Monday, November 9, 2015 Super Duper Hit Dhanteras in CHHAT scenario and Caste Speaks Diwali! BIHAR MANDATE:It is stronger caste alliance that won the civil war against the blind religious polarization on imported BEEF BAN Arabian Spring window! Bihar Debacle Rather to intensify reforms, Privatization and Disinvestment! Palash Biswas

Super Duper Hit Dhanteras in CHHAT scenario and Caste Speaks Diwali!

BIHAR MANDATE:It is stronger caste alliance that won the civil war against the blind religious polarization on imported BEEF BAN Arabian Spring window!

Bihar Debacle Rather to intensify reforms, Privatization and Disinvestment!

Palash Biswas

BIHAR MANDATE:It is stronger caste alliance that won the civil war against the blind religious polarization on imported BEEF BAN Arabian Spring window!

Super Duper Hit Dhanteras in CHHAT scenario and Caste Speaks Diwali!

What is politics?

here you are!

While investors and analysts do not expect the government to abandon its reforms agenda completely after the Bihar debacle, the government will also have to address the stress in rural India. Later next year, West Bengal, Kerala and Assam head for polls.

Means appeasement only!Appease the Vote Bank!Hit the Bull`s eye!RSS missed the target very very wide as Our Comrades miss it countrywide!

They would just change the Game!

However it remains WWF!NOORANI KUSHTI.KHulla Khel Farrukhabadi!Manusmriti Rule sustained!

It would be yet so many Mahabharat and so many Kurukshetra!The Civil War continues.The Mandal V/S Kamandal War to continue as CASTE INTACT.

Politicians or the entire caste class united Hegemony not concerned with the plight of Humanity at all!Nor the Mandate has any relevance whatsoever to the economy or production system captured by foreign capital or foreign interest.Rather the leader being proved to be so frail with 56 inch chest that it would help the concerned parties to have their final say as we,the people lose sovereignty,freedom and democracy!

Whatever might be the mandate,the political scenario, ratings or it might be global trends destablize the indices and the market as well,consensus remains intact to push hard reforms.In fact,Bihar debacle would rather intesify the economic reforms as demanded and business friendly governance and united opposition have to comply with directives of foreign capital and foreign investment as Free Market is our religion,not Hindutva as claimed and hyped so much so!

In politics ,divided they stand,but they stay united rock solid to guillotine, the money spinning machine!

The political class behaves reconciliation!


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Nothing changed!

Nothing to be changed at all!

It is Chhat,the Sun God worship time which is the last sign of the religion our ancient  fore fore fore fathers and mothers practiced.The forces of Nature had been the incarnation of our faith.We opted for idols and marketing agents very late.No marketing agent,no purohit intervenes Chhat!

But it had been an Unprecedented Dhanteras and it has to be very loud Puja of Kali or Laxmi wishing wealth and safety!

Those who celebrate Chhat,they have to surrender to tantra mantra yantra and Tabiz!idol worshipping!

We claim to be Hindu but we speak caste and caste only.It is politics.Proved more than enough.You may not name one hundred castes who have the share in power but we have more than SIX thousand castes.

NDA fielded 46 Bhumihars in Bihar and lost the election.Lalu ensured  that NO Bhumihar should get the ticket.He becomes the King Maker and every Yadav candidate walks cake to win on his ticket!

We might not celebrate this mandate which is claimed to be yet another historic turnaround as the Total Revolution in 1977 had been described and suddenly we had to invent that we have the children of neoliberal in the helms and we remain predestined in our day to day plight and flight!

It is again Diwali full of sound bombs.No crakers from pakistan have the echoes in Idia,however!

It is Business in full bloom and the retailers must die!Industrialization means indiscriminate urbanization and infinite displacement without rehabilitation whatsoever.It is the growth saga!It is inclusion and SAMARASTA devoid of justice,equality,tolerance and pluralism.It is the monopolistic aggression aginst the people>

After Bihar debacle, Arun Jaitley says government will push ahead with reform. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley's statement that the government will push ahead with much-needed reforms soothed investor concerns.

