Sunday, April 12, 2015

Change The Money And Change The World

Dear Friend,

If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word. It's time for humanity to come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here You can also follow us on twitter, and on Facebook,

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Ukraine Breaks Minsk Agreement; Reinvades Donbass
By Eric Zuesse

Shells are whistling again over the cities of Donbass. In Donetsk the sirens of ambulances and emergency services are heard. Under fire: Kievsky district, Oktyabrsky village, Panfilov mine village, Gladkova, Severny, Putilovka. The entire evening of April 9 there was a battle in the village of Spartak and near Peski

Ukraine Blocks 10,000 Websites, Confiscates A Newspaper
By Eric Zuesse

I reported yesterday, the Security Bureau of Ukraine, on April 7th, had seized and disappeared two Odessa bloggers. The follow-up to that story is the news on April 9th, which was reported in the courageous independent Kiev newspaper, Vesti, that "SBU has blocked more than 10,000 websites." It says that, "Law enforcers seized the servers," and that one SBU official told the newspaper, "'We have made the decision of the court and confiscated equipment.' He promised to return the servers in two months."

It Is Not Confusing That US Abandons Own Citizens
In Yemen War-Zone But Rescues Saudi Bombers
By Robert Barsocchini

Most Americans have no idea any of these events are occurring or have only vague, US government/press-created notions of them, but many who are cognizant – principally the abandoned people themselves – express confusion. Why would eight countries, including Russia, China, and India, carry out risky missions to save their own citizens, as well as foreign nationals, stuck in Yemen, but the US would staunchly refuse to do so? All we ever hear from the US government and press is that the US is so incredibly good and altruistic. So, how could this be happening?

The Video That Could Indict The Pentagon For Murder
By David Swanson

Words don't seem to do the job. Explaining that police were getting away with murder wasn't producing any indictments. A video finally indicted a cop. Now we need the video that can indict the world's policeman

7 Ways Saudi Arabia Is Silencing People Online
By Ben Beaumont

Raif Badawi is serving a 10-year prison sentence in Saudi Arabia, mainly for setting up a website. We talk to another local blogger – who has to remain anonymous for their own safety – about different tactics the authorities use to silence people online

Change The Money And Change The World
By Mark Kirkwood Callingham

Project for a New Economic Century (PNEC) offers a practical way to change direction and choose our own course. Essentially the strategy is to craft a monetary system with a code of ethics that is owned by the people. A people's currency co-developed by a wide range of individuals representing vast amounts of knowledge & experiences

Those Who Collaborate With The West: Traitors From Developing Countries Unite!
By Andre Vltchek

How many magazines, newspapers and television stations in the Middle East, Southeast Asia or East and West Africa are actually there to inform people, and how many are serving, dutifully, the propaganda apparatus of the Empire? It is enough to check the sources of the foreign news coverage, incountries like Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the entire Gulf, or even India, and the answer becomes obvious

Art Amid The Flames Of War
By Zanyar Omrani

Syria has gained the capacity to tolerate 'sin'. Omar Shiyukh and Ram Aslan, two 'sinful' young men, appreciate the streets, where there is no need for majestic galleries, well-equipped amphitheater, and useless attached pieces of paper. They have occupied Amuda, a small Kurdish town in northern Syria

Water or Wine? California's Drought And Water Competition
By Shepherd Bliss

"California Puts Mandatory Curbs on Water Use" reports the April 2 New York Times long article at the top of the front-page. "Steps to Confront Record-Setting Drought," the sub-headline reads. The article describes Gov. Jerry Brown's executive order—California's first time restricting water use. A 25% reduction of water use over the next year is required of residents, golf courses, cemeteries, and many businesses. But wait. "Owners of large farms…will not fall under the 25% guideline."

The Sin And The Error
By Ravi Sinha

Future historians of India may well describe the past year as a year of political sin. This was the year in which the man who had earlier presided over the Gujarat Carnage was awarded the ultimate prize. The year saw an election that touched a new low marked by shallowness, vulgarities and lies – in no small measure by the labors of the man himself. Equally appalling have been the exertions of a large class of literati and glitterati to portray philistinism and inanities spouted by the most powerful mouth as wisdom of a visionary leader

Killing For Blasphemy: Anything But Islamic
By Taj Hashmi

Yet another blogger was hacked to death for alleged blasphemous postings against Islam, in Bangladesh. Islamist fanatics killed Oyasiqur Rahman (27) with meat cleavers for his vitriolic anti-Islamic postings on 30th March in broad daylight, on a crowded street in Dhaka. This happened five weeks after the killing of blogger Avijit Roy, in the similar manner, for the similar reason. While police (who were in close proximity) miserably failed to save Roy's life and arrest his killers, this time they managed to arrest two of the three assailants with the help of bystanders

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