about women of Indian origin from contributors across the world. Collection of essays and articles will begin in 2010. The book is expected to be released in August, 2011.


Those who would like to contribute a story for the book may mail their stories (or abstracts) or express an intention to contribute may contact Chairperson Lady Shruti Rana (with copies to Co-chairpersons Rekha Gupta and Sharda Nandram).


Anyone interested in the development, production and of this WIO Book of True Stories

should send a brief bio and proposed level of participation..



Lady Shruti Rana- Chairperson, GOPIO Women's Council, Email:; Mobile: +44 7921887718

Rekha Gupta- Co-Chair, GOPIO Women's Council (

Sharda Nandram - Co-Chair, GOPIO Women's Council (

Mekhala Dey - Co-Chair, GOPIO Women's Council r (



Indian American internationally renowned management guru Dr. Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad, popularly known as CK, died on Friday, April 16th in San Diego after a brief illness. He was 69.


Prahalad was a featured speaker in many of the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas and was honored with the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman in January 2009.m He also received Padma Bhushan award from President of India in 2009.


Prahalad who called attention to the "fortune at the bottom of the pyramid" died at the top of his game. A professor at the University of Michigan, Prahalad was considered one of the world's top 10 management thinkers. His theory about the fortune at the bottom of the pyramid, is followed by many corporations in emerging markets.


Dr. Coimbatore Krishnarao Prahalad was born in the south Indian city of Coimbatore.  His mother was a homemaker and his father was a judge and prominent labor rights lawyer who wrote several books about Hindu philosophy.


Dr. Prahalad came to the United States in the early 1970's and earned a doctoral degree in management at Harvard Business School. After spending 2 years in India, in 1977 he returned to the US and became a professor at the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business, where he taught until his passing, traveling regularly from California. Mr. Prahalad had established a reputation as a formidable business strategist when he started his work on poverty in 1995, according to the preface of "Bottom of the Pyramid." According to his daughter Deepa, Dr. Prahalad was concerned about the lopsidedness of growth in India, which had begun loosening government control over its economy in the early 1990s - something that he had long advocated.


His work on poverty, and earlier on how companies should build "core competence," earned him a loyal following in corporate boardrooms around the world, especially in India. The impact of Prahalad's management theories and trajectories can be seen and felt in many areas. Nowhere is it more visible than in Indian and developing world stores.


Prahlad's theory affected many Indian and developing world retail outlets. It was Prahalad's proposition that businesses stop thinking of the poor as victims and instead start seeing them as value-demanding consumers that drove companies such as Hindustan Lever and Godrej to come out with ultra-small sachets of everything from shampoo to gutka sparking off a retail revolution.

Indeed, his 2004 book The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits, became a New York Times bestseller and catapulted him to a rock star among management thinkers although he was already a storied business guru by then. It was a journey CK began in the modest Tamil Nadu town, one of nine children of a Sanskrit scholar and judge.


Though he had lived in the United States for more than 40 years, he traveled frequently to India to advise corporate executives and political leaders.


He is survived by his wife Gayatri and two children.


GOPIO conveys its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.






When GOPIO-Connecticut celebrates its fourth anniversary at the Italian Center of Stamford, two Indian Americans and a Senator will be honored by the organization for their outstanding achievements and contributions at an Awards Banquet on Sunday, May 2. They are: Mr. Dinesh Paliwal, Chairman, President and CEO of Harman International as "Indian-American Achiever"  and Ms. Neesha Ramchandani as "Young Person Of The Year". Senator Christopher Dodd will be honored with a "Friend of India"award.


Stamford's Mayor Michael Pavia will be the Guest of Honor at the Banquet. Also attending will be Connecticut Lt. Governor Michael Fedele and India's Consul General in New York Ambassador Prabhu Dayal. The evening's program will include a cocktail reception, awards ceremony, entertainment by local performers, dinner, dance and live music. 


Senator Christopher Dodd (D, Connecticut) 




Senator Christopher Dodd

 of Connecticut, Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and Co-chairman of the India Caucus in the US Senate, will be honored with a "Friend of India" award in recognition of his leadership in advancing economic and political cooperation between India and the United States, and his years of support to the India-American community.
Dinesh Paliwal CEO and President of Harman International
Mr. DiNESH Paliwal
is Chairman, CEO and President of Harman International, where he has instituted numerous initiatives and programs to strengthen company operations, including driving innovation and breakthrough technologies, expanding the company's footprint in emerging markets, and dramatically improving its cost structure. He has lived and worked in six countries on four continents. Prior to joining Harman, he was with the ABB Group for 22 years.