Here you are!

In politics ,divided they stand,but they stay united rock solid to guillotine, the money spinning machine!The political class behaves reconciliation!

Thus,Pledging its support to big-ticket investments in Bihar following the Nitish Kumar-led Grand Alliance's thumping victory, India Inc on Sunday sought a renewed focus by the Modi government at Centre on economic reforms!It turns to be theme song!Super Duper Diwali Bumper!

Thus,Politicians or the entire caste class united Hegemony not concerned with the plight of Humanity at all!Nor the Mandate has any relevance whatsoever to the economy or production system captured by foreign capital or foreign interest.Rather the leader being proved to be so frail with 56 inch chest that it would help the concerned parties to have their final say as we,the people lose sovereignty,freedom and democracy!

Whatever might be the mandate,the political scenario, ratings or it might be global trends destablize the indices and the market as well,consensus remains intact to push hard reforms.In fact,Bihar debacle would rather intesify the economic reforms as demanded and business friendly governance and united opposition have to comply with directives of foreign capital and foreign investment as Free Market is our religion,not Hindutva as claimed and hyped so much so!

Just look at the screaming headline,After Bihar debacle, Arun Jaitley says government will push ahead with reform

It is largely business as usual for markets after the BJP's drubbing in the Bihar assembly elections. After falling as low as 2.31% from Friday's close, the markets clawed back to close the day 0.5% down. In fact other Asian markets such as Hong Kong and Korea saw sharper falls.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley's statement that the government will push ahead with much-needed reforms soothed investor concerns. In any case, a derailing of BJP's Bihar hopes do not change things politically at the Centre. While the government retains its majority in the lower house, even a big win in Bihar might not have led to a large increase in Rajya Sabha seats in the immediate future. Only five of the 16 Rajya Sabha members come up for re-election in 2016 and another 6 in April 2018.

"The loss may complicate politics for the Central government, but we don't expect major implications on the economic front," said Thomas Rookmaaker, Director in Fitch Ratings' Asia-Pacific Sovereigns team. While the Bihar debacle for the BJP might not change anybody's growth outlook forecasts, it does open up questions about whether the government will accelerate reforms especially when the global growth outlook is also dim.

"Reforms will continue to be calibrated at a pace that takes everyone along, especially after the Bihar poll result, although this may disappoint some segments of the markets," said a note from Bank of America Merrill Lynch. The complication for the NDA will arise from opposition parties placing hurdles in legislative agenda. This has already been seen in cases such as the land acquisition bill and the goods and services tax regime.

"The government may have to rely on…cooperative federalism (something which the Prime Minister has championed anyway) and political management to reinvigorate legislation at the central level," said a note from Kotak Institutional Equities. That will get all the more tougher as an opposition, encouraged by this set back for the Central ruling party, increases its attack on the BJP and disrupts Parliament. Still, while a slower pace of rollout may be expected for the big ticket reforms, as Fitch's Rookmaaker points out, "the government has gradually rolled out a large number of initiatives and there is no indication it would now change course." The recent bailout package for discoms is a case in point.

For markets, which have discounted the loss, the next set of triggers would come from a host of factors such as corporate earnings, lending rate cuts and externals events such as the US Federal Reserve's decision to hike interest rates.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley's statement that the government will push ahead with much-needed reforms soothed investor concerns.

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It tells the story.It is stronger caste alliance that won the civil war aginst the blind religious polarization on imported BEEF BAN Arabian Spring window!

