Thursday, October 1, 2015

UK must prepare for war with Russia: Army calls for fleet of battle tanks to take on Putin

News Updates from CLG
30 September 2015
Previous edition: House Speaker Boehner quits after five stormy years
UK must prepare for war with Russia: Army calls for fleet of battle tanks to take on Putin | 30 Sept 2015 | Britain must invest in its fleet of main battle tanks to meet an increasing threat of ground war with Russia, senior Army officers have warned. It comes as tensions between Nato countries and Moscow continued to mount, with Russia threatening "nuclear counter measures" over a[n insane U.S.] plan to bolster nuclear facilities in Germany. Last year the British Army took part in live-fire Nato exercise in Poland with more than 100 armoured vehicles. Operation Black Eagle "highlighted the British Army's ability to deploy an armoured battlegroup at short notice anywhere in the world in support of the nation's allies."
Russian parliament unanimously approves use of troops in Syria | 30 Sept 2015 | The upper chamber of the Russian parliament has unanimously given a formal consent to President Putin to use the nation's military in Syria to fight terrorism at a request from the Syrian President Bashar Assad. Consent was necessary for deployment of troops for foreign combat missions under the Russian constitution. The request for use of force was sent by the president after considering the large number of Russian citizens, who went to join terrorist groups fighting in Syria, head of the presidential administration Sergey Ivanov told media.
Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria setting up 'joint information center' to coordinate anti-ISIS operations | 26 Sept 2015 | Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria have agreed to establish a joint information center in Baghdad to coordinate their operations against [CIA, Mossad, and Saudi Arabia-backed] Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS) [but still I-CIA-SIS] militants, according to sources. The information center in the Iraqi capital will be headed by an officer of one of the founding countries on a rotating basis. Rotation will take place every three months. According to the source, Iraq will run the center for the next three months.
France launches air strikes against Islamic State in Syria | 27 Sept 2015 | France said on Sunday it had launched its first air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria, in an effort to stem its growing presence there. "Our country thus confirms its resolute commitment to fight against the terrorist threat represented by Daesh (Islamic State). We will strike each time that our national security is at stake," the French Presidency said in a statement. France, which has so far only taken part in strikes in Iraq, began reconnaissance flights over Syria earlier this month in order to gather information on Islamic State positions.
Putin to UN: Export of so-called democratic revolutions continues globally | 28 Sept 2015 | The export of the so-called democratic revolutions continues, as the international community fails to learn from mistakes, which have already been made, Russian President Vladimir Putin said addressing the UNGA. He cited the example of the revolutions in the Middle East, when people wished for change, "but how did that turn out?" He said that instead of triumph of democracy "we have violence and social disaster," where no one cares about human rights, including the right to life.
Putin: All countries should respect Ukraine's sovereignty | 27 Sept 2015 | The sovereignty of all states, including Ukraine, should be respected, Russian President Vladimir Putin told CBS's '60 Minutes,' stressing that he knows "for sure" that the US was involved in the ouster of President Yanukovich in 2014...Putin said that Russia respects the sovereignty of Ukraine, adding that "at no time in the past, now or in the future has or will Russia take any part in actions aimed at overthrowing the legitimate government." He added that Moscow "would like other countries to respect the sovereignty of other states, including Ukraine. Respecting the sovereignty means preventing coups, unconstitutional actions and illegitimate overthrowing of the legitimate government." It is "absolutely unacceptable" to address issues through unconstitutional means, he said referring to the coup in Ukraine in February 2014.
135 civilians killed in alleged coalition airstrike on Yemen wedding | 29 Sept 2015 | The bombing of a wedding party in Yemen by an apparent Saudi Arabia airstrike has killed 135 people. The Saudi-led coalition [of war criminals, terrorists, and sociopaths], which has air supremacy in the area, denied responsibility for the tragedy. Two missiles tore through two tents in the Al-Wahijah village in southwestern Yemen, where a wedding celebration was underway. The UN estimates that 135 people died in the attack. Many of the dead were women and children, witnesses said.
Anonymous Attacks Saudi Government over Crucifixion of Protester | 29 Sept 2015 | Hacker group Anonymous claims it has attacked the Saudi government over a high court's recent decision to crucify and behead a teenage boy because he protested the regime. Amid tacit approval from the West, Anonymous hackers moved to fight the young man's execution directly by shutting down official Saudi government websites. Anonymous claims its hackers will continue to launch attacks until justice is served.