Neesh Ramchandani - GOPIOCT Young Person of the Year 2010 

Ms. Nisha Ramchandani

 is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Certified Diabetes Educator. She is coordinator of the pediatric diabetes program at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. While the majority of her time is spent doing clinical work and diabetes education, she has been doing innovative research in pediatric diabetes technology and has presented her research all over the U.S., Europe and South Africa.



Over the last four years, GOPIO-CT has become an active and dynamic organization hosting interactive sessions with policy makers and academicians, community events, 

youth mentoring and networking workshops, and working with other area organizations to help  create a better future. Over the last few months, GOPIO-CT has hosted a meet and greet reception for Stamford Mayor Michael Pavia, an evening of ghazals with Shanti Hiranand, and a talk by business cycle expert Lakhman Achuthan.


A limited number of banquet tickets may be available. Contact GOPIO-CT President Shailesh Naik, e-mail:, or visit




GOPIO-Upper New York Chapter has scheduled its Second Anniversary Dinner and Celebration of Indian Arrival Day on Saturday, May 15th, 2010 at Royal Palace Banquet Hall, 77 Knollwood Road, White Plains, New York starting at to 11.00 pm.


The program for the evening will include greetings and short speeches from dignitaries, a keynote address from Dr. Baytoram Ramharack, reports of GOPIO Upper New York activities, short cultural items and a dance floor with a popular in house DJ. The format is a cocktail hour followed by speeches and then a buffet dinner. There will be opportunity to network with local dignitaries and community leaders. 


Contact: Satruhan Sukdeo, President, GOPIO Upper New York Chapter, e-mail:




On March 28th 2010 GOPIO Netherlands organized a very interesting and stimulating session in Amsterdam on the issue of "Spirituality, Science & Business". Dr. Sharda Nandram, Associate Professor at the Center for Entrepreneurship at Nyenrode University, enlightened the audience on the topic of "Spirituality & Business". Discussion included: How does spirituality and entrepreneurship relate to each other? Can spirituality affect your personal life and professional performance positively? Dr. Sharda Nandram successfully elaborated on these questions and many more issues relating to business and spirituality. Her basic idea is that our relationship with the world is a direct reflection of the relationship we have with our inner self. If we want to bring about the much needed transformation that the current multi-dimensional crisis that we face, demands, we need an inner transformation of ourselves first. "Try to find the diamond in yourself" were her wise words.


Dr. Sharda Nandram is a Ph.D graduate from the Free University of Amsterdam and has published various articles and books on entrepreneurship of which her latest is titled: "Spirituality and Business: Exploring Possibilities for a New Management Paradigm".  During the discussion, which was professionally moderated by Mr. Manish Dixit, the session proved to be very interactive and stimulated the audience to keep on asking questions. We have realized that this topic is very much alive in these days when corporate social responsibility is a part and parcel of the new management paradigm.  



Contributed by Rajindre Tewarie, GOPIO of Netherlands




The GOPIO Guyana Chapter scheduled its Fourth Indian Arrival Month 2010 Lecture commemorating the 171st Anniversary of the arrival of Indentured Indian Immigrants to Guyana. The Lecture Series identified and addressed issues of interest and concern among PIOs in Guyana as well as the Caribbean region.


The Lecture Series are as follows:


May 6   Venue: National Library

"Indians in the Diaspora: Their contributions to the development of the various countries in which they settled" Lecture by Dr. Yesu Persaud, Chairman of GOPIO Guyana


May 13   Venue: Hotel Tower

"The Indian Diaspora agenda for the Caribbean" Lecture by Dr Prem Misir, University of Guyana


May 20, 2010  Venue: Hotel Tower

""The Indian Diaspora in the Caribbean: A Historical Perspective" Lecture by Prof Tota Mangar, University of Guyana.


May 28, 2010  Venue: National Library

"Literature by Guyanese of Indian Ancestry" Lecture by Mr. Petember Persaud


In addition, celebrations marking the 171st Anniversary of Indian Arrival in Guyana will be held at Monument Gardens in Georgetown on May 5, 2010.


All lectures begin at 5:00pm on the designated dates. Admission is free.

