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Friday, April 2, 2010

Fwd: Local Release.........2

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Press Information Bureau Ministry of I&B <>
Date: Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:10 PM
Subject: Local Release.........2

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
* * * * * *
Record Performance of NABARD West Bengal during 2009-10
Kolkata: Thursday, April 01, 2010.

NABARD, West Bengal Regional Office has recorded an all time high
performance under some of the major parameters during the year
2009-10, informed Chief General Manager, Shri P Mohanaiah in Kolkata
today. He also said that the total outstanding business volume reached
Rs.3893 crore as on 31 March 2010 recording a growth rate of 13% over
the business volume of Rs.3444 crore as on 31 March 2009 and  NABARD
has made significant progress under various developmental initiatives
including Farmers' Clubs Programme, Wadi programme, Rural Non Farm
Sector, extending refinance to banks and financing the State
Government for creation of rural infrastructure in the state.

Shri Mohanaiah also inform that for the year 2010-11, the State Credit
Seminar has finalised the priority sector lending by banks at Rs.26000
crore, as against Rs.18100 crore for the last year and the share of
agriculture credit has been estimated at Rs.12157 crore, followed by
MSME at Rs.6526 crore and other priority sectors including SHGs at
Rs.7317 crore.

ah/dk/kol/18:09 hrs.

Palash Biswas
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