Canadian military ponders integrated force with U.S. to respond to hotspots --Canadian Forces planning document says integrated forces 'conceptual development' is underway --Forces would operate in same manner as those controlled by North American Aerospace Defence Command | 28 Sept 2015 | The Canadian military has been working on a plan to create with the United States a bi-national integrated military force to deploy to hot spots around the world. The so-called Canada-U.S. Integrated Forces would be the result of an agreement between the two countries under which air, sea, land and special operations forces would be jointly deployed under unified command, outside Canada.
'Karma Police': Illegal GCHQ operation to track 'every visible user on the internet' | 26 Sept 2015 | New documents shared by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveal GCHQ [Government Communications Headquarters] mass-surveyed "every visible user on the internet," codenaming the operation Karma Police after a popular song by Radiohead. The mission was started in 2009, without the agency obtaining legal permission to carry out the operation. Also there was no Parliamentary consultation or public scrutiny, documents published by the Intercept website show. The UK spy agency is responsible for providing intelligence by intercepting communications between people or equipment; the data is handed over to the British government and armed forces.
Four Britons fighting with Islamic State put on UN sanctions list | 29 Sept 2015 | Four British citizens fighting with Islamic State militants in Syria are to be subject to UN sanctions in the first such move in a decade, Downing Street has said. The UK government took the drastic step of asking for some of its own nationals to face UN travel bans and asset freezes, amid increasing alarm about the hundreds of Britons being tempted to travel to Iraq and Syria...A No 10 spokesman said: "As well as the domestic measures we have introduced, such as the power to seize passports, these sanctions are a powerful tool -- freezing an individual's assets and imposing a global travel ban on them."
Afghan Taliban seize Kunduz city center in landmark gain | 29 Sept 2015 | Taliban fighters on Monday battled their way into the center of Kunduz, a city in northern Afghanistan, and seized the provincial governor's office in one of the militant group's biggest territorial gains in 14 years, witnesses and officials said. In a major setback for Afghan forces, who abandoned a provincial headquarters for the first time since 2001, the insurgents raised their white banner over the central square and freed hundreds of fellow militants from the local jail. The insurgents launched a surprise, three-pronged offensive before dawn, and by evening had captured the governor's compound and provincial police headquarters, said Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman for the hardline Islamist movement.
Shell Oil Pulls the Plug on Arctic Oil Exploration | 29 Sept 2015 | After sinking eight years and more than $8 billion into the effort, Shell Oil is pulling out of the Arctic Ocean. The company dropped the surprising news in a Sunday night press release. Shell officials said the company safely drilled a well more than mile beneath the floor of the Chukchi Sea this summer. They found indications of oil and gas there, but not enough to warrant further exploration.
Groups opposing Trans Pacific Partnership secrecy not 'radicals' - lawyer | 28 Sept 2015 | A group seeking to challenge the secrecy of Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) are not "wild eyed radicals" and simply want existing law to be upheld, their lawyer claims. On Monday eight applicants, led by University of Auckland's Professor Jane Kelsey, are seeking a declaration that Trade Minister Tim Groser acted unlawfully when he issued a blanket refusal of an Official Information Act request for information relating to TPP negotiations. The hearing is taking place in the High Court in Wellington before Justice David Collins...While some draft texts and other documents have been leaked, the negotiations have largely been held in secret.
Carly Fiorina on giving HP servers to NSA: 'I felt it was my duty' | 29 Sept 2015 | Former HP CEO and Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina says she felt obligated to hand over servers to the NSA to carry out an illegal Bush administration surveillance program." I felt it was my duty to help, and so we did," Fiorina told Yahoo! News Monday, referring to her compliance with a request for servers from Michael Hayden, the director of the National Security Agency at the time. The NSA needed the new servers for the warrantless domestic surveillance program it operated from 2001 to 2007, part of a larger initiative codenamed "Stellar Wind." Congress gave the program legal cover in 2008, but multiple federal courts have ruled that the program violated the Constitution.
Stage backdrop collapses on Carly Fiorina in front of screaming crowd; troll in audience accuses Trump of mishap| 27 Sept 2015 | Carly Fiorina narrowly escaped injury this evening after a stage backdrop collapsed on her during a campaign event in San Antonio, Texas. Fiorina, who is ranked third in the Republican Presidential nomination race alongside Marco Rubio, was taking part in a Q&A session for female business owners when the accident happened. Midway through the event at the Marriott Hotel, the stage backdrop, made up of curtains held in place with metal poles, dropped forward to cries from the crowd. After the curtains fell, one crowd member [pea-brain] shouted out 'Trump!',seeming to accuse the current Republican frontrunner of causing the accident, according to the Texas Tribune.