For more details, contact GOPIO GUYANA Chandra Doobay 592-223-3243, 592-226-1315 or 592-226-4404 or at


Contributed by Dr Yesu Persaud, GOPIO of Guyana




GOPIO-Sydney Northwest is holding YOUNG ACHIEVERS' NIGHT 2010 4th May, 2010 to congratulate HSC students of NSW of Indian Origin on their achievements in HSC 2009 exams.  The event will be held at the Pioneer Hall, Castle Hill Library.


Awards will be decided on merit by a selection committee and recognition at the ceremony would include:


·         Academic - Students who achieved ATAR 99 and above in 2009 HSC exam.

·         Highest marks obtained in HSC 2009 in Indian languages, dance, drama, music, photography and visual arts.

·         State or National level achievement in sports by youth under 20 years of age.


Indian High Commissioner Sujatha Singh will be the Chief Guest. Dinner will be served after the award ceremony. Entry: $30.00 pp


Contact:  Harry Walia, President of GOPIO Sydney North West at




GOPIO Suriname plans to hold 2 events marking Immigrant Arrival Day with a celebration theme "Indian Arrival: From Indian Immigrant to Suriname Citizen".


The planned events are:

June 04   16.00 hrs        Parade  at City Center   

Duration: 2-4 hours


June 05   20.00 hrs        Cultural Event with Reception at Lala Rookh Center

Duration: 3 hours


Invited guests and speakers include: Minister Internal Affairs and Indian Ambassador to Suriname. Guest of Honor is Suriname's Vice President Ramdien Sardjoe (recipient of the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Samman in Chennai on 9th January, 2009). Speakers include civic representatives as well as GOPIO Surname President and Vice President.


The events are open to the public and admission is free.


For details, contact Harold Ramdhani, president of GOPIO Suriname at




"The newly formed Virginia chapter in its infancy is doing great and will be a prominent chapter of GOPIO International," said GOPIO Virginia Chapter President Jaisingh Bhandari in a Press Statement. He mentioned that the chapter was formerly opened on February 1, 2010 with a very strong and professional Executive Committee and board of 15 members comprising people from all walks of life including scientist, professor, doctors, TV anchor, leaders event organizes and working together as a team.


The chapter conducts a regular Board meeting every month. GOPIO Virginia has started two projects: Feeding hungry and poor people with the help of Loudon County Interfaith Center.  The food collected with the help of the community and members will be distributed on May 1st.   The second project of providing health assistance to needy parents and students who cannot afford to pay high cost of medical help or health insurance will receive free or on nominal charges. A team of doctors is already providing this service under the chairmanship of Dr. Rajesh Mehra in Northern VA and Dr. Dhakar in Richmond. 


Formal Inauguration: The formal inauguration of the Chapter is scheduled on Friday, May 21st In Virginia Square, Arlington. Hon. Governor of Virginia Robert McDonnell Ambassador, Her Excellency Meera Shankar and local elected leaders and officials are invited to participate. GOPIO International Regional Vice President (North America) Dr. Piyush Agrawal, GOPIO International Chairman Inder Singh, and GOPIO International Executive Vice President Ashok Ramsaran and other officials of GOPIO International and from GOPIO chapters in the USA have been invited as special guests for the occasion. 

For information, suggestion and question please contact Jay Bhandari at  




Sangeeta Ahuja Chair, GOPIO- Health Council participated in the local "YMCA HEALTHY KIDS DAY" on April 17, 2010 in Stamford Connecticut. The program was organized by Stamford YMCA. The theme of the day was "Put Play in Your Day" and was free for all.


The program was designed to educate kids and parents on healthy living and healthy foods through games, activities and informational literature. In representing GOPIO Sangeeta Said, "One of our goals is to participate in local community activities and health related events to promote a positive life style at a grassroots level". 




A spiralling sculpture designed by Turner Prize-winning artist Anish Kapoor has been chosen as the monument to mark the London 2012 Olympic Games. The 115m tall piece, named the ArcelorMittal Orbit, will be placed in the Olympic Park and will be 22m higher than New York's Statue of Liberty.


The £19.1m design incorporates the five Olympic rings and will offer visitors panoramic views of London. London Mayor Boris Johnson revealed plans for the tower.


"I am deeply honoured to be invited to undertake this challenging commission," Kapoor said.


"I am particularly attracted to it because of the opportunity to involve members of the public in a particularly close and personal way. It is the commission of a lifetime."


The artist will work with leading structural designer, Cecil Balmond of engineering firm Arup.


OrganiZers said Balmond had worked on "some of the greatest contemporary buildings in the world", including the CCTV building in Beijing, as well as numerous Serpentine Gallery pavilion commissions.


