Friday, April 17, 2015

Take Action: Defend Internet Freedom In India!

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Take Action: Defend Internet Freedom In India!

Obama To Take Cuba Off  State Terror List
By Bill Van Auken

President Barack Obama has announced his widely anticipated decision to end the 33-year designation of Cuba as a "state sponsor of terrorism." The action removes a key obstacle to the normalization of ties between Washington and Havana that both he and his Cuban counterpart, Raul Castro, initiated in speeches delivered simultaneously last December 17. It also helps clear the way for the penetration of Cuba's economy by US finance capital

A Climate Hero Languishes In Prison, Let's Fight To Get Him Out
By Bill McKibben

Mohamed Nasheed—who literally stood against the tides of rising oceans to sound the climate alarm—was ousted as the president of the Maldives during a military coup in 2012 and now faces 13 years in jail on an absurd series of politically-motivated charges

World Set For Record Droughts By 2050, Say Scientists
By Alex Pashley

The planet could suffer unprecedented droughts before the middle of the century, researchers warned on April 15, 2015, urging prompt action in adapting reservoirs to receding water resources

The Renewable Revolution
By Michael T. Klare

Four Reasons Why the Transition From Fossil Fuels to a Green Energy Era Is Gaining Traction

Paying A Libel Suit To The Israel News Paper
By Mordechai Vanunu

Support Vanunu's Indiegogo Fund Raising Campaign

Geopolitics, Austerity And Neo-Liberalism: Greece, The EU And The US
By Jon Kofas

Until very recently, the media throughout the world called the Greek SYRIZA party everything from "far left" to "radical far leftwing". Once the center-left party with a mass base made up of middle class and workers took power in Greece in late January 2015, it was very clear that the leftist rhetoric was indeed critical of austerity and neoliberal policies. Euphoria abounded within Greece and throughout the world among anti-austerity and anti-neoliberals who believed that growth and development were sacrificed for the sake of capital concentration at home and abroad. Very quickly, however, SYRIZA fell in line under pressure from the international media, domestic and foreign businesses, and of course from governments especially Germany, but also the US and even China that demanded conformity

U.S. Blocked Declaration Of A Right To Health Care, Says Bolivia's President
By Eric Zuesse

Bolivia's President Evo Morales has blamed U.S. President Barack Obama for the failure of the recent OAS (Organization of American States) Summit of the Americas to issue a final declaration, and he says that a major sticking point for Mr. Obama was Obama's opposition to a provision in the proposed declaration that would have said that health care is "a human right." Mr. Obama insisted that it's instead a privilege, access to which must be based primarily upon an individual's ability-to-pay, as is the case in the United States

The Tin-House Death In A Dhaka-Lake
By Farooque Chowdhury

Are the tin-house deaths, at least 12 poor persons, in a Dhaka slum or in a Dhaka lake (New Age, April 16, 2015), in whatever way one likes to identify, Baanglaa New Year's gift to the Dhaka poor? Shall any politician or policy maker in the city answer the question?

Ahwazi Uprising: Between Escalation And Repression
By Ahwazna Website

Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the glorious Intifada 15 April of 2005 that was a turning point in the history of the struggle of the Arab people of Ahwaz. Therefore, it is an opportunity to shed light on the issue of Ahwaz and objectives of the unwavering struggle of its people, and also to expose the Iranian gruesome policies exercised on Ahwazis which have taken its toll where arbitrary arrest of Ahwazi activists, death penalty, denial of employment, stealing the water of rivers and pumping it to Persian regions, building settlements for housing Persian settlers, dehydrating and contaminating wetlands and marshes for prospecting oil are rife

Sanjay Raut Has All Reasons To Do A Bal Thackeray
By Jahanzeb Mashhadi

There is a huge uproar and rightly so about the Shiv Sena's statement of no voting rights for Muslims! I get it, South Indians to Biharis with Muslims being a constant, baying for the blood of communities is what Shiv Sena has done throughout its existence. What I don't get is the fact that people are actually expecting the government to do something about it

Meaningful Democracy: Dr. Ambedkar's Idea Of Swaraj
By Uttam Khobragade

The nation has just celebrated the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar. It was a historical coincidence that when the struggle for Independence was at its peak, Dr. Ambedkar was fighting for the liberation of the Dalits. Naturally, both the sections for and against the emancipation of the Dalits treated Dr. Ambedkar's struggle as only a struggle for the liberation of the Dalits, ignoring its importance in making Indian society overall a truly democratic society

Kashmir: Composite Society Not Composite Townships!
By Mohammad Ashraf

Kashmir needs restoration of its centuries old composite society and not clusters of imprisoned citizens acting as perennial sources of friction

Return Of Kashmiri Pundits To Valley
By Prof (Dr) Upendra Kaul

The mere thought of returning to demarcated area , separated by barbed wires or walls in the valley away from the main kochas and streets where we spent our good times both amuses and hurts me. Going back to areas where you are not a part of the mainstream is meaningless. It only means to have a better climatic conditions, like staying in an air conditioned prison. Talking of 1990 again and again is not the solution. We need to look forward and go back to our old homes or build places in the main city or villages where we came from

Islam And Unity In Diversity
By Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

A panel discussion on Unity in Diversity organized by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)

Canadian Court Issues Summons For Prime Minister Modi; Attorney General Blocks It
By American Justice Center

The American Justice Center, an organization established to bring to justice perpetrators of mass violence and genocides, today welcomed a Canadian Court's summons to visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi under Section 269.1 of the Canadian Criminal Code, although the summons was immediately blocked by the Attorney General

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