Monday, July 27, 2015

The Need For A New Economic System PART 2: ENTROPY AND ECONOMICS

CC News Letter 27 July - The Need For A New Economic System PART 2: ENTROPY AND ECONOMICS
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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

US-Backed Saudi Strikes In Yemen Kill 120 Civilians
By Thomas Gaist

Saudi war planes killed at least 120 civilians in a series of airstrikes in the city of Taiz late Friday night. The strikes destroyed buildings that were serving as workers' quarters as well as a nearby agricultural facility. The attack was only the latest instance of mass killing of civilians in the bombing campaign waged by the Saudi-led, US-backed coalition that began in March

Turkey's New "War on Terror" Mainly Targeting Kurds
By Juan Cole

What was at first announced as a new Turkish turn toward attacks on Daesh (ISIS, ISIL) on Friday has quickly become largely a campaign against Kurds instead. It is being alleged that the Turkish Air Force launched dozens of strikes against bases of the Kurdistan Workers Party over the border in Iraq on Saturday, and just 4 against Daesh positions in Syria

Israel Sees Nazism In Mirror It Mistakes For Window
By David Swanson

Israel is trying to expel the population of a village for the crime of not being Jewish, the same crime for which Israel bombs the people of Gaza for a month or so every few years and blockades them in between these bursts of violence. Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee declares that making peace with Iran amounts to marching Israelis "to the door of the oven." Guess which of the two stories will get more coverage!

The Need For A New Economic System
By John Scales Avery

In the future, the only way that we can avoid economic collapse is to build a steady-state economy. There exists much literature on how this can be achieved, and these writings ought to become a part of the education of all economists and politicians

The Poverty of America's Two-Party System
By Jon Kofas

The dominant political parties have the party machine tools at the local, state and national levels to bring any dissident movement into the mainstream. Otherwise, with the help of the media, they destroy it. Therefore, I do not see a viable third-party movement or movements until the next deep recession in America later this century, perhaps in the 2030s or 2040s. Because deep recessions or depressions cause economic polarization, the inevitable result will be social and political polarization, the ingredients which we see present in American society today that is much more polarized just beneath the surface than the "consensus-oriented" political, economic and media elites would have the public believe

UN Document Platform For Action And Its Recent 20 Years Celebration:
A Few Critical Reflections On Its Stance On Poverty And Inequality Of Women
By Dr. Zeenath Kausar

The United Nations has recently celebrated the 20 Years Anniversary of one of its world known documents on women's rights, Platform for Action, which is referred to as Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, BPA, which was passed in Beijing, China, in September, 1995. In this write-up, we would present few critical reflections on this UN document, Beijing Platform for Action, BPA and on some important reports which throw light on important discussions that took place during the 20 Years Anniversary of the document, from 8th to 20th March, 2015, in New York, at the UN Headquarters

Kargil War Remembered, Heroes Forgotten
By Abdul Rashid Agwan

The national leaders couldn't even remember the exact day of the 'Vijay Diwas'. These instances may be found illustrious enough how the national leaders take "supreme sacrifices" of war heroes in a disingenuous way. They are even not publically sure about the date of the sacrifice, then what much should be expected of them. May their act was inadvertent but it gives a message of oblivion. The American poet Richard Watson Gilder hoped in his composition, "The ballads of martyrs be sung/at each anniversary of martyrdom/so that generations to follow value/the sacrifice of our Heroes./....Lest we forget."

Is CBCS In India Narrowing The Role Of Education From Promoting
All Round Development To Training Marketable Skills?
By Dr. Swaleha Sindhi

The UGC has always initiated measures to bring efficiency and excellence in the Higher Education System of India but as far as CBCS is concerned it is too early to say if this system will be successful in the Indian Universities or not. The basic motive is to expand academic quality in all aspects, right from the curriculum to the learning-teaching process to examination and evaluation systems but the CBCS seems to narrow the role of education from encouraging the development of well-rounded individuals to training for marketable skilled workforce
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