Thursday, April 23, 2015

The distressed farmer who publicly hanged himself from a tree in Delhi, Gajendra Singh, was from Rajasthan, which is ruled by the BJP.

Ugliest Creatures on Earth!

Ashok T Jaisinghani <>

The distressed farmer who publicly hanged himself from a tree in Delhi, Gajendra Singh, was from Rajasthan, which is ruled by the BJP. The Delhi Police, who did NOT STOP Gajendra Singh from committing suicide, are also under the BJP-led Government of India. So why are the BJP leaders WRONGLY accusing the AAP leaders  of Delhi Government for the farmer's suicide?

   The hypocritical politicians are now shedding BOGUS TEARS for the dead farmer. The political leaders did not care to help Gajendra Singh by providing a few lakh rupees to him for paying his debts, but now after his suicide, the hypocrites are spending HUNDREDS of CRORES of Rupees for programs on TV channels just to BLAME and VILIFY the political RIVALS belonging to other parties. 

   Why do the debt-ridden farmers commit suicide in spite of the COMPENSATION, which is SANCTIONED for helping them? The farmers do NOT get MOST of the COMPENSATION, as it is POCKETED by the EXTREMELY CORRUPT politicians, Government officials and even the MONEY-LENDERS, with whom the farmers MORTGAGE their lands and crops.   

   Many farmers have to pay 10% compound interest PER MONTH, which is MORE than 120% interest per year, on the LOANS they have taken from the MONEY-LENDERS. Most of the farmers can NEVER pay back such loans. When the crops fail, the farmers are unable to pay even the high rates of interest. The MORTGAGED lands are then SNATCHED by the MONEY-LENDERS from the farmers. 

   The political leaders will never STOP this MASSIVE FRAUD of MONEY-LENDERS because they provide BLACK MONEY to finance many of the candidates during the elections. 


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