''Long after the Games are over, our aim is to have a stunning spectacle in east London that will be recognized around the world," Mr Johnson said.


"Anish Kapoor's inspired art work will truly encapsulate the energy and spirit of London during the Games and, as such, will become the perfect iconic cultural legacy."


Steel company ArcelorMittal - owned by steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal - will fund up to £16m of the project with £3.1m provided by the London Development Agency.




Award-winning author, Marina Budhos has again captured the imagination with vivid social and political commentary with the thought-provoking novel "Tell Us We're Home" which is being released on May 4, 2010. It is a riveting story of the daughters of maids and nannies who make up a mini United Nations: Jaya is from Trinidad, Maria is from Mexico, and Lola is from Slovakia. "Illegal immigrant sisters learn a lot about themselves when their family faces deportation in this compelling contemporary drama. A perceptive peek into the lives of foreigners on the fringe", says one commentary. "This is a powerful story, especially for those YAs who know something themselves about the immigration situation. Budhos doesn't make heroes of the illegal immigrants, but she illuminates the reasons why families stay here, and she focuses on the children who have grown up in America but who are threatened with deportation because of the mistakes of their parents", stated another commentary. "A thoughtful, riveting tale of post-9/11 America. Beautifully written" said Chitra Divakaruni, author of Queen of Dreams. In collaboration with her husband Marc Aronson, Marina Budhos has co-authored "Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom and Science"due to be released in November 15, 2010.


Marina Budhos, whose father hails from Guyana, has published two adult novels, The Professor of Light (Putnam, 1999), House of Waiting (Global City Press, 1995) and nonfiction book, Remix: Conversations With Immigrant Teenagers (Henry Holt, 1999). Her first book for children was the well-received Ask Me No Questions, winner of a James Cook Teen Book award, and will soon be made into a feature film. Additionally, she has received an EMMA (Exceptional Merit Media Award) and a Rona Jaffe Award for Women Writers. Ms. Budhos has been a Fulbright Scholar to India, has given talks throughout the country and abroad, and has taught at several universities and colleges. She is currently an associate professor of English at William Paterson University and was a speaker at GOPIO's 20th Anniversary Convention on August 22, 2010 in New York. With husband Marc Aronson, Marina Budhos has co-authored "Sugar Changed the World: A Story of Magic, Spice, Slavery, Freedom and Science" due to be released in November, 2010.


For more information, contact Prof Marina Budhos at




MasterCard Inc, named Pune-born, Delhi-educated, IIM-Ahmedabad alum Ajay Banga as its CEO. Banga will take over the top position from current CEO Robert Selander on July 1, only ten months after being hired from Citigroup as a potential successor. 

Banga joined MasterCard as president and chief operating officer from Citigroup Inc. last August, and was given a $4.2 million signing bonus he could keep if he wasn't named CEO by June 30, 2010, according to a regulatory filing. Banga will retain his title as president when he becomes CEO. 

Banga was born in Khadki outside Pune, where his father, an army officer, was posted. He grew up and schooled across India, successively in Secunderabad, Jalandhar, Delhi, Hyderabad and in Shimla, where he finished his schooling. 

He rejected an army career his father was keen he pursue and instead later took a BA in Economics Honors from Delhi University and later an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. 


Banga started his career at Nestle and joined Citigroup in 1996 as head of marketing in India for the consumer business. In 2000, Banga was promoted to head CitiFinancial and the US consumer assets division and later he took over the retail bank in North America - his first stint in the US - and in 2005, he was named to head Citigroup's international consumer-banking and finance business. 


He moved to Hong Kong in early 2008 after being named to oversee all of the bank's businesses in Asia, including credit cards and consumer banking, institutional banking, wealth management and alternative investments, before returning to US last year to join MasterCard.




President Barack Obama has appointed Chandigarh-born Srinija Srinivasan (40), one of the three co-founders of Yahoo! as a member of the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars. Ms. Srinivasan, vice-president and Editor-in-Chief at Yahoo!, was herself a Presidential Scholar in 1989, a prestigious honour that is awarded to over a 100 high school students each year for outstanding achievements ranging from academia, arts and leadership.


In naming Ms. Srinivasan and 11 others to the Commission, Mr. Obama said: "The Commission on Presidential Scholars is charged with recogniZing the future leaders of our country and honoring them for their outstanding achievements.