Nov 10 2015 : The Economic Times (Bangalore) reports:

Here's Why FM May Be Right in Saying Bihar Won't Derail Reforms

There is concern that reforms may slow down after National Democratic Alliance's defeat in Bihar, as an emboldened Opposition stalls lawmaking. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley says that will not be the case. Here's why:

However,Nov 10 2015 : The Economic Times (Bangalore) reports:

It is Market's 3rd Worst Samvat in a Decade

The Indian equity market has lost 2.18% (Sensex) in rupee terms and 6.44% (MSCI India) in dollar terms this Samvat, which ends on Tuesday. This will be the third-worst performance of the Indian market in the past 10 Samvats and the fourth in 15 years as the hype and hope created on the back of Narendra Modi's victory did not get translated into reality. In the past, Sensex fell 18%, 52% and 4% in 2011, 2008 and 2002, respectively.Slow earnings revival, fading hopes of big-bang reforms and high volatility in the global equity markets had a bearing on the Indian market in the past one year, according to analysts. Global investment guru Jim Rogers, in an interview to Mint a few weeks ago, said he's sold off his shares in Indian companies as the Modi government has been all talk and no action; and the Indian market lacks any new drivers to propel it.


The Bihar elections will test just how much India can reform itself

Deep N Mukherjee

November 09, 2015 Quartz India

Kumar has an economic mandate too. (AP Photo/Aftab Alam Siddiqui)

Nitish Kumar, the leader of Grand Alliance that won 178 of the 243 seats of Bihar state assembly, has been the chief minister of the state since 2005. Kumar had also been a part of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led alliance National Democratic Alliance (NDA). But he quit the NDA in June 2013 to ultimately become its nemesis.

The man he so soundly defeated, Narendra Modi, was catapulted into prime ministership, with much recognition of his four terms as the chief minister of Gujarat. Kumar, though, never found such accolades from markets and the media. Yet, for the five-year period between 2005 and 2009, the 11.03% growth rate in the state gross domestic product (GDP) of Bihar was the second best in India—just after Gujarat's at 11.05%.

In June 2009, Bihar's capital city of Patna was adjudged by the World Bank as the second best city to do business in India after Delhi. But it largely went unnoticed by the media, but it seems the citizens of Bihar remembered all these positive changes, which is why they gave Kumar such a massive mandate.

So, while most of the observers and leaders of the winning alliance claim it to be a victory over social intolerance, this mandate could also be one for the continuation of growth that Bihar exhibited since Kumar took over.

A litmus test for reforms

When the winter session of the parliament starts, over a dozen critical bills would be put up for consideration in the parliament. Among these critical bills, the most apolitical ones include the Real Estate Regulatory Authority Bill and the Bankruptcy Code. The Goods and Service Tax (GST) Bill, Land Acquisition Act, Coal and Mines Bill and amendments to labour laws may also be reintroduced but these appear less likely to be passed. If the reform agenda is to remain a credible part of the India growth story, at least the apolitical bills should ideally be discussed and hopefully passed by the parliament.

However, if the opposition parties feel that their protests against the Modi government are bearing fruits—or if Modi's growth agenda is itself weakened by dissidents within the BJP—then winter session risks collapse. Then, one may have to rethink whether India can at all reform itself in a calibrated way by generating political consensus.

The 'P' word and sentiment

The successful passage of the apolitical bills in the winter session will keep the "India story" intact, at least in the short to medium term. Then, the focus may shift to the annual budget in February 2016. If a plausible budget is delivered, investors will continue to hang onto the Indian growth story.

But if the winter session fails to pass any of the major bills, the expectations from the budget will be so high that it will almost certainly fail to meet them. That could then lead us to the spectre of "policy paralysis," which haunted the last years of the previous government, and sapped the economy of its vitality.

A policy logjam will also have an impact on Indian equities, which have been stable since the Modi government came to power.

The current rupee strength owes a lot to the US dollar investment in the Indian equity market. A sell-off, thus, would actually weaken the Indian rupee. In turn, this will prevent the Reserve Bank of India from bringing down the interest rate and the situation of 2013 may repeat itself. This potential policy and monetary paralysis may reduce India's economic growth which has been higher than the sagging emerging markets, thus far.

Eventually, it all depends on the winter session, and the maturity of India's political class.

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