Why did a Ted Cruz super PAC give $500,000 to Carly Fiorina's? | 31 July 2015 | A super PAC supporting former tech executive Carly Fiorina's run reported raising 3.5 million -- with a half-million dollar lift from a super PAC supporting GOP presidential rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.). The pro-Cruz PAC, Keep the Promise I, reported the disbursement Friday in a document filed with the Federal Election Commission.
NH poll shows Trump up, Bush falling, and Sanders widening lead | 25 Sept 2015 | A new WMUR/CNN poll in New Hampshire, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, shows new leaders emerging for both parties in the race for the White House. Among Democrats, New Hampshire voters favor Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton by a margin of 16 percentage points. The Vermont senator is up 46 percent to Clinton's 30 percent, with Joe Biden coming in at 14 percent. Clinton's favorability is still high, with 67 percent, but Sanders also trumps her in favorability, with 78 percent.
GOP front-runner Donald Trump calls NAFTA trade deal a 'disaster,' says he'd 'break' the deal [Awesome!] | 24 Sept 2015 | Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he wants to be able to slap tariffs on U.S. companies that choose to make their products overseas, and he's willing to violate existing trade deals to do it. In an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" that will be broadcast Sunday, the billionaire businessman says he won't be stopped by deals such as the North American Free Trade Agreement if elected president. "We will either renegotiate it or we will break it," Trump said of the landmark free trade agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico, panning it as "a disaster."
Republicans, Planned Parenthood square off in Congress | 29 Sept 2015 | U.S. congressional Republicans on Tuesdaychallenged Planned Parenthood's eligibility for federal funds, while the health organization's president said defunding it would restrict women's access to care and disproportionately hurt low-income patients. A series of videos that purport were edited to show that Planned Parenthood improperly sells fetal tissue to researchers for profit has reignited anti-abortion voters' fervor during a turbulent Republican presidential primary campaign. At a five-hour House committee hearing, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards appeared alone to respond to hostile questioning from Republicans, some of whom have vowed to shut down the U.S. government if federal support for the organization is not cut off.
Georgia executes Kelly Gissendaner, despite plea from Pope Francis | 30 Sept 2015 | Convicted murder conspirator Kelly Renee Gissendaner was put to death by lethal injection at 12:21 a.m.Wednesday, despite a flurry of last-ditch efforts to stay the execution. Lawyers for the only woman on Georgia's death row filed multiple appeals with high courts of both the United States and the state of Georgia. Gissendaner, 47 and a mother of three, was scheduled to die by lethal injection at 7 p.m. ET Tuesday evening for her role in the 1997 murder of her husband, Douglas Gissendaner.
Freddie Gray pleaded for medical attention while in back of police van, but was ignored because officers thought he could be faking | 27 Sept 2015 | Freddie Gray cried out for medical assistance when he was in the back of a Baltimore police van, but one of the officers in the vehicle said he wasn't sure if the young man was faking his injuries. Officer William Porter, who has been charged with manslaughter in the spinal injury death of the 25-year-old in April, told investigators that he spoke with the driver of the van about the need for treatment, according to statementsrevealed by the Baltimore Sun. 'Help me up,' Gray reportedly said before responding affirmatively when Porter asked if he needed a medic. Porter then supposedly told van driver Caesar Goodson Jr, that the booking center would not take Gray in when he was in medical distress, but the two officers did not take him for treatment.
Warmest September on Record Possible for NYC, Chicago | 28 Sept 2015 | The summerlike temperatures that continued through mid-September could result in the warmest September on record for some across the Midwest and the Northeast. Even though some cooler and closer-to-average temperatures are expected through the end of the month, the surplus of abnormally high temperatures so far this month may be too much to overcome. The result could be record-setting warmth in many major cities.
September on track to be the warmest on record in Denver --The month is also expected to be in the top ten driest on record | 26 Sept 2015 | The leaves are turning golden along the Front Range, but jackets are likely to remain packed away as temperatures are on track to make this the warmest September on record in Denver. The average temperature for Denver this month as of Saturday morning clocks in at 69.6 degrees, said Frank Cooper of the National Weather Service in Boulder. That beats the record set in 1948 by 1.3 degrees, Cooper said, adding that the rest of the month is likely to follow suit with warm temperatures.
Sinkhole swallows car, caravan at campsite near Queensland's Rainbow Beach | 27 Sept 2015 | A major sinkhole has swallowed vehicles at a popular camping spot near Queensland's Rainbow Beach overnight. The sinkhole, bigger than a football field and several metres deep, developed at Inskip Point around midnight. A car, caravan, a camper trailer and tents were swallowed almost immediately. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services (QPWS) said 150-metre sinkhole is three metres deep and takes up a large part of the MV Beagle campsite.
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