President Obama also named India-born Harvard geneticist Dr Raju Kucherlapati to a blue ribbon White House panel on bioethics. Dr. Kucherlapati frontier work on gene mapping and gene modification is said to be heralding the age of personalized medicine.


Dr. Kucherlapati is Director Emeritus and Paul C. Cabot Professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School. He also founder of several cutting edge research companies and is among the dozen scholars and activists who will serve on the newly created Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

The Commission will explore bioethical issues anticipated to emerge from advances in biomedicine and related areas of science and technology, including cloning, embryonic stem cell research and even robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.

Dr. Kucherlapati holds a B.S. in Biology from P.R. College, Kakinada, India and a M.S. in Biology from Andhra University, Waltair, both in Andhra Pradesh, before he came to the U.S in 1967 to earn a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. More recently, he is the founder of Cell Genesys, Abgenix and Millennium Pharmaceuticals and served as the editor-in-chief of the journal Genomics.




Indian American Vijay Gandhi was sworn in Magistrate Judge for the District Court of the Central District of California. Gandhi is the first Indian-American federal judge in California and only the second ever Indian-American federal judge in the history of the United States. The first was Judge Amul Thapar, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Kentucky on December 13, 2007. At age 38, Judge Gandhi is also one of the youngest federal judges currently serving in the Central District.


Judge Gandhi will sit in Los Angeles and will preside over matters arising from all three Divisions of the Court.  The Central District of California is the largest district in the nation, serving more than 19 million people. Judge Gandhi was formerly a litigation partner at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP.  He practiced law for nearly 12 years at the firm, as an associate from 1998 to 2006, and as an equity partner, thereafter.  He also worked on a full-time basis as a volunteer Deputy District Attorney and first-chaired multiple jury trials as a prosecutor. 


Judge Gandhi has been repeatedly recognized as a 'Rising Star Lawyer' in the 'Super Lawyers' Edition of Law & Politics Magazine. He is also a prolific writer and speaker on securities and business litigation, and co-authored a book about securities law claims.


Prior to joining Paul Hastings, Judge Gandhi clerked for the Honorable Kenneth M. Hoyt, U.S. District Court Judge for the Southern District of Texas. Judge Gandhi received his J.D. degree from the University of Southern California Law School, where he graduated Order of the Coif and received multiple American Jurisprudence awards. Judge Gandhi is also a Past President and Lifetime Member of the South Asian Bar Association of Southern California.




Nirmala Narine is the owner of Nirmala¹s Kitchen, a company specializing in spices, exotic rice blends, and varieties of salt. She was born of PIO parents in Guyana, South America and came to New York City at the age of 10. Her culinary education began at the age of 6 in a tiny kitchen with no running water or electricity. She is the owner and founder of Nirmala's Kitchen, a gourmet importer and distributor. She is the Cookbook Author at Nirmala's Kitchen and her line of products includes ingredients to replicate ethnic and traditional meals from around the world, all without leaving the comforts of home. Her brand of products is known from coast to coast, and internationally.


Nirmala Narine has been featured in The New York Times, O, The Oprah Magazine and FOOD & WINE Magazine. She has been featured by Country Living Magazine as one of their 2007 Women's Entrepreneurs who combine creative fervor with a flair for business. She has appeared on the Today Show, the CBS Early Show and Martha Stewart, among others. Narine is a gifted teacher when it comes to sharing her extraordinary knowledge of ethnic kitchen cultures and global cuisines. She has a passion for sharing her love of cooking with children and takes every opportunity to do so on her travels abroad in the world's orphanages, and locally in New York's public schools. She lives on a 15-acre Organic farm in New York's Hudson Valley.

For more details, visit www.nirmala'


Contributed by Bina Mahabir, GOPIO of Upper New York




Dr. Shashi Tharoor resigned as Minister of State for External Affairs after the high-level Congress Core Group decided that he should quit in the wake of controversy over the IPL Kochi franchise, capping a week-long drama that threatened to drag the government and the Congress Party into it.


Dr. Tharoor submitted his resignation from the Council of Ministers to the Prime Minister. President Pratibha Patil accepted the resignation of Dr. Tharoor from the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.


Dr.Tharoor is a member of the Indian Parliament from the Thiruvananthapuram constituency in Kerala. A prolific author, journalist and human rights advocate, he has previously served as the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Communications and Public Information.




An NRI firm Sun Mark Ltd in U.K. owned by community leader and actrivisdt Dr. Rami Ranger has been selected to receive Her Majesty's most coveted award for business, the Queens Award for Enterprise 2010 It is a rare achievement by any company to win such a prestigious award and that too for a second consecutive year, i.e. in 2009 and 2010.


This Queens Award for Enterprise symbolizes the strength and credibility of the company and its positive contribution to the British economy.The company's sales continue to grow despite the global downturn as a result of the financial meltdown. According to a company release, the company's turnover grew by over 45% last year and is fast approaching £100 million. It is a considerable achievement by any standard, especially when the company started its operation just 15 years ago.


The company exports British supermarket products to over 90 countries with growth and market penetration. Needless to say, due to its export activities, it not only generates wealth and employment for Britain directly, but also helps other British companies grow which are connected with its export activities like transport, shipping and manufacturing.


The Managing Director, Dr. Rami Ranger MBE, is optimistic that his company, which is a leading force in exports, will continue to drive hard and be a recipient for many more such awards for sustainable growth and for excellence.  He said that the second award shows that "when the going gets tough, the tough get going".




Remittances by Indian expatriates rose by over $1 billion to $27.51 billion (around Rs 1,22,420 crore) during April-September 2009, unfazed by the global financial meltdown, a RBI survey has said. The remittances increased from $26.37 billion during the same period in the previous year, as India provided much better returns.


"Inward remittances in India have not been impacted significantly by the global economic crisis," RBI said in its latest monthly bulletin.


It further said that the rise in remittances may be attributed to a number of factors, including depreciation of rupee resulting in the rise in inflows through rupee denominated NRI accounts to take advantage of the depreciation and hike in interest rate ceilings on NRI deposits since September 2008.RBI said that it was feared that the global recession could impact migrant workers more severely.


"Even if there is no lay-off, workers would often have to accept lower wages as employers worldwide are seeking to cut costs in an attempt to cope with the financial crisis," it said.


Overseas Indians remitted 55 billion dollars to India in 2009, making the country the biggest recipient of money from overseas. Remittances are permanent transfers while NRI deposits are repatriable.


The 2009 figure of 55.06 billion dollars is reported to be seven percent higher from 51.6 billion dollars in 2008. The increase in remittances came despite the global economic slowdown last year. Higher remittances to India are perceived as a relatively safe option during the financial crisis.


The increase in remittances to India began with the boom in oil industry in the Persian Gulf in the 1980s, resulting in a migrant labor surge to the region and sharp increase in information technology professionals migrating to Europe and North America during the 1990s.


Another factor contributing to the increase in remittances is the easing of restrictions by the Central Bank in the currency markets since 1991. Earlier, an informal system known as "Hawala" was used to transfer money, circumventing legal and financial barriers.


RBI survey, which was conducted in November 2009, said that North America continues to be the most important source region of remittances to India despite its share in total remittances falling to 38 per cent (44 per cent during the 2006 Survey).


A large proportion of migrants to North America (US and Canada) work in software and related areas which have relatively higher average earning levels.


The Gulf region accounts for an average of 27 per cent of total remittance inflows to India.




Lloyd Harradan, one of the pioneers of Indo-Caribbean solidarity in Trinidad, and one of the founders of the Indian resistance group Mukdar, passed away quietly in Toronto, Canada on April 24, 2010. The 62-year old graduate of the University of the West Indies, St Augustine (Politics and Economics) was a senior civil servant  in Trinidad, but more importantly one of the original thinkers on the destiny of  Indians in the Caribbean. With Krishna Ganessingh and Ram Jagessar, he set up the pioneer Indian resistance group Mukdar and published an underground monthly magazine from 1974-1980 to advance the cause of Indians in the region. Some of the writings from Mukdar were published in "The First Year of Mukdar", published by in 2009. Other volumes were due for publication in 2010 and 2011.


The Mukdar group looked at the condition of Indians in the Caribbean and sought solutions for what looked at the time like a desperate cause without a future. Among the ideas advanced by Harradan was the discovery of a million strong Indo-Caribbean community in over 10 Caribbean countries, many of them previously ignored. Lloyd Harradan saw the Indian heartland in Guyana and Trinidad as "the deserted village", deliberately abandoned and victimized by the rulers of the day.  He said that "a people's homeland was not the place where they were born but the place where they were respected". Harradan felt that the situation of Indians in Guyana was a key signboard for Indians in the region, and predicted that the Indo-Guyanese exodus from their birth place would be followed by other Indo-Caribbeans. Harradan has written quite extensively on Indians in the entire Caribbean region, including those Indians living in far flung, diverse islands with very small populations of Indians and speaking different languages.


GOPIO International Executive Vice President Ashook Ramsaran issued a statement of condolences to the family of Lloyd Harradan. Ramsaran added that "while mourning the loss of a stalwart Indo-Caribbean who has contributed so much to preserving our history, GOPIO recognizes with much appreciation the pioneering initiatives that Lloyd Harradan made to foster closer kinship among those of Indian origin in the Caribbean region. Lloyd Harradan will forever be remembered as one who strived to locate and document  Indians in the entire Caribbean region, including those Indians living in far flung, diverse islands with very small populations of Indians and speaking different languages.  For this and his many other selfless efforts on behalf of the Indian Diaspora, we will always be grateful".


Lloyd Harradan was cremated in Toronto, Canada on April 27, 2010. He leaves behind his wife Kamla, sons Ishwar and Videsh, and a grateful Indo-Caribbean community worldwide.


Contribution by Ram Jagessar (Trinidad - Canada)




The Government of India intends to give voting rights to Indian passport holders working and living abroad according to Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi who made this announcement in the Rajya Sabha on April 22nd, 2010. "It is always the intention of the government to confer voting rights to the Indian passport holders who are working and living abroad for more than one or two years," he said during Question Hour. The matter will be taken up with the Election Commission, Minister Ravi said adding that the Prime Minister has already said it is under the consideration of the government. He, however, made it clear that voting rights can be given only to Indian passport holders working abroad and nobody else.


To a supplementary question on deletion of names from voters list of workers having Indian passports working abroad, Minister Ravi said, "Under the rules of the Representation of Peoples Act, those who are absent for more than six months, their names will be deleted." On the issue of holders of Overseas Cards (OC) not being allowed entry at Indian airports, he said, "About 10 such cases have been reported to us. What happened is, they (Overseas Citizens) changed their passports. Unfortunately these friends who come from abroad have come with new passports. "They are not having old passports with them. That is the reason why they have been detained. But they have been allowed to go later. We are discussing how to sort out the matter", the minister added.


Contributed by K N Gupta, GOPIO of India




Under the aegis of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Indian Heritage Foundation (SVGIHF) St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is preparing to celebrate the 149th Anniversary of the arrival of Indians in St. Vincent on June 1, which is officially designated Indian Arrival Day (IAD). The highlight of this year's celebration will be the performance of a visiting 10-Member Rajasthani Dance Group from ICCR through the kind arrangements of the Indian Ambassador to Suriname, who is also accredited to serving SVG.


Among the activities planned will be call-in programmes on three local radio stations, and display of artifacts, mementos, and Indian cuisine at the Peace Memorial Hall in Kingstown, the venue of the day's activities. Invitations will be extended among others to Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves and Minister of Culture Rene Baptiste who were both instrumental three years ago in piloting the bill in parliament officially designating June 1 as Indian Arrival Day and October 7 as Indian Heritage Day.


Three years ago the SVGIHF also hosted a high-level Indian delegation led by Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi accompanied by members of GOPIO International that included then president Inder Singh and Secretary General Ashook Ramsaran. Shortly thereafter, GOPIO of St. Vincent and the Grenadines was established. Also of note, SVGIHF International Liaison and GOPIO Academic Council Co-Chairperson Dr Arnold Thomas have been invited to speak at this year's celebration of Indian Arrival Day (May 31) in Trinidad and Tobago.  


For details contact Dr Arnold Thomas (St Vincent & The Grenadines) at



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In a bid to crack down on abuse of the international student visa programme, the Australian government has announced strong measures like strengthening of the visa cancellation guidelines and rules governing the assessment of those studying more than one course.


Immigration Minister Chris Evans said the changes strike the right balance between making the visa process easier for genuine students while imposing additional checks on those who may seek to abuse the system.


Over 100,000 Indian students are pursuing higher education in Australia. Students studying more than one course will now be required to meet a higher level of risk assessment within their package of courses, the Australian Associated Press reported.


"This measure will help reduce fraud by ensuring students are not able to select courses they do not intend to complete, simply to receive a more favorable risk assessment level," Mr. Evans said.


Changes have also been made to migration regulations to strengthen the visa cancellation guidelines where a student is found to have deferred or suspended studies for non-genuine reasons.


"International students who are genuinely experiencing difficult circumstances will still be able to take temporary leave from their studies," the Minister said. "However, my department now has an improved capacity to verify students' claims where there are not compassionate or compelling reasons for deferral or suspension."


There are also new rules aimed at streamlining visa requirements for prospective postgraduate students from all countries.


"This will enable postgraduate research sector applicants to lodge applications using the e-visa facility and support growth in this sector," Mr. Evans said. "This decision is based on the low level of fraud and high level of compliance with visa conditions in the sector."



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An increasing number of management and engineering students from premier Indian institutes are offered internship from institutions abroad. The positive perk of the offer is that they gain hands-on technical experience but the negative side is that the stipends offered in foreign currency when converted into Indian rupee, becomes substantial amount and is taxable according to the applicable slab.


As per media reports, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, has placed around 80 B Tech students for internship with foreign universities such as Western Michigan, Carnegie Mellon and University of Alberta. Many more engineering graduates are expecting placements soon. Several of the interns may be enticed to seek admission for higher degrees in their chosen universities. In addition to the foreign universities, some major companies such as Deutsche Bank, Barclays Capital, Procter & Gamble, Bank of America-Merrill Lynch, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Daimler, Microsoft, IBM, Sony and Honda have also recruited Indian students for summer internship abroad.




UK-based Indian and Bangladeshi master chefs showcased their dishes at the Taste of Britain`s Curry Festival in Kolkata. British curry has been billed as a homecoming for the `curry`.


The curry festival was aimed at promoting the creative and artistic culinary skills of British curry chefs across the world. The master chefs who displayed their culinary art in Kolkata were drawn from leading restaurants in the UK. The `curry industry` in Britain is worth 4.2 billion pounds and has become so popular that every major British city and town has many restaurants and takeaways.


Idian food has become an integral part of British diet. Balti - a type of curry known by the wok (Kadhai) in which it is served and Chicken Tikka Masala are the all-time favorite dishes in British restaurants, eaten in vast quantities across the country. The British curries are less spicy, use less oil and salt and even locals in Kolkata were crazy about them.


GOPIO is a non-partisan, non-sectarian global organization with chapters in several countries, actively promoting the interests of people of Indian origin worldwide by monitoring and addressing current critical issues of concern, and by enhancing cooperation and communication between groups of Indians living in various countries.


GOPIO Individual Life membership is open to all who believe in the mission of GOPIO. The one- time fee is $5,000 for Platinum Life Membership, $2,500 for Gold Life Membership and $1,500 Silver Life Membership and half the amount for each category for those from developing countries and India.


GOPIO is looking forward to opening chapters in all major cities of the world so as to network people of Indian origin all over the world. If you do not have chapter in your city, please visit GOPIO website (

and get details of chapter initiation (visit Process involves sending a letter of intent to start a chapter by a committee of five people or more.  For more information, contact:


GOPIO Chairman - Inder Singh, Tarzana, California, USA, Tel: 818-708-3885, E-mail:

GOPIO President - Lord Daljit Rana, UK, Tel:  +44 28-9807-8787, Email:

GOPIO Executive Vice President - Ashook Ramsaran, Fresh Meadows, New York City, Tel: 718/939-8194, E-mail:


To become a Life member of GOPIO, one can sign up online at or fill up the form and send it with a check to: GOPIO International, PO Box 560117, New York NY 11356, USA.



Chief Editor: Dr. Thomas Abraham, Founder President and Chairman Emeritus, GOPIO (Stamford, CT, USA)

Editors: Ashook Ramsaran, GOPIO Executive Vice President (New York, USA)

Webmasters: Prashant Gupta (Hyderabad, India) and Abu Thomas (New Rochelle, NY, USA)

Contributors of this issue: Inder Singh (GOPIO Intl., USA), Ravi Dhingra (GOPIOI-CT, USA), Harmohan (Harry) Walia (GOPIO-Sydney North West, Australia); Satruhan Sukdeo (GOPIO-Upper New York, USA),  Jaysingh  Bhandari (GOPIO-VA, USA), Bina Mahabir (Guyana - New York, USA), Ram Jagessar (Trinidad - Canada), Dr. Yesu Persaud (Guyana), K.N. Gupta (GOPIO-India), Dr. Rajindre Tewarie (GOPIO of Netherlands), Harold Ramdhani (GOPIO Suriname), Chandra Doobay (GOPIO Guyana). 


GOPIO NEWS welcomes NRI/PIO related stories from all over the world. Be a volunteer correspondent or reporter. Contact Dr. Thomas Abraham, Tel: 203-329-8010, E-mail:

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